May 17, 1996
A Publication of Internet Scout
Computer Science Department, University of Wisconsin
A Project of the InterNIC
The Scout Report is a weekly publication offering a selection of new and newly discovered Internet resources of interest to researchers and educators, the InterNIC's primary audience. However, everyone is welcome to subscribe to one of the mailing lists (plain text or HTML) or visit the Web version of the Scout Report. Subscription instructions are included at the end of each report.
![In This Issue:](/sites/default/files/imported/Reports/ScoutReport/graphics/InThisIssue.gif)
Research and Education
- New USDA Publications
- Women's Studies Pages
- Neuroscience-Net -- electronic journal
- The Trauma Information Pages
- Population Studies Resources
- Great Books Home Page
- Roman Sites Mailing List
General Interest
- 1996 South African Constitution
- Global Health Network
- Outside Online
- Mt. Everest Sites from NBC and PBS
- Alfred Hitchock -- The Master of Suspense
- The Indy 500 Live on the 'Net
Network Tools
![Research & Education](/sites/default/files/imported/Reports/ScoutReport/graphics/Research.gif)
New USDA Publications
USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) has recently released three full text publications on the Internet. The first, "Provisions of the 1996 Farm Bill," is an ERS (Economic Research Service) supplement to its monthly Agricultural Outlook series. It discusses the new Federal Agriculture Improvement and Reform Act of 1996 in detail, provides a glossary of agricultural policy terms, and gives a detailed comparison of the 1996 and 1990 farm acts. _Agricultural Fact Book 1996_ is provided by the USDA Office of Communications. It offers basic facts about many aspects of U.S. agriculture, including the U.S. farm sector, the structure of U.S. agriculture, and rural America. It contains short entries and brief statistical breakdowns, and is meant to be used as a ready reference tool for journalists, librarians, farm special interest groups, and the general public. _Agricultural Statistics 1995-96_ is the latest volume in the _Agricultural Statistics_ series that was discussed in the Dec. 8, 1995 Scout Report. It is a detailed compilation of statistical charts and tables covering all aspects of the U.S. agricultural economy. Many of the tables have been updated through 1995, and this edition is available for downloading chapter by chapter for those with slower connections. All three publications are available only in Adobe Acrobat .pdf format. Pointers to the Adobe Acrobat download site are available from each publication.
Agricultural Outlook Special April 1996 Supplement on the 1996 FAIR Act:
_Agricultural Fact Book 1996_:
_Agricultural Statistics 1995-96_:
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Women's Studies Pages
The University of Maryland Baltimore County maintains two very useful pages of women's studies pointers. One offers an alphabetical list of over 100 selected women's and gender related sites of all types. To make the list easier to navigate, it has also been divided by topic, including activism, arts and humanities, health, international, net info, science/technology, and sexuality, as well as a separate list pointing to over 40 national and international university women's studies programs and research centers. The second page provides an annotated collection of over 200 women's issues and gender studies email lists. Again, the collection is presented both alphabetically and by topic, including the topics above plus religion/spirituality lists, social science lists, women of color lists, and womens studies lists. Both pages are excellent sources of women's studies information on the Internet, and the email list page is one of the more comprehensive pages available.
Women's Studies WWW Pages and gophers:
Gender Related Electronic Forums:
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Neuroscience-Net -- electronic journal
"Neuroscience-Net," published by Scientific Design and Information, Inc., is a general interest neuroscience journal published only in electronic format. Articles pertaining to all aspects of neuroscience, whether they are basic neurobiology or clinical in nature, are welcome. This is a peer reviewed journal that guarantees timely publication -- two week turnaround from acceptance to publication. It has section editors for five subjects: anatomy, psychiatry, pharmacology, molecular biology, and physiology. At present there is one article available in the anatomy section. It is important to read sections titled Instructions to Contributors and About, in order to understand how the site works and how to electronically submit articles. "Neuroscience-Net" is free to read, but there is a fee for submittal of accepted articles.
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The Trauma Information Pages
The Trauma Information Pages, provided by psychologist David Baldwin, provide information about traumatic stress for clinicians and researchers in the field. The pages include information on trauma symptoms, connections to trauma resources including full text articles and an EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) bibliography, general support information including grief, stress, and mental health pointers, disaster handouts and links, and links to other trauma and trauma related sites. The Trauma Pages are searchable, and are available on three Web sites.
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Population Studies Resources
Two excellent bibliographic resources for population studies are the "Population Index" from the Office of Population Research at Princeton University, and "Population Organizations: Finder's Guide" from the Center for Demography and Ecology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. "Population Index" is a quarterly publication that has been available since 1935. It "covers all fields of interest to demographers, including fertility, mortality, population size and growth, migration, nuptiality and the family, research methodology, projections and predictions, historical demography, and demographic and economic interrelations. Input is derived from original publications including monographs, journal articles, other serial publications, working papers, doctoral dissertations, machine-readable data files, and relevant acquisitions lists and bibliographies." About 3,500 citations are produced annually. Full text for the Index is available at the "Population Index" Web site for 1986-present (Vol. 52-present). Indexes can be searched by author, subject matter, geographical region, or publication year. There is now an experimental free text search capability for the 1994-present issues. "Population Organizations: Finder's Guide" is a no frills "practical tool for population professionals who need a single source for the quick location of organizations that publish and distribute or post population or family planning documents." It contains hundreds of citations, providing organization addresses, phone and FAX numbers, and Internet addresses when available. The Guide is updated every six months and is maintained by Ruth Sandor, Director of the Library of the Center for Demography and Ecology.
"Population Index":
Office of Population Research, Princeton University:
"Population Organizations: Finder's Guide":
gopher to:
select: CDE Gopher / Population Organizations: Finder's Guide
Center for Demography and Ecology, University of Wisconsin-Madison:
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Great Books Home Page
Malaspina University College, located in Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada, presents the Great Books home page, as part of its World Lecture Hall Study Center. The books and authors are arranged chronologically by author, in seven major categories from Antiquity to Modern. The author list is taken largely, but not exclusively, from Mortimer Adler and Charles Van Doren's recommended reading list from _How to Read a Book_. Each author listing contains some or all of the following: author information, available copies of the full text or bibliographies, relevant lectures from Malaspina, and relevant links. Nearly 150 authors, from Aeschylus to Wordsworth, and several hundred works can be found. The power of this site is in its provision of an historical context and supplementary information for each author, in addition to pointers to the full text works. There are also rudimentary sections on great art, theatre, music, and science.
Less graphical:
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Roman Sites Mailing List
RomanSites-L is an open, distribution-only list for those interested in locating Web and Internet resources in the field of Roman antiquity: including Roman art, architecture, coins and economics, history, religion, science and technology, Latin texts and related bibliographical resources. Traffic is about one 20K Posting every 5 days, usually covering about 15 new sites, almost none of which can be found at the key Roman Websites such as ROMARCH, Classics and Mediterranean Antiquity, etc. The content of each site is indexed, sometimes extensively. For a sample, see the site listed below. New subscribers are sent the complete archives of past postings, in about 25 e-mail messages totaling 300K. Many of the Web sites in the archives are still unlinked elsewhere. These archives themselves will soon be placed on a Web site. A French-language option is also available: info in welcome message. Une option francaise est disponible: lors de votre abonnement a RomanSites-L, votre message d'accueil vous indiquera le procede.*/home.html
[Note: Originally reviewed as a mailing list; mailing list has been replaced by web site.]
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1996 South African Constitution
Full text of the new South African Constitution, adopted by the Constitutional Assembly on May 8, 1996, and the full text of President Nelson Mandela's address to the Constitutional Assembly upon its adoption, are available via the Web. The constitution is available as a single file, and as plain text, WordPerfect 5.1, 6.1 and Microsoft Word 6.0 .zip files. It will soon be available in sections.
Single file full text, WordPerfect 6.1 and Microsoft 6.0 .zip files:
Plain text and WordPerfect 5.1 .zip format:
Mandela's address:
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Global Health Network
The Global Health Network at the University of Pittsburgh is an "alliance of experts in health and telecommunications who are actively developing the architecture for a health information structure for the prevention of disease in the 21st century." Its Web page provides links to all aspects of health information including: international, national, regional, local and non-governmental health organizations; resources, including global health resources, public health guides, selected subject resources, medical resources, guides to and selected full text of electronic publications; specialized home pages; listings of selected meetings; health networks; available grants and position opportunities; and a listing of selected GHN publications, among others.
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Outside Online
Outside Online is one of the premier outdoors oriented sites on the Web, covering fitness, biking, hiking, water sports, snow sports, travel, and mountaineering, among others. The site contains news and views, a travel section, reviews of outdoor products, coverage of recent outdoor activities such as the 1996 Tour DuPont, the World Cup Whitewater Slalom and skiing in South America this summer, and selected full text, as well as special buyer's and family vacation guides from "Outside Magazine." The mountaineering section was covering the recent ill fated journey up Mt. Everest that cost several mountaineers, including Scott Fischer, their lives. Fischer had created a slide show of his previous successful summit bid, which is available at the site.
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Mt. Everest Sites from NBC and PBS
Two sites devoted to the events on Mount Everest during the last week, and the climbers still waiting for a chance at the summit, are provided by PBS and NBC. The PBS site, Everest Quest: Assault on the Summit, provides daily reports from the Base Camp via a satellite phone, and from Camp 3 at 24,000 feet via a radio held up to the satellite phone at Base Camp. The report dated May 16 describes the events on the mountain which lead to the rescue of Seaborn Beck Weathers, including the period he was presumed dead. The section titled Assault on the Summit explores the physiological effects of altitude on the body, and sheds some light on the factors that may have contributed to the recent deaths on Everest. Other sections explore the science, history, and Sherpa culture related to Everest, and the making of an IMAX movie during the current climb. The NBC site, Everest Assault: Summit of Dreams and Despair, includes a description of last week's climb by Sandy Hill Pittman, and a tribute to Scott Fischer, the expedition leader among the recent casualties. KidsPeak is a collaboration with the Global SchoolNet Foundation to give kids a chance to become a part of the climbs, and Digital Daily offers a daily report plus a scrapbook of photos from the mountain. There is much to see and read on both sites.
[Note: Resource(s)/URL(s) mentioned above is no longer available.]
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Alfred Hitchock -- The Master of Suspense
Alfred Hitchock, The Master of Suspense, is a topic well-covered on the Web site of the same name. Besides a biography and complete filmography with links to available Web sites for each of his movies, there is a page devoted to his "Wit and Wisdom" (memorable quotes), a listing of his trademark cameo scenes in each movie, and a collection of links to pages about his stars, collaborators, and students, which include Francois Truffaut, Mel Brooks, Brian De Palma and Quentin Tarantino. A listing of TV showings of Hitchcock's movies and shows is available each month.
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The Indy 500 Live on the 'Net
The track announcer's call of the Indianapolis 500 auto race on May 26 will be available live on the Internet on a site sponsored by the Auto Channel. In order to fully enjoy the experience, interested Internauts will need both RealAudio 2.0 and VDOlive software, as well as at least a 28.8 modem connection. Software is available for downloading from the home page. The site's race coverage also includes practice session and track-side coverage, driver interviews and information, qualification summaries, and a chat room, as well as video highlights from old Indianapolis 500 races. The Auto Channel site also offers a great deal of information about autos, including car reviews, chat rooms on many topics, reviews of other Internet sites of interest, and VDOlive and QuickTime movies. Note that the site is still a work in progress, and some of the searchable databases are not yet functioning. However, there is much useful and fun information here.
Indianapolis 500:
Auto Channel Home Page:
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MIT's Email Address Search Resource
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) offers a Usenet addresses service that allows users to search for email addresses that have been collected from Usenet postings from 1991 to 1996. The power of the site is the size of the database (over four million addresses), as well as the fact that the answer to each query is accompanied by links to local directory services that allow verification of the address. Query addresses are returned in the chronological order of the postings. Addresses only (not postings) are returned. While this service, like all email query services, does not guarantee finding a correct address, its creators have given you the tools to attempt to verify what you find. Concise, useful searching help is available from the home page.
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Web Consultants Mailing List and Web Site
The web-consultants list is for discussion of advanced topics not covered in other lists of interest to Web consultants . Mailing list archives, along with much valuable information for Web consultants, as well as anyone who is interested in setting up a Web site, can be found at the Web Consultants Association home page. The mailing list is not for advertising the services of any particular Web consultant but for providing technical, product and other information of use to all Web consultants. There is also a digest version available. Examples of relevant topics include: Web design issues, advanced technical problems, issues information about new products, software, services, books that would be of interest and help to a Web consultant, how to market, advertise, and publicize your service, sample contracts, payment issues, success stories, and horror stories.
To subscribe send email to:
In the body of the message type:
subscribe web-consultants
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Scout Report and Scout Report HTML Subscription Instructions
- To receive the electronic mail version of the Scout Report each week, join the scout-report mailing list. This is the only mail you will receive from this list.
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- To receive the Scout Report in HTML format for local viewing and posting, subscribe to the scout-report-html mailing list, used exclusively to distribute the Scout Report in HTML format once a week.
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The Scout Report's Web page:
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Copyright Susan Calcari, 1996. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of the Scout Report provided the copyright notice and this paragraph is preserved on all copies. The InterNIC provides information about the Internet to the US research and education community under a cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation: NCR-9218742. The Government has certain rights in this material.
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Wisconsin - Madison, the National Science Foundation, AT&T, or Network Solutions, Inc.
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