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Science -- Congresses


New York Academy of Sciences

Started in 1817, the New York Academy of Sciences works to bring together a broad range of scientists with the hope that they will "advance the understanding of science, technology, and medicine, and to stimulate new ways to think about how their research is applied in society and the world." First-time visitors to the site will want to begin by perusing the "Academy Spotlight" site which offers...
Science Communication in the New Reality: How to Organise Science Festivals after the Coronavirus Pandemic?

The pandemic has prompted questions about the role and value of science festivals (referred to as conferences in the U.S.) and how to make them effective, engaging, and safe. This publication discusses the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on science festivals and the future of science communication. Each section is written by a science festival leader or organizer, exploring topics such as whether...
The Eastern Analytical Symposium and Exposition

"The Eastern Analytical Symposium and Exposition is held each year to provide professional scientists and students continuing education in the analytical and allied sciences through the presentation of symposia of papers, workshops, and short courses." The website features exhibitor information including booth space, important deadlines, poster guidelines, and financial procedures. Users can view...