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Mexican Migration Project [.pdf, .zip, .dat, .exp]
The Mexican Migration Project's (MMP) interdisciplinary team of researchers collects and analyzes social and economic information on "the complex process of Mexican migration to the United States." This bilingual Website makes the project's work publicly available for research and education. Included are background information about the MMP, Facts & Figures on migration, and a section entitled Expressions, which provides oral histories and online artistic exhibits to promote an "understand[ing of] the emotional reality of migration." However, the core of the site is the extensive MMP Database, which contains general demographic and migratory data on over 7,000 households surveyed in 52 Mexican communities and data on more than 500 households surveyed in the US. Unix and PC Users may download the compressed (.zip) MMP data files in either ASCII (.dat) or SPSS portable (.exp) formats. Corresponding technical documentation is also available in .pdf format. The MMP is a binational research initiative co-directed by Jorge Durand, Professor of Social Anthropology at the University of Guadalajara, and Douglas S. Massey, Professor of Demography and Sociology at the University of Pennsylvania. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Knowledge Broker -- UNDP
The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) has recently launched Knowledge Broker, a Web portal that provides development experts, government agencies, and private organizations with centralized "access to knowledge, practical solutions, and best practices" for using information technologies to promote sustainable human development. Knowledge Broker interconnects three Websites: INFO21, the Sustainable Development Networking Programme (SDNP), and the HORIZON Communications Solutions Site. INFO21 functions as UNDP's online resource center for information on the relationship between sustainable human development and communications technologies. The SDNP, also a UNDP site, supports connectivity and information-sharing in developing countries. And the HORIZON site, a collaborative project produced by several development research centers, offers "readily accessible peer-reviewed answers to problems in environment, health, population, and development." [AO]
[Back to Contents]Canadian Public Opinion Archive
Maintained by the Centre for the Study of Democracy at Queen's University (Kingston, Ontario), this archive contains over 350 surveys on Canadian public opinion. The surveys in the archive investigate a wide range of social, cultural, economic, political, and environmental issues and span in date from 1977 to the present. Visitors may search the full text of the surveys, but must request permission from the site administrator to view the frequency distributions and to access the data analysis tools available online. [AO]
[Back to Contents]BeCaL: Belief, Culture and Learning Information Gateway
BeCaL is a new information gateway that provides scholars and practitioners with peer-reviewed educational and research resources regarding the "beliefs and worldviews that shape education policy and practice." Created by a consortium of theological educational organizations and hosted by the Institute for Learning and Research Technology at the University of Bristol (UK), BeCal consists of four major sections: Bibliography, Toolkit, Online Resources Database, and Exchange. The Bibliography section is a searchable database containing citations and abstracts for more than 4,000 papers, books, and journal articles selected for inclusion by subject specialists. The Toolkit is a collection of curricula and study resources for values education. The Online Resources Database is an annotated, searchable, browseable catalog of high-quality Internet resources concerning belief, culture, and values. And the Exchange section is a set of moderated Web-based discussion groups, both public and private. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Swiss Diplomatic Documents [.pdf] -- Swiss Federal Archives
Swiss Diplomatic Documents, a site maintained by the Swiss Federal Archives, provides public access to documents on Swiss foreign policy and international relations. This site contains two valuable information resources: the DoDiS database and a comprehensive bibliography. The DoDiS (Diplomatische Dokumente der Schweiz, or Documents Diplomatiques Suisses) database currently includes entries on over 2,000 foreign policy documents, 6,000 persons, 7,000 organizations, and 1,650 geographical terms. The database also contains international agreements, federal laws, and decisions of the Federal Council and of the Federal Assembly. DoDiS is searchable and provides detailed bibliographic data for each entry. Recently about one-fourth of the documents have also been made available in a full-text format (.pdf). The other significant resource at this site is a bibliography on Swiss international relations and foreign policy from 1945 to the present. The extensive bibliography is organized by subject and includes references in German, French, and English. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Three New JSTOR Titles
American Literature
Participating JSTOR Sites:
JSTOR has recently added three new titles to its collection of full-text online journals. American Literature, a distinguished periodical of American literary criticism, is published by Duke University Press, and currently includes Volumes 1-65, 1929-1993. ELH, a quarterly journal of English and American literary studies, is published by Johns Hopkins University Press, and includes Volumes 1-61, 1934-1994. Representations, an interdisciplinary journal covering literature, history, art history, anthropology, and social theory, is published by the University of California Press and includes Issues 1-48, 1983-1994. Note: access to JSTOR content is currently available only on a site license basis to academic institutions. A list of institutions with site licenses is available. [AO]
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RUDI: Resource for Urban Design Information
RUDI, the Resource for Urban Design Information, is an Internet gateway providing instructors, students, researchers, and practitioners with information related to urban design, architecture, planning, and associated disciplines. The collection of materials at RUDI includes case study examples of good practice, scholarly articles and papers, abstracts from urban design journals, bibliographies on urban design topics, the full-text of Urban Design Quarterly, a directory of urban design courses, a comprehensive calendar of events, links to related organizations and Websites, and much more. Currently, this extensive site contains 2,200 multimedia Web pages and nearly 6,000 images. RUDI is sponsored by the University of Hertfordshire and Oxford Brookes University. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Open Studio: The Arts Online -- Benton Foundation/ NEA
Open Studio: The Arts Online, an extensive network of technology training resources, provides artists and nonprofit arts organizations with Web-based tools and models to enhance online publication, communication, and creative expression. Recently relaunched by the Benton Foundation and the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), the Open Studio Website features a directory of connections to regional training and public access sites nationwide. In addition, the Website includes a Toolkit, Digital Canvas, and moderated discussion lists. The Toolkit offers a collection of online training curricula, tutorials, and materials. Digital Canvas is a new electronic magazine devoted to communication technology and the arts. And in the Join the Discussion section, several public fora permit participants to share "lessons learned and best practices" related to the use of the Internet in an artistic, educational environment. Note: users must establish a free user ID and password to participate in the discussions. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Codes of Ethics Online Project
The Codes of Ethics Online Project, an initiative of the Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions at the Illinois Institute of Technology, provides an online index of the official codes of ethics for more than 850 professional societies, corporations, government agencies, and academic institutions worldwide. Users may browse the extensive index by subject category or search the full text of all codes by keywords. Note: the site is still under construction and access may be inconsistent. [AO]
[Back to Contents]The "Looting Question" Bibliography
Provocatively subtitled "Web and Literary Resources on the Archaeological Politics of Private Collecting, Commercial Treasure Hunting, Looting, and 'Professional' Archaeology," this comprehensive online bibliography provides scholars and practitioners with resources related to the "looting question." The bibliography is organized by format type and focuses on North American materials. Hugh Jarvis, a doctoral candidate in Anthropology as well as a graduate student in Information and Library Studies at the State University of New York (SUNY) at Buffalo, has compiled this unique, frequently updated resource. [AO]
[Back to Contents]SAWNET: South Asian Women's Network
SAWNET, the South Asian Women's Network, provides a forum for disseminating information about women's issues in the nations of Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. Organized into seventeen topical sections, SAWNET includes articles and books by and for South Asian women, background material on South Asian women's organizations, the latest news about women in the region, and a myriad of other resources relevant to women's rights and health. SAWNET also hosts an electronic mailing list to discuss issues covered by the Website. Please note that the moderated list is restricted to women only. Detailed subscription information and mailing list policies are available at the site. [AO]
[Back to Contents]The Ethnography of Lewis and Clark -- Peabody Museum, Harvard University
The Ethnography of Lewis and Clark: Native American Objects and the American Quest for Commerce and Science is a new online exhibit presented by the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology at Harvard University. The exhibit displays ethnographic objects collected by Meriwether Lewis, William Clark, and the Corps of North West Discovery during their two-year expedition "for both commercial advantage and scientific knowledge." The Peabody collection includes rare objects of Native American material culture such as a painted buffalo robe, a calumet, a woven hat, a hemp basket, and hide clothing, among other invaluable items. Each item is cataloged, and the site provides images and a detailed description. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Java Demos for Probability and Statistics
Statisticians as well as students, instructors, and practitioners of other social sciences will appreciate this intelligible collection of Java applets. The interactive applets clearly model probability distributions and illustrate other basic statistical concepts. Included are applets that demonstrate hypergeometric distribution, Poisson distribution, normal distribution, bivariate normal distribution, proportions, confidence intervals for means, the central limit theorem, linear regression, and Buffon's Needle. Applet developer -- Professor Charles Stanton of California State University, San Bernardino -- provides brief descriptions and instructions for most of the demonstrations. [AO]
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(For links to additional current awareness on tables of contents, abstracts, preprints, new books, data, conferences, etc., visit the Social Sciences Current Awareness Metapage: http://scout.cs.wisc.edu/scout/report/socsci/metapage/).Sociological Research Online
The spring edition of Sociological Research Online has recently been published. Volume 4 Issue 1 features a special section consisting of eleven articles written by leading academics about the Macpherson Inquiry and Report, an official UK investigation into the racially motivated murder of Stephen Lawrence (see the February 26, 1999 Scout Report). [AO]
[Back to Contents]Institute for Research on Poverty Discussion Papers, University of Wisconsin-Madison [.pdf]
DP 1189-99: Stoll, Michael A., Harry J. Holzer, and Keith R. Ihlanfeldt. "Within Cities and Suburbs: Racial Residential Concentration and the Spatial Distribution of Employment Opportunities Across Submetropolitan Areas"
DP 1190-99: Haveman, Robert et al. "The Changing Economic Status of US Disabled Men: Trends and Their Determinants, 1982-1991"
Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies Working Papers
99/1: Hemerijck, Anton. "Prospects for Inclusive Social Citizenship in an Age of Structural Inactivity"
Population Studies Center, University of Michigan
99-436: Cuong, Bui The et al. "Vietnamese Elderly Amidst Transformations In Social Welfare Policy"
Full .pdf version:
Population Studies Centre, University of Western Ontario [.pdf]
99-3: Ravanera, Zenaida R., Fernando Rajulton, and Thomas K. Burch. "Timing, Sequences, and Variations in Separation and Divorce of Canadian Men"
99-4: Burch, Thomas K. "Computer Modelling of Theory: Explanation for the 21st Century"
Stockholm Research Reports in Demography
SRRD-132: Hoem, Jan M. "Systematic Patterns of Zero Exposures in Event-History Analysis"
Word 6.0 version:
[Back to Contents]New Think Tank Policy Papers and Briefs
Dertouzos, James N., Eric Larson, and Patricia A. Ebener. "The Economic Costs and Implications of High-Technology Hardware Theft" -- RAND
Executive summary:
Full .pdf report:
"From Bench to Bedside: Preserving the Research Mission of Academic Health Centers" -- The Commonwealth Fund
Rasell, Edith and Jeff Faux. "Fixing Social Security: The Clinton Plan and Its Alternatives" -- Economic Policy Institute
.pdf version:
Schorr, Lisbeth, Kathleen Sylvester, and Margaret Dunkle. "Strategies to Achieve a Common Purpose: Tools for Turning Good Ideas into Good Policies" -- Institute for Educational Leadership Policy Exchange
Executive summary:
Full .pdf version:
Sorensen, Elaine and Ariel Halpern. "Child Support Enforcement Is Working Better Than We Think" -- The Urban Institute
[Back to Contents]New Tables of Contents/ Abstracts
Continuum: Journal of Media & Cultural Studies
D-Lib Magazine (full-text)
Internet Archaeology (full-text)
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation (full-text)
j_spot: Journal of Social and Political Thought (full-text)
Trafficking, Sex Work, Prostitution: Discourses and Representations from the Sub-Continent (full-text)
[Back to Contents]Women's Lives, Women's Voices, Women's Solutions: Shaping a National Agenda for Women in Higher Education
March 27-29, 2000. Minneapolis, Minnesota. Hosted by the University of Minnesota, this conference will discuss issues related to women in higher education, develop strategies to improve the status of women on campus, and shape a national agenda for "supporting women as teachers, learners, and creators of knowledge." A parallel teleconference is also planned, allowing students, staff, faculty, and administrators to participate remotely. Detailed information about the proceedings is available at the site. [AO]
Labor and Leisure, 1440 - 1840 -- GEMCS
October 7-10, 1999. Coral Gables, Florida. The seventh annual conference of the Group for Early Modern Cultural Studies (GEMCS) will explore the social, economic, political, aesthetic, and philosophical aspects of labor and leisure within cultures and societies worldwide between the years of 1440 and 1840. An extensive list of proposed topics is available at the site. The deadline for proposals has been extended, and submission abstracts are now due by May 1, 1999. [AO]
Seventh ACM International Symposium on GIS
November 5-6, 1999. Kansas City, Missouri. A preliminary call for papers has been issued for the Association for Computer Machinery's 1999 conference on Geographic Information Systems. This symposium will feature paper presentations and interactive panel sessions on current "research in novel systems based on geo-spatial data and knowledge," with a special focus on presentations that address concrete applications. Submission instructions and deadlines are detailed at the site. [AO]
[Back to Contents]H-Net Job Guide
Chronicle of Higher Education Job Openings
Social Science
National Communication Association -- Grant and Fellowship Archive
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General Social Surveys, 1972-1998: [Cumulative File] [.gz] -- ICPSR
The Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) at the University of Michigan has recently added General Social Surveys (GSS), 1972-1998 to its archive. This cumulative data set, prepared by the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research (see the December 1, 1998 Scout Report for Social Sciences), spans from 1972 to 1998 and covers socioeconomic status, social mobility, social control, the family, race relations, sex relations, civil liberties, and morality, among many other topics. Each annual GSS, conducted by the National Opinion Research Center (NORC), also includes topical modules which investigate specific issues. In 1998, the GSS topical modules examined medical care, medical ethics, religion and health, job experiences, and interracial friendships. The GSS also includes cross-national modules, conducted by the International Social Survey Program (see the October 20, 1998 Scout Report for Social Sciences), on the role of government, national identity, religion, and work. The cumulative data set is provided in a compressed and uncompressed file, and may be downloaded by authorized member institutions and official representatives of the ICPSR Data Archive. Downloading specifications and instructions are provided. [AO]
[Back to Contents]United Nations World Abortion Policies 1999 -- POPIN
The United Nations Population Information Network (POPIN) has recently published a collection of data tables that outline the abortion policies for regions and nations around the world. The tables display the grounds on which abortion is legally permitted, as well as national and international data on abortion rates, total fertility rates (births per woman), maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births), and the rate of contraceptive use by married women. The data are divided into six regional tables (Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, Northern America, and Oceania). Each regional table is organized by geographic area (e.g., Eastern Asia, Southeastern Asia, South Central Asia, and Western Asia) to facilitate comparisons. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Correctional Populations in the United States, 1996 [.pdf, .zip, .wk1] -- BJS
Every five to seven years since 1972, the US Department of Justice's Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) has released a comprehensive report that presents data on incarcerated persons in the US. The most recent report, the fifth in the series on correctional populations, has just been released and provides detailed information for 1996, a year in which 3.2 million were on probation, 510,400 were in jail, 1,127,528 were in prison, and 704,709 were on parole. The full report and an executive summary are available as ASCII or .pdf files. Users may also download each of the eight report sections individually in .pdf format. Supporting spreadsheets (.wk1) for each section may be downloaded in a compressed format (.zip). [AO]
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East Timor
Indonesia -- BBC News Special Report
Antara News Wire
TimorNet -- East Timor WWW Virtual Library
Search the World: Indonesia -- WashingtonPost.com
Indonesia: Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Timor: The Escalating Crisis -- The Sydney Morning Herald
ETAN/US: East Timor Action Network
"East Timor: Safeguarding the Future" -- Amnesty International
Human Rights Watch World Report 1999: Indonesia and East Timor
This Week's In the News examines the escalation of violence and the proposal for autonomy in the Indonesian province of East Timor. Last weekend, anti-independence militiamen killed dozens of separatist activists in Dili, the East Timorese capital, intensifying the fierce bloodshed and political tumult in the province. The recent massacre is just one of several brutal episodes that have plagued East Timor in the past quarter-century. The people of the embattled island have suffered numerous human rights violations, have endured economic collapse, and have been decimated by guerrilla warfare, famine, and disease. Over 200,000 East Timorese -- or nearly one-fourth of the population -- have died in the troubles, which began in 1975 when Portugal abruptly abandoned East Timor after 400 years of colonial rule. Unstable and vulnerable, the newly independent East Timor was quickly invaded, occupied, and annexed in 1976 by Indonesia, a stronger nation that quashed all subsequent separatist movements. Last January, after years of political oppression, Indonesia's parliament finally succumbed to international pressure and announced that it would grant East Timor either full independence or autonomy within the Indonesian state. The United Nations, although it has never officially recognized Indonesia's sovereignty over East Timor, plans to supervise a vote, tentatively scheduled for July, wherein the East Timorese will determine whether they want full independence or provincial autonomy. Later this week, Foreign Ministers Ali Alatas of Indonesia and Jaime Gama of Portugal are meeting in New York with UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan to discuss the East Timorese autonomy option and plan for the pending UN-monitored poll. However, the recent resurgence of violence between anti- and pro-independence factions in and around Dili threatens the viability of the proposed poll and endangers the stability of East Timor's self-determination. The following nine resources offer background information, the latest news, political analysis, and social commentary.
BBC News offers a special report, which includes breaking news, an overview of the current situation in Indonesia and East Timor, a time line of events, expert analysis, and biographical profiles of key figures. The official news agency of Indonesia, Antara, maintains a site that carries their bilingual newswire. The English version of Antara includes current news reports and an archive of news articles and photographs. TimorNet, the section on East Timor in the Asian Studies WWW Virtual Library, is an information service on the history, geography, and culture of the region. Search the World: Indonesia from WashingtonPost.com provides recent news stories on Indonesia as well as links to relevant reference resources about the country. The Australian Broadcasting Corporation News Website offers comprehensive coverage of the situation in East Timor, in a page devoted to Indonesian current events. The Sydney Morning Herald includes a special section on the recent unrest in East Timor entitled Timor: The Escalating Crisis. The Website for ETAN/US, or the East Timor Action Network, provides news and information on how the organization aims to "change US foreign policy and raise public awareness to support self-determination for East Timor." "East Timor: Safeguarding the Future" from Amnesty International and the Indonesia and East Timor segment of the Human Rights Watch World Report 1999 detail the status of human rights in the area. [AO]
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