ATE Central is excited to inform you about the upcoming release of the new ATE Impacts 2024-2025 book!

Your Story, Our Story may ring a bell, as the project was briefly mentioned in the Wing Luke Museum feature in the 05-07-2021 Scout Report. The project, based at the Tenement Museum in New York City, is made possible through partnerships with national museums and organizations, including the Wing Luke Museum. The storytelling initiative uplifts "personal stories of American migration and cultural identity," from reflections on family heirlooms to memories of people and places. The Explore All Stories box at the bottom of the Home page offers two ways to explore stories: by location or by object. More specific filters (e.g., category, type, or tag) are also available under the Explore tab and a search bar at the top of the page allows users to look up items of interest. In addition to browsing existing content, visitors are encouraged to share their own family immigration or migration story (under Add Your Story). Educators will also find helpful information and guides to incorporate the project into middle, high school, and college curricula (under Resources).
To see more sites chosen as the best of the year, please visit the Best of the Scout Report, or subscribe to the Scout Report to receive the next Best of edition, as well as a weekly update with a rundown of new top-quality online resources.

This website, hosted by Science & Plants for Schools (SAPS), is designed to help teachers "bring plant science alive." While the resources are organized according to the standards of the British school system, educators and enthusiasts the world over will find much to appreciate. Readers may like to scout the site by grade level, including Primary and Secondary. The Students section reveals sections devoted to plant-related Project Ideas, as well as Careers in Biology and Further Study. In addition, the SAPS Image Collection, which can be located under the library tab, provides over 200 freely downloadable photos for use in PowerPoints, worksheets, and posters. Finally, readers may link to the biology videos from the landing page. Here they will find informative videos demonstrating everything from photosynthesis to totipotency.
For more high-quality STEM resources, please visit AMSER, the Applied Math and Science Education Repository.
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Thursday, July 28, 2022
We are excited to announce the release of the ATE Impacts 2022-2023 book. Copies can be ordered online through the ATE Impacts website, and digital copies of the book can be accessed there as well. The digital copies are viewable across all devices....