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CDC: Environmental Health Services

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has developed this website to promulgate the diverse set of materials that have been created in order to inform the general public about environmental health. As the statement on the main page notes: "Environmental Health at CDC strives to promote health and quality of life by preventing or controlling those diseases or deaths that result from interactions between people and their environment." These main thematic topics include such areas as food safety, extreme cold, hydrocarbons, lead poisoning, mold, and carbon monoxide. Clicking on each of these areas will take users to a host of other materials, most frequently recent research reports, policy statements, and news releases related to each of these particular vexing areas. The Featured Items area of the homepage offers details about upcoming events and recently released reports, such as the National Asbestos Review, the Second National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals, and links to conference websites, such as the upcoming Environmental Public Health Tracking Conference in Philadelphia.
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Scout Publication
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Date of Scout Publication
January 30th, 2004
Date Of Record Creation
January 29th, 2004 at 2:40pm
Date Of Record Release
January 29th, 2004 at 2:40pm
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