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Conversations on the Constitution

Perhaps the United States might be a better place if at the dinner table one interested party might ask the question, "Hey Mom, can we talk about the establishment clause tonight?" Until such topics spontaneously arrive in a pre-prandial setting like the one just mentioned, there will still be great interest in this lovely website created by the American Bar Association. As its mission statement declares, "This project is designed to further dialogue in schools and in the workplace about American constitutional principles and values." Within the site, visitors can peruse a list of topics, such as war powers, the establishment of religion, and cruel and unusual punishment. Each area has a brief overview of each topic, and then three "starter" questions. These starter questions feature a list of specific queries, accompanied by brief illustrations (such as political cartoons and the like) that can be used at the dinner table, the boardroom table, or just about any table. Finally, interested parties can also take a few interactive tests on such areas as Supreme Court rulings and students' rights in the classroom.
Alternate Title
ABA Constitution Day
Scout Publication
Required Software
Date of Scout Publication
October 13th, 2006
Date Of Record Creation
October 13th, 2006 at 9:27am
Date Of Record Release
October 13th, 2006 at 3:18pm
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