March 22, 1996
A Publication of Internet Scout
Provided by the InterNIC as a Service to the Internet Community
The Scout Report is a weekly publication offering a selection of new and newly discovered Internet resources of interest to researchers and educators, the InterNIC's primary audience. However, everyone is welcome to subscribe to one of the mailing lists (plain text or HTML) or visit the Web version of the Scout Report. Subscription instructions are included at the end of each report.
![In This Issue:](/sites/default/files/imported/Reports/ScoutReport/graphics/InThisIssue.gif)
Research and Education
- Bible Browser--University of Chicago
- Comet Hyakutake
- Population Estimates--Updates
- MILCERT--Military Teacher Certification Project
- EE-Link Web Site--Environmental Education
- Black Film Center Archives--Indiana University
- Theory of International Relations Discussion List
General Interest
- New Scientist--Planet Science
- CricInfo--Complete World Cup Cricket Results
- Senior*Com
- Fair Play Magazine--JFK Assassination
- Yahooligans--The Web Guide for Kids
- U/Laff
Network Tools
![Research & Education](/sites/default/files/imported/Reports/ScoutReport/graphics/Research.gif)
Bible Browser--University of Chicago
The Bible Browser, provided by Richard Goerwitz of the University of Chicago, is a powerful search tool that lets you search passages, words, or word parts of any of three (in basic mode) or eight (in advanced mode) bibles. Each mode will search a Latin as well as English bibles. Phrase and Boolean searching is supported. Exhaustive help files are provided for basic, advanced, and pBible (direct queries to the search retrieval daemon that underlies the entire searching system) searching. One of the highlights of this site is that it allows you to see selected passages in multiple bibles, set up as table output. The Bible Browser is supported by the Afroasiatic Index Project and the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago.
Basic Search:
Advanced Search:
Bible Browser User's Guide:
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Comet Hyakutake
Two excellent Web sources for following Comet Hyakutake as it approaches Earth are NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) JPL's (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) Hyakutake Home Page, and "Night of the Comet," sponsored by NASA's Ames Research Service, K-12 Internet Initiative, and SOFIA (Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy). The comet is expected to close to within 9.3 million miles of Earth on March 25, 1996. The JPL's page offers news articles from various sources, over 200 images, orbital information, viewing hints and tips, and links to other Hyakutake pages. "Night of the Comet" is "a virtual star party devoted to the appearance of Comet Hyakutake," which will take place on the night of March 25-26. This page features a call for photographs of the comet from all over the world, which will be uploaded to the site. An "Activities Link" connects to information about the comet, as well as suggested school activities connected to it. The "Ask an Expert" section provides a chat room, as well as an interactive question and answer page.
JPL Hyakutake Home Page:>
"Night of the Comet":
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Population Estimates--Updates
The U.S. Census Bureau has recently updated national, state and county population estimates through 1995. The national data consists of constantly updated monthly time series. State and county population estimates are now available in various components and datings from 1900-1995. State and county estimates were done in conjunction with the Federal-State Cooperative Program for Population Estimates (FSCPE). One excellent source of international population estimates is the FAO Population database, discussed in last week's Scout Report. Another is the United Nations Population Information Network (POPIN) gopher. It contains 1994 population estimates for most of the countries in the world, as well as other files on world population growth, milestones, South to North migration flows, and child mortality estimates, among others.
U.S. Census updates:
UN POPIN Gopher: gopher://
gopher to:
select: Other United Nations & Related Gophers/UN Population Info.Network/ World Demographic Trends
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MILCERT--Military Teacher Certification Project
The Military Teacher Certification Project (MILCERT), a joint effort of Clemson University (South Carolina) and the U.S. Dept. of Labor, aims "to serve separating members of the U.S. Armed Forces who are interested in beginning a second career as public school teachers in South Carolina. ... The selected participants will complete requirements for a Bachelor's degree or certification with coursework at Clemson University during a 12-20 month period ending in August of each year. Participants will receive their teaching certification and, if applicable, their bachelor's degree after successful completion of a one-year, paid, full-time internship in a South Carolina school following their coursework at Clemson. Permanent placement assistance will be provided within the South Carolina or other public school system after successfully completing the internship program. The program is also open to those military members who already possess a bachelors or higher degree." Further information about the MILCERT program, along with preliminary application materials, are available on the MILCERT home page.
[Note: Resource(s)/URL(s) mentioned above is no longer available.]
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EE-Link Web Site--Environmental Education
EE-Link, Environmental Education on the Internet, is available via the Web. A product of the National Consortium for Environmental Education and Training (NCEET), it is a resource designed to support "students, teachers and professionals that support K-12 environmental education, such as media specialists, inservice providers, nature center staff and curriculum developers." The site contains Internet environmental based school projects, classroom activities including many lesson plans, environmental facts and data from many sources, curriculum directory guides, organization and audio visual catalogs, software, conference and workshop announcements, higher education links, facts, grants, literature pointers, regional information, and pointers to other environmental sites. The EE-Link Web site is an enhancement to the already existing EE-Link gopher.
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Black Film Center Archives--Indiana University
The Black Film Center Archive (BFC/A) of Indiana University "is a repository of films and related materials by and about African Americans." Its holdings list of over 700 films and video cassettes, as well as archival photographs, is available. It also provides information about its "Black Camera" newsletter, as well as contact information, a collections use policy, and pointers to other film sites of interest.
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Theory of International Relations Discussion List
The Theory of International Relations List is a moderated, manually distributed list for the scholarly discussion of ideas and issues directly related to International Relations (IR) theory and its research, as well as communicating with others involved or interested in IR theory and its research.
In the body of the message type:
SUBSCRIBE IRTHEORY yourfirstname yourlastname
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New Scientist--Planet Science
New Scientist Magazine, a British weekly "news magazine devoted to science and technology and their impact on the world and the way we live," has set up Planet Science on the Web. It includes "This Week," with selected stories from the current issue of New Scientist; "Daily News," with a site of the day and "What happened in science this day?"; "Science City," with annotated pointers to science sites; "No Limit," a collaborative projects section which presently features a project on fear, as well as a "modern problems in science" section in which three improvisational comedians "prove" ridiculous scientific hypotheses; selected reviews of best selling science books; "Strange Ways," with answers to such questions as why snow piles up and hail doesn't; and "Appointments," a searchable database of science, technology, and academic position openings (mostly in the U.K.). Planet Science requires registration, but the site is free.
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CricInfo--Complete World Cup Cricket Results
A complete wrap up of the recently completed sixth World Cup of Cricket, won by Sri Lanka, is available from CricInfo, one of the best sports sites on the Net. For millions of cricket fans the quadrennial World Cup is every bit as important as soccer's World Cup. CricInfo's World Cup pages include the 1996 schedule, summary of results, points table, selected news and articles, scorecards, individual player profiles, and grounds descriptions. Also provided are archives and statistics from past World Cups. Cricket is probably more complex than baseball. CricInfo has provided an exhaustive explanation of the game for newcomers.
World Cup wrap up:
CricInfo home page:
Explanation of cricket: Click on the hypertext "cricket" link in the "Welcome to CricInfo" sentence on the CricInfo home page.
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Senior*Com is a virtual "town square" of information for and about seniors. It offers pointers to travel sites; "Prime Lifestyles," a large nationwide searchable database of senior housing communities; health and wellness pointers; online shopping as well as free offers and promotions; "Gus's NewsStand," with pointers to newspapers, news services newsletters, magazines, and books; and government and non-profit pointers. Nine chat forums are presently available, on topics ranging from the "Century Club" and "Grandparenting" to "What's New on the Internet?", as well as a general chat room. The entire site is searchable.
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Fair Play Magazine--JFK Assassination
Fair Play Magazine is devoted almost entirely to the JFK assassination. The present issue contains a lengthy article about the latest documents released by the Assassination Records Review Board; a conversation with one of the attending surgeons at Parkland Hospital; an analysis of an alleged taped conversation between Lee Harvey Oswald and the Soviet Embassy in Mexico City in late September or early October 1963; a transcript of excerpts from Lee Harvey Oswald's diary as it appeared in Volume 16 of the Warren Commission Report; and a reprint of a November 1966 Ramparts Magazine article, among others. Fair Play now offers its complete archive, as well as links to other JFK assassination Internet sites.
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Yahooligans--The Web Guide for Kids
Yahoo has launched Yahooligans, a searchable and browsable index of the Internet designed specifically for 8 to 14 year olds. At present the main categories are "Around the World," "Art Soup," "Computers and Games Online," "Entertainment," "School Bell," "Science and Oddities," "Sports and Recreation," and "The Scoop." The site works much like the main Yahoo index, but for those of you who may not be familiar, both product and searching help are available under "Info."
Text only:
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U/Laff produced one of the producers of PBS/Disney's "Bill Nye the Science Guy," features "Top 11" lists on various topics, "U/Write It," where you are encouraged to add humorous captions to comics, and a very large page of comedy links.
[Note: When last checked by the Internet Scout team, this site URL was no longer available.]
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c|net has launched It allows you to search over 250 engines, listed by subject areas from arts to Web. Each subject area presents a list of search forms, along with very brief annotations and "search tips." While there is no way to do a multiple engine search with a single command, the organization of allows the user to determine which engines might be appropriate. also allows you to set up a "personal" search page, based on subjects and searching engines chosen. Searching help is also provided, as is a "meta-search" to find useful engines before starting a search.
For more information on c|net: The Computer Network, see the Scout Toolkit.
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Accent Multilingual Mosaic
Accent Software offers Multilingual Mosaic, a browser for Windows that allows viewing of foreign language pages. Languages presently supported include Russian, Greek, Japanese, Arabic, and Hebrew. Most language fonts are included with the browser, but you must download the Japanese language font separately. When you look at a foreign language page, its language should appear in the browser automatically. However, if it doesn't, with a click of the mouse you can select it. Multilingual Mosaic is part of a suite of programs that include a multilingual HTML editor, a multilingual email program helper application to send and receive mail in foreign languages, and a multilingual viewer to view the email or HTML markup. This is a commercial package, but evaluation copies are available for a short time at Accent's Web site.
Note! This is viewing, not translating software.
Multilingual Mosaic:
Accent home page:
After you have downloaded Multilingual Mosaic, a good place to find pages to test it is the W3C list of servers around the world:
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Scout Report and Scout Report HTML Subscription Instructions
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Copyright Susan Calcari, 1996. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of the Scout Report provided the copyright notice and this paragraph is preserved on all copies. The InterNIC provides information about the Internet to the US research and education community under a cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation: NCR-9218742. The Government has certain rights in this material.
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Wisconsin - Madison, the National Science Foundation, AT&T, or Network Solutions, Inc.
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