Most Accessed Documents in the ResearchIndex Database as of January 2001 [PostScript, .pdf]
Rather than creating just another digital library, ResearchIndex (formerly called CiteSeer) provides software, algorithms, techniques, and links to scholarly articles on digital indexing (a full review of ResearchIndex is found in the April 30, 1999 _Scout Report). The site recently added the Most Accessed Documents... page, a useful reference for researchers and technical staff interested in computer database management. The 100 most-accessed online documents (excluding repeat accesses from the same sites and robots) of the ResearchIndex are listed and linked here. Sample titles from the list include "Database Techniques for the World-Wide Web: A Survey," "An Analysis of Recent Work on Clustering Algorithms," and "A Tutorial on Learning With Bayesian Networks." For each document, users can find citation contexts, similar documents, citations made in the document, and what users who viewed the document also viewed. Full text of the documents is available in .ps, .pdf, or HTML format. [HCS]
[Back to Contents]MarLIN
MarLIN, the Marine Life Information Network for Britain and Ireland, is an initiative of the Marine Biological Association (MBA) of the UK. Designed to provide "the most comprehensive and easily used source of information about marine habitats, communities and species around Britain and Ireland," the searchable database includes over 29,000 location records from the Marine Nature Conservation Review (MNCR) database, and it is expanding to include numerous other datasets. Together, these data will provide environmental decision-makers with basic information for planning and assessment. Although not all sections of the site are yet complete, there is already a wealth of excellent information in the Species Information, Habitat (Biotype) Information, Marine Life Protection, and publications sections, with details on the status of all sections provided at the Main Menu page. [LXP]
[Back to Contents]Wide Band Gap Semiconductor Research Group, Kansas State University [.pdf, PostScript]
The homepage of the Wide Band Gap Semiconductor research group in Kansas State University's Physics Department furnishes research descriptions and downloadable versions of selected publications. The group's experiments and research in conductivity, device fabrication, the Hall Effect, materials growth, optics, and transport, among others, are described and illustrated with figures and tables. The list of publications by Professor Hongxing Jiang and Jingyu Lin includes links to .pdf and .ps versions of some fairly recent papers from Applied Physics Letters,Physical Review B, and other journals. Semiconductor researchers can use this site to find out what their colleagues are up to and to access reprints. [HCS]
[Back to Contents]Wetland Biogeochemistry Laboratory -- UFL
The Wetland Biogeochemistry Laboratory (WBL) at the University of Florida "promotes teaching, research and outreach activities on biogeochemical processes regulating the fate and transport of nutrients, metals, and toxic organics in wetland and aquatic ecosystems." Current research projects range from the use of biogeochemical markers to assess phosphorus loading in the Everglades to a spatial analysis of physico-chemical properties of Lake Okeechobee sediments; teaching materials, publications, and current events are also posted at the Website. For additional online resources in this field, see the collection of related links. [LXP]
[Back to Contents]Nonlinear Dynamics and Fluid Dynamics Group, Cornell University [.pdf, PostScript]
A recent article by LaPorta et al. in Nature documented how particle motion in extremely turbulent fluid flow has been measured with extreme accuracy. The authors are from the Nonlinear Dynamics and Fluid Dynamics Group at the Laboratory of Atomic and Solid State Physics, Cornell University. The group's Website contains an explanation of the turbulence work published in Nature along with various topics in experimental and theoretical investigations of nonlinear dynamics. Pages on pattern formation, solidification, turbulence, and chaos can all be found here. Although not all of the pages were posted as recently as the Nature article summary, the research descriptions and illustrations they contain are informative. Each research page showcases the theory and method of investigation for a topic and displays color photographs and illustrations and lists related publications by Cornell researchers (full-text available in .pdf or .ps format). A full, hyperlinked list of the group's publications, a teaching resources page, and a gallery of "nice pictures" round out this impressive site. [HCS]
[Back to Contents]Keys to Juncus and Luzula of California
This recently modified Key to the plant genera Juncus and Luzula (in California) was prepared by Barbara Ertter, Research Botanist and Collections Manager at the University of California at Berkeley Herbaria. The Key is preceded by a description of some character states and abbreviations. Each species is hyperlinked to a color map of its general distribution in California, with references to more precise information and basic distribution information beyond California. An additional option allows users to view any other taxa with a similar distribution. Technical in content, this resource will be of interest to students and botanical researchers alike. [LXP]
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The Climate System
The Climate System is a course belonging to Columbia University's Earth System Series curriculum. Although it is not an online course, Web surfers can take a peek at what the students are learning through the lecture and lab notes which are posted online. Clicking on "semester schedule" will take you to these links. Numerous subjects dealing with global climate are presented, including the Earth's radiation budget, surface water, major atmospheric forces, ocean circulation, and more. The lecture notes list "take-away ideas" and provide topical summaries with selected images from lecture slides. The lab pages vary by instructor-author, but most give brief introductions to lab topics, terms, constants, and formulas, and some include a list of suggested readings. A few links to related Websites are included in the text. This site is a good study guide for undergraduate students and would also be of interest to anyone wishing to learn more about climate, especially during this time when global warming stories are featured prominently in the mass media. [HCS]
[Back to Contents]Birds: Bellwethers of Watershed Health -- Watershed Academy/ EPA
This useful educational resource was recently added to the EPA's Watershed Academy Website (first reviewed in the January 19, 2000 Scout Report for Science & Engineering). Described as "bellwethers" (indicators) of watershed health, birds are introduced here -- from their basic ecology to conservation needs. Color graphics and concise paragraphs present each topic, and the site is loaded with links to other important online resources. For students of ecology -- or anyone interested in the role of birds in watersheds -- this is an excellent resource. [LXP]
[Back to Contents]Math Awareness Month
Get ready for Math Awareness Month! April 2001 will be Math Awareness Month, and the theme will be mathematics and the ocean, recognizing how mathematics enhances our ability to model and to gain insight about complex physical phenomena such as the ocean. Teachers and mathematics enthusiasts looking for ideas on how to celebrate Mathematics Awareness Month (MAM) can visit this Website from The Math Forum. An announcement, sample press release, theme poster, and a brief history of Mathematics Awareness Week/Month are up and running. Check back often to see forthcoming additions: listings of MAM activities by state and an essay on Mathematics and the Ocean. [HCS]
[Back to Contents]World of Dermatophytes: A Pictorial
The University of Alberta Hospital's National Center for Mycology maintains this pictorial on dermatophytes -- fungi that cause skin, hair, and nail infections. The clutter-free site offers viewers a brief overview of dermatophytes including descriptive text, color images, a table describing geographic distribution, a glossary of commonly used terms, and a Case Study Quiz (currently one case study only) for those interested in diagnosing dermatophytes. A selection of hyperlinked resources rounds out the site. [LXP]
[Back to Contents]Rocket and Space Technology
Orbital mechanics, propulsion, rocket hardware, space centers and missions are among the topics featured on Robert A. Braeunig's Rocket and space Technology page. Braeunig is a civil engineer whose hobby is learning about space flight. This page is well-researched, and all sources are credited. The text disseminates relatively simple explanations of the mechanics of rocket flight and includes definitions of important terms and black-and-white diagrams. Sample problems, tables, and formulas make the site useful to secondary educators and students. The science and mathematics behind everything from building a spacecraft to launching it are covered in this instructional site. [HCS]
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Royal Tyrrell Museum
An alphabetized fossil encyclopedia, a page on oil and gas exploration, an online Burgess Shale exhibit, and a virtual tour are among the features of this Website of Alberta's Royal Tyrell Museum. The virtual tour takes users everywhere from the juvenile Albertosaurus skeleton to the cafeteria. Although the tour is mainly designed for those preparing to visit the museum, virtual tour-goers can find informative text and images. Topics presented on the tour include fossilization processes, "continental drift," geologic time, fossil plants, and geologically significant areas of Canada such as Lake Wapiti, B.C. and Dinosaur Provincial Park. The brief descriptions and color images of major dinosaur genera are sure to be a hit. The Oil and Gas page describes how fossil fuels form and provides links to information on the fossils of Alberta's petroleum-bearing rock formations. Visitors to the site can also get an inside look at the Royal Tyrell Museum's fossil and rock digs through posted photos and research descriptions. This very thorough Website is a must-see for K-12 and introductory-level college students. [HCS]
[Back to Contents]Society for Vector Ecology [.pdf]
Formed in 1968, the Society for Vector Ecology (SOVE) is dedicated to studying "all aspects of the biology, ecology, and control of arthropod vectors and the interrelationships between the vectors and the disease agents they transmit." Comprised of researchers and operational and extension personnel around the globe, SOVE tracks and studies the biological organisms that transmit diseases. The SOVE Website contains information related to the Society (e.g., mission, history), its publications (journal, newsletter -- both .pdf format), and professional opportunities (conferences, employment). Several dozen links to additional vector ecology resources are provided. [LXP]
[Back to Contents]"Black Smokers: A Huge but Untapped Mineral Storehouse"
This interesting article, appearing in the online journal Mining Engineer (free registration required through Engineer Live), discusses mineral mining potentials of black smokers. Black smokers are hydrothermal vents emitting mineral bearing fluids from the deep ocean floor. This article gives an overview of how black smokers form geologically, sulfur-reducing bacteria and other organisms living on hydrothermal vents, and how ores are deposited at these vents. The overview is followed by suggested mining strategies and instruments for trace mineral detection. [HCS]
[Back to Contents]EPA Region 10: Environmental Compliance Online
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in collaboration with several Region 10 (Pacific Northwest) State environmental quality agencies, has posted this environmental compliance resource. The purpose of the resource is to allow viewers to check on a particular industrial facility's record of compliance with environmental regulations, and/or to compare compliance records among several different facilities. The site also contains aggregated data (for EPA and state inspection and enforcement actions) for certain time periods and a selection of related links. [LXP]
[Back to Contents]
(For links to additional current awareness on tables of contents, abstracts, preprints, new books, data, conferences, etc., visit the The Scout Report for Science & Engineering Current Awareness Metapage: http://scout.cs.wisc.edu/report/sci-eng/metapage/)."How Old is the Universe?"
The first reading from a cosmic "uranium clock" using The European Southern Observatory (ESO) Very-large Telescope (VLT) UV-Visual Echelle Spectrograph came out this month. The Chilean-based VLT is the world's largest optical telescope array. It holds a visual spectograph that was used to measure the amount of the radioactive isotope Uranium-238 in a star named CS 31082-001 that was born when our galaxy was still forming, the first measurement ever of uranium outside the Solar System. This press release from ESO talks about the VLT and spectograph, the Uranium dating method used, and the implications that the measurements hold for the history of the universe. A graph of intensity vs. wavelength for the uranium spectrum of old star CS 31082-001 and a telescope image of the star are included (.jpeg - choice of pixel resolution). [HCS]
[Back to Contents]"Escaped Farm Salmon Raise Alarm in New England"
In December, a mighty northeaster rocked Maine's Machias Bay, releasing thousands of caged, farm-raised fish into the wild. This accidental release, which was kept out of major news sources until recently, represents the largest known escape of aquaculture fish in the eastern United States and may prove detrimental to the federally endangered wild salmon there. Endangered wild salmon along the Pacific Coast face similar threats from a burgeoning aquaculture industry, as well. This news piece from the Environmental News Network describes the event and the numerous legal and ecological repercussions that may result. [LXP]
[Back to Contents]Proteomics
Wiley Interscience is providing free trial access to the online version of Proteomics, a journal that aims to "integrate the various areas of this rapidly developing field, including methodological developments in protein separation and characterisation, advances in bioinformatics, and novel applications of proteomics in all areas of the life sciences and industry." Free registration is required for trial access, extending through April 2001. [HCS]Good Practice Guidance and Uncertainty Management in National Greenhouse Gas Inventories [.pdf]
This report, Good Practice Guidance and Uncertainty Management in National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, was produced upon request by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The report outlines "good practice guidance" suggestions, intended to help countries produce realistic inventories with as few uncertainties as is practicable. The report may be viewed (.pdf format) as a whole or in parts. [LXP]"Potential Priority Watersheds for Protection of Water Quality from Contamination by Manure Nutrients" [.pdf]
The US Department of Agriculture's Natural Resources Conservation Services (NRCS) gives this report from a paper given at the Animal Residuals Management Conference 2000. Percolation, runoff, soil erosion, and manure loadings were used to estimate watershed vulnerability to contamination from manure. The study concluded that the Cape Fear and Lower Arkansas River Basins were the most vulnerable. The report, which is in .pdf format, includes color maps. [HCS]"A Guide to Pesticide Regulation in the UK, and the Role of the Advisory Committee On Pesticides"
.pdf format:
This "Pesticides Forum Paper" (PF101i), from the UK Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions, covers pesticide use, legislation, and regulation within the UK and the greater European Union region. Targeting politicians, journalists, consumer organizations, and the general public, the paper specifically seeks "to explain how pesticides are currently regulated in the UK, what information is used to assess the risks that they might pose, and the roles of the various organizations that participate in the regulatory process." The paper may also be downloaded as a .pdf file. [LXP]Two Technical Reports from CACR [.pdf]:
"The Formation, Structure, and Stability of a Shear Layer in a Fluid with Temperature-Dependent Viscosity"
"Macroservers: An Execution Model for DRAM Processor-In-Memory Arrays"
The Center for Advanced Computing Research (CACR) at California Institute of Technology publishes its technical reports electronically. CACR is concerned with "the practice of computer-based modeling for the study of scientific phenomena and engineering designs, and typically involves a multidisciplinary investigation of interactions among the application, solution algorithms, computer architecture, and system software." The two reports from 2000 listed above were recently posted by CACR. [HCS]"The Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary (K-T) Interval in Badlands National Park, South Dakota" [.pdf]
Philip W. Stoffer and USGS colleagues wrote this report (.pdf format) on the marine K-T boundary interval that occurs throughout the Badlands National Park region of South Dakota. Data from marine sediments (supported by paleontological correlation, sequence stratigraphy, magnetostratigraphy, and strontium isotope geochronology) suggest that several asteroid impacts may be preserved in the Badlands. The deposits are thought to represent late Maestrichtian events or possibly the terminal K-T event. [LXP]
[Back to Contents]Job Openings in Science and Technology from The Chronicle of Higher Education
http://jobs.chronicle.com/free/jobs/faculty/scitech/links.htmMathematical Sciences Career Information
[Back to Contents]Edward A. Bouchet Award of the American Physical Society
Nomination Deadline: July 2, 2001 (nominee must be African-American, Hispanic, or Native American)2001 Technology for a Sustainable Environment: NSF/ EPA Partnership for Environmental Research [.pdf]
Proposal Deadline: May 21, 2001National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Grants/ Awards Programs
Deadlines: variousDean John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowships -- National Sea Grant College Program
Application Deadline: May 1, 2001The 2001 Byrd Fellowship Program -- Ohio State University (Topic: Polar Issues)
Application and Nomination Deadline: April 15, 2001
[Back to Contents]Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics Society (CAIMS) 2001
June 7-9, 2001; Victoria, B.C.
Abstract Deadline: March 15, 2001EPA Forum on Managing Contaminated Sediments at Hazardous Waste Sites
May 30-June 1, 2001; Alexandria, Virginia
Abstract Deadline: February 28, 2001Challenges of a Changing Earth
July 10-13 2001; Amsterdam, Netherlands
Abstract Deadline: March 31, 2001Third International Meeting on Microarray Data Standards, Annotations, Ontologies and Databases
March 29-31, 2001; Palo Alto, California
Abstract Deadline: March 1, 2001Joint Meeting of Unitas Malacologia and The American Malacological Society
August 19-25, 2001; Vienna, Austria
Abstract Deadline: May 1, 20012001 Northwest Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society
June 14-17, 2001; Seattle, Washington
Abstract Deadline: March 16, 2001IBC's Annual Biochip Technologies Conference: Chips to Hits
October 29-November 1, 2001; San Diego, California
Deadline for proposing a presentation: March 26, 200147th Annual Institute on Lake Superior Geology
May 9-12, 2001; Madison, WI
Abstract Deadline: extended to March 9, 2001
[Back to Contents]
NCEP Reanalyses Surface Heat Flux - North Atlantic
Anomalous values of heat flux components (net longwave, net shortwave, sensible, and latent) for the North Atlantic Region January 1995-December 1997 are presented as color maps at this page from WOCE (World Ocean Circulation Experiment). Users can select the month and year to view. Normal values of the heat flux components were calculated using data from 1958 to 1997. These climatological norms were then removed from each of the respective monthly realizations to produce the anomalous heat flux fields shown on these pages. [HCS]
[Back to Contents]Digital Representations of Tree Species Range Maps from "Atlas of United States Trees" by Elbert L. Little, Jr. (and other publications) [.pdf, .zip, .tgz]
The Earth Surface Dynamics section of the USGS provides this excellent collection of graphics, depicting range maps for more than 100 common North American tree species. From Abies amabilis to Yucca brevifolia, these color maps may be viewed or downloaded (.pdf, .zip, tgz). Most of the ranges depicted here were digitized by Elbert L. Little, Jr. (USDA Forest Service) for vegetation-climate modeling studies; graphics are best viewed as downloaded files. [LXP]
[Back to Contents]Carbon Flux to the Atmosphere From Land-use Changes: 1850 to 1990
This report, contributed by R.A. Houghton et al. of Woods Hole Research Center and posted by the Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC), contains data consisting of annual estimates of the net flux of carbon between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere resulting from deliberate changes in land cover and land use, especially forest clearing for agriculture and the harvest of wood for wood products or energy. The global net flux during this period was 124 Pg of carbon (1 petagram = 1015 grams), and the greatest regional flux was from South and Southeast Asia (39 Pg of carbon), while the smallest regional flux was from North Africa and the Middle East (3 Pg of carbon). The data are all ASCII format. [HCS]
[Back to Contents]Regional Microbiology Profiles [.pdf]
These regional microbiology profiles have been recently updated for twelve regions (6-17) within Alberta (Canada). Supplied by the Provincial Laboratory of Public Health for Northern Alberta, these profiles (.pdf format) provide monthly summaries (for 1998-2000) in graphic format for Respiratory Pathogens (e.g., Influenza A Virus, Adenovirus, etc.), Pertussis, Respiratory Synsytial Virus, Parafluenza Virus, Enteric Pathogens (e.g., Salmonella sp., E. coli, etc.), Campylobacter, and Hepatitus C. [LXP]
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Submarine Volcanoes in Arctic Ocean Surprise Scientists
1. "Under Icy Arctic Waters, A Fiery, Unexpected Find"
2. Seafloor Characterization and Mapping Pods (SCAMP) [Java]
3. SCICEX (Scientific Ice Expeditions)
4. Arctic Submarine Laboratory [.avi]
5. "USS HAWKBILL in transit to Arctic Ocean for SCICEX 99"
6. The Explorers Club
7. The Arctic Theme Page
8. Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and Planetology
9. "Evidence of recent volcanic activity on the ultraslow-spreading Gakkel ridge"
Until now, geoscientists believed that spreading ridges under the Arctic Ocean were too slow-spreading and cool to vent molten rock. An article published this month in Nature details sonar data revealing two young volcanoes under Arctic waters. Dr. Marago H. Edwards of the University of Hawaii led the exploration team in which civilian scientists worked in cooperation with the Navy, using a nuclear submarine to take sonar readings of the ocean floor. A submarine was employed because the ice cover makes the Arctic seafloor unviewable by satellites and difficult for ships bearing seismic instruments to navigate. The two volcanoes were found at the Gakkel Ridge, the Earth's slowest spreading mid-ocean ridge. During August and September of 2001, Russian icebreakers and Mir submersibles will be employed to investigate the volcanoes, taking rock samples and looking for organisms living at the volcanic vents. This week's In the News takes a closer look at this discovery.
The first site (1), an article from the New York Times (free registration required), gives a general overview of the find. The discovery of the volcanoes was made with SCAMP ("Seafloor Characterization and Mapping Pods") instrumentation. SCAMP (2) is a joint project of the Hawaii Mapping Research Group, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Tulane University, Arctic Submarine Laboratory, Raytheon Systems Company, Ocean Data Equipment Corporation, Electric Boat, and Johns Hopkins University. At the SCAMP site, users can view a bathymetry map of the Gakkel Ridge and sidescan images of its lava flows. The SCAMP Website provides photos and data, viewed via Java applet, from its Gakkel Ridge survey and other Arctic Basin projects. The next site (3) belongs to SCICEX (Scientific Ice Expeditions), a five-year program (1995-1999) during which the Navy made available a Sturgeon-class, nuclear powered, attack submarine for unclassified science cruises to the Arctic Ocean. It was under SCICEX that the original data were gathered in 1999 (it was not until this year that the analyses of Dr. Edwards and others showed evidence of volcanoes). The SCICEX site is not especially current, but the overviews of its previous expeditions are interesting, and selected data, such as nutrient and salinity readings from a 1996 expedition, and color maps are available. More information on submarines is available here (4) at the US Navy's Arctic submarine Laboratory. Users can browse color photos, movies (.avi) and a mission overview, along with FAQs and links. Also from the Navy, this 1999 press release (5) focuses on the USS Hawkbill, the submarine used to take the sonar readings for Edwards and her team. Deep Arctic mapping was pioneered by retired Navy submariner Dr. Alfred S. McLaren, who is president emeritus of the Explorers Club (6), a society promoting scientific exploration and adventure travel programs. The Explorer's Club will be sponsoring the August expedition to the Gakkel ridge. For more on the Arctic Ocean in general, have a look at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA's) Arctic Theme Page (7) containing maps, photos, and science articles for general audiences. The Arctic Theme Page was reviewed in the September 29, 2000 Scout Report for Science and Engineering. For further information on seafloor spreading, marine geophysics, and other topics in earth science, see the homepage of University of Hawaii-Manoa's Institute of Geophysics and Planetology (8). Finally, readers with personal or institutional subscriptions to Nature online can download the Edwards article (9) from the February 15, 2001 issue of Nature.[HCS]
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