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Astronomy -- Observations -- Databases


Clear Sky Chart

For North American stargazing fans, the Clear Sky Chart offers a helpful series of charts that provide up-to-date forecasts of over 1,400 observatories in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and the Bahamas. These charts are based on data released by the Canadian Meteorological Center (CMC) and a model originally designed by CMC meteorologist Allan Rahill. The site is currently maintained by...
Deep Sky Search: Deep Sky Database

"This site is a tool for amateur astronomers who love to pursue deep sky objects. It employs a web-based version of the Saguaro Astronomy Club's database (ver 7.2), consisting of over 10,000 records. This online version of the SAC database allows amateur astronomers to compile detailed and customized observing lists," says the text on the Deep Sky Database homepage maintained by members of the...
International Planetarium Society: Planetaria Around the World

The International Planetarium Society (IPS) is the largest organization of planetarians on the planet, boasting members from every continent. The IPS Planetaria Around the World page is an extensive listing of professional planetariums worldwide. The listing is divided by geographic region, covering Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, the Middle East (not currently available), North America, and...
IUE: International Ultraviolet Explorer

The IUE (International Ultraviolet Explorer) Archive Search provides access to data for over 107,000 images collected by the IUE from 1978 through 1996. The data for this database is provided by the Space Telescope Science Institute, which operates the Hubble Space Telescope. Obtaining data from the Catalogue is a four step process. First, users search the IUE Catalog to find the desired object...
SuperCOSMOS Sky Surveys

Part of the Institute for Astronomy at the University of Edinburgh, the Wide-Field Astronomy Unit maintains the SuperCosmos Sky Surveys Web site. The SuperCosmos is an advanced photographic plate-digitizing machine that produces data derived from the scans of photographic Schmidt survey plates. Visitors can "extract images (pixel data) up to 15 arcmin across and/or object catalogues covering up to...
US National Virtual Observatory

While obtaining astronomical data can be an expensive endeavor, locating this data online can be a time-consuming task. Fortunately, the US National Virtual Observatory's website makes that process much simpler. The Observatory and the website are funded the National Science Foundation's Information Technology Research Program, and seventeen astronomy and computer science organizations in the US...