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While probably most helpful for consumer-related Web use, this new free application does offer some interesting possibilities for researchers and power-users. With Zapper, users can instantly access related online information for a user-selected term or terms in any document, Webpage, or almost any desktop application. For instance, if a user receives an email that mentions a particular book or movie or current event news story, selecting that term and launching Zapper will then allow the user to search for related sites within personalized categories and subcategories (Zaplets), such as Reference>Thesaurus or Shopping>Books, and then to open a browser window with the results. Users can also launch Zapper and simply type in a term in the search field. Zapper also features IntelliZap, which uses the context surrounding a search term to return more relevant results. This proved especially helpful for us when selecting terms within news stories. For instance, an IntelliZap search for "United Nations" in a story on Sierra Leone returned hits that concerned the UN Mission in Sierra Leone. After downloading (free registration required) Zapper, users can expand its capabilities by adding available Zaplets or Zap Packs (collections of related Zaplets), or creating their own. In all, an interesting new technology that certainly deserves "a spin around the block" by Windows users.
Archived Scout Publication URL
Scout Publication
Date of Scout Publication
June 9th, 2000
Date Of Record Creation
April 7th, 2003 at 1:54pm
Date Of Record Release
April 7th, 2003 at 1:54pm
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