The Scout Report for Social Sciences
December 2, 1997
A Publication of the Internet Scout Project
Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison
The target audience of the new Scout Report for Social Sciences is faculty, students, staff, and librarians in the social sciences. Each biweekly issue offers a selective collection of Internet resources covering topics in the field that have been chosen by librarians and content specialists in the given area of study.
The Scout Report for Social Sciences is also provided via email once every two weeks. Subscription information is included at the bottom of each issue.
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Learning Resources
New Data
Professional and General Interest
In the News
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The Victorian Census Project
Directed by David Alan Gatley, the Victorian Census Project at Staffordshire University "aims to computerize a number of source documents and related materials relating to Great Britain in the mid-nineteenth century." These include nineteenth century census abstracts, vital registration statistics, Poor Law Commissioner returns, and Pigot's and Slater's Typology of England and Wales. This database has the potential to significantly broaden our understanding of British society in the nineteenth century in a number of areas, including health and disease, education and literacy, occupations and employment, and migration. At present, four sub-sets of variables relating to the 1831 and 1861 censuses, and the Scottish Registrar General's Annual Report for 1861, can be downloaded from the site. Each data set is in comma-delimited format. Additional resources at this site include an introduction to the Census Enumerator's Books and a hypertext version of Pigot's and Slater's Typology (under development). [MD]
[Back to Contents]Yaxuna Archaelogy Project [ShockWave, QTVR]
This graphics-intensive site, provided by the Selz Foundation, headquartered at Southern Methodist University, details archaeological work done on the little-known city site of Yaxuna in the heart of the Yucatan. At the site, users will find a summary of the archaeological work completed, information on the scientists involved, and full-text versions of papers, articles, and reports that have resulted from this project. In addition, there are a number of maps, QuickTime movies and QTVR scenes; Donovan Rittenbach's 3D animated movies and the Yaxuna and North Acropolis QTVR scenes are notable examples. Users should be warned that movie file sizes are large and download time can be very lengthy. Future site plans include interactive maps, Shockwave animations of Yucatan geopolitics, and a Yucatan art portfolio. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Culture by Commotion--Plenitude [.pdf, 169p.]
Grant McCracken, Director of the Institute of Contemporary Culture at the Royal Ontario Museum, has placed online a free .pdf version of his book, Plenitude. Plenitude is the first of three works that will form his Culture by Commotion trilogy (Transformation and Commotion will follow), all of which will be available for free at this website. The book, in McCracken's words, "is an attempt to understand the innovation taking place in contemporary culture, to explain why the new "species" of social life should be so numerous and diverse, and to contemplate our failure to take account of them. We are creating a society that is capable of creating more difference within itself than now exists across the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd worlds. It is time to come to terms with this new cultural imperative." The Rummage section of the website features excerpts from the book and invites users to submit their opinions. [MD]
[Back to Contents]World Military Expenditures and Arms Transfers (WMEAT) 1996 [.pdf, 193p.]
The US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency has placed online the full text of its 1996 WMEAT report, a reference on military expenditure, arms transfers, armed forces, and related economic data for 172 countries over the 1985-1995 decade. The data is comprehensive, up-to-date, and accompanied by analyses and highlights. Users may also choose to download selected portions of the larger report, including Highlights and Country Rankings. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Two Resources for Japanese Studies
Japan Documentation Center (JDC)--Library of Congress
Japan Policy Research Institute (JPRI) Working Papers
The JDC specializes in Japanese public policy information, providing current source materials in fields such as economics, commerce and industry, law, politics, the environment, and social conditions, specializing in "grey literature" (unpublished and difficult-to-obtain government literature). At the JDC site users can view a quick guide to searching and requesting documents from the JDC Bibliographic Database and then access the database directly. Though almost all of the information collected is in Japanese, English abstracts are provided. Additional features at this site include a list of journals available at JDC, the JDC newsletter, and information on symposia and proceedings. The JPRI site, maintained by the New Mexico US-Japan Center, has recently released all of its publications prior to 1997. Users now have free access to full-text versions of 27 working papers on a variety of Japanese topics. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Map History/History of Cartography
Compiled by Tony Campbell, Map Librarian at the British Library, this site is a gateway to the History of Cartography. Users will find information on a variety of map-related resources, including conferences, fellowships, current research guides, journals, lecture series, map collections, and map interest societies. Additional features include a list of related links and a brief introduction to MapHist, the Cartographic history discussion list. [MD]To subscribe to MapHist send email to:
In the body of the message type:
subscribe maphist yourfirstname yourlastname
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The United Nations CyberSchoolBus
Packed with activities and lesson suggestions, this site is designed to help teachers bring the UN into their classrooms. Throughout the site teachers can find grade-appropriate online activities and interactive games to use in their classrooms. Curriculum Corner provides six lesson modules, two that offer on-line components. Topics include demining, human rights, health, the UN, and the environment. Events Orbit alerts teachers to international days and UN-sponsored live online features, and Resource Source provides a bevy of useful information, including an international database, global trends, a guide to the UN, a collection of selected learning resources, and city profiles. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Core Documents of US Democracy--GPO Access
The Government Printing Office (GPO) has launched an electronic collection of "the basic Federal Government documents that define our democratic society." The documents are organized in six sections: Legislative and Legal, Regulatory, Office of the President, Demographic, Economic, and Miscellaneous. Selections include The Constitution, The Bill of Rights, selected Supreme Court Decisions, the Budget, Census Catalog, and the US Government Manual. Suggestions for additional core documents are welcome. [MD]
[Back to Contents]The Atrium [RealAudio]
With the large number of quality ancient world sites already existing it is difficult for a new one to make room for itself. The Atrium accomplishes this by focusing on resources that connect the present and the past. Teachers can make good use of several features at this site. The Commentarium is a frequently updated journal that provides links to online news stories involving the ancient world. The Ancient World on Television offers a weekly guide to programs that depict the ancient world. The Rostra is a collection of RealAudio programs that discuss this era as well as the latest from Nuntii Latini, Radio Finland's news broadcast in Latin. Other features include This Day in Ancient History and the Bibliotheca, a collection of ancient world Internet resources currently under development. [MD]
[Back to Contents]American Labor History Bibliography
Compiled by Timothy G. Borden, a graduate student at Indiana University, and reprinted from the Winter 1997 issue of the Organization of American Historians Magazine of History, this manageable and useful bibliography would be a good addition to a reading list or syllabus for an undergraduate level course. The bibliography is organized roughly by chronological and topical concerns and represents some of the leading works in the field of American working-class studies. [MD]
[Back to Contents]H-AfrTeach Discussion List
This new moderated discussion list is sponsored by H-Net. The list's mission is to provide a forum for educators, students, and others with an interest in teaching about Africa at all educational levels. Membership is free, but the editors request users to fill out a membership survey at the site. [MD]
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Conference Announcements
"Inequality and Social Policy: A Challenge for Sociology"
August 21-5, 1998 San Francisco, CA. The 93rd annual meeting of the American Sociological Association will "confront once more an old question: What is a good society and how can sociology help create it?" The many regular session topics include: Aging Policy, Children and Youth, Critical Race Theory, Deviance and Social Control, and Poverty. [MD]
"Practicing Space, Time, and Place: The Next Social History"
April 17-18, 1998 University of Chicago. The Social History Workshop at the University of Chicago invites scholars to participate in rethinking the definition and role of Social History, at a special conference to be held in Chicago. Faculty and graduate students from all disciplines are encouraged to place their work in the context of these themes. "Especially welcome are papers which address specific issues of (for instance) research choices, pedagogy, the role of graduate admissions and advising, and the use of new technologies in research and education." [MD]
"Information Access in the Global Information Economy"
October 25-29, 1998 Pittsburgh, PA. The American Society for Information Science (ASIS) 1998 Annual Meeting will examine information access and what it means in a global information economy. The topics that will be examined include: producing and delivering information resources, social effects of global information access, and emergent structures for information organization and access. [MD]
"Forms of Victorian Violence"
August 6-9, 1998 University of California, Santa Cruz. The Dickens Project is requesting submissions for a conference on all aspects of violence and its relationship to the Victorian era. "Though often regarded as a period of near equanimity, an 'open secret' about the Victorian age was the relative ubiquity of violence in its society. From the debate over public executions, to the ways the poor were marshalled and contained, to the running of empire, to keeping order in the classroom, to personal crises over the definition and control of the self, the Victorians were fascinated with and informed by cultures of violence." Possible topics include child abuse, homophobia, revolutions, mutinies, crime and punishment, masculinity, animal rights, and racial and ethnic violence. [MD]
(For links to additional calls for papers and conference announcements, see the Conference section of the Current Awareness Metapage:
[Back to Contents]Job Guides/Funding Opportunities
Chronicle of Higher Education Job Openings
Social Science
Crossroads Guide to Employment and Funding Opportunities in American Studies
New Crossroads Opportunities Search Engine
American Sociological Association Employment Bulletin (December, 1997)
American Anthropological Association Positions Open (December, 1997)
(For links to additional Job Guides, see the Employment/Funding section of the Current Awareness Metapage:
[Back to Contents]National Endowment for the Humanities 1998 Summer Seminars and Insititutes for College and University Teachers
"Each summer the National Endowment for the Humanities supports study opportunities for educators to strengthen humanities teaching and scholarship in the nation's colleges and universities. Chinese philosophy, the environment and world history, Rome's Renaissance palaces, Bertolt Brecht in Berlin, and ethnicity and culture in New York City are a few of the topics that college and university teachers will address this summer in 25 NEH summer seminars and institutes." [MD]
[Back to Contents]MesoAmerican Photo Archives
Owned and maintained by David R. Hixson, a graduate student in Tulane University's Department of Anthropology, this site features a number of beautiful original photographs. The site is currently divided into eight photo galleries, each of which contain full-color photographs and detailed captions of archaeological sites and museums from all over Mexico. The site also offers a collection of high-quality related links. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Standing Stones and Rock Art
Stone Pages [QuickTime VR]
Upper Midwest Rock Art Research Association
Created by Paola Arosio and Diego Meozzi, the Stone Pages is a frequently updated site, available in English or Italian, that contains unique reports on megalithic and other archaeological stone sites in England, Scotland, and Ireland. Regular and high resolution photos, site maps, and evaluations are provided for court and passage tombs, cairns-crannogs, dolmens, and standing stones and stone circles. QTVR panoramic views of several sites are also available. Future plans for the site include a section on France. The recently updated Upper Midwest Rock Art Research Association site hosts useful information on petroglyph and pictograph research in this and other regions. Featured articles and research reports will be changed on a periodic basis. Current offerings include several site reports from Minnesota and Wisconsin; articles on rock art, projectile points, and atlatls in Minnesota; and a review of a new book on Wisconsin archaeology for young readers. Most reports are brief and include photos or illustrations. [MD]
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Middle East Review of International Affairs (MERIA)
MERIA is a new international academic publication published by the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies at Bar-Ilan University, Israel. MERIA is actually composed of two elements: MERIA Journal, a quarterly academic journal on issues and topics, and MERIA News, a monthly newsletter covering Middle East studies. [MD]
[Back to Contents]EU Employment Summit--Key Papers [.pdf, Word]
This site offers full-text versions of the key addresses and papers from the EU Employment Summit on November 20-21. Papers are available in multiple languages and some are available only as .pdf or Microsoft Word documents. The site also features background information on the Summit. [MD]
[Back to Contents]New Working Papers are available from the following:
Latin American Studies Association (LASA) [.pdf]
The Centre for Euro-Mediterranean Studies
Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies
LASA titles include: "Tropical Temptress to Republican Wife: Gender, Virtue, and Haitian Independence, 1763-1803," and "Approaches to a Theology of Women's Liberation in Latin America." Euro-Mediterranean Studies papers are numbered 97/3 and 97/4 and discuss European integration and modern Turkish identity, respectively. New papers at the Max Planck Institute are numbered 97/8 and 97/9 and deal with regulatory options for Europe and democratic politics in the international economy (in German), respectively. [MD]
[Back to Contents]New Think Tank Policy Papers and Briefs
Nathan Newman, "From Microsoft Word to Microsoft World: How Microsoft is Building a Global Monopoly"--NetAction
Jesse Rothstein and Robert E. Scott, "The Cost of Trade with China"--Economic Polic Institute
Warwick J. McKibbin and Peter J. Wilcoxen, "Salvaging the Kyoto Climate Change Negotiations"--Brookings Institution
Rob Geen and Shelley Waters, "The Impact of Welfare Reform on Child Welfare Financing"-The Urban Institute
.pdf version:
Kim R. Holmes, "Fast Track, Saddam Hussein, And Other Challenges To Clinton's Legacy"--Heritage Foundation
(For links to additional new Think Tank publications see the Think Tank Policy Papers section on the Current Awareness Metapage: [MD]
[Back to Contents]New Tables of Contents/Abstracts for recent and forthcoming issues are available for the following Journals:[MD]
Columbia Journalism Review (full text)
Theory and Event (full text)
Central Asian Survey
Journal of Interdisciplinary History
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National Survey of Fishing, Hunting and Wildlife-Related Recreation: 1996 [.pdf]--US Census Bureau
The Wildlife Recreation data was gathered for the US Fish and Wildlife Service by the Census Bureau. "The tables have 1996 data on the game hunted and the fish caught, the money spent on travel and lodging, the equipment used, the places visited, the income and education of the survey respondents and the participation of disabled people." The site also has substantial data for states. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Immigration and Naturalization Statistics
The Immigration and Naturalizations Service Statistics site provides "comprehensive annual immigration statistics from 1994-1996, as well as state estimates of the United States' illegal alien resident and foreign-born populations." [MD]
[Back to Contents]US Housing Market Conditions, 3rd Quarter 1997--HUD USER
The November issue of US Housing Market Conditions offers national, regional, and historical data on a number of housing and homeownership factors. [MD]
[Back to Contents]US Welfare Caseloads Updated Information
Change in Welfare Caseloads since 1993
Change in Welfare Caseloads since August 1996
The Administration for Children and Families, DHHS has recently added two new data collections to its web site. The first lists the total AFDC/TANF families and recipients both nationally and by state. The second offers a caseload comparison of welfare recipients since the enactment of the new welfare law. [MD]
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UN Conference on Climate Change
Kyoto Conference Official Site
Pace Energy Project at Pace University
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Eco--The Climate Action Network Online
Brett D. Schaefer, "How the Global Warming Treaty Will Harm the Economic Health of the States"--Heritage Foundation
Western Fuels Association
Global Climate Change--Public Utilities Commission of Ohio
This week's In the News discusses the UN Conference on Climate Change. These seven resources provide a variety of viewpoints and analyses on this pressing subject. Delegates from 160 countries commenced a ten day conference in Kyoto, Japan to agree on a strategy to cut the world's emissions of greenhouse gases, which are thought to cause global warming. Any agreement, however, will be difficult, as large divisions between nations were apparent even before the conference began. The two most important disagreements concern the amount of greenhouse gas cuts and the standards for developing nations. The European Union seeks a 15% cut in gases while the US government, lobbied hard by business groups, wants no reduction at all for at least ten years. The other major sticking point is whether developing countries should have to reach the same targets as the developed world, which is responsible for the vast majority of the emissions. Little progress is projected until the last phase of the conference, when senior representatives, including Vice-President Al Gore, arrive in Kyoto.The official web site of the conference offers a daily programme, information for participants and the media, and links to official documents. The Pace Energy Project is aimed at an academic audience and features links to key reports, treaties, and speeches, including President Clinton's October, 1997 speech outlining the US position on global warming. The IPCC was established in 1988 by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to assess the available scientific, technical, and socio-economic information in the field of climate change. The IPCC site's offerings include special reports, technical papers, press releases, and information on its three Working Groups. Group III is investigating the political and social dimensions of climate change. Eco, the online newsletter of the Climate Action Network, is a strong proponent of significant cutbacks in greenhouse gas emissions. The Eco site features reports from past climate change meetings as well as daily updates from the Kyoto conference in both html and .pdf formats. Western Fuels, "an especially aggressive industry player," and the policy paper from the Heritage Foundation, a conservative Think Tank, offer alternative interpretations of the threat of global warming and warn against unnecessary regulations on US industry. Finally, the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio offers links to over 50 more resources on global climate change. [MD]
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Brought to You by the Internet Scout Project
The Scout Report for Social Sciences is published every other Tuesday by the Internet Scout Project, located in the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Department of Computer Sciences.
Susan Calcari
Jack Solock Michael de Nie Jeannine Ramsey |
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Managing Editor Editor Assistant Editor Production Editor |
Copyright Susan Calcari and the University of Wisconsin Board of Regents, 1994-1998. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of the Scout Report for Social Sciences provided the copyright notice and this paragraph is preserved on all copies. The Internet Scout Project provides information about the Internet to the US research and education community under a grant from the National Science Foundation, number NCR-9712163. The Government has certain rights in this material.
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