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Chemistry -- Study and teaching -- Activity programs.



From reactions to the world of acids and bases, the study of chemistry can present certain unique challenges to all types of students. Fortunately, there are helpful sites like ChemTutor. As their site mentions, ChemTutor "begins with the fundamentals and gives expert help with the most difficult phases of understanding your first course in chemistry." The site's layout is quite straightforward,...
General Chemistry I Digital Lecture Material

Dr. Mark Ott, a professor at Jackson Community College in Wyoming, has created a set of compelling screencasts and accompanying audio tracks that are designed to complement his general chemistry lectures. Visitors can look over these materials at their leisure, and they will find very well-thought out lessons that cover such topics as unit conversion, molecular formulae, balancing chemical...
Interactive Teaching Units: Green Chemistry

As more and more organizations go "green", it makes sense that a number of educational institutions are participating as well. One such institution is the University of Glasgow which has developed this series of "green" chemistry teaching exercises known as Interactive Teaching units (ITUs). Currently, the site contains four ITU's, including "The Age of Refrigeration", "Titanium and the Titanium...
Learn Chemistry: Higher Education Resources

What's the best way to teach chemistry? Some teachers may wish to start with this site, created by the Royal Society of Chemistry. The materials are divided into sections that include Teaching and Learning Chemistry and Teaching and Learning Methods. The bulk of the hands-on classroom materials are located in the Resources area. Activities include "Design Your Own Fireworks Show!" and "Sewage...
The Accidental Scientist: Cooking

Another great Web site from the Exploratorium in San Francisco (last mentioned in the August 16, 2002 NSDL MET Report), The Accidental Scientist: Cooking is the first in a series of "Web-based projects focusing on the science behind everyday life." Offering a mind-boggling array of food-related information and activities, foodies and science-lovers alike should find this Web site extremely...
The Catalyst

The Catalyst is a Web site dedicated to providing online chemistry resources for the secondary education teacher. The resource links page contains dozens of links organized by subject such as organic chemistry, periodic tables, history of chemistry, experiments, teaching, and supplies. Other highlights of the site include a teacher's forum, links to other high school chemistry pages, a question...
The Periodic Table of Comic Books

Maintained by F. James Holler and John P. Selegue of the University of Kentucky's Department of Chemistry, the Periodic Table of Comic Books (yes, comic books) provides a undeniably fun way to learn about the elements. Clicking on periodic table elements brings up a page of comic book issues that involve that particular element. For example, clicking H for hydrogen brings up eight links to comic...
Top 20 Activities in Chemistry

At this website, Quia furnishes 20 interactive activities to educate students about chemistry. Students can play matching, word, and concentration games to learn the names and formulas of binary ionic compounds, element symbols, common names of chemicals, and other basic chemistry concepts. The website also offers a quiz about chemical bonds, a chemistry Jeopardy game, a Battleship game about...
University of Minnesota Chemistry Outreach

At this website, the University of Minnesota supplies numerous chemistry experiments. The activities are divided into two categories: demos and recipe cards. The demonstrations, which usually require a chemistry lab setting and chemistry supplies, are helpful for chemistry teachers in a classroom environment. The recipe cards, however, can usually be easily performed in the home. For example,...