The Scout Report for Social Sciences
October 20, 1998
A Publication of the Internet Scout Project
Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison
The target audience of the new Scout Report for Social Sciences is faculty, students, staff, and librarians in the social sciences. Each biweekly issue offers a selective collection of Internet resources covering topics in the field that have been chosen by librarians and content specialists in the given area of study.
The Scout Report for Social Sciences is also provided via email once every two weeks. Subscription information is included at the bottom of each issue.
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New Data
Learning Resources and General Interest
In the News
Current Awareness
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ERPA: European Research Papers Archive
ERPA, the European Research Papers Archive, provides a common interface for searching a database of online working papers relevant to European integration. Contributors to the archive include the Robert Schuman Centre of the Academy of European Law at the European University Institute, the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, the Jean Monnet Working Papers Series at Harvard Law School, and the European Communities Studies Association-Austria. Users can select either a short form to search recent additions to the archive or a long form to either or to also access the many advanced search options, including full-text searches. [AO]
[Back to Contents]National Register Information System--NRIS
Provided by the US National Park Service (discussed in the March 8, 1996 Scout Report), the National Register Information System (NRIS) is the official database of the National Register of Historic Places. The database "contains information on more than 80,000 properties and includes a searchable index of more than two million terms." Users can access the NRIS data via several protocols: Web, telnet, or FTP. The Web and telnet interfaces allow users to search the NRIS by name, location, person, or status. Users can also visit the FTP server and download the entire database (dBASE III Plus). [AO]
[Back to Contents]UN-I-QUE : United Nations Info Quest
The Dag Hammarskjold Library of the United Nations created this ready reference database to provide easy access to the document symbols and sales numbers of UN serial publications. The database contains information for UN documents published from 1946 to the present. Users may conduct keyword searches using Boolean and proximity operators. Query results are displayed in order of relevance and each record displays information in reverse chronological order. Users should note that this database does not provide full bibliographic information; it is merely a means for locating document identifiers for related and recently-released UN materials. [AO]
[Back to Contents]International Social Survey Programme--ISSP
The International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) is an ongoing project that promotes the cross-national collaboration of social science research. Each year, the 29 member countries of the ISSP contribute data from national social science research projects to an international survey. The topic for the international survey changes every year; past topics have included social inequality, role of government, religion, and national identity. This Website provides general information about the program, a list of international surveys from 1985 to 1999, an archive of data sets used by the ISSP, profiles of participating countries, and a bibliography of publications. [AO]
[Back to Contents]The Center for Strategic and International Studies--CSIS
The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)--a public policy research institution that covers every major geographic region in the world--generates strategic analysis, brings together important policymakers, and develops policy action commissions. This extensive CSIS Website provides institutional information, a directory of CSIS experts, analysis of international current events, summaries of numerous research projects, a list of publications, and Washington Quarterly, the full-text journal of the CSIS. [AO]
[Back to Contents]World Food Habits Bibliography
Professor Robert Dirks of Illinois State University compiled this comprehensive list of resources for the anthropological study of food and culture. The World Food Habits Bibliography is subdivided into regional and topical lists. All regions of the globe are included and topic areas cover various facets of food-related studies. In addition, a special section provides a list of resources related to the study of the American diet from 1891 to 1942. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Three New Philosophy Titles--JSTOR
Philosophical Perspectives
Philosophical Quarterly
Participating JSTOR Sites
JSTOR has recently added three titles to its collection of full-text online journals: Nous volumes 1-26, covering 1967 to 1992; Philosophical Perspectives volumes 1-6, covering 1987 to 1992; and Philosophical Quarterly volumes 1-42, covering 1950 to 1992. Note: access to JSTOR content is currently available only on a site license basis to academic institutions. A list of institutions with site licenses is available. [AO]
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Two Resources for Latin American Studies
The Cuban Experience [Java, RealPlayer]
Experience Nicaragua
Enhanced version: [frames, Java, RealPlayer]
Light version:
ThinkQuest home page
These two interactive learning sites--both semifinalists in the 1998 ThinkQuest Internet competition (discussed in the December 5, 1997 Scout Report) --provide comprehensive overviews of Latin American countries. The first site, The Cuban Experience, thoroughly explores Cuban culture, history, politics, people, places, and current affairs. Interactive modules include a trivia contest with real prizes, a virtual tour of Cuba, and a simulation of the Cuban missile crisis. The second site, Experience Nicaragua, provides general information about Nicaragua as well as details about the country's history, economy, and culture. Experience Nicaragua also contains several interactive features and a multimedia gallery of video and audio clips. The site offers both English and Japanese versions, and some content at the site is available in the original Spanish. For visitors with text browsers or slow connections, Experience Nicaragua is accessible through a light version. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Keeping Our Word: Preserving Information Across the Ages
Presented by the University of Iowa Libraries, this virtual exhibition "celebrates the myriad efforts made over time to preserve information." The exhibit chronicles the development of writing surfaces from cave paintings to digital media, highlighting the preservation issues related to clay, papyrus, vellum, paper, and electronic records. In addition, the exhibit considers the historical role of archivists and librarians as keepers of the word. For further information, an annotated list of preservation links is provided. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Communication Studies, Cultural Studies, and Media Studies Infobase [frames, Java]
Mick Underwood's extensive infobase of communication, culture, and media studies introduces various models and theories of communication and explains their social and cultural implications. In addition, the infobase includes a detailed index of terms, a bibliography of references, a list of links, a message forum, a chat room, and a series of online quizzes. The great volume of information at this site is effectively managed via several navigation tools: a site map, an index, pull-down menus, and meaningful icons.
[Back to Contents]Mid-Atlantic Infoshop: Your Guide to Anarchy on the Web
Organized anarchy? The political tenets of Anarchism are often misconstrued. The Mid-Atlantic Infoshop dispels this confusion by providing an extensive collection of anarchist and activist resources on the Web that promote voluntary cooperation, equality, and free association among persons. Within the guide, myriad information resources are clearly arranged by topic area, such as Anarcha-feminism, Anarchist Opinion, and Practical Anarchy. Also included in the guide are an anarchist news kiosk, a comprehensive anarchist FAQ, and a search engine for anarchy on the Web. [AO]
[Back to Contents]The Origins and Ancient History of Wine
Presented by the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, The Origins and Ancient History of Wine explores the roots of viniculture and its effects on the ancient civilizations of the Near East and Egypt. The site also explains how archaeological chemistry has improved methods for investigating organic artifacts, providing new means for studying technological and biocultural development of early peoples. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Core 4: Image Bank [frames]
This Image Bank supplements the coursework for Core 4: The Shaping of the Modern World, an introductory course offered by the History Department of Brooklyn College. The Image Bank indexes numerous historical images spanning from the Scientific Revolution to the present. The images are divided into eight major topic indexes: Ancien Regime and Critics; Age of Revolutions; Industry and Society; Liberalism and Nationalism; Varieties of Imperialism; The World Turned Upside Down; Fascism, Depression & WWII; and, The World Since 1945. Indexes for major topics contain clustered subtopics, allowing users to locate relevant images quickly. This Image Bank presents students and educators with a valuable, visual method for understanding Modern Western History. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Guide to Foreign and International Legal Databases
The Guide to Foreign and International Legal Databases is a compendium of useful online legal resources worldwide. Written and maintained by Mirela Roznovschi--Reference Librarian for Foreign and International Law at the New York University School of Law--the guide offers users an organized approach to the overwhelming amount of legal information available on the Internet. The searchable guide is divided conveniently into twenty topic areas related to foreign and international law. Within each topic section, a compilation of briefly annotated legal links direct users to relevant resources. In addition to the guide, the site provides a section entitled How to Evaluate a Legal Database on the Internet, which contains a detailed evaluation form for rating the usefulness of online legal resources. [AO]
[Back to Contents]The Psychology of Cyberspace
Created and maintained by Professor John Suler of Rider University, The Psychology of Cyberspace is a frequently updated interactive document that provides "an evolving conceptual framework for understanding the various psychological components of cyberspace." Currently, the site contains six major components: The Fundamental Psychological Qualities of Cyberspace, The Psychology of the Individual in Cyberspace, The Psychology of Cyberspace Relationships, Group Dynamics in Cyberspace, Research Methods in Cyberpsychology, and The Palace Study, an ongoing case study of an online multimedia community. This extensive site also includes a subject index to aid information retrieval, and a modest annotated webliography of cyberpsychology resources. [AO]
[Back to Contents]The Human Dentition [frames, Quicktime]
The Dental Anthropology Association maintains this Quicktime database of human dentition. The site contains brief video clips of human teeth in both a permanent and deciduous dentition, and offers an unobtrusive way for anthropology students to explore the basic dental morphology of human populations. Users select an individual tooth from a table, play the corresponding video clip, and then conduct a three-dimensional examination of that tooth. Currently 52 incisors, canines, premolars, and molars are available for viewing. [AO]
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World Development Report 1998/99: Knowledge for Development
The World Bank has published the twenty-first annual World Development Report, investigating "the role of knowledge in advancing economic and social well-being." The report makes three important suggestions directed to developing countries. First, developing countries are encouraged to institute policies to narrow the gap between the information-poor and the information-rich. Second, governments, NGOs, and the private sector need to collaborate to address the information problems that cause economic and political failure. Third, developing countries are prompted to recognize that knowledge is at the core of all development endeavors. This site provides the full version of the report, a report summary, a slide show, press releases, a Q & A section about the report, and ordering information. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Which World? Scenarios for the 21st Century [JavaScript]
Which World? Scenarios for the 21st Century is the Web companion to Dr. Allen Hammond's recently published book of the same name. This enlightening Website serves as a tool and a resource for pondering the global future of demographic, economic, environmental, and socio-political issues. Graphs and charts of critical statistical trends, projected to the year 2050, provide plausible future conditions for seven major regions of the world. Also included at the site are three global scenarios that offer alternative views of the world's future. For those who desire more information, a well-organized Resource Library is available, linking users to additional resources, including useful data sets. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Social Development Policies, Results and Learning: Experiences from European Agencies--DFID
Neil Thin of the University of Edinburgh recently published this paper for the Department for International Development (DFID). The paper addresses three major issues of social development: the conceptualization of social development policies and practices; the management of information in aid planning; and the assessment of outcomes from social development work. The report is available in .pdf format only. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Conference Announcements
Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Comparative Study of Civilizations--ISCSC
May 19-23, 1999 St. Louis, Missouri. Sponsored by the University of Missouri at Rolla, the 28th annual meeting of the ISCSC will focus on the theme of "Janus: Looking Back to Look Forward into the New Millennium." Conference organizers "invite disciplined reflections on the 'influence' of the past" to contemplate the present and the future. [AO]XXXIst Annual Meeting of Cheiron
June 10-13, 1999 Ottawa, Ontario. Cheiron: The International Society for the History of Behavioral and Social Sciences will hold its 1999 annual meeting at Carleton University in Ottawa. The conference will cover elements germane to "the history of the behavioral and social sciences, or with related historiographical and methodological issues." The keynote speaker will be Mari Jo Buhle, Harrison S. Kravis Professor of American Civilization and History at Brown University. [AO]"Exploring Cyber Society"
July 5-7, 1999 Newcastle, England. The social, political, economic, and cultural dimensions of the emerging cyber society will be discussed in an international conference hosted by the University of Northumbria. Four themes will explore the social ramifications of new information and communications technologies: Cyber Society, Cyber Politics & Policy, Cyber Economics, and Cyber Culture. [AO](For links to additional calls for papers and conference announcements, see the Conference section of the Current Awareness Metapage:
[Back to Contents]Job Guides/Funding Opportunities
H-Net Job Guide
Chronicle of Higher Education Job Openings
Social Science
National Communication Association--Grant and Fellowship Archive
American Studies Crossroads Project--Jobs and Fellowships links to additional Job Guides, see the Employment/Funding section of the Current Awareness Metapage:
[Back to Contents]New Think Tank Policy Papers and Briefs
Davis, Paul K. et al. "Transforming the Force: Suggestions for DoD Strategy"--RAND
Flores, Kimura, Toby Douglas, and Deborah A. Ellwood. "The Children's Budget Report: A Detailed Analysis of Spending on Low-Income Children's Programs in 13 States"--The Urban Institute
.pdf version:
Kijakazi, Kilolo. "African Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Social Security: the Shortcomings of the Heritage Foundation Reports"--Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
.pdf version:
Phillips, James. "The US Agenda at the Israeli-Palestine Summit"--The Heritage Foundation
.pdf version:
Rodriguez, Hilda and Chandler Arnold. "Children & Divorce: A Snapshot" --Center for Law and Social Policy links to additional new Think Tank publications see the Think Tank Policy Papers section on the Current Awareness Metapage:
[Back to Contents]New Tables of Contents/Abstracts for recent and forthcoming issues are available for the following journals:
CSA Newsletter (full text)
Columbia Journalism Review (full text)
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation (full text)
Migration News (full text)
Communal/Plural: Journal of Transnational & Crosscultural Studies
Political Science Quarterly
Social Science Computer Review
[Back to Contents]US Populations
The SEER (Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results) Program of the National Cancer Institute has recently released this collection of US population data files. The collection includes data files for county level populations from 1973 to 1996 for every state in the US. Data files containing the total US population from 1973 to 1996 as well as files containing total populations for each state from 1973 to 1996 are also included. The data are available for downloading in ASCII format as self-extracting DOS executable files. Users should note that documentation for the population data files is in .pdf format. [AO]
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StatBase: UK National Statistics Online
The Government Statistical Service of the UK has released the first public version of StatBase. StatBase--which supersedes the online edition of The Guide to Official Statistics--was developed to provide a comprehensive database of key national statistics derived from a wide array of official data sets. Users may browse the database at the theme, subject, or topic level; or they may conduct simple text searches. Currently, StatBase contains 140 data sets spanning 17 statistical themes. The standard format for data downloaded from StatBase is CSV. For users who need software packages to view and manipulate acquired data, StatBase provides two statistical applications, which are available for downloading: Navidata 3 and Beyond 20/20. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Census of India
India's richly diverse population of more than 975 million people, growing at a rate of over 43,000 persons per day, provides a wealth of fascinating data when its decennial census is taken by the Office of the Registrar General and Census Commissioner. Although the last Indian census was conducted in 1991, new data are still being released every month. This Website provides access to Census Publications; India and State Maps; State Publications; District Census Handbooks; Special Studies; India at a Glance; Key Population Statistics; Vital Statistics; State Census Directorates; and New Book Releases. [AO]
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Pinochet Arrested in London
Derechos Chile: Human Rights in Chile - Then and Now
Chile - European States Protect Human Rights? the Visit of General Pinochet to Europe
Chile - After a Quarter of a Century Total Government Commitment to Truth and Justice is Required
Chile After Pinochet
Chile: A Country of Opportunities
Chile - A Country Study
This week's In the News considers the recent arrest of former Chilean dictator General Augusto Pinochet. These seven resources include news, background information, commentary, and history. On October 16, in response to a Spanish extradition warrant, British police arrested Pinochet in a London hospital where he was recuperating from minor surgery. Spanish High Court judges issued the international warrant to question Pinochet about allegations of genocide, torture, and terrorism against Spanish, Chilean, Argentinean, British, and US citizens during his 17-year reign of Chile. According to official figures released by the Chilean government, over 3,000 of Pinochet's political opponents died during his rule and over 1,000 were declared missing after detainment by his security agents. Although Pinochet's brutal dictatorship ended in 1990, he was the commander-in-chief of the Chilean army until last March when he resigned to become senator-for-life, a position he established for himself when his ruthless regime drafted their constitution in 1980. The Chilean government condemns the arrest and has filed formal protests with the British and Spanish governments, citing violations of Pinochet's diplomatic immunity and transgressions of Chilean sovereignty. However, British and Spanish authorities have dismissed Chilean protests, setting up a legal battle that will have broad implications for the international prosecution of alleged human rights violations.
Derechos Chile maintains Human Rights in Chile - Then and Now, a comprehensive historical and current awareness resource for human rights in Chile. This site contains testimonies, documents, photographs, chronologies, background information, and current news related to human rights in Chile from 1973 to the present. Amnesty International offers two documents about Pinochet and his human rights record: European States Protect Human Rights? the Visit of General Pinochet to Europe; and After a Quarter of a Century Total Government Commitment to Truth and Justice is Required. Norberto Santana Jr. wrote Chile After Pinochet, which discusses Pinochet's transition from military dictator to senator-for-life. CHIP News is the daily news service of the Chile Information Project, offering English-language summaries of important Chilean news events. Chile: A Country of Opportunities provides general information about Chile as well as official information about the country's business, tourism, and government statistics. Chile - A Country Study, published by the Federal Research Division of the US Library of Congress, provides a profile and an overview of Chile's geography, society, economy, and government. [AO]
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Brought to You by the Internet Scout Project
The Scout Report for Social Sciences is published every other Tuesday by the Internet Scout Project, located in the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Department of Computer Sciences.
Susan Calcari
Jack Solock Andy Osmond Michael de Nie Laura X. Payne |
-- -- -- -- -- |
Managing Editor Editor Assistant Editor Assistant Editor Production Editor |
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From the Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-1998.
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Copyright Susan Calcari and the University of Wisconsin Board of Regents, 1994-1998. The Internet Scout Project (, located in the Computer Sciences Department of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, provides information about the Internet to the U.S. research and education community under a grant from the National Science Foundation, number NCR-9712163. The Government has certain rights in this material. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of the entire Scout Report provided this paragraph, including the copyright notice, is preserved on all copies.
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