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Science -- Philosophy


Baruch S. Blumberg Digital Exhibit

Baruch S. Blumberg was a physician and geneticist most well known for identifying the Hepatitis B virus and for creating a vaccine. The American Philosophical Society (APS) recently created this online exhibit about Blumberg that was "designed to highlight the influence of the philosophy of science that coursed through his scientific career." This exhibit features a number of primary documents...
Intelligent Designs on Evolution

Recently, many interested parties have taken up the debate surrounding intelligent design and the teaching of evolution in public schools. While it can be hard to sort through the vast debates surrounding these issues, the good people at American Radio Works have created this thoughtful and introspective website that explores some of the issues surrounding this important topic. Under the careful...

The philosophy of science concerns itself with fundamental questions related to science, such as what is - and is not - science, the reliability of scientific theories, and the purpose of the scientific enterprise. The PhilSci-Archive archive, hosted by the University Library System of the University of Pittsburgh, is an electronic collection devoted to the rapid dissemination of contemporary...
Sift Podcast

Fans of Science Friday or RadioLab who are looking for a new science podcast will want to check out Sift, a podcast researched, produced, and edited by physics and chemistry teacher, Bishop Sand. Released monthly, Sift explores topics related to physics, neuroscience, biology, philosophy, and more. Visitors to this website can search for past episodes by topics including Learning, Origins of Life,...