April 5, 1996
A Publication of Internet Scout
Computer Science Department, University of Wisconsin
A Project of the InterNIC
The Scout Report is a weekly publication offering a selection of new and newly discovered Internet resources of interest to researchers and educators, the InterNIC's primary audience. However, everyone is welcome to subscribe to one of the mailing lists (plain text or HTML) or visit the Web version of the Scout Report. Subscription instructions are included at the end of each report.
![In This Issue:](/sites/default/files/imported/Reports/ScoutReport/graphics/InThisIssue.gif)
Research and Education
- CyberTorch Classroom Project - tracking the Olympic Torch
- OMNI - biomedical information
- The Internet University
- 19th-century American poets
- President Clinton's 1996 Trade Policy Agenda and 1995 Annual Report on the Trade Agreements Program
- NTIS Catalogs
- Mystic-L mailing list
General Interest
- The Los Angeles Times
- Kidsource Online
- The Book List
- Culture in Cyberspace
- artnetweb
- The Hollywood Reporter
Network Tools
- Netscape Atlas and Personal Workspace
- The List (of Internet Service Providers worldwide)
- Scout Toolkit Updates
![Research & Education](/sites/default/files/imported/Reports/ScoutReport/graphics/Research.gif)
CyberTorch Classroom Project - tracking the Olympic Torch
The Global SchoolNet Foundation has initiated the CyberTorch project to help classrooms across the country track the (Olympic) torch during its trek, and record the stories of the heroes who are carrying it. Students in the communities the torch passes through are encouraged to interview local torch bearers, who are often chosen because of previous heroic activities, and share those interviews with other CyberTorch participants. The CyberTorch page will be a focal point for these stories as they develop. It presently contains listings of torch bearers by state. There is a link to the Coca Cola Torch Relay Page, with a map of the Torch Relay from Los Angeles to Atlanta. CyberTorch maintains a mailing list to keep participating schools appraised of project developments, as well as a moderated mailing list that exclusively carries student interviews and relay accounts.
Torch Talk CyberTorch project developments:
Send a email to:majordomo@gsn.org
In the body of the message type:
subscribe torch-talk
Moderated list for student interviews and accounts:
Send a email to:majordomo@gsn.org
In the body of the message type:
subscribe torch
For other innovative Global SchoolNet Foundation projects which "link kids around the world":
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OMNI - biomedical information
OMNI (Organizing Medical Networked Information) is a collection of "high quality biomedical information on the Internet for the higher education and research community in the UK." Though it is predominantly UK based, it also points to worldwide network resources in medicine, biosciences, health care, and health management. The user can browse the resource listings worldwide or by UK only. Either way the listings are available by UDC (Universal Decimal System) and NLM (National Library of Medicine) classifications. NLM listings are also available via an alphabetical list of NLM section names from AIDS to Urogenital system. Each pointer is annotated with a short description and keywords. The entire site is searchable. The breadth and volume of resources, as well as the care taken in annotating and classifying them, makes this one of the better medical sites on the Internet. OMNI also maintains a mailing list for dissemination of news and comments about the service. OMNI is supported by a seven member consortium led by the UK National Institute for Medical Research.
OMNI mailing list: Send a email to:mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk
In the body of the message type:
Join omni firstname(s) lastname
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The Internet University
The Internet University, provided by Cape Software, is an annotated listing of over 300 college and university distance learning courses available via the Internet. Course information is arranged by subject from Arts to Sociology. Information is provided about the institution offering the course, as well as tuition, fees, and contact information. A "Providers" section organizes information by college or university. A "Research" section provides links to mailing lists, FTP sites, Usenet newsgroups, and telnet and Web sites with information about "online college and university study resources." In the future Cape Software plans an "Internet High School," with online high school and equivalency providers, and an "Internet Pilgrim," with online spiritual resources.
[Note: Resource(s)/URL(s) mentioned above is no longer available.]
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19th-century American poets
The American Verse Project, a part of the University of Michigan Humanities Text Initiative, is assembling an electronic archive of volumes of American poetry prior to 1920. Full texts are being made available in both HTML and SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language). At present, over twenty five verse volumes are available. Authors include William Cullen Bryant, Emily Dickinson, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Edna St. Vincent Millay, and George Sylvester Viereck, among others. HTML versions include scanned images of title pages, verso pages, and tables of contents. Volumes can be viewed in their entirety or by table of contents entries. There is an option for revealing line groupings and line identifications. The entire collection is searchable, with Boolean and proximity searching available.
For SGML versions, you will need an SGML viewer attached to your browser.
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President Clinton's 1996 Trade Policy Agenda and 1995 Annual Report on the Trade Agreements Program
Full text of President Clinton's recently released 1996 Trade Policy Agenda and 1995 Annual Report on the Trade Agreements Program, is available at the U.S. Trade Representative's Web Page. The Trade Policy Agenda contains Clinton's agenda for implementation of U.S. trade agreements such as the Uruguay Round Agreements and NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement), as well as bilateral agenda highlights, regional trade and investment, and multilateral negotiations. The 1995 Annual Report contains a complete rundown of U.S. bilateral, multilateral, and regional trade activities for the year. Also included are selected sections of U.S. trade law, membership and structure of the WTO (World Trade Organization), and a list of "substantive trade agreements entered into by the U.S. since 1984."
The 1994 Annual Report, 1995 and 1996 National Trade Estimate between the United States and many countries, and a comprehensive trade and development policy for the countries of Africa are also available. http://www.ustr.gov/reports/index.html
U.S. Trade Representative's Home Page:
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NTIS Catalogs
One of the highlights of the new NTIS (National Technical Information Service) Web site is the full text availability (Adobe Acrobat .PDF format) of several of its most requested catalogs. Included are the 1995-1996 Products and Services catalog, Business Highlights, Environment Highlights, Health Highlights, Environmental Software and Datafiles, and Occupational Safety and Health Multimedia Training Programs, among others. Each catalog is preceded by a short description of its contents. Instructions and pointers to Adobe Reader software are available at the site. The site also contains information about NTIS, as well as its products, services, and ordering information.
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Mystic-L mailing list
Mystic-L is a new group formed for the academic discussion of mysticism. Topics might include the mysticism of Paul, the Middle English mystics, the Greek mystery religions, the writings on Jewish mysticism of Gershom Sholem, the work of Thomas Merton, etc. No devotional or polemical discussions should appear on this list. The list has been created for the academic discussion of mysticism by scholars of mysticism and those interested in the scholarly study of mysticism.
Send email to:listserv@uconnvm.uconn.edu
In the body of the message type:
Subscribe MYSTIC-L Your Name
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The Los Angeles Times
The Los Angeles Times debuts its Internet edition April 8. It is slated to include daily news and features, coverage of movies and entertainment, a computers and technology section, a special section devoted to Southern California sights and events, classified advertising, and chat boards. The site will be free. A fee based site will also be available, with access to Times' archives, as well as educational and research services.
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Kidsource Online
Kidsource Online is an extensive collection of information about raising children from newborns to adolescents. A sampling of the publications they've pulled together at the site includes "Children and Bilingualism" from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association; "Testing Your Child's Hearing" by Carol Knightly, Pediatric Audiologist; and the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) Provides Tips to Help Parents and Kids Cope with Allergy Season. Resources are organized under top-level categories of Newborns, Toddlers, Preschoolers, K-12, Education, Health, Recreation, Forums, Organizations, and Guide to Best Software, among others.
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The Book List
The Un-official Internet Book List, a service of Kevin Savetz Publishing, has been updated and expanded to include over 470 books about the Internet, including its users, software, hardware, use, and abuse. The List is browsable through a multi-level hierarchy which the user can choose to sort by title, author, or publisher. Top level categories include Internet introductions and guides, Site indices and guides, Intermediate/advanced books, and Servers and system administration. The user can also search the List by keyword to search all book descriptions. Submissions to The Un-official Internet Book List are welcome, as are user's comments about the books. The complete edition of the List is available at the Web site, and an abridged text edition is available via Usenet and e-mail. Because the full list is huge, the text edition omits many subject areas to save bandwidth, although it is still very long.
Send email to: booklist-request@northcoast.com
In the subject line type:archive
In the body of the message type:
send booklist
The list is posted to numerous newsgroups, including
alt.internet.services and news.answers
[Note: Resource(s)/URL(s) mentioned above is obsolete.] [Back to Contents]
Culture in Cyberspace
Culture in Cyberspace (CinC) is a free, weekly e-mail newsletter that covers events and developments associated with the intersection of culture and information technology. The newsletter's audience includes people who are involved with cultural organizations and others who care about how culture is represented in the emerging information age. Topics cover the arts, education, journalism, history, and libraries. News and review of WWW sites are included.
Send email to:wlefurgy@radix.net
In the body of the message type:
SUBSCRIBE CinC firstname lastname e-mail address
[Note: Resource(s)/URL(s) mentioned above is no longer available.]
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artnetweb "is the third phase of a process to establish an art colony in cyberspace." It is a well-designed and interesting collection of projects, readings, and exhibits mixed in with more standard sections such as links to galleries and "what's new." The Press Links section offers articles pulled from the international media with links to relevant sites on the Web. artnetweb is currently hosting two exhibits by the Guggenheim, and "The Brown MOO Bird," a Story by Aymon de Roussy de Sales adapted for the Web. While parts of artnetweb are New York City centric, there is reason for others to visit. By the way, the first two phases of the art colony project were The Internet Reading Room, "a storefront in SoHo where artists and others can learn how to get started on the Internet and to meet those who are inventing a new medium," and a local BBS in New York City.
Less graphical site: http://artnetweb.com/index2.html
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The Hollywood Reporter
The Hollywood Reporter, a film, television, and music trade magazine, has established a Web site which offers the magazine's content plus a selective, well-organized collection of links to industry resource sites. The Web magazine is published 5 days a week and headlines and news briefs are updated as needed during the course of the day.
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AIRSHIP-LIST is a mailing list for the discussion of topics pertaining to lighter-than-air gas-filled airships: dirigibles, blimps, balloons. Both contemporary and historical aspects are welcome. Subjects covered will include Zeppelins, U.S. Navy airships, British dirigibles, and the like.
Send email to: listproc@lists.Colorado.EDU
In the body of the message type:
subscribe airship-list yourfirstname yourlastname
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Netscape Atlas and Personal Workspace
Netscape offers a preview release of a future version of Netscape Navigator, called Atlas. This Internet client software is available for Windows 3.1, 95, NT, Macintosh, and Unix platforms. It offers features such as a built in VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) viewer, built in audio playback for various audio formats, a video plug-in for AVI movies embedded in HTML documents, phone and chat support, Java support, enhanced mail and news options, table cell background colors, and enhanced frame navigation. Different features are available on different platforms.
For more information:
Download the program:
FTP to ftp.netscape.com
cd pub/navigator/atlas/pr1
Netscape also offers Personal Workspace, a customized personal page that can be set up through an interactive dialog with Netscape software. Headlines, layouts, color combinations, and personalized links from choices of news, reference, and search sites, among others are available. Personal links can also be included. A notepad feature that allows personal notes is available. Once the set up is completed, every time "Personal Workspace" is entered the customized page appears. The page can be altered or even reconstructed at any time.
[Note: Resource(s)/URL(s) mentioned above is no longer available.]
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The List (of Internet Service Providers worldwide)
The List, provided by Mecklermedia, is a browsable and searchable list of over 1,900 worldwide ISP's (Internet Service Providers). Listings are arranged by U.S. and Canadian nationwide providers, SprintNet Network, state or province, a graphic map, or area code. International listings are avaiable by country or country phone code. Each listing contains name, phone number, email contacts, URL's, services provided, and fees. The search engine searches providers by name or domain name.
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Scout Toolkit Updates
Several annotations in the Scout Toolkit have been updated this week. In the Browsers Section, updates have been made to the Netscape and Internet Explorer annotations. A link to DosLynx, a line mode browser for DOS platforms, has been added to the Lynx annotation.
In the Searching the Internet section, Searchable Indexes, the Lycos, infoseek guide, and Open Text annotations have been updated.
The Scout Toolkit: http://scout.cs.wisc.edu/scout/toolkit/
Scout Report and Scout Report HTML Subscription Instructions
- To receive the electronic mail version of the Scout Report each week, join the scout-report mailing list. This is the only mail you will receive from this list.
send email to:listserv@lists.internic.net
in the body of the message, type:
subscribe scout-report yourfirstname yourlastnameFor example, if your name is Frasier Crane, type
subscribe scout-report Frasier CraneIf your name is not Frasier Crane, substitute your own name.
- To unsubscribe from the scout-report list,
send email to:listserv@lists.internic.net
in the body of the message, type:
unsubscribe scout-reportDo not type your name when unsubscribing.
- To receive the Scout Report in HTML format for local viewing and posting, subscribe to the scout-report-html mailing list, used exclusively to distribute the Scout Report in HTML format once a week.
send mail to:listserv@lists.internic.net
in the body of the message, type:
subscribe scout-report-html yourfirstname yourlastnameFor example, if your name is Frasier Crane, type
subscribe scout-report-html Frasier Crane.If your name is not Frasier Crane, substitute your own name.
- To unsubscribe from the scout-report-html list,
send email to:listserv@lists.internic.net
in the body of the message, type:
unsubscribe scout-report-htmlDo not type your name when unsubscribing.
The Scout Report's Web page:
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Copyright Susan Calcari, 1996. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of the Scout Report provided the copyright notice and this paragraph is preserved on all copies. The InterNIC provides information about the Internet to the US research and education community under a cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation: NCR-9218742. The Government has certain rights in this material.
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Wisconsin - Madison, the National Science Foundation, AT&T, or Network Solutions, Inc.
![Internet Scout Project](https://scout.wisc.edu/Reports/graphics/islogos/is-small.gif)