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Chemistry -- Study and teaching -- Computer network resources


All about Chemical Bonding

Stephen Lower, a retired professor at Simon Fraser University, created this expansive and instructive website as a supplement to formal chemistry education for undergraduate students. Visitors will find in-depth descriptions along with several diagrams dealing with chemical bonding issues including their properties, shared-electron covalent bonds, hybrid orbitals, coordination complexes, and...
Chem1 Virtual Textbook

Chemistry serves as a fundamental discipline for those who will go on to careers in everything from medicine to nutrition and it is important for students of this science to have a wide range of resources at their disposal. One rather useful online resource is this virtual textbook for general chemistry created and updated by Professor Stephen Lower of Simon Fraser University. Visitors to the site...
Chemical Calculations

This site contains many chemistry applets created by Jonathan Goodman and his group at Cambridge University. An example of an applet available is the Molecular Weight Calculation; whereby entering in a molecular formula, users are able to discover the HRMS weight, the molecular weight, the element percents, and the Molecular Ion Isotope Pattern. Interactive graphs are also available to assist...
Chemical Reactivity Worksheet

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) Office of Response and Restoration has created the Chemical Reactivity Worksheet to help teachers, students, and the general public learn about the chemical reactivity of thousands of common hazardous chemicals. After downloading a free program, visitors will find that the datasheets contain information about the hazards of a number of...
Chemistry PowerPoint Lessons and Instructional Materials

Before becoming an author, Jeremy Schneider was a chemistry teacher. Over the past several years he has placed a number of helpful instructional resources here on his site. These particular resources cover atomic structure, quantum mechanics, atomic size, bonding, and several dozen additional topics. Visitors can browse through these resources at their leisure and each topic area includes a brief...

From reactions to the world of acids and bases, the study of chemistry can present certain unique challenges to all types of students. Fortunately, there are helpful sites like ChemTutor. As their site mentions, ChemTutor "begins with the fundamentals and gives expert help with the most difficult phases of understanding your first course in chemistry." The site's layout is quite straightforward,...

Created by a team of educational specialists at Northwestern University, DVAction is a resource for chemistry laboratory instructors.The funding for this fine trove was provided by the Committee for Institutional Cooperation's Learning Technologies Initiative. Visitors can use the five headings on the left-hand side of the page to look through Categories, Equipment, Chemicals, and Titles. Looking...
Interactive Teaching Units: Green Chemistry

As more and more organizations go "green", it makes sense that a number of educational institutions are participating as well. One such institution is the University of Glasgow which has developed this series of "green" chemistry teaching exercises known as Interactive Teaching units (ITUs). Currently, the site contains four ITU's, including "The Age of Refrigeration", "Titanium and the Titanium...
Learn Chemistry: Higher Education Resources

What's the best way to teach chemistry? Some teachers may wish to start with this site, created by the Royal Society of Chemistry. The materials are divided into sections that include Teaching and Learning Chemistry and Teaching and Learning Methods. The bulk of the hands-on classroom materials are located in the Resources area. Activities include "Design Your Own Fireworks Show!" and "Sewage...
Molecular Workbench

Created by the Concord Consortium, the Molecular Workbench is "a modeling tool for designing and conducting computational experiments across science." First-time visitors can check out one of the Featured Simulations to get started. The homepage contains a number of curriculum modules which deal with chemical bonding, semiconductors, and diffusion. Visitors can learn how to create their own...
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