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Mathematics -- Study and teaching (Continuing education)


Adults Learning Mathematics

The Adults Learning Mathematics (ALM) organization is "an international research forum bringing together researchers and practitioners in adult mathematics/numeracy teaching and learning in order to promote the learning of mathematics by adults." The site contains sections such as "For teachers", "For PhD students", and "For policy makers". The "For teachers" area includes links to the ALM...

Professor David Bressoud teaches at Macalester College in St. Paul, Minnesota and he is a former president of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA). It is fitting that he writes a monthly column for the MAA and given his own research interests, it is appropriate that it deals with studies of mathematics pedagogy and related subjects. Visitors can look through each month's column and they...
Plus Magazine

The mission of Plus magazine is elegant and wonderful: "to introduce readers to the beauty and the practical applications of mathematics." The magazine offers up a hearty dose of articles and podcasts on a diverse set of topics including algebra, geometry, mathematics in sports, and so on. The website has a number of fun features, including Dark Energy Say Cheese! and a fun sudoku-esque puzzle,...
The Freudenthal Institute

The Freudenthal Institute is part of Utrecht University in the Netherlands and conducts research on math education. The goals are "to understand and improve the teaching of arithmetic and mathematics at all levels, but particularly in kindergarten, primary, secondary and vocational education." The Freudenthal Institute has developed a theoretical approach known as Realistic Mathematics Education,...
Trillia Group: Basic Concepts of Mathematics

Math students will find this online textbook to be a valuable study aid to complement their lecture notes and standard class text. It is intended to help students, especially those majoring in mathematics, make the transition from standard math classes to more rigorous, advanced topics and abstract theory. Spanning over 200 pages, the text covers "basic set theory, induction, quantifiers,...