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Internet Scout Weblog
The Scout Project has launched a new service for our readers, the Internet Scout Weblog. In the course of our daily surfing for the Scout Reports we come across numerous interesting items that for some reason or another don't quite fit our selection criteria. Rather than just sharing these items with each other or allowing them to sink unnoticed beneath the digital sands, we decided to create the Internet Scout Weblog, a new and separate service to complement our Reports. Like most 'Blogs, the type and number of resources listed in the Internet Scout Weblog may vary considerably from day to day. Most of the items are culled from the academic sources we rely on for the Reports, but may also include general interest or pithy sites or stories that strike our fancy (or funnybone). Please take a look and let us know what you think. [MD]
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The Core Historical Literature of Agriculture -- Cornell University
This highly valuable research Website provides "a core electronic collection of agricultural texts published between the early nineteenth century and the middle to late twentieth century." Currently, the site holds 825 monographs comprising over 300,000 pages covering subjects such as "agricultural economics, agricultural engineering, animal science, crops and their protection, food science, forestry, human nutrition, rural sociology, and soil science." The archive can be searched or browsed with results giving access to a complete bibliographic citation in hypertext as well as the online version of the document. Users can access the document by page number from its individual table of contents. Each text also provides simple, Boolean, or proximity searches for researchers looking for specific references and topics. The authors claim that "United States history cannot fully be understood without studying its rural life and agricultural heritage," and even a quick browse through the variety of titles in this collection appears to substantiate this claim. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Historical Graphics Gallery
Created and maintained by historian Jim Zwick, this Website features extensive collections of US political cartoons, photographs, and advertising from the 19th and early decades of the 20th century. The site includes a thorough discussion, augmented by full-scale images of illustrations, of the origins of political cartooning in the early nineteenth century from its genesis to a force in the eventual defeat of the Boss Tweed machine to editorial illustrations commenting on Theodore Roosevelt, Uncle Sam, and the Women's suffrage movement. There are also sections here on the political art of Dan Beard -- a nineteenth-century illustrator and founder of the Boy Scouts, advertisements from the Spanish-American & Philippine-American Wars, and collections of photographs from these two wars as well as images of atrocities in the Congo, publicized by the Congo Reform Association in their campaign against King Leopold's rule of the Congo Free State. Most images can be examined in medium or large sizes, with options for zooming in and scanning the images. The accompanying written history of these images is also considerable and well-informed. Zwick has written extensively about the age of imperialism in America in both scholarly and popular venues. Note: Because of the number of graphic files on this site, many Mac users may need to make more memory available for their browser when visiting it. [DC]
[Back to Contents]"Israel, The Occupied West Bank And Gaza Strip, And The Palestinian Authority Territories" -- Human Rights Watch
Recently released, this report documents the use of force in the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and northern Israel during the week of October 4-11 when hostilities broke out between Palestinians and Israeli forces. The report is highly critical in its assessment of the Israel Defense Forces's (IDF) use of "live ammunition in an excessive or indiscriminate manner," citing among other infractions, "a pattern of IDF disregard for and targeting of Palestinian medical personnel and ambulances evacuating or treating injured civilians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip." The report also criticizes the Palestinian security forces for failing to "act consistently and effectively to prevent armed civilians from opening fire on IDF soldiers from positions where civilians were present." [DC]
[Back to Contents]2000 Public Library Internet Study -- U.S. National Commission on Libraries and Information Science (NCLIS)
Summary Findings and Data Tables [.pdf, 25 pages]:
Press Release:
In late September, the US National Commission on Libraries and Information Science published results of its sixth public library Internet study released in the last decade (see the September 6, 1996 Scout Report for information about the 1996 survey). The 2000 Internet Connectivity Study measured the level of connectivity, public access, training support, and technology funding, current and anticipated, for staff and the public. Internet connectivity in public libraries is 95.7 percent, up from 83.6 percent reported in the 1998 study. Suburban libraries, according to the data, showed the largest increase in Internet hook-up, with a 20 percent increase since 1998. "Summary data is also available on the prevalence of acceptable use policies, installation of filtering software in libraries when searching the Internet, and use by the public of Internet-accessible resources including commercially produced databases." The US National Commission on Libraries and Information Science is a permanent, independent agency of the federal government charged by law to assess current library and information resources and services and to advise the President and Congress on library policy. [DC]
[Back to Contents]European Integration Online Portal
Researchers in European studies will be interested to know that the Website of European Integration Online Papers (EIOP) (see the June 13, 1997 Scout Report) has become the European Integration Online Portal, offering direct links to not only the working papers of EIOP but to the European Research Papers Archive and to Euronet, a gateway to Internet sites and resources on issues of European Integration. With this grouping, the portal already constitutes a substantial outlet for scholarship on European studies, and plans are reportedly in the works for further enhancement. Papers from the EIOP are frequently featured in the Working Papers section of the Scout Report for the Social Sciences.[DC]
[Back to Contents]Air Force Historical Research Agency
Placed online last year and recently updated, this Website from the US Air Force provides a brief description of the overall holdings of the agency, which are comprised of over "70,000,000 pages devoted to the history of the service, and represent the world's largest and most valuable organized collection of documents on US military aviation." The site also supplies detailed descriptions of the personal papers of Air Force members held by the agency and gives bibliographic information on 200 historical studies conducted by the agency on topics of Air Force history. Also included here are a substantive account of Air Force involvement in the Korean War; an online text on Air Force heraldry; detailed descriptions of the Air Force's force structure from 1939 to the present, giving an accounting of the types and quantities of different crafts held by the Force; and more information about Air Force organization and unit history. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Theology Journals Online -- St. Mary's University
This Website from the Blume Library at St. Mary's university offers a listing with links to over 50 online journals in theology. Each entry provides information as to access (many are free; some by subscription only), affiliation, and in some cases, a brief description of the journal. The sidebar menu also links visitors to relevant online indexes, such as Humanities Abstracts, as well as to internal Websites of related collections such as Theology Periodicals at the Blume Library and Resources for Biblical or Scriptural Analysis. [DC]
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Prairie Settlement: Nebraska Photographs and Family Letters -- American Memory
Released at the end of September, this collection from the Library of Congress American Memory project "integrates two collections from the holdings of the Nebraska State Historical Society: the Solomon D. Butcher photographs and the letters of the Uriah W. Oblinger family that together illustrate the story of settlement on the Great Plains." There are approximately 3,000 photographs of Central Nebraska taken during the period of 1862-1912 and some 3,000 pages of Oblinger family letters covering the same period. The letters discuss such typical settlement concerns as "land, work, neighbors, crops, religious meetings, problems with grasshoppers, financial problems, and the Easter Blizzard of 1873." The collections may be searched by keyword, or browsed by subjects, correspondents, and date. [DC]
[Back to Contents]One Stop Warhol Shop
A "unique web project" developed by the Andy Warhol Museum (see the September 23, 1994 Scout Report) in collaboration with ArtMuseum.net, this site serves as an excellent introduction to all things Warhol. The site is structured around Warhol's premise that a museum is like a supermarket -- especially, of course, if you fill museums with images of the mass produced -- offering visitors three different sections to "shop": the supermarket, the factory, and Warhol himself. The first allows visitors to choose from shopping lists of the people, places, and things in Warhol's life, including Marilyn Monroe, the Velvet Underground, Campbell's soup cans, shoes, and his favorite New York clubs. The second, the factory, lets users go behind the scenes of Warhol's craft, giving information and images concerning his experimentations, collaborations, reproductions, collections, and media manipulations. The last section provides critical and biographical information as well as film, video, and audio of Warhol and his friends. In addition, the site's menus offer voice-overs of Warhol and his associates working, and not working -- at one point Warhol and a friend are in a supermarket discussing breakfast cereals -- as well as gnomic quotations and characteristic images, like the one of Warhol meditating upon a group of Mylar pillows in suspended animation above his head. Unlike many museum sites devoted to contemporary artists, this one doesn't skimp on its materials, though it would have been nice if the images came in more than one size. Overall, we found the site informative and very much in the spirit of the man who almost single-handedly invented pop art. [DC]
[Back to Contents]National Missile Defense: What does it all Mean? -- Center for Defense Information
.pdf version [59 pages]
This online version of a 60-page Issue Brief from the Center for Defense Information is "designed to offer unbiased, in-depth, and up-to-date information on all aspects of the National Missile Defense (NMD) debate." The brief contains articles offering a history of ballistic missiles and the NMD -- including a chronology of US National Missile Defense programs, an assessment of the current missile threat, and analyses of the technological challenges of an effective NMD, its cost, and its impact on relations with Russia, North and South Korea, Europe, China, India, and Pakistan. The brief will be updated online "as needed," and users can sign up on-site to receive notification by email. Links to other relevant documents from the CDI are also posted. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Chaucer Metapage [RealPlayer]
Compiled by over a dozen scholars of Medieval English literature, this Website serves as a fine supplement to students (and teachers) studying the works of Geoffrey Chaucer. The best feature of the site is its audio files of scholars reading passages of The Canterbury Tales in authentic Middle English, making it an indispensable resource for teachers who wish to give their students a sense of the poem as it actually sounded in Chaucer's day. The site also offers well-annotated listings of Websites that feature online Chaucer texts, historical background, bibliography, criticism and scholarship, and other related Websites. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Free Historic Maps
Created and maintained by the Landmark Information Group, this Website offers roughly 85,000 images of historical maps of regions of the UK. "The maps are dated between 1846 and 1899, and are of 1:10,560 scale." To ease navigation, Landmark has supplied a County Name Gazetteer. The counties are named as they existed around 1850. Selecting a county will present users with a gazetteer of towns" -- 40,000 of which are cross-referenced by the name of the region today. This is a useful resource not only for geographers, but for anyone doing research involving the topography and nomenclature of Victorian England, Scotland, and Wales. No additional applications are needed to view the maps, but the Website recommends a minimum resolution of 1024x768. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Little Gidding: English Spiritual Traditions
Taking its name from a little known Anglican religious community in England that existed prior to the Reformation and that combined elements of both Protestant and Catholic beliefs, this Website presents Anglican devotional and liturgical works of literary merit as well as information about the lives of the men and women who wrote them, with some attention also paid to spiritual writings by Non-Anglicans. In addition to the inevitable works like the King James Bible and The Book of Common Prayer, the Website offers Miles Coverdale's sixteenth-century translations of the Psalms, the complete text of writings by Jeremy Taylor, William Law, and George Herbert, as well as a copy of a 1642 Puritan pamphlet attacking Little Gidding as an enclave of Popery, which is complimented by a recent history of Little Gidding and its far-sighted founder, Nicholas Ferrar. Some illustrations of Anglican figures and structures are also posted as well as a listing of relevant links. [DC]
[Back to Contents]World Prayers
"The purpose of this website is to gather the great prayers written by the spiritual visionaries of our planet into an online database representing all life affirming traditions." Prayers are offered in four categories -- adorations, celebrations, meditations, and invocations -- and may be randomly scanned, browsed via an index of the prayers's first words, or searched by religious tradition, author, source, keyword, and phrase. Users are also free to suggest any prayers that are in the public domain and deemed to be appropriate to the spirit of the collection. The site is maintained by the World Prayers Project whose mission is "to improve human relations by celebrating the many forms of prayer and promoting the benefits of spiritual and cultural diversity." [DC]
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American Housing Survey for the United States: 1999 [.pdf, 576 pages]
Last Friday, the US Census released their annual American Housing Survey for the United States, which provides up-to-date housing statistics for the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Conducted by field representatives who obtain information from occupants of homes, the survey provides data on "apartments; single-family homes; mobile homes; vacant housing units; age, sex, and race of householders; income; housing and neighborhood quality; housing costs; equipment and fuels; and size of the housing units. The survey also presents data on mortgages, rent control, rent subsidies, previous unit of recent movers, and reasons for moving." [DC]
[Back to Contents]Debt Burden Four Years After College -- NCES [.pdf, 95 pages]
Executive summary:
Considering the trend of the last two decades to move financial aid from grant money to student loans, the new National Center for Education Statistics's report on debt burden serves as a timely assessment of the results of this shift. "The study examines the debt of 1992-93 bachelor's degree recipients in light of their financial circumstances in 1997, approximately 4 years after they earned their degree." It examines their total debt and their progress in repaying it four years later. It assesses such issues as the impact of borrowing on future enrollment in post-secondary education and on lifestyle issues, such as the formation of a family, purchasing of a home or car, and accrual of savings. The report also gives data on average monthly debt repayments. [DC]
[Back to Contents]New Collections and Enhancements at the Visual Arts Data Service (VADS)
The Visual Arts Data Service (VADS) is a UK project devoted to making digital resources for the visual arts community available online, particularly resources for study and teaching in higher education. This site was originally reviewed in the January 28, 2000 Scout Report and last mentioned in the May 5, 2000 Scout Report when over 1,000 images from the London College of Fashion were added. Searching is now improved to allow cross-database searching of four VADS collections. Images can be viewed in several sizes with a choice of brief, core, or full catalog records. This month, VADS announces the addition of two collections: the Bretton Hall Basic Design Collection, 650 images, and the A.E. Halliwell Collection, about 250 images. Halliwell was an art educator and designer, active from the 1920s to the 1960s. Both collections document art education in Britain in the 1950s and 60s. A search across the two collections on the heading "food and drink" retrieved students's work, such as colour analyses and perspective studies, and several posters by Halliwell: "The Dumb Wife of Cheapside," a theatrical performance in 1930 having something to do with marmalade, and Dyson & Son, a fish and produce merchant. In addition to these collections VADS, is initiating a digital archiving project for student work created for year-end shows at art schools in Britain called POSSE, Preserve Our Student Shows for Eternity. Currently, works from three schools are available: Glasgow School of Art, (1995-1999); University of Portsmouth Illustration Department (1995-1999); and Surrey Institute of Art & Design (1998-2000) [DS]
[Back to Contents]Digital Performance Archive
Jointly sponsored by the Digital Research Unit of the Department of Visual and Performing Arts at The Nottingham Trent University and the School of Media, Music and Performance at the University of Salford, this ambitious Website began last April to work to "document developments in the creative use of computer technologies in performance -- from live theatre and dance productions that incorporate digital media, to cyberspace interactive dramas and webcasts." Currently, the site's prime feature is its catalog of digital or digitized performances listed in new acquisitions and new records -- a monthly record of actual acquisitions of the Archive or of information about digital performances and practitioners acquired by the Archive. These records contain detailed information about the performances, including the practitioner, the affiliated group, the venue, the technologies employed, items held by the Archive, and a link to the Website, if any, of the practitioner. The site also plans to provide in the future a video showcase of digital performance and an alphabetized catalog of the archive's holdings and information. A search engine and a calendar of events in the field of digital performance are also available on-site. [DC]
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(For links to additional current awareness on tables of contents, abstracts, preprints, new books, data, conferences, etc., visit the The Scout Report for Social Sciences Current Awareness Metapage: http://scout.cs.wisc.edu/report/socsci/metapage/).Integrated Regional Information Networks -- UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
In an effort to disseminate more up-to-the-minute information about ongoing or potential crises in Africa and Asia, the UN has established this Website which provides detailed reports on developing conditions on these continents. The Website offers weekly reports on conditions in African and Asian countries as well as special reports on particular events such as recent reports on refugees from Angola moving into the Congo in an effort to escape fighting between the Angolan army and UNITA rebels and preparations for an election re-run in 16 of Zanzibar's 50 constituencies. Visitors can access an archive of previous reports on specific regions and countries as well as subscribe to free, customized email reports from IRIN on Asia and/or Africa. The Website is of singular value to aid-giving or receiving governments, aid workers, disaster specialists, and concerned members of the public as it reports on a wide array of political, economic, and social issues affecting humanitarian efforts. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Gershenson, Dmitriy and Herschel I. Grossman. "Cooption and Repression in the Soviet Union" -- Russell Sage Foundation [.pdf, 24 pages]
http://www.russellsage.org/publications/working_papers/grossman_cooption.pdfGrossman, Herschel I., Minseong Kim, and Juan Mendoza. "Decisiveness and the Viability of Anarchy" -- Russell Sage Foundation [.pdf, 17 pages]
http://www.russellsage.org/publications/working_papers/grossman_anarchy.pdfBawn, Kathleen. "Self-Interest, Moral Principle, and Social Context:
A Rational Choice Analysis of the Abolitionist Movement" -- Center for the Study of Society and Politics [.pdf, 15 pages]
http://www.sscnet.ucla.edu/issr/cssp/BawnMPSA.pdfClayman, Steven and John Heritage. "Questioning Presidents: Journalistic Deference and Adversarialness in the Press Conferences of Eisenhower and Reagan" -- Center for Comparative Social Analysis [.pdf, 46 pages]
http://www.sscnet.ucla.edu/soc/groups/ccsa/claymanheritage.PDFConley, Dalton. "Home Ownership, Poverty and the Welfare State" -- Center for Comparative Social Analysis [.pdf, 42 pages]
http://www.sscnet.ucla.edu/soc/groups/ccsa/conley.PDFEpstein, Steven. "Bodily Differences and Collective Identities: Representation, Generalizability, and the Politics of Gender and Race in Biomedical Research in the United States" -- Center for Comparative Social Analysis [.pdf, 59 pages]
http://www.sscnet.ucla.edu/soc/groups/ccsa/epstein.PDFHaydu, Jeff. "Business Citizenship at Work" -- Center for Comparative Social Analysis [.pdf, 34 pages]
http://www.sscnet.ucla.edu/soc/groups/ccsa/haydu.PDFWaldinger, Roger. "The Sociology of Immigration: Second Thoughts and Reconsiderations" -- Center for Comparative Social Analysis
[.pdf, 29 pages]
http://www.sscnet.ucla.edu/soc/groups/ccsa/Waldinger.PDFAndersson, Gunnar and Gebremariam Woldemicael. "Sex Composition of Children as a Determinant of Marriage Disruption and Marriage Formation: Evidence from Swedish Register Data" -- Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research [.pdf, 18 pages]
http://www.demogr.mpg.de/Papers/Working/wp-2000-007.pdfBillari, Francesco C. and Hans-Peter Kohler. "The Impact of Union Formation Dynamics on First Births in West Germany and Italy: Are There Signs of Convergence?" -- Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research [.pdf, 37 pages]
http://www.demogr.mpg.de/Papers/Working/wp-2000-008.pdfBillari, Francesco C., Johannes Furnkranz, and Alexia Prskawetz. "Timing, Sequencing and Quantum of Life Course Events: a Machine Learning Approach" -- Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research [.pdf, 28 pages]
http://www.demogr.mpg.de/Papers/Working/wp-2000-010.pdfKealy, Laura and Hans-Peter Kohler. "The Public Perception and Discussion of Falling Birth Rates: The Recent Debate Over Low Fertility in the Popular Press" -- Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research [.pdf, 39 pages]
[Back to Contents]New Think Tank Policy Papers and Briefs
Heritage Foundation:
Brett D. Schaefer. "How Washington Should Respond To Instability In Zimbabwe" -- Executive Memorandum
.pdf version [2 pages]:
http://www.heritage.org/library/execmemo/pdf/em_705.pdfHoover Institution:
Smith, Alastair. "Personalizing Crises" -- Essays in Public Policy [.pdf, 15 pages]
Executive summary:
http://www-hoover.stanford.edu/publications/epp/106/106a.htmlMcGillivray, Fiona. "Democratizing the World Trade Organization" -- Essays in Public Policy [.pdf, 15 pages]
Executive summary:
http://www-hoover.stanford.edu/publications/epp/105/105a.htmlThe Jerome Levy Economics Institute:
Godley, Wynne. "Interim Report: Notes on the U.S. Trade and Balance of Payments Deficits" -- Strategic Analysis
http://www.levy.org/docs/sreport/stratan.htmlUrban Institute:
Acs, Gregory, Katherin Ross Phillips, and Daniel McKenzie. "On the Bottom Rung: A Profile of Americans in Low-Income Working Families"
.pdf version [8 pages]:
http://newfederalism.urban.org/pdf/anf_a42.pdfVandivere, Sharon, Kristin Anderson Moore, and Brett Brown. "Child Well-Being at the Outset of Welfare Reform: An Overview of the Nation and 13 States"
.pdf version [6 pages]:
[Back to Contents]New Offerings from Academic Publishers
Association of American University Presses: New Releases
http://aaup.uchicago.edu/new_releases/Baker&Taylor Academia -- Upcoming Books to Buy (November 2000)
http://www.baker-taylor.com/Academia/M11/Home.htmlCambridge University Press
http://www.cup.org/books/hot.htmlBasic Books: New Releases
http://www.basicbooks.com/newreleases.htmlThela Thesis -- Just Published
http://www.thelathesis.nl/new.htmlPerseus Publishing -- Book News (click on category)
[Back to Contents]2001 Annual Meeting of the Public Choice Society, Economic Science Association, and Society for Social Choice and Welfare
March 9-11, 2001
San Antonio, Texas
http://www.pubchoicesoc.org/mtg2001.htmlThe Library Company of Philadelphia Program in Early American Economy and Society Inaugural Conference: The Past and Future of Early American Economic History
April 20-21, 2001
Philadelphia, PA
http://www.worldlynx.net/economics/ECONSymposium/ConferenceDefault.htmSociety of Professionals in Dispute Resolution (SPIDR) International Conference: Coming Together: Community, Connection & Conflict
October 10-13, 2001
Washington, DC
http://www.spidr.org/conf/2001callforproposals.cfmEuropean Social Science History Conference (International Institute of Social History)
February 27-March 2, 2002
The Hague, The Netherlands
[Back to Contents]New Tables of Contents/ Abstracts/ Online Journals and Periodicals
Radical Pedagogy (online journal)
Volume 2: Issue 1 (Spring 2000)
http://radicalpedagogy.icaap.org/content/issue2_1/issue2_1.htmHorn of Africa Review (online periodical from University of Pennsylvania's African Studies department)
September/ October 2000
http://www.sas.upenn.edu/African_Studies/Hornet/hoa1000.htmlSexualities: Studies in Culture and Society (table of contents and abstracts)
Volume 3, Issue 3 (August 2000)
http://www.sagepub.co.uk/frame.html?http://www.sagepub.co.uk/journals/details/issue/j0065v03i03.htmlT.H.E. Magazine (Technological Horizons in Education online publication)
Volume 28, Number 3 (October 2000)
http://www.thejournal.com/magazine/vault/M2625.cfmAthena Review (abbreviated, online version)
Volume 2, Number 3
[Back to Contents]H-Net Job Guide
http://www.matrix.msu.edu/jobs/The Chronicle of Higher Education Job Openings
Social Science
http://jobs.chronicle.com/free/jobs/faculty/sscience/links.htmAcademic Employment Network (By State)
http://www.academploy.com/jobs.cfmAmerican College Personnel Association: ACPA Ongoing Placement Listings
http://www.acpa.nche.edu/placemnt/placemnt.htmAcademic 360.com (Update of "Jobs in Higher Education" site)
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Critical UN Conference on Greenhouse Gases Begins
1. Washington Post: "Global Warming Treaty Dispute Heats Up"
2. The New York Times: "Pivotal Discussions Aim for Resolution of Global Warming"
3. The Christian Science Monitor Special Coverage: Humanity in the Hothouse
4. Special Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: Emissions Scenarios (Summary for Policy Makers) [.pdf]
5. Climate Change Impacts on the United States (Overview Report) -- US Global Change Research Program [.pdf, 140 pages]
6. White House Preview of President's Radio Address: "Meeting the Challenge of Global Warming" (November 11, 2000)
7. BBC News In Depth: Global Climate Change
8. The National Center for Policy Analysis: The Collapsing Scientific Cornerstones of Global Warming Theory
Yesterday at the Hague, delegates from over 160 nations began meeting to try to hammer out details of the 1997 Kyoto agreement which mandated that nations reduce their greenhouse gas emissions to pre-1990 levels by the year 2012. This sixth session of the UN's Framework Convention on Climate Change will have to overcome significant obstacles if delegates are to emerge with an agreement within the conference's scheduled two weeks. To begin with, there is disagreement between the European Union and the United States on the use of "clean development mechanisms" (CDMs), which give states a number of ways of reaching the treaty's targets without actually reducing emissions. Among these is a proposal to allow for the trading of emissions credits -- disparagingly viewed by most environmentalists as licenses to pollute -- and the possibility of states with high emissions investing in reforestation projects in developing countries that would serve as "Carbon sinks" to absorb these emissions. Naturally, the US, responsible for 24 percent of the world's greenhouse gases, favors such measures, while the EU -- believing its recent coastal flood to be greenhouse-related -- opposes them in favor of across-the-board reductions and tough sanctions for noncompliance. The US is also concerned that the current draft allows developing nations, including China and India, to pledge to reach emissions limits in the future, but does not hold them to any legal obligation for failure to do so. The United Kingdom has stated that an effective agreement can be reached with or without US support. However, given that the US is the main producer of greenhouse gases, most analysts feel that an agreement without US cooperation is liable to have little long-term consequence.
The online versions of The Washington Post(1) and The New York Times(2) offer overviews of the goals of the conference and the key areas of dispute. The Christian Science Monitor's Special Coverage (3) features continually updated reports from correspondents to the conference as well as related features, editorials, and op-ed pieces. The UN and the World Meteorological Organization have posted a report released late last month on greenhouse gas emissions (4), stating there is now conclusive evidence that fossil fuel pollution affects the earth's atmosphere and contributes to global warming. The US Global Change Research Program, under mandate from the US Congress, posted on Monday its overview version of the report Climate Change Impacts on the United States(5), which considers the consequences of global warming for the nation's resources, economy, and environment. The White House offers a summary of Presidents Clinton's weekly radio address (6), which was devoted to the issue. BBC News's Website on the issue (7) provides statistical information on the changing climate, a review of its impact, and explanation of how the greenhouse effect works. Finally, the National Center for Policy Analysis offers a short brief (8) from last summer aiming to refute the scientific foundations of global warming. [DC]
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