
Stop Motion Pro - Animation Gallery

Part of a commercial site, this gallery of computer animation shorts showcases the creative works of amateur and professional animators. Works by experienced animators provide links to their own web pages and more chances to see their work. Strongly recommended are Anthony Lucas' SBS Television Identification Clips and Nick Miniatis' animated Legos. Shorts require either Quicktime or Windows MediaPlayer.

Virtual Fishtank

An exercise in simulated life, the Virtual Fishtank allows users to create their own fish and release them into a virtual fishtank. After observing their creations surviving with, feeding on, or being eaten by their fellow fish, users may release their creations into a larger virtual tank, checking back occassionally to see how their progeny are doing. Requires Shockwave.

Moby who?!

It just may be that the great white whale will go the way of the dinosaurs, if a species of giant squid recently discovered on a Tasmanian beach has anything to say about it. Weighing in at more than five hundred pounds, with an eye eighteen inches in diameter and a beak that can cut steel cable, this variety of squid is hardly one to mess with. Ahab, be scared, be very scared.

Virtual Theremin

The Thermin was one of the world's first electronic instruments. Developed and popularized by Russian professor Lev Termen in the early years of the twentieth century, the instrument was first intended to be part of a classical orchestra, but has since been used to make film sound effects and as a background instrument by bands like Portishead. The Virtual Theremin allows users to be, or at least control, Lev Termen as he performs. The theremin was played by moving one's hand within the magnetic fields of two antennae.

Young Composers

Here you can find the output of hundreds of composers, some only nine years old, within the genres of classical, jazz, and rock music. This site allows any interested young composer to submit their own music, and to discuss that of others in discussion and chat rooms. Sound quality varies. Excellent for getting kids interested in music or simply renewing one's hope for the coming generations.
