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No Escape: Male Rape in US Prisons -- Human Rights Watch
Press Release:
Last week, Human Rights Watch released a much-publicized report on male rape in US prisons. Featured in the New York Times and on Nightline, the 378-page report is the result of three years of research to "expose the problem of male rape in U.S. prisons." "It is based on information from over 200 prisoners spread among thirty-four states . . . as well as an exhaustive survey of state prison authorities." The report charges that indifference and even feigned ignorance on the part of prison authorities are responsible for the widespread existence of male prisoner-on-prisoner violence in US prisons. The address above gives users access to the full report, video clips documenting the problem, and prisoners' own case histories and statements. The report paints a disturbing picture of a fundamental abuse of human rights rampant in the American penal system. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Attacks on the Press, 2000 -- Committee to Protect Journalists [.pdf]
This recently published survey reports on the harassment, imprisonment, and death of journalists worldwide. The report is comprised of regional overviews, country summaries, and individual documented cases. There are also special sections on journalists murdered or imprisoned in the last year, the International Press Freedom Awards of 2000 (given to courageous journalists), and a press release, as well as individual reports on the state of press freedom in China, Russia, and Venezuela. The report may be viewed in HTML or .pdf formats. Earlier editions of this annual report are also available on this site, back to 1996. The preface of this most recent edition was written by Peter Arnett. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Veterans and Agent Orange: Update 2000
Press Release:
Last week, the National Academy Press placed online a pre-publication copy of the third biennial update of the Institute of Medicine's Committee to Review the Health Effects in Vietnam Veterans of Exposure to Herbicides. In contrast to previous reports that found "inadequate" evidence linking exposure to Agent Orange with leukemia and other cancers in veterans and their children, this report states that there is "limited or suggestive" evidence of an association between exposure and such diseases. This represents a significant shift in medical research on the issue, though the report stops short of making any definite causal connections. The entire text may be read online, and, for those seeking only a summary, a press release is also available. A section of links to previous National Academy of Science publications on this and related issues is also provided. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Budget of the United States Government Fiscal Year 2002 [.pdf, Excel, Lotus123 version 4]
Transmitted to Congress on April 9, 2001, the FY 2002 Budget covers the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2001. At the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) site, users can view (in .pdf and HTML formats) the full text of the budget and related documents. The latter include A Citizen's Guide to the Federal Budget, Analytical Perspectives, supplements, historical tables, and a selection of spreadsheets (in .wk4 or .xls formats). An internal search engine also allows users to locate and download individual sections of documents. Additional resources at the site include budget documents for FY 1995-2001 and a database of historical budget data. [MD]
[Back to Contents]The Oxfam Education Report
Published earlier this year, this report from Oxfam "sets out the scale of the worldwide education crisis, identifies the causes, and sets out an agenda for reform." Divided into seven sections that examine data concerning education worldwide, the report discusses the critical connection between education and poverty globally, the progress made in achieving the goals set out at the 1990 UN conference -- Education for All, and the worldwide inequalities in education. The report also examines efforts at international cooperation on education, "partnerships for change," and presents a nine-page agenda for action. According to the report, the promises concerning education made at the 1990 UN conference have been "comprehensively broken," and, if current trends continue, none of the conference's quantitatively measurable goals for 2015 will be reached. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Virtual Chase: Legal Research on the Internet
Maintained by the law firm of Ballard, Spahr, Andrews and Ingersoll, this site offers a fine gateway to resources in legal research. The directories are well-organized and helpfully annotated. The site also has many other valuable features for researchers in the law, including a number of substantial online teaching tools that cover topics such as legal and factual resources on the Web, Government resources, and teaching Internet research skills. A free email newsletter is available providing research news bulletins for library and legal professionals. The site serves as a fine complement to such legal research directories and Websites as Jurist (see the April 11, 1997 Scout Report) and the Legal Information Institute at Cornell (see the February 21, 1997 Scout Report). [DC]
[Back to Contents]Free Speech Movement, Student Protest U.C. Berkeley, 1964-65 -- University of California, Berkeley Library
The Bancroft Library at UC, Berkeley has made available an array of documents and media materials relating to the Free Speech Movement (FSM) on the UC campus in the mid-60s. The site includes an online finding aid to the protest collections of the library, online video and sound recordings, a chronology, a bibliography, and a plethora of documents relating to the movement. These last include oral histories, journals, legal proceedings, contemporaneous journalism, FSM newsletters, books, pamphlets, minutes of meetings, government documents, and more. An excellent site for researchers, journalists, historians, and students. For more information about Bancroft Library and its Oral Histories project, see the January 29, 1999 Scout Report. [DC]
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Becoming Human: Paleoanthropology, Evolution, and Human Origins [Flash]
A project involving Arizona State University's Institute for Human Origins (founded and directed by Donald C. Johanson, best-known for his discovery of "Lucy"), documentary filmmaker Lenora C. Johanson, and Terra Incognita, this site is designed to teach a general audience about human evolution and the search for early hominid life in the field. The key feature of the site is an extensive (and very professional) flash-driven, online documentary which includes a number of pop-up sub-exhibits that provide additional information and resources on various topics. Other sections of the site include News & Views, which offers recent paleo news stories and expert views, and Resources, which includes a glossary, related sites, and media references. A Learning Center with activities and lesson plans is scheduled to be added this summer. This site, probably the best online documentary seen by this reviewer, should appeal to anyone with an interest in human origins and is highly recommended. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Tolerance.org
A project of the Southern Poverty Law Center, this new Website's goal is "to awaken people of all ages to the problem of hate and intolerance, to equip them with the best tolerance ideas and to prompt them to act in their homes, schools, businesses and communities." To these ends, the Website presents a daily almanac of top stories on tolerance issues from newspapers around the world, a US map of hate groups that allows users to click on locations for more information, sections on both hate and tolerance in the news, practical advice and materials for becoming active on these issues, sections for kids and their parents, and interactive elements designed to allow users to explore their own biases as well as review the history of tolerance moments, including the Civil Rights Movement. A searchable archive is also provided. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Social Science Data Analysis Network (SSDAN)
Subtitled "census data for the classroom and demographic media for all audiences," this Website "makes the latest US census surveys and demographic trends accessible to educators, policymakers, the media, and students at all levels." The Website also offers downloadable datasets and instructional materials to help teachers incorporate data analysis in the classroom as well as a trial download of StudentCHIP, a software program for teaching students demographic data analysis. In addition, the site provides a link to AmeriStat (see the New Data section of this issue). The site is maintained by the Population Studies Center at the University of Michigan. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Paint by Number -- NMAH
Only in America, one might say, would artistic self-expression be so successfully mass produced, commodified, and regimented. Nevertheless, in a brave attempt at recuperation, the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of American History offers this new Website on the popular 1950s' hobby of painting by number from the perspective of "the artists and entrepreneurs who created the popular paint kits, the cultural critics who reviled them, and the hobbyists who happily completed them and hung them in their homes." Taking a decidedly cultural studies approach, the Website stresses the pleasures derived from the activity as well as the modifications to the kits made by many participants. It also places the phenomenon in the context of the culture of the 1950s, particularly its expansion of leisure time. There are plenty of images here of the creation of the numbers kits as well as representations of the finished product. A bibliography and a bulletin board for posting reminiscences about painting by number are also provided. The authors claim the hobby, which pretty much died out in the 1960s, had the "peculiarly American virtue" of inviting people "who never held a brush before to enter a world of art and creativity." The editors invite our readers to be the judge of that. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Crimes of War
Hosted by American University, this project is a collaborative effort of journalists, lawyers, and scholars "that seeks to raise awareness of the laws of war." Resources at the site include an online magazine, featured essays, analysis, a discussion forum, information on future seminars, and related resources. The essays are concise, cover a range of international topics, and link to related items on the site. This unique project is well worth a visit. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Sacred Rocks and Buddhist Caves in Thailand
Based on the book of the same name by Christophe Munier, this Website presents an tantalizing introduction to the Buddhist shrines and holy sites of Thailand that have been hewn from or in the country's naked rock. The site examines the caves and rocks separately in color images and discusses the traditional elements of these sites, their history, and the cults and religious practices associated with them. The images are mid-sized -- large enough to glean a sense of the artistry but not always to see the detailing. A relatively modest site, to be sure, but valuable for its insight into an ancient form of religious worship. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Association for Moral Development and Education
"The Association for Moral Education (AME) was founded in 1976 to provide an interdisciplinary forum for professionals interested in the moral dimensions of educational theory and practice." Its Website offers a selection of scholarly articles dedicated to the subject, a collection of detailed descriptions of classroom practices, an overview of the field of moral development and education, a listing with brief summaries of related scholarly books in the field, a discussion list, and links to Websites for the 2001 AME conference to be held in October in Vancouver. [DC]
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The World's Youth 2000 -- The Population Reference Bureau [.pdf]
This recent report from the Population Reference Bureau (see the November 17, 1998 Scout Report for the Social Sciences) provides data and analysis on the world's youth. The report includes data on "population, education, and health, with a special focus on sexual and reproductive health." The topics covered in this report include "education, sexual and reproductive lives of young people, use of contraception, sexual violence against young women, HIV/AIDS, and policy and program approaches." The text of the report is presented in .pdf format, and the data tables may be viewed in either HTML or .pdf format. Individual topics are also accessible using a sidebar menu. [DC]
[Back to Contents]PovertyNet -- The World Bank
This Website from the World Bank (first mentioned in the March 26, 1999 Scout Report) serves as a directory of the copious reports and data on poverty produced by the World Bank. Data are available here on income poverty and social status broken down by country, region, and sometimes continent. The entire Website may be searched, or materials may be browsed by special topics, including understanding poverty, responding to poverty, voices of the poor, impact evaluation, inequality, poverty and health, social capital, and many more. Access to .pdf and Word versions of World Bank publications is also available as well as links to a number of World Bank resources. Last summer, the report A Better World for All was featured in the July 7, 2000 Scout Report for Business & Economics. [DC]
[Back to Contents]University of Washington Digital Library Initiatives -- Update
Last featured in the August 27, 1999 Scout Report, this database from the University of Washington Library of digital collections has been significantly updated since then. There are now 27 collections housed at the site (there were twelve when we reported on the site in 1999). Recent additions include collections devoted to the Pacific Northwest, such as the Pacific Northwest Labor collection, currently holding 39 articles from the Seattle Union Record as well as 49 other items relating to the Everett Massacre of 1916; Industries and Occupations, featuring images of workers from 1880 to 1950; and several others. Also, "the Mount St Helens Succession Collection contains 235 photographs of the Mount St Helens eruption aftermath, presented in a series of 'permanent plot views,' i.e. photos taken of the same site over a period of years, along with general aspects of impacted habitats." The entire site is searchable using a CONTENT Software suite that provides the same search interface regardless of the information being searched (see the Scout Report cited above for more information on the characteristics of this search engine). [DC]
[Back to Contents]Ameristat
Maintained by the Population Reference Bureau (see the November 17, 1999 Scout Report for the Social Sciences, AmeriStat provides "instant summaries -- in graphics and text -- of the demographic characteristics of the U.S. population." These demographic snapshots can be customized by the user and provide statistics on such topics as population estimates and projections, marriage and family, education, race and ethnicity, income and poverty, migration, fertility, children, foreign-born population, older population, and more. The different sections offer relevant links to US Census data, and the site provides a link to the Population Reference Bureau. Demographers at the University of Michigan and SUNY - Albany also contribute to the site. [DC]
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(For links to additional current awareness on tables of contents, abstracts, preprints, new books, data, conferences, etc., visit the The Scout Report for Social Sciences & Humanities Current Awareness Metapage: http://scout.cs.wisc.edu/report/socsci/metapage/).Andersson, Gunnar. "Childbearing patterns of foreign-born women in Sweden" -- Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research [.pdf, 38 pages]
http://www.demogr.mpg.de/Papers/Working/wp-2001-011.pdfAndersson, Gunnar and Dimiter Philipov. "Life-table representations of family dynamics in Sweden and Hungary: initiation of a project of descriptions of demographic behavior" -- Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research [.pdf, 37 pages]
http://www.demogr.mpg.de/Papers/Working/wp-2001-011.pdfBenenson, Itzhak and Itzhak Omer. "Agent-Based Modeling of Residential Distribution" -- Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research [.pdf, 19 pages]
http://www.demogr.mpg.de/Papers/workshops/010221_paper01.pdfBurch, Thomas K. "Data, Models, Theory and Reality: The Structure of Demographic Knowledge" -- Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research [.pdf, 19 pages]
http://www.demogr.mpg.de/Papers/workshops/010221_paper02.pdfSomek, Alexander. "On Supranationalism"
.pdf version [16 pages]
http://olymp.wu-wien.ac.at/eiop/pdf/2001-003.pdfAnheier, Helmut K. "Managing non-profit organisations:Towards a new approach" -- Centre for Civil Society [.pdf, 21 pages]
http://www.lse.ac.uk/Depts/ccs/cswp1.pdfAnheier, Helmut K. and Eckhard Priller. "Civil society in transition: The East German third sector ten years after unification" -- Centre for Civil Society [.pdf, 15 pages]
http://www.lse.ac.uk/Depts/ccs/pdf/CSWP%2015.pdfKnapp, Martin and Jeremy Kendall. "The third sector and welfare state modernisation: Inputs, activities and comparative performance" -- Centre for Civil Society [.pdf, 18 pages]
[Back to Contents]New Think Tank Policy Papers and Briefs
Brookings Institute:
Lang, Robert. "Office Sprawl: The Evolving Geography of Office Space" (written originally for the Fannie Mae Foundation)
.pdf version [11 pages] -- also available in Excel format at URL above
http://www.brookings.edu/es/urban/officesprawl/lang.pdfCarnegie Endowment for International Peace:
Tanzi, Vito. "Pitfalls on the Road to Fiscal Decentralization" [.pdf, 25 pages]
http://www.ceip.org/files/pdf/19Tanzi.pdfLieven, Anatol. "Soldiers Before Missiles: Meeting the Challenge from the World's Streets" [.pdf, 8 pages]
http://www.ceip.org/files/pdf/rea.PolBrief4.pdfThe Heritage Foundation:
Feldman, Harvey (US Ambassador). "A Primer on U.S. Policy Toward the 'One-China' Issue: Questions and Answers"
.pdf version [4 pages]
http://www.heritage.org/library/backgrounder/pdf/bg_1429.pdfWilson, D. Mark and William W. Beach. "The Economic Impact of President Bush's Tax Relief Plan"
.pdf version [15 pages]
http://www.heritage.org/library/cda/pdf/cda_01-01.pdfCenter on Budget and Policy Priorities:
Kogan, Richard. "Under President's Budget, Education Funding Would Grow 5.3 Percent: The Claimed 11.5 Percent Increase is a Distortion"
.pdf version [6 pages]
http://www.cbpp.org/4-13-01bud.pdfNational Housing Institute:
(Un)Charitable Choice: Religious Organizations Consider Charitable Choice
[Back to Contents]New Offerings from Academic Publishers
Association of American University Presses -- New Releases
http://www.press.uchicago.edu/new_releases/Michigan State University Press Online -- New Releases
http://www.msupress.msu.edu/Cambridge University Press
http://www.cup.org/books/hot.htmlBasic Books -- New Releases
http://www.basicbooks.com/newreleases.htmlThela Thesis -- Just Published
http://www.thelathesis.nl/new.htmlPerseus Publishing -- Book News (click on category)
[Back to Contents]TechEd Chicago
September 24-26, 2001
University of Chicago, IL
http://techedevents.org/chicago/index.htmAmerican Anthropological Association (AAA) 2001 Annual Meeting
November 28-December 2, 2001
Washington, DC
http://www.aaanet.org/mtgs/mtgs.htmWAAD Conference: Women in Africa & African Diaspora
October 8-17, 2001
Antananarivo and Tamatave, Madagascar
http://www.sas.upenn.edu/African_Studies/Current_Events/waad1001.htmlInternational Conference On Cultural Exchange And Transformation In The Indian Ocean World
April 5-6, 2002
University of California, Los Angeles
[Back to Contents]New Tables of Contents/ Abstracts/ Journals
Holocaust and Genocide Studies (table of contents, abstracts)
Volume 15, Issue 1 (Spring 2001)
http://www3.oup.co.uk/holgen/hdb/Volume_15/Issue_01/Refugee Survey Quarterly (table of contents)
Volume 19, Issue 4 (2000)
http://www3.oup.co.uk/refqtl/hdb/Volume_19/Issue_04/Media Studies Journal: The First Amendment Issue [full text, .pdf, 126 pages]
Volume 14, Number 3 (Fall 2000)
http://www.freedomforum.org/publications/msj/msj.pdfAccess: History (online journal)
Volume 3, Issue 1
http://www.uq.edu.au/access_history/three_one.htmlAfrican Studies Quarterly [online journal}
Volume 5, Issue 1 (Winter 2001)
[Back to Contents]H-Net Job Guide
http://www.matrix.msu.edu/jobs/The Chronicle of Higher Education Job Openings
Social Science
http://jobs.chronicle.com/free/jobs/faculty/sscience/links.htmAcademic Employment Network (By State)
http://www.academploy.com/jobs.cfmAmerican College Personnel Association: ACPA Ongoing Placement Listings
http://www.acpa.nche.edu/placemnt/placemnt.htmAcademic 360.com (Update of "Jobs in Higher Education" site)
[Back to Contents]
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Columbine: Two Years Later
1. Inside Columbine -- Rocky Mountain News.com
2. "Deal Ends Some Columbine Lawsuits" -- New York Times (free registration required)
3. Report on Columbine Shooting Incident -- Jefferson County Sheriff's Department
4. "A Reader's Guide to the Columbine Report" -- Salon.com
5. "Inaction and Ineptitude" -- Denver Post.com
6. "Bullying Behaviors Among US Youth Prevalence and Association With Psychosocial Adjustment" -- Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) [.pdf, 7 pages]
7. Center for the Prevention of School Violence
April 21 marked the second anniversary of the shootings at Columbine High School where 12 students and one teacher were killed and 23 others injured. Recent events in the news suggest that the nation is far from "finding closure" for the incident. To begin with, on Friday, preliminary statements by the chairman of the Governor's Columbine Review Commission criticized law officers' tactics during the attack and said warning signs were ignored. In particular, his statement suggested that the police forces at the scene mishandled the tragedy in a couple of ways: by telling students to remain in the library where most of the victims were subsequently gunned down and by using a "perimeter approach" to the situation, instead of sending the SWAT team into the high school while the massacre was occurring. The full report is scheduled to reach the governor's desk in mid-May. The anniversary also marked the settlement of one of the many lawsuits brought by the families of the victims. The parents of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, along with two other defendants currently serving time for purchasing weapons for the two boys, agreed to pay 2.53 million dollars in damages to the families of 30 victims. Last week, a judge was asked to dismiss a case brought by the family of slain teacher Dave Sanders that holds 25 communications companies liable for the shootings because they sold products (movies, video games, etc.) that encouraged the killers' actions. A ruling is pending. Finally, on Thursday, the Jefferson County Sheriff's office belatedly released documents that some have suggested point to a mishandling of the 1998 investigation into charges that Eric Harris was making and storing pipe bombs in his home. The recent shooting in Santee, CA also suggests to many observers that the nation has yet to find the means of preventing such incidents from happening repeatedly.
Rocky Mountain News.com(1) offers in-depth coverage of the new report, current legal maneuvers in the courts, and the continuing social impact of the events on the victims' families, the Columbine community, and the nation. The New York Times(2) reports on the settlement of the lawsuit brought against the parents of Harris and Klebold by some of the victims' families. Last Spring, the Jefferson County Sheriff's department issued their report on Columbine (3). Salon.com offers an overview (4) of this voluminous report and provides hypertext links to the highlights. Reviewing a Sixty Minutes story broadcast the week of the anniversary that criticized the Jefferson County Sheriff department's actions during the incident, this Denver Post editorial (5) summarizes the criticisms of the department's actions, or lack thereof, and calls for a grand jury investigation. Last week, JAMA, the Journal of the AMA, released a study (6) examining the prevalence of bullying behavior among American youth and its impact on psychosocial behavior. The Center for the Prevention of School Violence Website (7) provides statistics and information on school violence as well as resources and contacts for developing prevention strategies. [DC]
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