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The Last Month of the Scout Report for Social Sciences & Humanities
The Internet Scout Project is sad to announce that we will be discontinuing publication of the Scout Report for Social Sciences & Humanities after the next issue (May 29). We have been unable to secure funding to continue publishing our subject-specific reports. The last issue of the Scout Report for Business & Economics will be May 31, and the last issue of the Scout Report for Science & Engineering will be June 20. We have, however, no immediate plans to cease publishing our flagship report, the Scout Report. Many thanks to our loyal readers.
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New Intelligence Reports -- CIA [.pdf]
Global Growing Migration and Its Implications for the United States
The Global Technology Revolution: Bio/Nano/Materials Trends and Their Synergies with Information Technology by 2015
.pdf version [87 pages]
The CIA recently posted on its Website two new reports presenting an intelligence perspective on two globalization issues. The first, Global Growing Migration and Its Implications for the United States, is a follow-up study to the publication Global Trends 2015: A Dialogue About the Future With Non-government Experts (see the December 22, 2000 Scout Report). This latest study focuses on "the growing global movement of people and its implications for the United States." The study examines the political, economic, social, and security issues raised by increased migration, including "the extent to which some countries may try to use migration as leverage in bilateral relations." The second report, written by RAND for the National Intelligence Council, examines the implications of the revolutions in biotechnology and information technology and the challenges and questions likely to be raised in these fields between now and 2015. Both reports are offered in .pdf format; the RAND report is also available in an HTML version. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Exploring the Biological Contributions to Human Health: Does Sex Matter? -- National Academy of Sciences [.pdf]
.pdf version:
Authored by the Institute of Medicine, this new report examines research relating human health issues to gender. The report concludes that, despite a relative lack of attention to this issue, "scientific evidence of the importance of sex differences throughout the life span abounds." The study finds that a broad range of diseases beyond those generally acknowledged seem to have a sex-differential component. One example: females are much more likely than males to recover language abilities after a stroke, possibly because females rely on both sides of the brain for certain aspects of language, as revealed by functional magnetic resonance imaging, whereas males predominantly rely on the left hemisphere. The report may be viewed online or downloaded, chapter by chapter, in .pdf format. A fairly extensive summary is also provided. [DC]
[Back to Contents]National Security Action Memoranda of John F. Kennedy -- John F. Kennedy Library and Museum
The John F. Kennedy Library has posted the National Security Action Memoranda of the Kennedy administration, written either by the President himself or his National Security Advisor McGeorge Bundy. Topics of the memorandums include policy for Cuba, forces in Vietnam, reconnaissance flights over Russia, NATO, South Africa policy, CIA support of "certain activities," and many others. The copies are presented in photographed facsimile, and many of the more sensitive memorandums have been "sanitized," i.e., have portions deleted. A few of the memorandums are still classified and therefore not yet available. In November of 1998, the library released a huge quantity of taped recordings of Kennedy's consultations (see the November 27, 1998 Scout Report). [DC]
[Back to Contents]Improving Student Achievement: What State NAEP Test Scores Tell Us -- RAND [.pdf]
This new publication from RAND claims to provide "the most comprehensive look to date at state-level educational reform policies." And indeed, the 271-page report seems to cover the ground thoroughly. After an introduction summarizing the issues involved in evaluating education via NAEP state test scores, the volume examines the connections between achievement and family and educational characteristics; offers a comprehensive review of the literature; analyzes current trends in state scores; considers the outcomes of different state educational policies; and provides a cost assessment of different reform approaches. A number of appendices provide detailed supporting data. Unlike many similar institutions, the RAND Corporation is known for its non-partisan approach, making this volume a particularly valuable resource in our nation's current debate about educational reform. The volume may be downloaded online in .pdf format. [DC]
[Back to Contents]May 4: Inquire, Learn, Reflect [The Kent State Massacre] -- Kent State University Special Collections and Archives
This collection from the library of Kent State University (KSU) commemorates the May 4, 1970 national guard shooting of student demonstrators on the KSU campus. The incident left four students dead, one permanently paralyzed, and eight others wounded. The online materials mostly comprise an extensive, detailed catalog of the collection's holdings. However, there are some provocative documents here, including a number of oral histories from individuals present, some poems written to commemorate the event (including one by Yevgeny Yevtushenko, "Flowers and Bullets"), and a few photographs of the incident. Researchers will also find the extensive annotated bibliography of books, articles, and Websites helpful. [DC]
[Back to Contents]The Science of Emotions: Research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
This new Website presents news and information about the research and activities of the HealthEmotions Research Institute at the UW-Madison School of Medicine. The Institute is nationally recognized for its cutting edge research into the connections between brain chemistry and human emotional experience. The Website offers a review of current research projects, professional biographies of the researchers, and an archive of news stories related to recent research. This last makes available stories about research suggesting child abuse alters brain development, the links between brain chemistry and impulsive violence, the measurable power of a positive outlook, and many others. There is also a recently-posted feature on the visit this month of the Dalai Lama to the center to participate in discussions about this subject from his perspective as a Buddhist spiritual leader and author of several books on the links between spirituality and the management of emotions. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Annotated Webliography Of Humanism
Created and maintained by Peter Derkx, a professor of history at the University for Humanist Studies, this Website offers a useful directory of annotated links on the subject of humanism from its inception in the Renaissance to its current struggles with Marxism and Postmodernism. The selections when addressing more contemporary topics often deal with humanism only indirectly -- a sign perhaps of the failing interest in humanism per se, rather than any lack of diligence on Dr. Derkx' part. [DC]
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Democratic Vistas: The William Clyde DeVane Lecture Series -- Yale University
A model for online education that bridges the gap between academics and civics, this Website provides a complete online course on the concepts and practices of democracy delivered by fifteen distinguished members of Yale's faculty, drawn from eleven different departments. This course, which was available for high school and college credit, finished earlier this month, which means it is now available in its entirety online. The fifteen lectures as well as the Town Hall-style discussions that followed them are offered here in video, audio, and transcript versions. The readings for each lecture are listed and may be purchased online through Yale, though we were unable to access this page on our visit. The Lecture Series is part of Yale's year-long celebration of its tricentennial. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Two from PBS
Islam: Empire of Faith
To accompany forthcoming television programs, PBS presents two Websites. Designed for students in grades 8-12, Conquistadors follows the Spanish Conquistadors' exploration of the New World from 1500 to 1550 and their contact with Native Americans. There are four main sections of the site: Cortez and the Aztecs in Mexico, Peru -- the Inca Empire and Pizarro, Amazonia and the Quest for El Dorado, and North America: Cabeza de Vaca and the American Southwest. The site also features a timeline, teaching guides, and a journal kept by the series host, Michael Wood, as he made the documentary and traveled the Conquistadors' path. Islam: Empire of Faith aims to take a broad view of the many facets of ancient Islamic art and culture. The main sections of this site are Faith, Art, Innovation, and Profiles. In Innovation, users can read entries on the contributions made by Islam in the fields of Algebra & Trigonometry, Engineering, Astronomy, Medicine, and Paper & Publishing. The Profiles section tells the story of Muslim leaders from the prophet Mohammed to Suleyman, the builder of the Ottoman Empire. Educational resources for grades 6-12, such as lesson plans and a bibliography, are also included. [DS]
[Back to Contents]Three from the New York Public Library Digital Collections
Heading West: Mapping the Territory
Touring West: 19th-century Performing Artists on the Overland Trails
Surveyors of the West: William Henry Jackson and Robert Brewster Stanton
The New York Public Library has three major digital exhibitions currently running to complement their in-house exhibits. Heading West examines the exploration and development of the West using maps from the library's collections. The accompanying text is well written and addresses itself to exploding some of the myths about the Frontier, including the myth of the West as settled by lone pioneers. The maps are fascinating and allow for viewing in several sizes. The 1859 map of the US and Mexico is worth a visit by itself; visitors can view both territories in their entirety or zoom in to a level where geographic features and the names of individual towns and territories can be made out. Touring West "celebrates the creators, promoters, and performers of professional theater, music, and dance who toured the American continent" from 1803 to 1893. The collection includes annotated postings of playbills, broadsides, handbills, souvenirs, postcards, and after 1848, photographs. These materials touch on the major historical events of the time including abolition, the development of the railroads, and the rise of certain American dramatic icons who made their names playing European heroes -- James O'Neill, father of playwright Eugene O'Neill, among them. Surveyors of the West features diaries, photographs, stereographs, and field notes related to the work of William Henry Jackson, a government photographer influential in the establishment of US parks in the West, and Robert Brewster Stanton, a civil and mining engineer who surveyed the Grand Canyon between 1889 and 1890, and who was chief engineer for the Denver Colorado Canyon and Pacific Railroad. Together, these three -- or should we say, four -- exhibits constitute a marvelous introduction to Western history via primary documents and images from the era. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Two on Ancient Greek History
Alexander the Great on the Web
Herodotus on the Web
These two much-better-than-average, specialized Web directories on Alexander the Great and Herodotus are maintained by Tim Spalding, an amateur Greek historian. Alexander the Great offers an annotated directory of 900 sites devoted to the Greek conqueror. The directory has over two dozen headings and includes listings of academic articles and books, images of Alexander on the Web, discussion groups, Web biographies, related art of Ancient Greece, and much more. Two particularly helpful lists are the new links and the Webmaster's "top 5%" -- those sites Spalding thinks are among the best. Items in these lists are also helpfully labeled as such when they appear in other listings. The Herodotus site, launched late last year, features "over 200 links to resources about the seminal historian and his age. These include texts and translations, books about Herodotus, essays and articles, and a new links section. Spalding also provides a free email news service for his sites. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Great Ideas in Personality
Created and maintained by G. Scott Acton, a PhD in psychology from Northwestern University, this site functions as a gateway to materials relating to personality theory. The Website offers introductory, often hypertext essays on various topics in personality theory followed by an annotated listing of relevant links. Some of the topics covered include attachment theory, basic emotions, behavior genetics, behaviorism, cognitive social theory, evolutionary psychology, the five-factor model, intelligence, interpersonal theory, personality disorders, psychoanalysis, and others. There are also sections specifically geared for students and professionals as well as listings of links to papers, Websites, readings, and scholars available on the Web. [DC]
[Back to Contents]What is a Print? -- MoMA
In March, the Museum of Modern Art launched What is a Print? -- a Website devoted to the craft and art of woodcuts, etchings, lithographs, and screenprints. An animated graphics program takes the visitor through the printing process for each form and is accompanied by a small but selective gallery (10-12 images) of examples drawn from the collection. Accompanying text describes the history of each form and provides background on each print offered in the galleries. A glossary of terms as well as a brief biography of recommended readings is also posted. [DC]
[Back to Contents]National Education -- The New York Times [registration required]
This permanent site in the library of the online New York Times offers a continually updated collection of extended features and short news stories on issues of education. Current posts include a lengthy feature entitled a "Teacher's Journal" in which a new teacher "recounts her year at a New York City failing school, where clocks never tick, the mantra is 'cover yourself' and students teeter on the ledge;" the latest news from the Culture Wars front (wherein a decidedly postmodern journalist reviews the latest efforts of the National Association of Scholars to save the "great books"); and the struggle of one woman scientist to change the male-dominated culture of science research. There are regular departments here dealing with college preparation, book reviews, student life, education debates, and other issues. Links to college news and resources are also provided as well as an issues forum on education. A good bookmark for those who work in or follow education, especially at the secondary and collegiate levels. [DC]
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Two from the Department of Justice [.pdf, .zip]
Violent Victimization and Race, 1993-98
Contacts between Police and the Public: Findings from the 1999 National Survey
The Department of Justice has recently released data on the correlations between violent victimization and race as well as concerning encounters between the police and the public. Violent Victimization and Race, 1993-98 "presents incidence estimates and per capita rates of violent victimization of whites, blacks, American Indians and Asians in 1998, and includes victimization trends, 1993-98." According to the report, the rate of violent victimization of whites fell 29 percent and that of blacks dropped 38 percent during this period, although blacks continue to be disproportionately represented among homicide victims. Contacts between Police and the Public: Findings from the 1999 National Survey presents data on the nature and characteristics of citizen contacts with the police over a twelve-month period. "Findings are provided from a nationally representative survey of nearly 90,000 residents age 16 or older. Detailed information is presented on face-to-face contacts with the police including traffic stops, arrests, handcuffing and incidents of police use-of-force." The implications of the findings for racial profiling are also discussed. Each report is available in .pdf and ASCII formats with .zip spreadsheets and a link to a press release. [DC]
[Back to Contents]"Internet Access in U.S. Public Schools and Classrooms: 1994-2000" -- NCES [.pdf]
Released by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) on May 9, this brief report presents data on Internet access in US public schools from 1994 to 2000 by school characteristics. Topics covered include the progress of public schools in connecting to the Internet, the ratio of students to instructional computers, the ways public schools are connected to the Internet, and for the 2000 data, the methods employed to prevent access to inappropriate material. The full text of the report is available in .pdf format at the site. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Employment Characteristics of Families -- Bureau of Labor Statistics
News release:
Last month, the Bureau of Labor Statistics released data on the employment characteristics of American families. The statistics include data on employment and unemployment in families by race, relationship, sex, marital status, presence of children in the family, and presence of children under three, among others. The data can be accessed from a table of contents or reviewed in an extensive news release. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Database of Illinois Civil War Veterans
This database from the Illinois State Archives "indexes the first eight volumes of the nine volume publication, Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Illinois." The publication is drawn from the original rosters maintained during the Civil War by the Adjutant General. In addition to the names of approximately 250,000 men organized into 175 regiments, this searchable database also provides histories of the Illinois units and regiments. The database was created and donated to the Illinois State Archives by amateur genealogist Fred Delap of Kansas, Illinois. [DC]
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(For links to additional current awareness on tables of contents, abstracts, preprints, new books, data, conferences, etc., visit the The Scout Report for Social Sciences & Humanities Current Awareness Metapage: http://scout.cs.wisc.edu/report/socsci/metapage/).The Public Record
Launched by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation last month, this multimedia current events site lives up to its billing as "your guide to the latest issues, events, and debates in Australia." The site features up-to-date reports, features, interviews, and analyses on breaking news and cultural events. The site does a particularly good job covering the Australian parliament with a parliamentary diary, information about the current ministry and members, pending legislation, and more. The Watch and Listen section offers video and audio files of important individuals in the news addressing the National Press Club or appearing on Australian television. The Website also offers a weekly free email alert service that summarizes new stories posted to The Public Record and provides links to these stories. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Mavroidis, Petros C. "Amicus Curiae Briefs. Before The WTO: Much Ado About Nothing" -- Jean Monnet Working Papers Series
.rtf version [20 pages]:
http://www.jeanmonnetprogram.org/papers/01/010201.rtfInstitutional Balance in the European Union-A Continental Perspective" -- Jean Monnet Working Papers Series
.rtf version [34 pages]:
http://www.jeanmonnetprogram.org/papers/01/010101.rtfCambois, Emmanuelle, Jean-Marie Robine, and Mark D. Hayward. "Social Inequalities in Disability-Free Life Expectancy in the French Male Population, 1980-1991" -- Population Research Institute Working Papers [.pdf, 24 pages]
http://www.pop.psu.edu/general/pubs/working_papers/psu-pri/wp0104.pdfFarkas, George and Kurt Beron. "Family Linguistic Culture and Social Reproduction: Verbal Skill from Parent to Child in the Preschool and School Years" -- Population Research Institute Working Papers [.pdf, 34 pages]
http://www.pop.psu.edu/general/pubs/working_papers/psu-pri/wp0105.pdfHayward, Mark, Bridget Gorman, and Kristen Robinson. "The Long Arm of Childhood: The Influence of Early Life Social Conditions on Men's Mortality" -- Population Research Institute Working Papers [.pdf, 27 pages]
http://www.pop.psu.edu/general/pubs/working_papers/psu-pri/wp0104.pdfOropesa R.S. and Nancy S. Landale. "Nonresponse in Maternal-Infant Health Surveys of 'Rare' and 'Not-So-Rare' Latino Populations: Findings from a Study of Mainland and Island Puerto Ricans" -- Population Research Institute Working Papers [.pdf, 25 pages]
http://www.pop.psu.edu/general/pubs/working_papers/psu-pri/wp0106.pdfShapiro, David and B. Oleko Tambashe. "Fertility Transition in Urban and Rural Areas of Sub-Saharan Africa" -- Population Research Institute Working Papers [.pdf, 29 pages]
[Back to Contents]New Think Tank Policy Papers and Briefs
Center For Nonproliferation Studies:
Rauf, Tariq. Towards NPT 2005: An Action Plan for the "13-Steps" Towards Nuclear Disarmament Agreed at NPT 2000 [.pdf, 72 pages]
http://cns.miis.edu/pubs/reports/pdfs/npt2005.pdfSaunders, Phillip C. and Evan S. Medeiros. "American and Chinese Strategists Ought to Sit Down and Talk"
Woodward, John D. Jr. "Super Bowl Surveillance: Facing Up to Biometrics" [.pdf, 16 pages]
http://www.rand.org/publications/IP/IP209/IP209.pdfHorn, Kenneth et al. "Strengthening the Army's Science and Technology Capabilities for the 21st Century" [.pdf, 20 pages]
http://www.rand.org/publications/IP/IP210/IP210.pdfByman, Daniel L. Iran's Security Policy in the Post-Revolutionary Era [.pdf, 113 pages, access via table of contents]
http://www.rand.org/publications/MR/MR1320/Center for the Study of Democracy:
Glazer, Amihai. "Optimal Term Length When Misinformation Increases with Experience"
http://www.democ.uci.edu/democ/papers/glazer3.htmRecchia, Steven P. "Explaining the International Environmental Cooperation of Democratic Countries"
http://www.democ.uci.edu/democ/papers/recchia.htmVerba, Sidney. "The 2000-2001 Harry Eckstein Lecture: Culture, Calculation, and Being a Pretty Good Citizen"
http://www.democ.uci.edu/democ/papers/verba.htmJerome Levy Institute for Economics:
Atack, Jeremy, Fred Bateman, and Robert A. Margo. "Productivity in Manufacturing and the Length of the Working Day: Evidence from the 1880 Census of Manufactures"
http://www.levy.org/docs/wrkpap/papers/317.htmlMiller, James N. "Origins of the GATT: British Resistance to American Multilateralism"
[Back to Contents]New Offerings from Academic Publishers
Association of American University Presses -- New Releases
http://www.press.uchicago.edu/new_releases/Michigan State University Press Online -- New Releases
http://www.msupress.msu.edu/Cambridge University Press
http://www.cup.org/books/hot.htmlBasic Books -- New Releases
http://www.basicbooks.com/newreleases.htmlThela Thesis -- Just Published
http://www.thelathesis.nl/new.htmlPerseus Publishing -- Book News (click on category)
[Back to Contents]Celebrating European Political Science -- European Consortium for Political Research 2001
September 6-8, 2001
University of Kent
Canterbury, England
http://www.tcd.ie/Political_Science/ecpr2001/index.htmlInternational Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications 2001
October 22-26, 2001
National Institute of Informatics
Tokyo, Japan
http://www.nii.ac.jp/dc2001/Association of American Geographers 98th Annual Meeting
March 19-23, 2002
Los Angeles, California
[Back to Contents]New Tables of Contents/ Abstracts/ Journals
Stoic Voice Journal (online journal)
Volume 2, Issue 4: May 2001
http://www.geocities.com/stoicvoice/journal/svj0501.htmApplied Linguistics (table of contents, abstracts)
Volume 22, Issue 2: June 2001
http://www3.oup.co.uk/applij/hdb/Volume_22/Issue_02/European Journal of International Law (full-text, .pdf)
Volume 11, Issue 4: 2000
http://www3.oup.co.uk/ejilaw/hdb/Volume_11/Issue_04/Archaeological Prospection (table of contents, abstracts)
Volume 8, Issue 1: 2001
http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/issuetoc?ID=77502383Behavioral Interventions (table of contents, abstracts)
Volume 16, Issue 2: 2001
[Back to Contents]H-Net Job Guide
http://www.matrix.msu.edu/jobs/The Chronicle of Higher Education Job Openings
Social Science
http://jobs.chronicle.com/free/jobs/faculty/sscience/links.htmAcademic Employment Network (By State)
http://www.academploy.com/jobs.cfmAmerican College Personnel Association: ACPA Ongoing Placement Listings
http://www.acpa.nche.edu/placemnt/placemnt.htmAcademic 360.com (Update of "Jobs in Higher Education" site)
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White House to Unveil Energy Policy
1. "Gas prices, blackouts may spell trouble for president" -- USA Today
2. "Cheney: Energy Woes Take Time To Fix" -- AP via Yahoo!News
3. "Big Energy at the Table" -- Newsweek
4. "Energy skeptics say Bush off base" -- Detroit Free Press
5. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
6. Energy Ideas Clearinghouse
7. Center of Excellence for Sustainable Development -- Department of Energy
8. "Making Sense of the 2001 Energy Crisis" -- FACSNET [free registration required]
This week, Vice-president Cheney will unveil the Bush administration's first energy policy. Statements by the President, Cheney, and the White House indicate it will emphasize increased domestic production and exploration as well as expanding refining, pipeline, and transmission capabilities. The plan will favor further funds for clean-burning coal and the development of nuclear power. It will also call for oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and in the Great Lakes region. Many environmentalists are concerned that conservation is not a significant part of the plan, nor are alternative forms of energy such as solar and wind. Cheney's comments last week that conservation would not suffice drew fire from critics who perceive the administration to be heavily consumption-based in their energy philosophy and possibly motivated by their own longstanding ties to big oil. (Cheney reportedly bristles at such conclusions.) One thing is for certain: the plan is focused on the long-term, and the White House itself admits that the policies may do little this summer to ease rising gas prices at the pump or address California's electric crisis. More immediate responses to what the administration is calling "an energy crisis," such as price fixing or attempting to pressure OPEC prices downward, have been nixed by Cheney as not providing a long-term solution. Commentators, however, are wondering how much political capital the administration is prepared to spend if their solutions remain as unpopular with the public in practice as they are right now in the polls. Indeed, Bush's approval rating made its first real dip during his tenure this week on the heels of the administration's advance press on his energy solutions.
A USA Today front page story (1) outlines Bush's recommendations, their potential political hazards, and current public opinion of them. Yahoo! News reprints an AP wire story (2) covering a 25-minute interview with the Vice-president on the new administration's approach to energy. An article from Monday's issue of Newsweek(3) describes the proceedings of Cheney's energy policy committee and the overall policy profile that is emerging. An article in the online Detroit Free Press(4) presents criticisms of the expected Bush plan from Michigan citizens and environmental activists. The Website of the FERC (5), the government agency charged with regulating all energy companies and related suppliers, provides public information on regulations, court proceedings, proposed policy, public meetings, etc. The Energy Ideas Clearinghouse (6) offers balanced news and features on Energy policy issues, as well as links to further resources. The DOE's Center of Excellence for Sustainable Development (7) features extensive information and resources concerning a wide range of sustainable development issues, including green development, community energy, rural issues, sustainable business, transportation, land use planning, and more. FACSNET (8), a service designed for journalists, provides background and analysis of how the current "energy crisis" came to be in the midst of plentiful energy resources. [DC]
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