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Two from the Department of Energy
DOE's New Portfolio Approach To Managing Research and Development [.pdf]
DOE Research and Development Project Summaries
These two sites from the Department of Energy's Office of Scientific and Technical Information offer insight into the current and future direction of the DOE's research and development projects. The first site provides the complete R&D portfolio in a four volume set (divided into areas of energy resources, environmental quality, national security, and science) with detailed summaries of how and where the DOE will distribute its $7 billion. The Science volume, for example, contains chapters that represent large areas of research (e.g., "New Fuels, Sources and Fate of Energy Byproducts"). Each chapter includes detailed descriptions of research objectives, challenges, opportunities, activities, and accomplishments within specific scientific sub-fields. The next resource, DOE R&D Project Summaries, consists of a searchable database providing easy access to information on over 17,000 R&D projects currently ongoing within the DOE. [KR]
[Back to Contents]Online Population and Environment Linkages Service -- NCSE
The National Council for Science and the Environment (NCSE) offers this centralized resource for online "books, reports, journal articles, newspaper articles, news analysis, maps, conference papers, datasets, slide shows, organizations, regional overviews, laws, bills, and court decisions, and much more from around the world ... from the simple to the technical." Because the selection process for online materials is not limited to "academic standards," documents cover a wide area, from government reports (e.g., Congressional Research Service reports), which form the majority of the online resources, to articles by nonprofit organizations. To assist viewers in judging resources, each entry includes the type of resource, title, author, affiliation, peer review process, and abstract, along with the URL. A search function allows users to search full-text resources (by title, author, country, category/ keyword). Also at the site are subject-specific bibliographic resources, current news, and a bulletin board. [LXP]
[Back to Contents]Jet Propulsion Laboratory Technical Report Server [.pdf]
The Jet Propulsion Laboratory Technical Report Server currently contains close to 8,000 online reports. This "database of Abstracts, Citations and full text Technical Reports written by and for the scientific and technical community" is searchable by keyword, and users may scan technical report abstracts and citations by year. Related technical reports systems linked here are the NASA Technical Reports Server (described in the September 17, 1997 Scout Report) and the Telecommunications & Mission Ops Progress Report. Also included are links to other NASA centers. [KR]
[Back to Contents]Flight Mechanics Group [.avi]
Housed at the School of Biological Sciences, University of Bristol (UK), the Flight Mechanics Group is concerned with "the aerodynamics, energetics, evolution and diversity of flight in birds and bats" with a primary focus on the aerodynamics of flapping flight. Specific projects currently featured on-site are flapping flight energetics in starlings (with several interesting video clips of flight using thermographic imaging), modeling and visualization of flapping flight aerodynamics -- including several color models and animations (.avi and .gif), and Body and wing aerodynamics in birds and bats, in addition to several sections still under construction. For researchers interested in learning more about flight mechanics or for ornithology educators seeking graphical illustration of the mechanics of bird/ bat flight, this material will be a valuable learning tool. [LXP]
[Back to Contents]University of Cambridge Department Of Materials Science and Metallurgy
The University of Cambridge Department Of Materials Science and Metallurgy page offers information on current research ranging from the creation of new materials to improving existing materials. Considered "one of the leading materials science departments in the world," the department's research page points to more detailed pages outlining the work of seventeen groups. Research within the groups includes atomistic simulation, composites and coatings, device materials, high temperature stability of materials, materials chemistry, and the like. A special search feature allows users to easily locate information on research in progress by investigator, research topic, and supporting agency. Also available online are grant reports from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council. [KR]
[Back to Contents]Newly online journals from HighWire Press [.pdf]
Toxicological Sciences
Occupational and Environmental Medicine
HighWire Press
Stanford University's HighWire Press has announced temporary free access to two newly online journals. Toxicological Sciences, from the Society of Toxicology and published in conjunction with Oxford University Press journals, covers "research articles that are broadly relevant to assessing the potential adverse health effects resulting from exposure of human or animals to chemicals, drugs, natural products, or synthetic materials." Online full-text content begins January 2000; abstracts and .pdf-formatted articles are available for 1999; abstracts only are available for 1998. Toxicological Sciences is currently free; the end of the free trial period is not yet specified. Also from HighWire Press and the BMJ Publishing Group is the journal Occupational and Environmental Medicine (OEM Online). OEM Online "contributions include epidemiological, physiological and psychological studies of occupational and environmental health hazards as well as toxicological studies of materials posing human health risks." Online full-text content begins January 2000; abstracts are online beginning January 1994, and .pdf versions of the letters begin January 1998. The free trial period for OEM Online ends July 8, 2000. [LXP]
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Handbook of Applied Cryptography [.pdf]
The Centre for Applied Cryptographic Research at the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada and publishers of the Handbook of Applied Cryptography, CRC Press, have recently granted free online access to all chapters of the handbook (.pdf). Written by Alfred J. Menezes, Paul C. van Oorschot, and Scott A. Vanstone, this outstanding resource begins with an overview of cryptography before launching into detailed discussions of the mathematical background to cryptography, number-theoretic reference problems, various types of ciphers, and much more. The handbook includes a bibliography, references, and an index. [KR]
[Back to Contents]GENES 2000
Benjamin Lewin provides this detailed educational site as the online (and continuously updated) version of the printed resource, GENES. Designed as a pilot project "for building an online site that will develop into a general resource for the life sciences, including molecular biology, cell biology, development, immunology, and neurobiology, at levels varying from introductory to advanced," this impressive site is intended to be useful to students at the undergraduate level (or above). First-time users must register (access is free, "at least temporarily") to gain access to chapters; registered users may conduct searches, build references, write notes, highlight specified information, or browse the full resource. Future plans include "better (and faster) searches on the text, searches on figures, identification of new material and recently added references, printing by chapter or by section, more animations, on line tests and problem sets." Content is detailed, well illustrated, and thorough; this looks to be an exceptional resource. [LXP]
[Back to Contents]IUPAC Compendium of Chemical Terminology [.pdf]
Hosted online by chemsoc, compiled by the Royal Society of Chemistry, and originally published in print form by Blackwell Science in 1997, the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) Compendium of Chemical Terminology has recently been made available online for free. The searchable compendium, popularly referred to as the "Gold Book," contains "nearly 7000 terms, with authoritative definitions, spanning the whole range of chemistry." The search screen provides users with easy access to definitions (.pdf). [KR]
[Back to Contents]Herps of Texas
Funded by the University of Texas and the Texas Memorial Museum, this Website offers useful life history information on the Herps (lizards, turtles, snakes, crocodilians, salamanders, frogs, and toads) of Texas. Each broad group is further classified into Families, and each species is identified by scientific (Latin) and common name. To access descriptive and graphical information, click on the species of choice. Each species entry includes one or more color photograph(s), diagnostic features, natural history information, and a color range map (presence:absence, by county). The concise information in this useful resource should be helpful to seasoned researchers and beginners, alike. [LXP]
[Back to Contents]InterStat [.ps, .pdf]
From Virginia Tech, InterStat offers a place where statisticians may "publish or read about any aspect of statistical research or innovative methods." Submitted articles are peer-reviewed and, if accepted, posted at this site. Articles are indexed by year, and may also be found using a keyword, title, or author search. The most recent article for April 2000, is entitled "The Statistician's Problem." [KR]
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Region 8 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) [.pdf]
This new site from the Environmental Protection Agency's Region 8, which serves Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota, offers excellent information on PCBs. The Regulations and New Developments sections each hold select documents on these topics, while the Publications section offers the first two parts of a three-part document (Part Three coming soon) entitled "1999 PCB Questions and Answers Manual." The Waste Handlers section lists nationwide approved disposal and storage facilities and a PCB transformer database. The site rounds out with a related links section and a brief FAQ. [KR]
[Back to Contents]People and Ecosystems: The Fraying Web of Life -- A Guide to World Resources 2000-2001 [.pdf]
The summary of a new report (available in HTML or .pdf formats), to be released in full in September, is now online at the World Resources Institute (WRI) Website. This report will be published by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), the World Bank, and WRI. Reflecting collaboration by over 175 scientists, the report describes "a widespread decline in the condition of the world's ecosystems due to increasing resource demands," and warns that if the decline continues, it could have "devastating implications for human development and the welfare of all species." The report analyzes the health of natural ecosystems, based on their ability to produce the goods and services upon which humans currently rely. These include "production of food, provision of pure and sufficient water, storage of atmospheric carbon, maintenance of biodiversity and provision of recreation and tourism opportunities." While the general conclusion is not a surprise to ecologists, some statistics are alarming: "Half of the world's wetlands were lost last century; . . . Logging and conversion have shrunk the world's forests by as much as half; . . . Fishing fleets are 40 percent larger than the ocean can sustain; . . . Soil degradation has affected two-thirds of the world's agricultural lands in the last 50 years; . . . [and] Twenty percent of the world's freshwater fish are extinct, threatened or endangered." The heart of the report is the Pilot Analysis of Global Ecosystems (PAGE) -- still under construction in some sections. PAGE gives a "big picture" (including maps) of coastal, freshwater, forest, grassland, and agricultural ecosystems, and has provided "the impetus for the Millennium Ecosystems Assessment -- a plan put forward by governments, UN agencies, and leading scientific organizations to allow an on-going monitoring and evaluation of the health of the world's ecosystems." For those interested in any aspect of the health or status of the world's ecosystems, this summary is an important, current resource; the full report will reach even deeper. [LXP]
[Back to Contents]Space Science Missions -- NASA
From NASA's Office of Space Science, this metapage lists a wide variety of missions that are either under study, in development, currently in operation, or completed (those that ended after 1989). Users may access names of missions, brief descriptions, and links to missions by clicking on the category heading. Also available here are a few links to multi-mission programs, ground-based astronomy, technology programs, and non-space science missions. [KR]
[Back to Contents]America's Most Endangered Rivers of 2000
On April 10, 2000, American Rivers announced their official selection of America's Most Endangered Rivers of 2000. At the top of the list (of thirteen) is the Snake River (WA), followed by Missouri River (MT/ND/SD/NE/IA/KS/MO), Ventura River (CA), Copper River Delta (AK), Tri-State River Basin (AL/GA/FL), Coal River (WV), Rio Grande (CO/NM/TX/Mexico), Mississippi and White Rivers (MN/WI/IL/IA/MO/KY/TN/AR/MS/LA), North Fork Feather River (CA), Clear Creek (TX), Green River (UT/CO), Presumpscot River (ME), and Clark Fork River (MT/ID). In addition to listing the endangered rivers, the site provides a summary for each river, as well as threats and river locations, with links to full and illustrated reports. [LXP]
[Back to Contents]The Rhynie Chert and its Flora
From the Paleobotanical Research Group at the University of Munster, this simple, no-frills site uses text, charts, and images to describe the paleobotanical significance of the Rhynie Chert. As the Introduction to these pages states, "Rhynie in the Grampian Region of Scotland has become famous as one of the most important palaeobotanical localities in the world." A few of the sections included in this site are titled, "The Rhynie Chert Flora," "The Alternation of Generations in Early Land Plants," and "Fungi and non-vascular Plants." On the whole, the clear images are excellent. The site includes a bibliography and links. [KR]
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(For links to additional current awareness on tables of contents, abstracts, preprints, new books, data, conferences, etc., visit the The Scout Report for Science & Engineering Current Awareness Metapage: http://scout.cs.wisc.edu/report/sci-eng/metapage/).The American Physical Society: A Century of Physics
The American Physical Society has put together this excellent interactive timeline marking the major achievements in physics between 1896 and 1997. The timeline begins with French physicist Henri Becquerel's discovery of radioactivity and ends with the 1997 confirmation that "two widely separated particles can be 'entangled'" over a distance of eleven kilometers. This fun site features a search function, a panorama of posters, and wall charts. [KR]
[Back to Contents]Endangered Species UPDATE
Published by the School of Natural Resources and Environment at the University of Michigan, the Endangered Species UPDATE is an online forum for information exchange on endangered species issues. Organized as a journal, the UPDATE includes "a reprint of the latest issue of the US Fish and Wildlife Service's Endangered Species Technical Bulletin along with complementary articles, an archive of previous issues, and information about species conservation efforts outside the federal program." Recent issues cover the recovery of the Cape Sable Seaside Sparrow through restoration (of the Everglades) and the state of the Southern Rockies Ecoregion, among other topics. [LXP]
[Back to Contents]Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship: Call for Papers
Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship (ISTL), an electronic publication of the Science and Technology Section of the Association of College and Research Libraries, is now accepting article proposals for the Summer and Fall 2000 issues. The Summer 2000 issue will feature articles on any aspect of science and technology librarianship. The Fall 2000 issue will focus on instruction in science and technology libraries. The deadline for the summer 2000 issue will be July 15, and October 15 for the Fall 2000 issue. [KR]New Discussion Papers from RFF [.pdf]
"The New Face of the Clean Water Act: A Critical Review of the EPA's Proposed TMDL Rules" [Discussion paper 00-12]
"Can Power from Space Compete?" [Discussion Paper 0016]
"Environmental Implications of the Tourism Industry" [Discussion Paper 00-14]
Library Discussion Papers -- RFF
Six new Discussion Papers were posted at the Resources for the future (RFF) Website during March 2000. The new papers include James Boyd's "The New Face of the Clean Water Act: A Critical Review of the EPA's Proposed TMDL Rules," critically reviewing the EPA's proposed TMDL (Total Maximum Daily Load) rules. "Can Power from Space Compete?" by Molly K. Macauley and others, describes the potential role of satellite solar power technology. Terry Davies and Sarah Cahill wrote "Environmental Implications of the Tourism Industry," which elaborates on the impacts of tourism on the environment. Several other papers are also included at the Library Discussion Papers Website. [LXP]Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering [.pdf]
From Elsevier Science, full access to the Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering is temporarily free. The objective of the journal is to "bridge the gap between petroleum engineering and petroleum geology by publishing explicitly written articles intelligible to scientists and engineers working in any field of petroleum engineering or petroleum geology." [KR]"Unnatural selection" -- New Scientist
The April 22, 2000 edition of NewScientist magazine features this special online article on Creationism. Entitled "Unnatural Selection: Creationism is far from extinct," the article discusses Creationism and why it is experiencing a resurgence in the US. [LXP]Institute of Physics Electronic Journals Free Featured Articles [.pdf, .ps]
The Institute of Physics Electronic Journals offers a page of free content including featured articles. These regularly updated articles are available online and represent all IOP journal titles. Users may select from an area of interest including Condensed Matter and Materials Science; High Energy and Nuclear Physics; Applied Physics; Medical and Biological Physics; Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Physics; Physics Education; Measurement Science and Sensors; Computer Science; Plasma Physics; Optical, Atomic and Molecular Physics; and General. [KR]Three from NOVA Australia
"Carbon currency: the credits and debits of carbon emissions trading"
"Is Australian wildlife fair game?"
"Calendars: keeping track of time (history of the Western calendar)"
NOVA Australia, an initiative of the Australian Academy of Science, posts new feature articles regularly. Recent publications include "Carbon currency: the credits and debits of carbon emissions trading" (discussing carbon emissions trading and whether trading can limit the enhanced greenhouse effect); "Is Australian wildlife fair game?" (examining the computability of commercial use of Australian wildlife with "good" conservation); and "Calendars: keeping track of time," describing the history of the Western calendar. [LXP]
[Back to Contents]Job Openings in Science and Technology from The Chronicle of Higher Education
http://jobs.chronicle.com/free/jobs/faculty/scitech/links.htmJob Opportunities in Beam Physics
http://www.aps.org/units/dpb/dpbjobs.htmlNew Scientist Jobs
[Back to Contents]Chemistry Research Instrumentation and Facilities -- NSF
Application Deadline: RollingFaculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program -- NSF
Application Deadlines: VariousEuropean Science Foundation Physical and Engineering Sciences Grant Opportunities
Application Deadlines: VariousMathematical Sciences Research Institutes -- NSF
Application Deadline: January 16, 2001
[Back to Contents]Fifth World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics
September 24-28, 2001, Thessaloniki, Greece
Abstracts due: July 28, 2000Diversity, Complexity, Abundance, Resemblance, Scale Dependence: Theories, Methods, Applications
August 28-September 2, 2001, Balatonfured, Hungary
Preliminary registration deadline: September 30, 2000
Abstract deadline: November 30, 20002001: An Ocean Odyssey
October 21-28, 2001, Mar del Plata, Argentina
Abstracts due: TBA
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NEWNET (Neighborhood Environmental Watch Network) provides public access to radiological and meteorological data from environmental monitoring stations operated by the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC), the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF), and the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Available data include "wind speed and direction, ambient air temperature, barometric pressure, relative humidity and ionizing gamma radiation." Additionally, some stations offer "tipping bucket rain gauges and others have additional radiation sensors." [KR]
[Back to Contents]New Data: North American Pollen Database
Taylor Dome CO2 Data 62-20 KYrBP
Rainfall and drought in equatorial east Africa during the past 1,100 years
North American Pollen Database (NAPD)
Several data files have been added to the North American Pollen Database. These include data from two recent publications: "Atmospheric CO2 Concentration from 60 to 20 Kyr BP from the Taylor Dome Ice Core, Antarctica" by Indermuhle et al. (Geophysical Research Letters, 27(5):735-738, March 1, 2000) and "Rainfall and drought in equatorial east Africa during the past 1,100 years," by D. Verschuren and others (January 27, 2000, Nature, Vol. 403). In addition, recently updated NAPD Modern 70 Pollen Types Files (.m70) are available at the NAPD site. [LXP]
[Back to Contents]Elemental Data Index
From the NIST Physics Laboratory Physical Reference Data Page, this new addition "provides access to the holdings of NIST Physics Laboratory online data organized by element." The index (accessible in frames, no-frames, or text-only versions) simplifies the process of retrieving online data for each element in the periodic table. By clicking on the element, users may simply choose from a selection of information in the categories of atomic spectra data, x-ray and gamma ray data, radiation dosimetry data, nuclear physics data, and condensed matter physics data. The site is an excellent data reference that users to bookmark. [KR]
[Back to Contents]1999 Cruise Data: 1990-1999 CalCOFI Data [.ieh, .ascii]
Data from California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations (CalCOFI) cruises 9901 and 9904 are now available online, building on data from previous years (1990-1999). Recent online data currently include Station Map (clickable map), Hydrographic Data Report, and Primary Productivity Data. The Introduction (Materials & Methods), Personnel, Macrozooplankton Biomass, and Figures sections are still being processed for the 9901 and 9904 cruises, as are all data types for cruises 9908 and 9910. Data are summarized by location (lat/lon), date, time, and weather variables, and include multiple measurements at different depths (temperature, salinity, oxygen, etc.) in addition to other measurements. Data files (.ieh) for 1999 cruises and station position data (.ascii), may be downloaded from the site. [LXP]
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New Antibiotic Approved by FDA
1) FDA Press Release
2) "Superbugs face strengthened attack"
3) "US Approves New Antibiotic"
4) Antimicrobial Resistance
5) Emerging Infectious Diseases
6) Alliance for the Prudent Use of Antibiotics
7) "Outsmarting Bacteria that fight back"
8) European Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System
Last week, the FDA approved Zyvox (known generically as linezolid), the first in a new class of synthetic antibacterial drugs -- called oxazolidinones -- designed to treat a number of drug-resistant infections. Zyvox has proven effective in treatment of infections associated with vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium (VREF) as well as hospital-acquired pneumonia and complicated skin and skin structure infections, including cases caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). This is the first drug to be approved in over 40 years for fighting hospital-acquired infections that are resistant to antibiotics. "It comes at a time when we were literally running out of antibiotics," said Dr. Robert C. Moellering Jr., physician-in-chief of Boston's Beth Israel-Deaconness Hospital, in a recent AP news article. In an attempt to preserve the long-term effectiveness of Zyvox and discourage microbes from developing renewed resistance, some doctors are calling for cautious use of the drug for only the worst antibiotic-resistant infections. This week's In The News takes a look at this new development and its consequences for antibiotic resistant bacteria.
The first resource is a press release from the FDA (1) announcing the approval of Zyvox. The second release, a news article on the subject from the British Broadcasting Corporation (2), and the third resource, from the Associated Press (3), provide good general introductions to the drug and its key features. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) National Center for Infectious Diseases hosts this excellent page including a wide variety of links and information on the subject of antimicrobial resistance (4). The fifth resource, also from the CDC, is a peer-reviewed online journal entitled Emerging Infectious Diseases(5). Searches through the journal's archives using key words such as antibacterial (or antimicrobial) resistance, vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, linezolid, or oxazolidinones, all produce a number of articles. The Alliance for the Prudent Use of Antibiotics from Tufts University (6) contains consumer information, practitioner information, research and surveillance, and news concerning the use of antibiotics and its implications. Next, from Tuftonia Magazine, this slightly out-dated yet useful article, "Outsmarting Bacteria that fight back," from Spring 1998 (7) contains an interesting interview with Dr. Stuart Levy on new antibiotics and resistant microbes. Finally, the European Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System (8) "aims to aggregate comparable and reliable antimicrobial resistance data for public health purposes." [KR]
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