
The Coldest Readings Ever

USAToday.com offers this intersting piece on the coldest temps ever recorded in the U.S. Believe it or not, only one state hasn't plummeted below zero degrees Fahrenheit...and it wasn't Florida. Check out your state's record and when and where it was recorded.

Baby it's cold outside...

At least it's pretty brutal here in Madison, Wisconsin. It's perfect weather to stay home and watch a video or DVD. If you haven't already discovered this great resource for the cinematically inclined, you're in for a treat. Rotten Tomatoes reviews films, video games and lets you know what's just been released on DVD/video.

Academic Glass Ceiling

Even though women are being awarded more PhDs than ever in the sciences the percentage of women in tenure track positions doesn't correlate. This article in the New York Times, which reports on a study done by Donna J. Nelson, a chemistry professor at the University of Oklahoma, gives an overview of the situation for women academics -- not surprisingly the situation is even bleaker for minority women.
