May 14, 2004A Publication of the Internet Scout Project Research
Topic In DepthResearchBelgian Federal Science Policy Office: Trophos [pdf] Supported by the Belgian Federal Science Policy Office, Trophos is a cooperative Belgian and Dutch project aimed "at a better understanding of the processes structuring the higher trophic levels in the North Sea." The Trophos website includes sections on project Objectives, Background, Activities, Databases, and Partners. The Background section contains a list of relevant publications, and brief coverage of research topics from a former research project on Structural and Functional Biodiversity of North Sea Ecosystems. The Activities section provides Field Work information from sampling cruises, as well as lists of Scientific Publications including PhD Theses, Peer-reviewed Journals, and more. [NL] International Council for Archaeozoology Sponsored by the Archaeobiology program at the Smithsonian Institution, this website presents the International Council for Archaeozoology (ICAZ). Major goals of ICAZ include: developing and stimulating archaeozoological research; strengthening cooperation among archaeozoologists; fostering cooperation between archaeologists and other scientists; and promoting high ethical and scientific standards. This website provides information about ICAZ history, working groups, membership, meetings, and related links. ICAZ Working Groups are autonomous and include the Animal Paleopathology Working Group, Bird Working Group, Worked Bone Working Group, and more. [NL] Bibliography of Dendrochronology A very impressive resource for dendrologists, "The Bibliography of Dendrochronology is an archive of printed documents relevant to tree-ring research worldwide..." The Bibliography was compiled by Henri D. Grissino-Mayer, professor of Geography at the University of Tennessee, and it "currently contains 10,000 references dating back to 1737." The website provides a number of search engine options that allow site users to locate documents using author, year of publication, title, and more. The site links to information about ordering copies of selected documents, and for submitting references. The site also links to a Species Database and a Glossary of Dendrochronology. [NL] University of Canterbury: Biomathematics Research Centre [pdf] Stationed at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand, the Biomathematics Research Centre addresses contemporary problems in biology using mathematical, statistical, and computer science applications. Examples of ongoing research projects at the Biomathematics Research Centre include: statistical applications in ecology and medicine, computational molecular biology and phylogenetics, and analysis of dynamic biological processes using differential equations. The Centre website offers information about faculty, future conferences and workshops, and post-graduate scholarships. The site also contains a list of related links, and lists of publications and annual reports from 1998-2003. [NL] American Lung Association: Research [pdf] This website presents information about research at the American Lung Association. Researchers visiting the site will want to note that the site is currently accepting applications for the American Lung Association's Nationwide Research Program 2005-2006. Site visitors may also locate information about Research Awardees from 2003-2004. The site provides brief reports about ongoing clinical trials at the Asthma Clinical Research Centers (ARCR), as well as the 2003 ACRC Update which is available in a 6-page PDF file. The website also contains a Data & Statistics section with trend reports in PDF format for such study areas as COPD, Lung Disease, Tuberculosis, Asthma, and more. [NL] USGS Alaska Science Center, Biological Science Office: Research Programs
This website provides information about the research programs of the USGS Alaska Science Center - Biological Science Office (ASC-BSO). The programs are divided into several categories including Ecosystems & Habitats, Mammals, Technical Programs, Fish and Fisheries, and Birds. Links connect to research information about numerous program subcategories like Coastal and Marine, Sea Otters, Loons, Fisheries Projects, and more. The site also links to background information about the ASC-BSO, job listings, staff contact information, and the Alaska Science Center Publications Database. [NL] EducationScripps Institution of Oceanography -- Birch Aquarium: Learning Center-Online Interactives [Macromedia Flash Player] The creative learning activities at this website were developed by the Birch Aquarium's Learning Center at Scripps Institution of Oceanography. The online activities utilize high-quality images and interactive formats that young learners are sure to enjoy. The site presently offers three educational activities including The Seahorse Anatomy Game, The Seahorse Environment Game, and Kelp Kitchen. The website also links to other Birch Aquarium educational resources such as Creature Features, Science Spotlights, Voyager Science, and more. [NL] Gondar Design Biology Authored by veteran biology teacher Nigel Purchon, this award-winning Gondar Design website offers an abundance of helpful information for high school-aged biology students. The site expertly incorporates animation, diagrams, and interactive components that offer students opportunities to test their knowledge. Major biology sections provided by the site include: Cells, Plants, Digestive System, and Genetics-to name just a few. Sub-sections cover such topics as xylem and phloem, blood plasma, muscles, hormones, and many more. The website includes a Science Definitions Database with a text box search engine as well. [NL] North Carolina Museum of Art: Mystery of the Poison-Dart Frog [Macromedia Flash Player] Created by the North Carolina Museum of Art, this nicely designed website invites visitors to take a virtual journey to Costa Rica to uncover the Mystery of the Poison-Dart Frog. Prior to beginning the mystery adventure, site visitors are encouraged to research several animals, works of animal art, and the geography of Costa Rica. The science information provided by this site is not extensive, but it is presented in a fun, interactive format. The website is offered in Spanish and English and includes a list of related links. In addition, the site provides Competency Goals for teachers in North Carolina, and will be adding a Classroom Connection section in the future. [NL] University of Wisconsin - Madison: Todar's Online Textbook of Bacteriology Authored by University of Wisconsin bacteriology professor Kenneth Todar, this online textbook is geared towards college and advanced high school students studying general microbiology and medical bacteriology. The primary sections of the text include: Bacterial Relationships with Animals, Principles of Bacterial Pathogenesis, Bacterial Diseases of Humans, and General Bacteriology. Within these sections links are provided to a wealth of information about growth of bacterial populations, important groups of procaryotes, the bacterial flora of humans, bacterial endotoxin, and much more. The site contains a well-organized table of contents as well as a text box search engine for locating specific subjects. The textbook also includes excellent tables, illustrations, photos, and diagrams. Professor Todar regularly adds and updates information in the textbook. [NL] Tramline Virtual Field Trips: Dinosaurs Field Trip Hosted by Tramline Virtual Field Trips, this online field trip was created by educator Theresa Hughes-Feletar to teach young students (grades 1-3) about dinosaurs. Hughes-Feletar's virtual field trip links to a variety of quality websites about dinosaurs to create an integrated learning experience. The field trip links -- or Stops as the website refers to them -- provide information about dinosaur reproduction, fossils, hunting, extinction, and more. A supplemental Teacher's Resources page includes recommended book and music lists, as well as dinosaur curriculum ideas for subjects such as science, math, and art. [NL] Center for Improved Engineering and Science Education: Square of Life From the Center for Improved Engineering and Science Education (CIESE), this website features Square of Life, "an Internet-based project in which students will investigate their local environment and share that information with other students from around the country and the world." The project is recommended for elementary school students, but allows participants of all ages. Square of Life is a semester-long project and the site is currently inviting classes to register for next semester. The site provides project information and data, reference materials, online help, information for students and teachers, and a discussion forum. Square of Life also links to several other cool CIESE Collaborative Projects (last reported on in the NSDL Scout Report for the Life Sciences August 23, 2002), as well as Real Time Data Projects, Past Projects, and more. [NL] GeneralNova Scotia Museum of Natural History: The Fungus Among Us [Macromedia Flash Player] Created by the Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History, this website on fungus is fun and informative. The site provides information on variety of fungus topics including Fungal Science, Funky Fungi Facts, Fungal Folklore, Finding Fungi, and more. One great site feature is the Meet the Mushrooms: Fungi A-Z, which allows site visitors to locate scientific names, information, and beautiful photos of many varieties of mushrooms. The site contains a Glossary with definitions for words like Amoeboid, Bolete, Cortina, Myxostelida, and many more. French and English versions of the site are available. [NL] Medical News Today This website presents Medical News Today, an organization based in the United Kingdom, aimed at providing "the latest news headlines from the world of medicine and healthcare today and every day." The site offers 19 pages of recent news headline lists, with each headline hyperlinked to its article (or part of its article). Most article pages contain an original URL or some other contact or source information. In addition, the article pages allow site visitors to write an opinion piece about the article, as well as view other visitors' opinions. This website also provides search engines for medical abbreviations and terms, and links to information about healthcare, conditions, and patient resources. [NL] Smithsonian National Zoological Park: Animal Photo Galleries Hosted by the Smithsonian National Zoological Park, this website highlights photos of the animals at the National Zoo, as well as some photos of their wild relatives. The website offers numerous theme Photo Galleries including African Savanna, Asian Elephants, Backyard Biology, Great Cats, Ocean Living, and many more. Each photo gallery contains beautiful annotated photographs of different animals. The Photo Gallery site also connects to other areas of the National Zoo website including sections on Education, Publications, and Conservation & Science. [NL] Nearctica.Com: The Butterflies and Skippers of North America Imagine an entire identification guide, complete with an easy-to-navigate searching mechanism, all online. This site from provides visitors with the type of identification resources offered in guidebooks. At the site, visitors "can either identify butterflies and skippers you may have seen or collected or find information about these species from individual species descriptions and distribution maps." Visitors can choose from a collection of plates which include photographs of butterflies and skippers. There are identification tips and, once found, you simply click on the listing for the specimen you think you have and a complete account is provided. To make things easier at the get go, the classification system allows you to select from a list of habitats where you believe your Butterfly or Skipper lived, such as Forests, Bogs, Prairies, Desert, etc. This great site will be exceptionally useful to teachers, students, researchers, and any other backyard butterfly experts looking for a means of making easy identifications. [JPM] Colorado State University Cooperative Extension: Gardening & Horticulture Hosted by Colorado State University Cooperative Extension, this website shares a wealth of resources about different aspects of gardening and horticulture. The site features sections on Integrated Pest Management, Trees, Vegetables, Flowers, and much more. The site also offers information on house plants, gardening with children, lawns, and xeriscape gardening. A site glossary is included as well, with definitions for words like Allelopathic, Knot Garden, Vernalization, and Humus. If you are looking for master gardeners in your area, the website provides a helpful list of links to other Master Gardener websites by location. [NL] Stanford Alumni Association: Birds of Stanford Hosted by the Stanford University Alumni Association, this website offers information about the many different birds that are seen in and around the Stanford campus. The site features a nicely organized Species section that lists bird species by alphabetical and taxonomic order. An attractive illustrated version of the taxonomic list is available as well. Separate species pages include common name, scientific name, and brief entries on Breeding, Displays, Diet, Eggs, and more. The site also contains an extensive list of short essays on such topics as Anting, Brood Patches, Habitat Selection, and Vocal Dialects-just to name a few. [NL] Topic In DepthPollination
The Pollination Home Page Tis' the season of new life, and pollinators are in the air. The following websites offer information and resources for learning about the finer points of biotic and abiotic pollination. The first (1) site, The Pollination Home Page, was created by beekeeper David L. Green, and it contains a variety of great resources including a Photographic Plant / Pollinator Database with nice close-up photos and notes, video clips, and an extensive Index to Pollination Management Resources. The second site (2), from The Ohio State University, provides many links to Internet sites related to bees and pollination. The site's web resource categories include: Bee Biology, Pollination, Research, Bee Diseases & Pests, and more. The third (3) site is an extensive online USDA text authored by S.E. McGregor, titled Insect Pollination Of Cultivated Crop Plants. The fourth (4) site contains notes from a lecture on pollination that is part of a Plant Biology course at the University of Maryland. The fifth (5) site is an online lab on Flowers and Pollination that is connected to an Introductory Biology course at San Francisco State University. The sixth site (6), from the University of Northern British Columbia, is a list of references on abiotic pollination compiled by Dr. Joe Ackerman. The seventh site (7), from the Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden, provides a brief overview of pollination and dispersal. This site also contains a nice comparative list of several "pollinator types and their respective pollination syndromes." [NL] Below are the copyright statements to be included when reproducing annotations from The NSDL Scout Report for the Life Sciences. The single phrase below is the copyright notice to be used when reproducing any portion of this report, in any format: From The NSDL Scout Report for Life Sciences, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-2003. The paragraph below is the copyright notice to be used when reproducing the entire report, in any format: Copyright Susan Calcari and the University of Wisconsin Board of Regents, 1994-2003. The Internet Scout Project (, located in the Computer Sciences Department of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, provides information about the Internet to the U.S. research and education community under a grant from the National Science Foundation, number NCR-9712163. The Government has certain rights in this material. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of the entire Scout Report provided this paragraph, including the copyright notice, are preserved on all copies. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, or the National Science Foundation.
For information on additional contributors, see the Internet Scout Project staff page. |