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National Drug Control Strategy: 2001 Annual Report" [.pdf]
The Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) has recently released its annual report outlining national strategies to control drug use. The comprehensive 184-page report is divided into five main sections: an overview, a section on drug-use profiles which details specific drugs, information on initiatives and programs, a description of the drug control budget, and a final section detailing ONDCP's consultations with various groups and organizations. The report emphasizes both a broad prevention campaign involving parents and other role models as well as extensive efforts by law enforcement agencies to combat trafficking and reduce the supply of illegal drugs. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Report of the No Gun Ri Review [.pdf]
Released on January 11, this report is the result of a fifteen-month investigation by the Department of the Army into reports that Korean refugees were killed by US soldiers in the vicinity of No Gun Ri in late July 1950. In the 300-page report, the Army admits for the first time that "an unknown number of Korean civilians were killed or injured" by US forces, but maintains that it was not a "deliberate act." In other words, no direct orders to shoot refugees were issued. This conclusion has been challenged by some journalists, South Korean survivors, their family members, and several US veterans who were present at No Gun Ri. Users may download the full text of the report in .pdf format by chapter at the US Army site. [MD]
[Back to Contents]The Power of the Internet for Learning: Final Report of Web-Based Education Commission [.pdf]
Published on December 19 and recently placed online by the US Department of Education, the final report of the Web-Based Education Commission (WBEC) constitutes the "most comprehensive analysis ever undertaken of education and the Internet." Chaired by Nebraska Senator Bob Kerrey, the WEBC urged the new administration and Congress to fully embrace e-learning, address gaps in Internet access, and revise certain regulations that they believe impede innovation. Users can read the full text of the 169-page report in its entirety or in five parts in .pdf format. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Schoyen Collection
The National Library of Norway, Oslo Division brings users this selection from the Schoyen Collection. The Website showcases only a very small percentage of the collection (which is the largest private collection amassed in the 20th century); nonetheless, the 222 manuscripts featured here span an amazing range of time periods, countries, and subjects. The site's introduction does a good job of explaining the collection's emphases, and the online offerings are browseable via broad categories (Paleography, Literature, Bible, etc.). For each item on-site, users can read a detailed catalog description, including binding, provenance, context, commentary, and exhibit history. A thumbnail JPEG of a manuscript page is expandable with a click. [TK]
[Back to Contents]new society or new individualism? -- ESRC
Sponsored by ePolitix, this site offers the highlights of the Economic and Social Research Council's (ESRC) conference covering the tensions between the roles and responsibilities of individuals versus those of corporate bodies, including government. The bulk of the site is devoted to the six sessions from the conference, with a lengthy page for each session, beginning with a paragraph summary, followed by the schedule, a detailed report of the session, and bios for each of the participants. Sessions include World poverty, The Work-life balance, Who invests, wins?, Whose career is it anyway?, Who needs the welfare state?, and Do people in Britain only care about themselves? While the conference is focused on issues facing Britain, one need only take a cursory glance at the session titles to realize the pertinence of the topics for the United States, among other nations. [TK]
[Back to Contents]Great American Public Libraries: HAPLR Ratings 2000 [.pdf]
Posted by the American Library Association, Great American Public Libraries: HALPR Ratings 2000 is the latest edition of the HAPLR index, which uses measures calculated from the Federal-State Cooperative System (FSCS) to determine rankings of the 50 best American libraries in 10 different population size categories. The report also gives the average ranking for each of the 50 states with many of the Midwestern states, including Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois doing surprisingly well. A previous edition of the report was featured in the March 23, 1999 Scout Report for the Social Sciences. This report was authored by Thomas J. Hennen Jr. [REB]
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A Biography of America -- Annenberg/CPB [Flash]
Produced by WGBH Interactive for Annenberg/CPB, this site functions as a companion to the 26-show telecourse and video program of the same name (though one need not have seen the videos to appreciate the site). From the front page, users can access sections of the site to accompany each of the 26 programs, from New World Encounters through The Redemptive Imagination. Each section offers a Flash component (these include timelines, maps, images with pop-up interpretation, and a nifty feature called "you decide," which offers the counterargument for opinions that users register about an issue, such as "Did the feminist movement improve American women's lives?"). In addition, each section includes a timeline of central events, a map, a transcript of the video, and an annotated list of links. American History and American Studies instructors will want to add this one to their list of links for students. [TK]
[Back to Contents]To the Totem Forests: Emily Carr and Contemporaries Interpret Coastal Villages
This is "the first exhibit in which the voice of First Nations people is used to describe drawings, paintings and prints which were created by Emily Carr, Walter Phillips, A.Y. Jackson, George Pepper, Langdon Kihn and F.M. Bell-Smith." The online companion to an exhibit that toured 1999-2000, the site represents the collaborative efforts of the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, Stewart Macnair Inc., Industrial Art Internet Group Ltd., and the Heritage Branch of British Columbia, with funding from Industry Canada's Digital Collections Program. The exhibit's introduction gives an overview of Carr (with brief mentions of the other artists as well), who, in the early part of the twentieth century, wanted to paint or sketch all of British Columbia's standing totem poles. One need not have a particular interest in these artists or their subject matter to appreciate To the Totem Forests, however. The curators have put together an interesting, easy-to-navigate Website, placing source photographs next to the paintings they inspired, and throughout, contextualizing the works with passages from First Nations members, the artists, Franz Boas, and others. A map, an activity center, and a bibliography round out the site. [TK]
[Back to Contents]Idaho, A Portrait [RealPlayer8]
Divided into five sections, this site, the companion to Idaho Public Television's show by the same name, is the place for readers to go to learn all about the state: its landscape, history, recreation, and more. The first section, About Idaho, is divided into three subsections, Geology, People (which features interviews with a number of residents), and History. Those who want to find out more about a particular region can click the map in Tour the State to bring up a page of information. Idaho Adventures provides details on recreational activities (skiing, hunting, etc.) and Lewis and Clark's expedition, together with links to relevant sites. Four Photographers' Views offers a handful of breath-taking shots from each photographer, and the Resources section rounds out the site with downloadable wallpaper, a quiz, a list of related links, and more. RealPlayer clips are available throughout the site. [TK]
[Back to Contents]Online Dictionary of the Social Sciences
From "aboriginal peoples" to "xenophobia," the Online Dictionary of the Social Sciences provides concise definitions for approximately 1,000 entries. Disciplines covered include sociology, criminology, political science, and women's studies with a particular focus on Canadian examples, events, and names. The project is the online version of a dictionary created by Gary Parkinson and Robert Drislane and a product of Athabasca University, Canada, and the International Consortium for the Advancement of Academic Publication (ICAAP). The dictionary can be browsed using an alphabetically arranged index or searched using key words; references are also included to guide users to other related entries. [REB]
[Back to Contents]Global Gathering Place -- National Library of Canada
Recently updated, the Global Gathering Place explores and celebrates the history of diversity in Canada. A project of the Multicultural History Society of Ontario (MHSO) and the Centre for Instructional Technology Development (CITD) at the University of Toronto at Scarborough, the site is divided into five thematic sections: Themes in Multicultural History and Immigration, Ethnic Communities in Canada, Photographic Exhibitions, The Timeline, and The Resource Room. Links between sections provide access to related materials and help make clear the interconnectedness of the site's themes and information. [REB]
[Back to Contents]Stephen's Guide to the Logical Fallacies
Stephen Downes, an information architect with a background in philosophy, created this site with the aim of identifying, indexing, and describing "all known logical fallacies." A logical fallacy can be defined as an error in reasoning in which a conclusion appears to follow from a set of premises but in reality does not. Downes groups the fallacies into thirteen categories, such as Fallacies of Distraction, Inductive Fallacies, and Syllogistic Errors. Each fallacy (over 50 in all) is described with its name, definition, examples of how it might be used in an argument, and how the argument can be proven fallacious. The How to Use this Guide section of the site provides a helpful introduction, and a robust bibliography offers possibilities for further study of logic. In addition, users may register at the site (no fee) to gain access to discussion boards on the topic. The author notes that his Guide "is intended to help you in your own thinking, not to help you demolish someone else's argument." Regardless of how a reader uses the information, however, the site remains an interesting and fun investigation of how logical arguments are constructed. [SW]
[Back to Contents]The Trails Project [Flash, .pdf]
Hosted by the Kansas City, Missouri school district with support from the US Department of Education, this Website offers innovative approaches to and materials for the teaching of Western history. The Website focuses on the Santa Fe and Oregon trails, offering a variety of interactive elements for students to work with. Included here are Virtual Reality tours of selected sites along the trails, a selection of trail diaries, examples of essays written by students about the trails, and more. The true strength of the site, though, probably lies in its support materials for teachers. The site provides well-conceived, extensive lesson plans, instruction guides, and curriculum plans, and also promises a media database in the future that will include presentations, instructional materials, and pictures. However, since there has been little activity on-site in the last few months, we suggest teachers not count on that material appearing soon. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Prints Abound: Paris in the 1890s
The National Gallery of Art offers this site to complement their exhibition of the same name, which is on view at the gallery until February 25, 2001. At the site, users can learn more about the exhibition, which features the work of numerous Parisian painters of the late nineteenth century, such as Pierre Bonnard, Edouard Vuillard, and Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. A brief introductory essay describes the contents of the exhibition and explains why Paris in the 1890s witnessed an explosion in printmaking; several thumbnail images accompany the essay and can be enlarged for closer inspection. Also at the site is a link to an in-depth study of one of the featured artists, Edouard Vuillard. The study of Vuillard is by far the most informative portion of the site and is recommended for those wishing to know more about the artist and his works. Users interested in visiting the exhibition in person will also find helpful links here; in addition, the exhibition catalog can be purchased through the site. [SW]
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Pursuing Excellence: Comparisons of International Eighth-Grade Mathematics and Science Achievement from an U.S. Perspective, 1995 and 1999 -- National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) [.pdf]
Released in December, this 117-page report constitutes the latest installment of the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), which compares US math and science achievements in elementary and secondary education with that of 26 other TIMSS countries (see the June 13, 1997 Scout Report for information on earlier installments). "The report details findings on the performance of eighth-grade students in mathematics and science in 1999, as well as changes in mathematics and science achievement in participating nations between 1995 and 1999. In addition, initial findings on education-related contextual factors related to teaching and curriculum in 1999 are discussed." The report features a hypertext table of contents for quick browsing. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Impacts of the Internet on Public Library Use -- Urban Libraries Council [.pdf]
Basic Fact Sheet:
In November, the Urban Libraries Council released data from a national telephone survey examining correlations between public library use and Internet use. In general, the study finds that Internet use is not discouraging people from using their public libraries, though it is clear that for some tasks, the Internet is preferred by a majority of respondents. The report also gives information correlating Internet and public library use to demographics of education, income, gender, and to a limited degree, race. The complete 59-page report is offered in .pdf format with a Fact Sheet summarizing the data posted in HTML. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Youth Crime Drop -- Urban Institute
This report issued in December by the Urban Institute (see the September 9, 1999 Scout Report for Business and Economics presents and analyzes data on juvenile crime in the 1990s. The report examines the most recent FBI data about police arrests and considers how much of the recent drop in crime rates can be attributed to a decrease in juvenile crime and whether the decrease in crime rates continued through the later half of the 1990s. For the original FBI data analyzed in this report, go to the Uniform Crime Reports. [DC]
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(For links to additional current awareness on tables of contents, abstracts, preprints, new books, data, conferences, etc., visit the Current Awareness Metapage: /metapage/).Carothers, Thomas. "Clinton Record on Democracy" -- Carnegie Endowment for International Peace [.pdf, 20 pages]
http://www.ceip.org/files/publications/pdf/16carothers.pdfGolden, Miriam. "Political Patronage, Bureaucracy and Corruption in Postwar Italy" -- Russell Sage Foundation [.pdf, 31 pages]
http://www.russellsage.org/publications/working_papers/golden_political.pdfGrossman, Herschel I. "The Creation of Effective Property Rights" -- Russell Sage Foundation [.pdf, 13 pages]
http://www.russellsage.org/publications/working_papers/grossman_creation.pdfGrossman, Herschel I. "Make Us A King: Anarchy, Predation, And The State" -- Russell Sage Foundation [.pdf, 27 pages]
http://www.russellsage.org/publications/working_papers/grossman_muk.pdfGrossman, Herschel I., Minseong Kim, and Juan Mendoza. "Decisiveness And The Viability Of Anarchy" -- Russell Sage Foundation [.pdf, 24 pages]
http://www.russellsage.org/publications/working_papers/grossman_cooption.pdfGrossman, Herschel I. and Dmitriy Gershenson. "Cooption And Repression In The Soviet Union" -- Russell Sage Foundation [.pdf, 24 pages]
http://www.russellsage.org/publications/working_papers/grossman_cooption.pdfGuinnane, Timothy W. "The Development Of Germany's Banking System, 1800-1914" -- Russell Sage Foundation [.rtf, 107 pages]
http://www.russellsage.org/publications/working_papers/guinnane_germbank.rtfMacLean, Alair. "Age Stratification at Work: Continuity and Change in the American Occupational Structure, 1950-1990" -- Center for Demography and Ecology [.pdf, 121 pages]
[Back to Contents]American Heritage Foundation:
Antonelli, Angela and Peter B. Sperry, eds. A Budget for America [.pdf, 444 pages]
Summary of Heritage budget recommendations:
http://www.heritage.org/mandate/budget/recommendations.htmlCenter for National Policy:
Schnurer, Eric B. and Charles R. Lyons. "Turning Chronic Juvenile Offenders Into Productive Citizens"
http://www.cnponline.org/Issue%20Briefs/Statelines/statelin0101.htmGlobal Development and Environment Institute:
Ackerman, Frank and Kevin Gallagher. "Mixed Signals: Market Incentives, Recycling, and the Price Spike of 1995" [.pdf, 27 pages]
http://ase.tufts.edu/gdae/downloads/Working%20Papers/mixed%20signals.pdfGoodwin, Neva. "Civil Economy and Civilized Economics: Essentials for Sustainable Development" [.pdf, 35 pages]
http://ase.tufts.edu/gdae/downloads/Working%20Papers/unesco.pdfTax Analysts Policy Center:
Brunori, David. "The Politics of State Taxation"
[Back to Contents]New Offerings from Academic Publishers
Association of American University Presses: New Releases
http://aaup.uchicago.edu/new_releases/Cambridge University Press
http://www.cup.org/books/hot.htmlBasic Books: New Releases
http://www.basicbooks.com/newreleases.htmlThela Thesis -- Just Published
http://www.thelathesis.nl/new.htmlPerseus Publishing -- Book News (click on category)
[Back to Contents]Conflict, Ethnicity and Nationalism: the challenges ahead
May 20-25, 2001
Derry/ Londonderry, Northern Ireland
http://www.britishcouncil.org/networkevents/2000/0167an.htmThe 24th Annual International Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval
September 7-12, 2001
New Orleans, Louisiana
http://www.sigir2001.org/American Association of School Librarians (AASL Tenth National Conference and Exhibition)
November 14-18, 2001
Indianapolis, Indiana
[Back to Contents]New Tables of Contents/ Abstracts/ Full-texts
Western Criminology Review (Full-text)
Volume 3, Number 1 (January 2001)
http://wcr.sonoma.edu/v3n1/v3n1.htmlHistory of Education (table of contents)
Volume 30 Number 1 (January 2001)
http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/frameloader.html?http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/tf/0046760X.htmlPoetics (table of contents)
Volume 28, Numbers 2-3 (2000)
http://www.elsevier.nl/cdweb/journals/0304422X/viewer.httPoetics Today (abstracts and full-text)
Volume 21, Number 2 (Summer 2000)
http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/poetics_today/toc/poet21.2.htmlJSTOR New Release:
Philosophy and Public Affairs
Volumes 1-24 (1971-1995; Moving Wall: 5 years)
[Back to Contents]H-Net Job Guide
http://www.matrix.msu.edu/jobs/The Chronicle of Higher Education Job Openings
Social Science
http://jobs.chronicle.com/free/jobs/faculty/sscience/links.htmAcademic Employment Network (By State)
http://www.academploy.com/jobs.cfmAmerican College Personnel Association: ACPA Ongoing Placement Listings
http://www.acpa.nche.edu/placemnt/placemnt.htmAcademic 360.com (Update of "Jobs in Higher Education" site)
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Bush to Begin with Pro-life Executive Order
1. Washington Post: "Bush to Block Federal Abortion Funds"
2. BBC News: "Bush Blocks Abortion Funding"
3. San Francisco Chronicle: "Ashcroft Is Only Part of A Bush Abortion Backlash"
4. Yahoo!News (AP): "Roe Vs. Wade Anniversary Marked"
5. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: "Thompson says he would review abortion pill"
6. Roe v. Wade in a Nutshell -- An edited text (Abortion Law Homepage)
7. National Right to Life
8. Reproductive Health and Rights Center
In one of his first official acts as President, George W. Bush announced yesterday his intentions to block funding of international organizations and clinics that offer abortion procedures or counseling. President Clinton had signed an executive order authorizing such funding three days after taking office in 1992. Bush's action will reinstate the ban on such funding that had been in place up to that time under both the Reagan and Bush administrations. The announcement comes on the 28th anniversary of Roe v. Wade and has been accompanied by a formal statement of support from the President to pro-life advocates. The statement will be read by a Bush spokesperson to pro-life demonstrators in the Capitol today. Both actions signal the President's intention to aggressively limit the right to an abortion and are in line with his controversial choice for Attorney General, John Ashcroft, who has publicly stated his opposition to abortion even in cases of rape and incest. The administration also announced its intention to review the release of RU 486, though Tommy Thompson, Bush's nominee for the head of Health and Human Services, stated in his confirmation hearing last week, that any withdrawal of the "abortion pill" should be premised fundamentally on health concerns. The President, however, does not necessarily share this opinion and may instruct Thompson to do otherwise. In a potentially related development, USA Today reported Monday that Sandra Day O'Connor was considering imminent retirement from the court, in part due to her discomfort with the lingering acrimony on the Court over the December decision that effectively ratified the election results for Bush. If O'Connor retires, it will give Bush an early opportunity to consider appointing to the court someone in the mold of the justices he says he most admires -- staunchly pro-life jurists Clarence Thomas and Antonin Scalia.
The online Washington Post(1) and BBC News (2) report on Bush's decision to reverse Clinton's executive order. An unsigned opinion piece in the _San Francisco Chronicle(3) reviews the Bush administration's united front against abortion and questions the wisdom of such an uncompromising approach. Yahoo!News makes available AP coverage (4) of both pro-choice and pro-life advocates's actions and thoughts on yesterday's Roe v. Wade anniversary. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports on Wisconsin Governor Tommy Thompson's testimony (5) concerning RU 486 before Senate confirmation hearings last week. The Abortion Law Homepage (see the October 19, 1999 Scout Report for the Social Sciences) offers an edited text of the Supreme Court Justices's opinions -- both for and against -- in Roe v. Wade (6). The National Right to Life Website (7) features the full text of President Bush's statement of support and offers information on RU 486, partial-birth abortions, and opinions on when life begins. The Reproductive Health and Rights Center (8) offers information and opinions about the 28th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, stories from survivors of illegal abortions, and reports on RU-486 and the Supreme Court's opinions on abortion rights cases. [DC]
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