This year's Coalition for Neworked Information (CNI) spring meeting will take place virtually between March 15-26.
The event will include a small number (5-6) of live (synchronous) project briefings, with the majority of project briefings being pre-recorded. Live (synchronous) project briefings will take place March 15-16, noon-5:00 pm EDT. March 17, 18, 19 noon-230pm: Executive Roundtables by invitation. The topic will be Post-Pandemic Strategic Planning Challenges and Approaches. At least one of these will be scheduled on the 18th and additional sessions will be scheduled on 17 and 19, suiting demand. Clifford Lynch, the director of CNI, will provide a summary of what we heard as a presentation during the plenary session days. The March 22-23 meeting days are unscheduled to allow time for members to explore pre-recorded project briefings.
The deadline to submit a proposal is Feburary 12.