Error preventing new user creation

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Error preventing new user creation

When attempting to create a new user, on this page:


I get

Fatal error: Call to undefined method BotDetector::CheckForSpamBot() in /pages/RequestAccountComplete.php on line 448

BotDetector plugin is enabled. And when I look in the code in the plugin, the CheckForSpamBot() method is defined.

The way this is being called is a bit convoluted and I am wondering if it is being referenced incorrectly, or if perhaps something that worked in older versions of PHP (or CWIS) is not working?

# Don't allow new user signups from spambots:
if ($GLOBALS["G_PluginManager"]->PluginEnabled("BotDetector") &&


Re: Error preventing new user creation

Is it possible you've got an older copy of BotDetector.php somewhere in the file tree?  I think that CheckForSpamBot() was added in version 1.1.0 of the plugin, which was released with CWIS 3.1.0 last fall.

If there's an older copy of the file sitting somewhere where the application framework might find it (e.g. local/objects or a number of other places), it could be loading that instead of the correct version.

Re: Error preventing new user creation

That was it!

Because the new plugin was moved into its own folder, the old single file plugin was still there in the top level directory after the upgrade.