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Code of conduct proposed for blogs

Bloggers disinclined toward suggestion of Net civility Bloggers code of conduct Blog 100 BuzzMachine Electronic Frontier Foundation: Legal Guide for Bloggers Internet Scout Project Weblog The modern blog evolved from the online diary, and reasonable estimates of the number of blogs approximate that there are over 60 million blogs. While most of the discourse and commentary on blogs remains civil, there have been a number of recent events that have caused some to wonder whether there should be an official blogging code of conduct. This past Sunday, Tim O'Reilly who is both a conference promoter and a primary figure in the Web 2.0 world posted some initial suggestions for just such a code. Of course, shortly after O'Reilly posted these suggestions, there was a veritable snowstorm of responses posted within the blogosphere, some of which were quite vitriolic, and others which were a bit more detached, but still upset. Jeff Jarvis, a professor at City University (and an active blogger), responded after hearing about this proposal by stating "I'm rather resentful of someone who has the temerity to tell me how they think I should behave." Some of O'Reilly's initial suggestions included banning anonymous comments, and he also called on bloggers to not post material that harasses others or is knowingly false. Not surprisingly, O'Reilly's own blog was quickly filled with a variety of comments, including one user who quoted Benjamin Franklin and another who referenced the Council of Nicea and its attempt to reform the Christian church in the 4th century. The first link will take visitors to an insightful piece about this proposed code of conduct offered in this Tuesday's online edition of the Scotsman. On a related note, the second link leads to a fine piece by the San Francisco Chronicle's Verne Kopytoff on the reaction of bloggers to this proposed code. The third link whisks users away to the proposed code of conduct, which is referenced as a "starting point for discussion" on the whole matter. Given the sheer number of blogs, the fourth link will be most welcome. It is a listing of the top 100 blogs as determined by CNET, complete with a smattering of recent posts. The fifth link leads to the very compelling blog of Jeff Jarvis, who is the director of the interactive journalism program at the City University of New York's Graduate School of Journalism. The sixth link is definitely worth a visit, as it contains a number of helpful sections on the legal liability of bloggers, and a FAQ on both intellectual property and defamation. Finally, the last link leads to our very own blog here at the Internet Scout Project.
Alternate Title
Web pioneers say code of conduct needed to clean up manners online
Scout Publication
Date of Scout Publication
April 13th, 2007
Date Of Record Creation
April 13th, 2007 at 9:00am
Date Of Record Release
April 14th, 2007 at 3:00am
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