Note: This will be the final Scout Report for Social Sciences for 1999. See you on January 11, 2000. Have a happy New Year.
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ADAM: the Art, Design, Architecture & Media Information Gateway
This searchable catalog of 2,500 Internet sites has "been carefully selected and catalogued by professional librarians for the benefit of the Higher Education community." The site offers extensive annotations of resources in the Fine Arts, Design, Architecture, Applied Arts, Media, Theory, Museum Studies and conservation, and professional practices in these fields. ADAM features several options for both searching and browsing. Search options include a keyword search with the ability to specify proximity of words. Users can also search specified fields, perform an advanced search using booleans and various truncations, or search "recent additions." Resources are browseable by ADAM subject headings, historical period, resource type, geographical area, and terminology from an Art and Architecture Thesaurus. Users can nominate a site for review by the ADAM consortium -- a group of librarians whose standards for inclusion and cataloging are professional, detailed, and available on-site. The site is supported by the Surrey Institute of Art and Design in the UK. Caveat: We were unable to determine the source of ADAM's funding beyond December of 1998; and the site seems to have begun updating only recently after a substantial hiatus. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Human Rights Watch World Report 2000
Human Rights Watch issued their annual world report last week, summarizing the state of human rights in 66 countries around the globe. Written with the clarity and detail that marked previous annual issues, this year's report is distinguished by its note of guarded optimism. The report cites two main trends as evidence of a partial dismantling of national sovereignty as an impenetrable defense for human rights violators: international courts are increasingly attempting to bring sovereign leaders to justice and nations are more willing to act in concert against a single nation to oppose human rights violations. Separate sections of the report address special topics, such as academic freedom, child soldiers, the international campaign to ban landmines, and lesbian and gay rights. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Julian Samora Research Institute (JSRI) [.pdf]
Located at Michigan State University, the JSRI "is committed to the generation, transmission, and application of knowledge to serve the needs of Latino communities in the Midwest." To that end, the Institute produces several series of reports and papers, which are also offered in full-text at the Website. The numerous publications (over 170) can be browsed by type (Institute Research Reports, Working Paper Series, Statistical Briefs, Newsletter, Published Books, etc.) and then by author and title (listed in chronological order). Paper titles link to an abstract which in turn links to the full text in HTML and .pdf format. Also available at the site are a collection of census diagrams and maps focusing on Michigan and the Midwest, a Migrant Labor Database, conference and events notices, a what's new listing, and general information about the JSRI. [MD]
[Back to Contents]I CARE: Internet Centre Anti-Racism Europe
Billing itself as "your portal to Anti Racism on the Internet," this site features two main databases. The United Database gives addresses and identifies the type of institution (i.e., NGO, IGO, Archives, Media, etc.) for over 1,500 organizations, searchable by country, city, name of organization, acronym, and address. The Crosspoint Anti-racism database provides annotated links to 1,500 Websites, searchable by country or topic. The site also offers a twice-weekly online newsletter with reports on racism and intercultural issues from across the globe; a calendar of "Internationalism" events in Europe, including addresses and Websites; links to relevant European Institutions; and information on the European preparatory conference to be held in October of the coming year to set the agenda for the United Nations World Conference against Racism in 2001. I CARE is a result of a partnership between UNITED for Intercultural Action, the Magenta Foundation, and Duo A. [DC]
[Back to Contents]East and Southeast Asia: An Annotated Directory of Internet Resources
Maintained by the Asian Studies program at the University of Redlands, this easy-to-navigate directory allows users to access annotated links by country and by political, historical, and cultural topics. The site specifies seventeen East and Southeast Asian countries and hundreds of specific subjects, including sections on academic and library research sites. The homepage also offers direct links to current "hot topics," such as the crackdown on Falun Gong, the Asian financial crisis, the famine in North Korea, and East Timor's "Road to Independence." Frequently link-checked and updated, this is an excellent place to begin preliminary research on the region. [DC]
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Bill Trochim's Center for Social Research Methods
The brainchild of a Cornell University social scientist, this site provides a wealth of materials for learning the fundamentals of social research. Undergraduates (and probably many beginning graduate students) will find invaluable Trochim's Knowledge Base, an online hypertext textbook on applied social research methods that gives step-by-step instruction on "defining a research question, sampling, measurement, research design and data analysis." The site also features "an online statistical advisor" that recommends appropriate statistical tests based on research parameters that users enter; a Research Pointers page that gives links to Internet data and research method sites; and a collection of student Webpages devoted to presenting Internet resources on selected sociological topics (caveat: some of these are better than others and none are more recent than the Spring of 1997). In addition, Trochim offers, for both students and researchers, a collection of online papers written by Trochim and colleagues, focusing primarily on the idea and application of "concept mapping," a research method designed to help communities address and coordinate complicated tasks and projects. [DC]
[Back to Contents]American Collection: Educator's Site
This unusually rich companion Website has been posted in advance of the broadcast of the series, American Collection, a PBS special event presenting nine films based on the works of major American authors, including Willa Cather, Eudora Welty, Langston Hughes, and Henry James. The heart of the site offers "teaching resources, lesson plans, background information, author profiles, online links, and behind-the-scenes production news on the films that will be seen on the series and the works of American literature on which they are based." The site also features a "gateway" of educator-selected sites on (currently) over 50 prominent writers in American literature; a video-finder for American literature on videotape (including films); and a "literary map" that is under construction, allowing high school students to participate by producing informative essays on writers from their region for posting on-site. A separate section also gives students the opportunity to post projects, games, and puzzles relating to the study and appreciation of American literature. Note: Material on the other five films will be added over the coming months. The series itself will begin broadcasting in 2000 on PBS and is a joint venture of PBS, Masterpiece Theatre, and the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE). [DC]
[Back to Contents]Traders: Voices from the Trading Post [RealPlayer]
Supported by the United Indian Traders Association (UITA), a nonprofit organization founded in 1931 to ensure the authenticity of Native American arts and crafts, this Northern Arizona University site examines the trade history of the Native Americans of the southwest. The site offers slide shows taken from photographs in the special collections of the Northern Arizona Cline Library (see this report's New Data section) for the years from 1860 to the present. Users can also look at maps of the Indian territories and listen to over 40 oral histories from Native Americans and white traders and residents who interacted with the Navajo. In addition, Traders has a section dedicated to the products made and traded, including livestock, weaving, jewelry, pinon nuts, and more (this section also features a silent film of Navajo rug weaving). [DC]
[Back to Contents]Neandertals: A Cyber Perspective [Java]
Maintained by Kharlena Ramanan, a PhD candidate in physical anthropology at Indiana State University, this site provides a bounty of misconception-busting information on Neandertals. Did you know, for instance, that Neandertals were not, as they are commonly represented, stooped over, chimpanzee-shuffling, low-grade primates? Or that scholars currently are engaged in a healthy debate as to whether or not they spoke as well as Homo sapiens? Separate sections address these issues as well as the topics of Neandertal tools, diet, lifeways, art, skeletal morphology, fossilized remains, and the ultimate fate of the race. The site also offers a listing of references, further reading, and related Websites. Note: there are frames and lots of applets on the site that might give some smaller computers trouble. [DC]
[Back to Contents]My History is America's History
This interactive Website presented by the National Endowment for the Humanities's Millennium Project encourages Americans to find their family's place in American history. The site shows users how to research their genealogical past, construct a family tree, place their family in a timeline of American history, write their own family history, and publish it online at this Website. Visitors can read selected family or community stories or search the developing database of family stories maintained in partnership with (Unfortunately, only a small selection of these stories is browseable.) Special sections are designed for use with children and in the classroom. The site also offers an opportunity to join a history discussion list and provides additional resources for those interested in pursuing issues of American history and genealogy. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Two from the Gale Research Group
Poet's Corner:
Celebrating Hispanic History:
These two recent sites from Gale Research are part of a series of sites (previously featured in the February 13, 1998 _Scout Report) that offers biographies, timelines, interactive elements, links, activities, and pertinent Gale publishing titles on selected topics. The interactive elements include quizzes and contests, while the activities sections draw on published Gale materials useful for structuring lessons in the classroom or for self-edification. Poet's corner features encyclopedia-length biographical entries for 20 English and American poets ranging from John Milton to Rita Dove. The Celebrating Hispanic History Website posts biographies of 50 prominent Hispanics, a 500-year timeline of Hispanic history, and detailed, linked discussions of popular Hispanic music genres and the artists who made them so. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Las Vegas Strip History
Created by amateur cultural historian Deanna DeMatteo, this site offers "the most detailed history of the Las Vegas Strip on the Internet today," showing in words and graphics the evolution of the properties on the Strip from its beginning to the present. Drawing on materials provided by publications, professional Las Vegas historians, and the Nevada State Museum and Historical Society, DeMatteo offers a detailed, noncommercial history with plenty of photographs (many archival) of the strip from the first night club in 1930 named Pair O Dice to the first true casino hotel, El Rancho with 63 rooms in 1941, to Hilton's giant Paris Las Vegas opening earlier this Fall with 2,914 rooms. There is also a special topics section, covering people significant in the strip's development, such as Warren "Doc" Bayley and Howard Hughes. Launched in August, the Website is continually updated with new material. Note: to reach table of contents, click on the photograph at end of the homepage. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Skeptic's Annotated Bible
This Freethought Ring Website is designed as an anti-fundamentalist version of the King James Bible. Written by a disaffected Christian, this hypertext version of the complete King James text highlights those passages the author contends are embarrassing to Bible-believers, specifically those numerous passages which involve "absurdities, contradictions, violence, sex, insults to women, injustices, bad language or false prophecies." The highlighting is color-coded for easy identification, and a frame provides running commentary explaining the skeptical response. One can also access specific sections of the text by the particular categories listed above. While some might take issue with the combative tone of this evangelical skeptic, this is a highly useful resource for confronting the mass of biblical evidence that challenges any literalist approach to this central text of Western literature and religious thought. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Sociology Dictionary
This site offers definitions of 130 terms commonly used in sociology. While the dictionary is useful for definitions of fundamental terms in sociology such as norm, deviance, social structures, and destratification, some of the more political terms seem to have an unacknowledged leftist bias. The site offers alphabetic tabs for easy access. [DC]
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(For links to additional current awareness on tables of contents, abstracts, preprints, new books, data, conferences, etc., visit the The Scout Report for Social Sciences Current Awareness Metapage: Joan Shorenstein Center: The Vanishing Voter
Part of the John F. Kennedy School of Government's Website (see the Scout Report from November 10, 1995 and November 7, 1997), the Joan Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics, and Public Policy currently features a weekly update examining the level of involvement of the electorate in the presidential campaign. The updates are based on weekly polls asking four key questions about voters's actions and thoughts in relation to campaign coverage in the last week. Results are then tabulated to determine the "voter involvement index" -- a snapshot of public sentiment. The index began the week of November 10th and will continue until the presidential election. In addition to reports and calendars of internal events, the Shorenstein Center also features research and discussion papers, online books on relevant issues (see the November 16, 1999 Scout Report for Social Sciences), and a link to the Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Burtraw, Dallas and Erin Mansur. "Environmental Effects of SO2 Trading and Banking"
Full text (.html):
Full text (.pdf version, 118K):, Paul. "Metissage: The Emerging of Theater and Politics in Revolutionary France" [.pdf, 264K], Natalia S. and Leonid A. Gavrilov. "Data Resources for Biodemographic Studies on Familial Clustering of Human Longevity"
Table of contents (access to .html and .pdf versions, 153K):, Carl P. and Andre Junqueira Caetano. "Estimating Parametric Fertility Models with Open Birth Interval Data"
Table of Contents (access to .html and .pdf versions, 163K):"Welfare Reform: Implementing DOT's Access to Jobs Program in Its First Year" (GAO Report) [.pdf, 53K]
[Back to Contents]New Think Tank Policy Papers and Briefs
RAND Center for the Study of Aging:
"Prescription Drugs and the Elderly: Policy Implications of Medicare Coverage" (Policy Brief) Urban Institute:
Ellwood, Marilyn. "The Medicaid Eligibility Maze: Coverage Expands, but Enrollment Problems Persist, Findings from a Five-State Study"
.pdf version (1629K):
Update: "Can the Budget Survive a Surplus?"
Dusenbury, Pat. "Communicating with Citizens about Government Performance" (Number 3 in Series, Governing-for-Results and Accountability)
.pdf version (542K):
Cordes, Joseph J. and C. Eugene Steuerle. "A Primer on Privatization [of Social Security]"
.pdf version (317K):
[Back to Contents]New Offerings from Academic Publishers
Association of American University Presses: New Releases Academia -- Upcoming Books to Buy (December 1999) University Press Books: By Category Thesis -- Just Published Books -- Publishers of titles on archaeology, classical studies, and medieval studies.
[Back to Contents]New Tables of Contents/ Abstracts
Journal of Semitic Studies (table of contents)
Vol. 44, No. 2 (Autumn 1999) Affairs (table of contents, abstracts)
Vol. 98, No. 393 (October 1999) for Modern Language Studies (table of contents, abstracts)
Vol. 35, No. 4 (October 1999) Psychology: Science and Practice (table of contents, abstracts, full text) [.pdf]
Vol. 6, Issue 4 (Winter 1999) China Quarterly (table of contents, abstracts)
Vol. 160, No. 1 (December 1999)
[Back to Contents]European Research Center on Migration and Ethnic Relations (ERCOMER): New Manifestations of Racism in 21st Century Europe: Threats and Responses
April 10-12, 2000
Ghent, Belgium European Social Science History Conference
April, 12-15 2000
Vrije Universiteit, De Boelelaan 1105
Amsterdam, the Netherlands Librarian International Conference: Libtech 2000
March 20-22, 2000
Olympia 2, London, UK
[Back to Contents]H-Net Job Guide Chronicle of Higher Education Job Openings
Social Science Work and Social Services Jobs Online and Training Support -- American Political Science Association
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HUD Report: Homelessness: Programs and the People They Serve [.pdf]
Home Page HUD: Homelessness:
Highlights Report:
Summary Report:
.pdf version of Summary Report (1158K):
Technical Report -- Table of Contents (individual sections in .pdf):
Last Friday, the department of Housing and Urban development released their "most comprehensive study ever of homelessness in America." The survey of the homeless and the social programs supporting them is offered online in three separate chunks. The Technical Report provides the "full, detailed technical report consisting of 17 chapters with appendices and complete sets of data tables (over 500 pages)." The Summary Report gives complete analysis of the extensive findings of the survey, including five chapters summarizing the methodology and data. The Highlights Report offers a substantial review of both the data and analytic conclusions. One significant finding that seems to fly in the face of certain myths about homelessness: "when homeless people get housing assistance and needed services - such as health care, substance abuse treatment, mental health services, education and job training - 76% of those living in families and 60% of those living alone end their homeless status." [DC]
[Back to Contents]Northern Arizona University: Special Collections and Archives Image Database
The Cline Library Special Collections and Archives Department (SCA) houses over 700,000 photographic images, tens of thousands of which are now available online. The library has digitized dozens of collections, including the Philip Johnston Collection with 265 images documenting life on the Navajo Reservation between 1895 and 1945; the Fronske studio collection, approximately 395 black-and-white photographs documenting over four decades of southwestern people, events, and history; and the Northern Arizona University's Photographic Archives and General Photos collection. The site offers several options for searching and browsing. For users interested only in the online collection, the Finding Guide will be extremely useful in identifying and accessing digitized materials. It is unfortunate that the images seem to be available only in smaller size, but the site provides substantial catalog information for each image and healthy descriptions of the content of and circumstances behind each collection. [DC]
[Back to Contents]NCES: Dropout Rates in the United States, 1998 [.pdf, 528K]
Brief Abstract:
Full text:
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) this month released the latest available data on high school dropout rates. The report "presents national data on high school dropout rates and high school completion rates from 1972 to 1998." Examining the relationship between dropout rates and student characteristics, the report finds that "young adults living in families with incomes in the lowest 20 percent of all family incomes were four times as likely as their peers from families in the top 20 percent of the income distribution to drop out of high school." The report also finds that "in 1998, 9.4 percent of Hispanic students were event dropouts, compared with 3.9 percent of white and 5.2 percent of black students." Note: some of the graphs and tables are difficult to read in .pdf with 100 percent magnification; users may want to increase image resolution or print out relevant charts and graphs. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD): Education at a Glance, 1998 [.pdf, Excel]
Table of Contents:
The OECD (see the December 18, 1997 Scout Report for Business and Economics) provides an annual summary of statistical data on education in its 29 member countries from North America, Europe, and the Asia-Pacific area. This year's Education at a Glance includes data on employment and economic outcomes correlated to educational attainment, data on school age populations and enrollment, comparisons of educational achievements across the member countries, and many more education indicators. The online version of the report is posted such that much of the summary and analysis is in html format, but data sets need to be downloaded as .pdf files in some cases and Excel in others. A print version of the report can also be ordered from this site. [DC]
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Surgeon General Releases Comprehensive Report on Mental Illness
1. Mental Health: A Report of the Surgeon General
2. "Half of Mentally Ill Said Not to Seek Treatment"
3. The New York Times: "Mental Disorders Common, U.S. Says; Many Not Treated" National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH): Breaking News
5. The Center for Mental Health Services: Knowledge Exchange Network
6. National Alliance for the Mentally Ill
7. General Psychiatry Archives
8. Steven Thow's Mental Health Resources - Depression/Bipolar Disorder
Yesterday, the Surgeon General's office issued a comprehensive new report on Mental Illness in America, the first report of its kind in terms of scope and source. According to the report's findings, one in five Americans experiences a mental illness in any given year and half experience a mental disorder at some time in their lives. But the report's most compelling language was reserved for the obstacles to effective treatment of the mentally ill. Citing stigmas, ignorance of the efficacy of treatment, and a health insurance system that does not accord the same coverage (or respect) to mental illnesses as it does to physical ones, the report calls for an expansion in the supply of mental health services and, specifically, an increase in the number of mental health professionals caring for children and adolescents. Michael M. Faenza, president of the National Mental Health Association, said the report could be a turning point, if it improves access to services, or "it could be meaningless, if Congress and state legislators do not have the backbone and the political will to act on it."
The Surgeon General's Office has posted the complete report (1) online in .html and .pdf formats. The Washington Post(2) and The New York Times(3) summarize the report's findings and give reactions from the mental health care community. The National Institute of Mental Health (4) offers access to the online version and a press release as well as information about a new collaborative study that has found effective treatments for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in children. The Center for Mental Health Services (5) provides research results, databases, information on government programs, reports, and policy statements on issues of mental health. The National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (6) features a wealth of reports and publications documenting the plight of the mentally ill and the obstacles to affordable treatment. This site is also an excellent source for mental health links. Past issues of the AMA journal General Psychiatry are available at this archives site (7), and the current issue is posted after a fifteen-day lag. Steven Thow's Website (8) provides an extensive annotated listing of resources about the nature and treatment of depression and bipolar disorders. [DC]
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