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Youth Violence: A Report of the Surgeon General [.pdf, Windows Media Player]
Originally commissioned in response to the Columbine High shootings, the Surgeon General's report on youth violence "examines the factors that lead young people to gravitate toward violence, reviews the factors that protect youth from perpetrating violence and identifies effective research-based preventive strategies." While acknowledging that there has been a downward trend in youth violence since 1993, the report concludes that the "epidemic of youth violence is not over." The report identifies 27 specific intervention programs that have shown themselves to be statistically successful as well as debunking several common myths about youth violence. These last include assumptions about early childhood behavior as predictive of later violence, about the racial make-up of violent offenders, and the myth of the young "super-predator." From the above URL, visitors can access the full report, an executive summary, the January 17th press release (all in .pdf format), an archived Webcast of the surgeon general discussing the report (requires Windows Media Player), and some relevant links. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century
Press Release:
Public Briefing:
Released Friday, this headline-making report from the Institute of Medicine, concludes that the nation's health care industry has failed to provide "safe, high-quality care consistently to all Americans." Offering a comprehensive assessment, the report criticizes the inability of current institutional structures to effectively treat those with "even common chronic conditions" because of the lack of coordination among different health care providers and the system's "tangled, highly fragmented web that often wastes resources by providing unnecessary services and duplicating efforts." The report recommends a complete overhaul of the current institutional structures, suggesting, among other things, that Congress allocate funds to begin to develop a nationwide technological solution to the problems of the disparate and often unreadable patient records that contribute to the current muddle. In addition, the report recommends that the federal Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality "identify 15 or more common health conditions, most of them chronic" and assist health care professionals, hospitals, health plans, and purchasers in developing concrete strategies to improve care for these priority conditions over a five-year period. Much more is contained in the report, which was compiled by the same committee that published To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health Care System in late 1999 -- a report outlining the prevalence and consequences of medical error in the health care system. As with all publications of the National Academy of Sciences, the entire report may be read, but not downloaded, online. Print copies may be purchased on-site. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Links to Psychological Journals: The Journal Locator in Psychology and the Social Sciences
US Mirror
UK Mirror
Created and maintained by Armin Gunther and Martien Brand, this impressive metasite indexes over 1,600 online psychology and social science journals published in English, German, French, Dutch, and Spanish. The format of the site varies at some of the nine mirrors (four in the US), but at the main site and most of the mirrors, users can search the index by keyword or browse by alphabetical listing, subject, and by type of information online (ejournals, selected articles, abstracts, tables of contents) via pull-down menus. Entries include a brief description, content offered online, and a link. An excellent resource for scholars and students in psychology, linguistics, and sociology. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Addiction Search
Subtitled "a gateway to research-based addiction information for health consumers, health professionals, educators, students, and researchers," this Website offers a directory of annotated links to materials relating to various addictions. Categories include news, the addictions, statistics, populations, treatment, prevention, social issues, organizations, and harm reduction. These main headings break down into a second level of subheadings, and a search engine -- with date and cataloging parameters -- is also provided. While we would not call Addiction Search a comprehensive gateway, its hundreds of frequently updated links serve as an excellent starting point for investigation into any of the commonly recognized addictive conditions. The site is maintained by Emil Chiauzzi, a published clinical psychologist who is currently involved with "developing multimedia and Internet-based addictions interventions." [DC]
[Back to Contents]Canadian Social Research Links
Maintained with almost obsessive thoroughness by an employee at Human Resources Development Canada, this Website is an excellent gateway to Canadian social science resources on the Web. The site offers collections of annotated links from government outlets, academic sources, policy institutions, and NGOs. Visitors can browse sites under regional and thematic categories as well use "quicklinks" to government sources for social science data, including social policy, economic, and employment data. The annotations are very helpful, usually including the date of a document or a Website's last update and a summary or quotation from the resource. Some resources are presented in a pro-and-con format so that researchers can immediately compare reports and arguments from credible sources on political and social issues. Theme lists include hundreds of links in disability, education, human rights, homelessness and hunger, election 2000, social research organizations, unions, UN links, women's social issues, and dozens more. Also, the author provides a free weekly email newsletter that includes the latest updates to the Website. There is much more here, but I think interested parties get the idea: anyone doing social research in or about Canada will definitely want to bookmark this one. The site is the sole property and responsibility of Gilles Seguin who maintains the site on his own time. And yes, the site is also available in French. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Online Papers on Consciousness
Created and maintained by David Chalmers, a professor of philosophy at the University of Arizona, this Website offers a directory of links to over 700 online papers on issues of consciousness. The table of contents offers the papers in 34 loose categories such as the concept of consciousness, materialism and dualism, the self and personal identity, consciousness and artificial intelligence, the Turing test, consciousness in the history of psychology, visual consciousness, and implicit learning. The site also provides links to bibliographies of about 2,000 papers posted on other sites. Held primarily at University and institutional Websites, most of the papers seem to be in HTML or ASCII formats. Some papers may be in .pdf or other text display formats. [DC]
[Back to Contents](Inter)disciplining Chinese Women: An Introduction to the English Language Literature on Women's Studies in China -- University of Wisconsin-Madison Libraries
Recently posted by the University of Wisconsin Libraries, this bibliographic essay offers an introduction to the issues of Women's Studies in China, a timeline describing important dates in the history of the Women's Studies movement in China, and a bibliography comprised of detailed, scholarly annotations of 40 articles. Patricia Arend, a PhD student in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Northeastern University, wrote the essay. [DC]
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Making Sense of Modern Art -- SFMoMA [Flash, QuickTime]
This excellent online exhibition from the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art offers visitors the opportunity to explore the often puzzling aesthetics of the artwork of the last century. Nicely balancing descriptive text and instructive audio-visual with images of the artwork, the site is structured around three main sections: themes, the artist in context, and the timeline. The first offers multimedia "free form" essays on such issues as "What is Style?" "Art and Politics," "Modernism as Social Utopia," "What is a Breakthrough?" and several others. The Artist in Context features essays on Robert Rauschenberg, several artists working in the landmark year of 1968, and several more from the last decades of the 20th century. The timeline presents representative works in detail with supplemental commentary. It also allows viewers to access thematic comparisons of different works by dragging selected items onto one another on the timeline. The exhibits unfold at a leisurely pace using Flash and QuickTime and works best with higher bandwidth connections. While the site may not solve the question, "Is it Art?" it should provide visitors with more ways to ask it. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Picturing the Century: One Hundred Years of Photography from the National Archives
Based on an exhibition of photographs at the National Archives that runs through July of this year, Picturing the Century is an appealing online exhibit of historically significant photographs from both well-known and amateur photographers. The gallery features 70 photographs under the headings A New Century, The Great War and the New Era, The Great Depression and the New Deal, A World in Flames (World War II), Postwar America, and Century's End. Many of the images here are affectingly representative of their times, including the first Wright brothers flight at Kitty Hawk, immigrants arriving at Ellis Island, Lyndon Johnson meeting with Martin Luther King, Jr., flower children placing daisies into the rifles of US soldiers, and Nixon's post-resignation departure from the White House. A portfolio section contains another several dozen images taken from the works of Walter Lubken, Lewis Hine, George Ackerman, Dorothea Lange, Ansel Adams, Charles Fenno Jacobs, and Danny Lyon. The photographs are offered in expandable thumbnails with context and photographer information (if known) provided. Best of all, the images are available for immediate printout. [DC]
[Back to Contents]The Story of Africa -- BBC
Subtitled African History from the Dawn of Time, this extensive and well-designed Website boasts more than 120,000 words, over 120 images, and over 40 audio files about Africa. Its fourteen sections cover the topics of Africa's early history, the Nile Valley, West African kingdoms, the Swahili, traditional religions, Islam, Christianity, slavery, Central African kingdoms, Africa and Europe (1800 - 1914), Southern Africa, history between the two World Wars, and Independence. In addition to text and supplemental images, each section offers a timeline, a bibliography of further reading, and a list of annotated links. A forum for featuring visitor's comments, criticisms, and suggestions will also shortly be launched. This is certainly a Website to spend some time on and could serve as a fine basis for junior and high school curriculum on the continent. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Water in Africa
Peace Corps World Wise Schools
Developed by the Peace Corps' World Wise Schools and funded through a grant from the US Department of Education, this project provides learning resources to help educators "teach geography, language arts technology, and visual art in a meaningful and original way by using authentic materials collected by Peace Corps Volunteers." These include over 600 photos and 300 anecdotes on the use and availability of water in different African nations, as well as 24 lesson plans, sorted by title, grade, and subject. The photos and anecdotes may also be browsed by country, with basic country information and maps provided. More learning and teaching resources can be found at the World Wise Schools main site. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Last Expression: Art from Auschwitz -- Northwestern University [Windows Media Player or IBM Video Charger Player, QuickTime]
Described as a forum to explore "the roles, functions, meanings, and makings of art in the Nazi concentration camps," this Website posts cataloged images of art work, including drawings, paintings, and photographs, done by prisoners at Auschwitz - Birkenau. In addition to the searchable and browseable collection of hundreds of works of art, the Website offers essays and streaming video lectures about the art, biographical information about the artists, and historical background about Auschwitz itself. A virtual tour of Auschwitz is also available in QuickTime and features links to artworks drawn from various sites. Prepared by the Mary and Leigh Block Museum of Art at Northwestern University, the site is "optimized for viewing in Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) on a PC," but we didn't encounter difficulties using Netscape on a Macintosh G3. [DC]
[Back to Contents]A Literary History of the American West
Sponsored by the Western Literature Association, Texas Christian University Press posts the complete text of A Literary History of the American West -- a 1,300+-page compendium of scholarly articles on the literature of the American West and Midwest. The volume is divided into three sections discussing the encounter with the frontier, the settlement of the West, and the "re-discovery" of the West in terms of its ethnic peoples and identifications. Though published in 1987 and no longer in print, this online text still serves as a valuable critical resource in literary regional history. Articles are available for individual download in both HTML and .pdf formats. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Historical Atlas of the Twentieth Century
Designed by librarian Matthew White, this sprawling and somewhat idiosyncratic Website offers hundreds of political, economic, demographic, religious, and historical cartographies of the countries and continents of the last century. Visitors to this site can trace the global rise and fall of various political systems through the century, examine the mapped battle histories of the Mexican Revolution and the two world wars, compare the size and rate of growth of the world's largest cities, compare living conditions across time and countries, and much more. Some of the mappings seem questionable, such as placing the US in the category of "limited democracy" in the 1910s and "multi-party democracy" in the 1920s, but the author asserts that all cartographies are interpretive and that the maps here are drawn from scholarly sources of statistics or historical events, which he lists. Quite simply, there's too much fascinating information here graphically represented to quibble too much, though individuals using it for research or instruction will certainly want to double-check the authority of some of the claims. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Archaeology: An Introduction - An Electronic Companion
Designed as an online supplement to Archaeology: An Introduction and created by the textbook's author Kevin Greene, this Website offers a novel approach to the typical subject-specific Web directory. The organizing principle here is the content of the original text with chapter subheadings serving as categories. The Website also provides brief excerpts from the text to give a sense of the topics covered in each subheading's annotated links. This allows one to use the Website as either a supplement to the original text or as a kind of hypertext online curriculum in introductory anthropology. Frequently updated, the site is ideal for college students in their first anthropology course. Greene is a professor of Archaeology at the University of Newcastle. [DC]
[Back to Contents]The Middle East Institute [Multidoc Pro]
Dedicated to "keeping the public objectively informed about the Middle East," the Middle East Institute provides a number of resources to this end. Visitors to the site can access the table of contents, abstracts, and some complete articles from The Middle East Journal; read online policy briefs about current events in the region; review descriptions of the Institute's published monographs; and consult an online searchable catalog of over 2,400 scholarly works in Middle Eastern studies published in the 1990s. The XML-based catalog can be searched by keyword, title, author, or any of the cataloged fields. Two online texts are also posted here: An Introduction to Islam (see the September 3, 1999 Scout Report) and, in the rare books section of the library, Mehemet the Kurd and Other Tales by Charles Wells (requires multidoc pro to view TEI (SGML)). [DC]
[Back to Contents]Starting with Aleph: An On-line Course in Hebrew Reading and Jewish Values
This new Website, posted by JeMM, an online multimedia developer providing Jewish content, presents "a free on-line course for adults in Hebrew reading and Jewish values." Currently, four lessons are posted that offer instruction in the basics of the Hebrew alphabet. Each lesson also features a portion of the midrash commenting upon the relationship of individual letters of the alphabet to Hebrew beliefs concerning creation, time, place, and the universe. The instructional materials help visitors to practice letters, sounds, and words as well as featuring interactive exercises to test one's learning. The midrash are presented with animated graphics and audio. Lessons five through seven are in development and will be posted soon. [DC]
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Two from the Department of Justice:
Defense Counsel in Criminal Cases [.pdf, 12 pages]
Press Release:
Spread sheets [.zip]:
Community Policing in Local Police Departments, 1997 and 1999 [.pdf, 12 pages]
Press Release:
Spread sheets [.zip]:
Two new reports have been posted by the Department of Justice. The first, Defense Counsel in Criminal Cases, "examines issues of legal representation for defendants in Federal district court and large local jurisdictions, and inmates in local jails and Federal and State prison." The report also briefly reviews the publicly financed programs available to both federal and local defendants. As reported in the news recently, the report finds little difference between the rates of conviction for those defended by private attorneys and those represented by public defenders. However, defendants who were represented privately were less likely to spend time in jail. The second report, released last Sunday, "focuses on changes in the prevalence of community oriented policing policies, programs, and activities." The report finds a significant increase over the last few years in the use of community policing nationwide, with about twice as many departments employing it in 1999 as compared to 1997. Community policing is defined in the press release as involving greater contact between police and the community through such means as community meetings and more foot and bicycle patrols. Note: this report does not offer data on the effectiveness of such methods in reducing crime or increasing community trust. For such data and more information on the program, visit the Community Oriented Policing Services program. [DC]
[Back to Contents]National Center for Charitable Statistics (NCCS) [.pdf]
A project of the Urban Institute Center on Nonprofits and Philanthropy, the NCCS is "is the national repository of data on the nonprofit sector in the United States," charged with developing and providing quality data on "nonprofit organizations and their activities for use in research on the relationships between the nonprofit sector, government, the commercial sector, and the broader civil society." At the site, visitors will find a number of tools and resources related to nonprofits. These include databases, a data guide, glossary, fact sheets, state profiles, IRS forms, and a bibliography. Also provided are a list of related mailing lists (including the NCCS mailing list) and general information about the Center and its activities. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Reality Check 2001 -- Public Agenda Online
Public Agenda Online, an organization devoted to ascertaining and analyzing public opinion on major policy issues, has recently posted the results of their survey on the "standards movement" in public schooling. According to Public Agenda, nearly every state has now "set specific academic requirements and mandatory testing to try and improve public schools." This survey seeks to assess whether these standards are making a difference by surveying students, parents, teachers, and college administrators and professors dealing with the entering class. The results are presented in graphs and tables grouped into seven major findings. Among the findings: more parents are professing increased confidence in public over private schools (though they are still a minority), and many teachers believe that administrators are putting too much emphasis on tests. The project is also jointly sponsored by Education Week.[DC]
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(For links to additional current awareness on tables of contents, abstracts, preprints, new books, data, conferences, etc., visit the The Scout Report for Social Sciences & Humanities Current Awareness Metapage: http://scout.cs.wisc.edu/report/socsci/metapage/).Presidential Pardons -- Jurist: The Legal Education Network
Jurist, the Website for legal education at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law (see the April 11, 1997 Scout Report), recently posted this "guide as a non-partisan educational resource for scholars, policy-makers, and citizens interested in the law of presidential pardons." The site provides everything the researcher or avidly curious would want about presidential pardons, including up-dated reports on pardons-related news; the full list of Clinton pardons and commutations; a hypertext essay on the constitutional basis of the pardoning power -- including links to relevant historical, scholarly, and legal documents; administrative regulations on pardoning; court rulings on controversial pardons; academic commentary; a bibliography; and a good deal more. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Brett, E.A. "Development Theory, Universal Values and Competing Paradigms: Capitalist Trajectories and Social Conflict" -- LSE Development Studies Institute [.pdf, 22 pages]
http://www.lse.ac.uk/Depts/destin/workpapers/developmenttheory.pdfBoyle, James. "Foucault In Cyberspace: Surveillance, Sovereignty, and Hard-Wired Censors"
From the author: "This is an essay about law in cyberspace. I focus on three interdependent phenomena: a set of political and legal assumptions that I call the jurisprudence of digital libertarianism, a separate but related set of beliefs about the state's supposed inability to regulate the Internet, and a preference for technological solutions to hard legal issues on-line. I make the familiar criticism that digital libertarianism is inadequate because of its blindness towards the effects of private power, and the less familiar claim that digital libertarianism is also surprisingly blind to the state's own power in cyberspace."Harriss, John. "How Much Difference Does Politics Make? Regime Differences Across Indian States And Rural Poverty Reduction" -- LSE Development Studies Institute [.pdf 30 pages]
http://www.lse.ac.uk/Depts/destin/workpapers/povertyreduction.pdfKanbur, Ravi. "Economic Policy, Distribution and Poverty: the Nature of Disagreements" [.pdf, 16 pages]
http://www.people.cornell.edu/pages/sk145/papers/Disagreements.pdfMerli, M. Giovanna and Herbert L. Smith. "Has the Chinese Birth Planning Program Been Successful in Changing Fertility Preferences?: Evidence from Linked Records in Four Counties in Rural Northern China" -- Center for Demography and Ecology [.pdf, 35 pages]
http://www.ssc.wisc.edu/cde/cdewp/2000-14.pdfMcQuestion, Michael. "Exploring Social Interaction and Differentiation Effects in Latin America's Mortality Transition" -- Center for Demography and Ecology [.pdf, 37 pages]
http://www.ssc.wisc.edu/cde/cdewp/2000-15.pdfPutzel, James. "Land Reforms in Asia: Lessons from the Past
for the 21st Century" -- LSE Development Studies Institute [.pdf, 26 pages]
[Back to Contents]New Think Tank Policy Papers and Briefs
Center for Defense Information
Berry, Nicholas. "National Security Questions Facing Bush: Southeast Asia" -- featured article
http://www.cdi.org/asia/fa.aspForeign Policy in Focus:
Gelbspan, Ross. "U.S. Scuttles Latest Chance to Avert Global Warming Catastrophe"
http://fpif.org/commentary/0102warming.htmlInternational Food Policy Research Institute:
Flores, Rafael and Stuart Gillespie, eds. Health and Nutrition: Emerging and Reemerging Issues in Developing Countries (Eleven Briefs)
"Global Shifts in Population -- The Coming Pressures of Immigration" (Policy Brief)
http://www.rand.org/publications/RB/RB5044/"Interpreting China's Grand Strategy" (Research Brief)
http://www.rand.org/publications/RB/RB61/"Policy and Health In Asia: Demographic and Epidemiologic Transitions" (Policy Brief)
[Back to Contents]New Offerings from Academic Publishers
Association of American University Presses: New Releases
http://aaup.uchicago.edu/new_releases/Michigan State University Press Online -- New Releases
http://www.msu.edu/unit/msupress/newrel/newrlst.htmlCambridge University Press
http://www.cup.org/books/hot.htmlBasic Books: New Releases
http://www.basicbooks.com/newreleases.htmlThela Thesis -- Just Published
http://www.thelathesis.nl/new.htmlPerseus Publishing -- Book News (click on category)
http://www.perseuspublishing.com/booknews.htmlUniversity of Chicago Press: Recent and forthcoming general interest books
[Back to Contents]International Conference on Electronic Publishing: "2001 in the Digital Publishing Odyssey"
July 5-7, 2001
University of Kent at Canterbury, UK
http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/mbv/PrintMedienTech/elpub2001/34th Essex Summer School In Social Science Data Analysis And Collection
July 7-August 17, 2001
University of Essex; Colchester, UK
http://www.essex.ac.uk/methods/International Conference of Asian Scholars
August 9-12, 2001
Berlin, Germany
[Back to Contents]New Tables of Contents/ Abstracts
Australian Humanities Review (Full text)
December 2000-March 2001
http://www.lib.latrobe.edu.au/AHR/current.htmlThe Kenyon Review (Full text, .pdf 201 pages)
Volume 33, Issue 1 (Winter 2001)
http://www.kenyonreview.com/2001winter.pdfEarly Modern Journal (Full text)
Volume 1, Issue 1 (Fall 2000)
http://www.earlymodernjournal.com/current.htmlAmerican Communication Journal (Full text)
Volume 4, Issue 2 (Winter 2001)
http://acjournal.org/holdings/vol4/iss2/index.htmAcademia: An Online Magazine and Resource For Academic Librarians (Online Journal)
Volume 1, Issue 7 (February 2001)
[Back to Contents]H-Net Job Guide
http://www.matrix.msu.edu/jobs/The Chronicle of Higher Education Job Openings
Social Science
http://jobs.chronicle.com/free/jobs/faculty/sscience/links.htmAmerican Anthropological Association Job Announcements
http://physanth.org/careers/jobs.htmlAmerican College Personnel Association: ACPA Ongoing Placement Listings
http://www.acpa.nche.edu/placemnt/placemnt.htmAcademic 360.com (Update of "Jobs in Higher Education" site)
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Inquiry into USS Greeneville Incident Begins
1. "Open Inquiry: Sub Probe Begins Today" -- ABCNews.com
2. "US Navy Sub Inquiry Focuses on Lingering Questions" -- Yahoo!News (Reuters)
3. USS Greeneville (SSN 772) Incident -- US Navy
4. Collision at Sea -- PBS NewsHour
5. The Voice of Uwajima
6. "Minding social graces on a nuclear submarine" -- Salon.com
7. "Turning The Tables: What if they sank an American ship?"
On Monday, the US Navy began an official inquiry into the collision on February 9 of the USS Greeneville, a nuclear submarine, with a 190-foot Japanese fishing trawler, the Ehime Maru, off the coast of Hawaii. The accident led to the death of nine Japanese crew members, including four high school students. Over the last three weeks, several issues have emerged that are sure to be taken up at the inquiry. First, eighteen civilians -- reportedly oil company executives and their wives -- were present in the control room of the Greeneville at the time of the surfacing. The surfacing was part of an emergency drill. It has been admitted that some supervised civilians were at the controls during the drill. Thus far, the Navy has maintained that these civilians did not contribute to the accident. Second, a crewman, who manned the sonar told federal investigators "he stopped manually plotting the position of the Ehime Maru less than an hour before the collision because the control room was too crowded" (AP story on Yahoo!News). Third, the eighteen civilians are twice the usual civilian complement of nine for such public relations voyages. The inquiry board, made up of three Navy admirals and one Japanese maritime official (who will not be able to vote on the board's final recommendation), will ultimately advise the Navy as to whether the commanding officers of the ship and/or fleet should face disciplinary action, ranging from a reprimand to a court-martial. Last week, President Bush issued an official apology to the Japanese for the incident. Meanwhile, the Mayor of the village of Uwajima, from which the fishing vessel originated, has appealed to the United States to continue searching for the bodies of the nine drowned crew members, believing there is still a chance for rescue and, even if there is not, insisting that the bodies need to be returned on religious and cultural grounds.
ABC News (1) and Yahoo!News (2) offer stories outlining the issues that will likely be addressed in the probe. The US Navy has posted a site (3) devoted to the incident, with news, press releases, as well as general information about the USS Greeneville. The NewsHour maintains a site (4) featuring updated reports on the accident and inquiry. The city of Uwajima has placed online the Mayor's appeal (5) to the US to continue the search for the bodies. Salon.com has posted an interview (6) about the accident and its possible causes with the former submarine captain and author of the bestseller "Run Silent, Run Deep" Ned Beach. New York Press columnist George Szamuely (7) critiques the way the American military has handled the accident and its aftermath. [DC]
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