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FiveThirtyEight began in 2008 as an independent polling aggregation website. Founded by now-famous statistical analyst, Nate Silver, the site published articles accurately predicting several election cycles. The New York Times bought FiveThirtyEight in 2010 and sold it to ESPN in early 2014. These days readers can expect a punchy online magazine that dissects sports, politics, economics, science,...
NOVA: Prediction by the Numbers

In an era of "big data" and machine learning, statistical predictions are playing an increasingly large role in many facets of our lives - from politics to medicine, to weather forecasts. How do people use statistics to make predictions and how much can we trust these predictions? This recent episode of PBS's NOVA series, which aired on February 28, 2018, explores the history of statistics and...

From politics to sports to market research to just about every conceivable business venture, the ability to accurately - or even semi-accurately - predict the future comes with profound benefits. It is no surprise, then, that economist David M. Rothschild's PredictWise has become so popular among pundits of all kinds. Using peer-reviewed prediction and sentiment models, Rothschild accurately...

From politics to sports to market research to just about every conceivable business venture, the ability to accurately - or even semi-accurately - predict the future comes with profound benefits. It is no surprise, then, that economist David M. Rothschild's PredictWise has become so popular among pundits of all kinds. Using peer-reviewed prediction and sentiment models, Rothschild accurately...
The Global Technology Revolution: Bio/Nano/Materials Trends and Their Synergies with Information Technology by 2015

This report, written by RAND for the National Intelligence Council, examines the implications of the revolutions in biotechnology and information technology and the challenges and questions likely to be raised in these fields between now and 2015. The report is offered in both .html and .pdf formats.