June 7, 1996
A Publication of Internet Scout
Computer Science Department, University of Wisconsin
A Project of the InterNIC
The Scout Report is a weekly publication offering a selection of new and newly discovered Internet resources of interest to researchers and educators, the InterNIC's primary audience. However, everyone is welcome to subscribe to one of the mailing lists (plain text or HTML) or visit the Web version of the Scout Report. Subscription instructions are included at the end of each report.
![In This Issue:](/sites/default/files/imported/Reports/ScoutReport/graphics/InThisIssue.gif)
Research and Education
- Y'Know, a Web Report for K-12 Students by K-12 Students
- InterNIC News Newsletter -- Vol. 1, No. 3
- Oncolink Presents Highlights of the 1996 Annual Meeting of Society of Clinical Oncology
- Equal Rights Party History Project -- collaborative history from University of Toledo
- College Grad Job Hunter
- Dance Links University Pages
- Nutrition Resources Bulletin Mailing List
General Interest
- The Christian Science Monitor Online
- _World Resources 1996-97: A Guide to the Global Environment_
- Financial Data Finder -- Ohio State University
- Gourmet World
- The Rose Resource -- a flower lover's resource
- Zyoga -- Zen Yoga discussion list
Network Tools
- InterNIC Directory and Database Services Search Tools Page
- Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.0 Beta Version Released
![Research & Education](/sites/default/files/imported/Reports/ScoutReport/graphics/Research.gif)
Y'Know, a Web Report for K-12 Students by K-12 Students
Y'Know is a new publication produced by K-12 students as a resource to other K-12 students. It is an ongoing, cooperative effort of two classrooms in the Boulder, Colorado/Boulder Valley School District and two classrooms in the Madison, Wisconsin/Madison Metropolitan School District. Teachers assist and provide support; however, students select and annotate all resources included in every issue of Y'Know. The publication is supported by Net Scout Services. Two issues of Y'Know will be released during the current school year. In the fall publication will resume and follow a bi-weekly publication schedule throughout the 1996-97 school year. This first issue of Y'Know, dated May 31, 1996, was written and produced by the Nederland JASON Project team members of Nederland Middle School and Nederland Elementary School, part of the Boulder Valley School District and located in Nederland, Colorado. It contains sections on building a home page, oceanography, diving, and just plain fun stuff.
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InterNIC News Newsletter -- Vol. 1, No. 3
The June 1996 issue of the InterNIC News newsletter is available for downloading. Highlights of the newsletter include: a call for participation in the InterNIC Internet metering and demography clearinghouse; articles on the federal World Wide Web Consortium of NSF/NCSA (National Science Foundation/National Center for Supercomputing Applications--University of Illinois); the VIVA (Virtual Library of Virginia) network of shared electronic resources; Stanford University's Highwire Press, a look at electronic scholarly publishing; and the End User's Corner, which examines Site-ation Pearl Growing as a strategy for searching for Internet resources.
ftp to rs.internic.net
change directory to NIC-support/newsletter/jun96
To subscribe:
send email to: listserv@internic.net
In the body of the message type:
subscribe newsletter Firstname Lastname
The monthly InterNIC News newsletter is provided by InterNIC Support Services. For more information about Support Services:
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Oncolink Presents Highlights of the 1996 Annual Meeting of Society of Clinical Oncology
The well known Oncolink Internet Cancer Resource, provided by the University of Pennsylvania Cancer Center, has recently made available highlights from the 1996 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, which took place May 18-21, 1996 in Philadelphia, Pa. It was the largest cancer conference in the world, with 14,000 participants. Included at the site are highlights from each day's activities, including interviews, research findings, symposia, newspaper articles, and speeches. Note that most of this content is excerpted or summarized. Oncolink is one of the largest and most comprehensive cancer resources on the Internet, aiming to disseminate oncology information, educate health care personnel, patients and families, and collect specialty information.
AASCO meeting highlights:
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Equal Rights Party History Project -- collaborative history from University of Toledo
The Equal Rights Party History Project, provided by Professor Timothy Messer-Kruse of the University of Toledo, is an "experiment in participatory research" on the 545 women and men who founded the Equal Rights Party in May of 1872. Members such as Victoria Woodhull and Belva Lockwood are well known, but most are anonymous to history. This site attempts to address that oversight by encouraging interested Internauts to adopt a founder of the ERP who once lived in a place close to their hometown as a subject, research that subject, and report the findings back to the ERP project. At present the site contains a geographical database of ERP members, a brief history of the Party, research tips, and an explanation of how to send your information to the site. The ERP page is an interesting attempt at collaborative primary history that hopes to "level the ivory tower walls that have long isolated professional historians and the history they write from everyone else who make it and live it."
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College Grad Job Hunter
At the heart of the College Grad Job Hunter Web site, provided by Quantum Leap Publishing, is the Entry Level Jobs Offered Section, which at present includes eleven companies and is, for the most part, geared toward new college graduates. The section also offers thirteen pointers to other sites that provide job information for new grads. Another highlight is partial text from _College Grad Job Hunter_, by Brian Krueger. College Grad Job Hunter also provides information on writing cover letters, resumes, and negotiating offers. Note that at this time most of the jobs offered are computer related.
Partial text of _College Grad Job Hunter_:
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Dance Links University Pages
One of the highlights of the Dance Links Web site at Purdue University, compiled mainly from information provided by dance videographer Amy Reusch, is the University Dance Departments pointers page, a collection of pointers to over 150 U.S. University Dance departments, as well as departments in Australia, Canada, Finland, Ireland, and the United Kingdom. Dance Links also points to resources related to dance companies, performance listings, publications, organizations, funding, dance schools, dancers, and other dance indexes.
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Nutrition Resources Bulletin Mailing List
nutrition-resbul is an open mailing list for subscriptions to the free monthly electronic bulletin, Nutrition Resources Bulletin. Although the bulletin is intended for health professionals, food professionals, researchers, librarians, teachers and journalists, subscriptions are open to anyone. Nutrition Resources Bulletin (NRB) features information about new books, pamphlets, audio and video tapes, Web sites and teaching aids. Topics covered are normal nutrition (healthy eating, life cycle nutrition, sports nutrition, vegetarianism, cultural and ethnic resources), medical nutrition (special diets), quantity food preparation, food service management, food safety, food science and food security.
To subscribe send email to: majordomo@sfu.ca
In the body of the message type:
subscribe nutrition-resbul
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The Christian Science Monitor Online
The Christian Science Monitor has recently opened a full text Web edition that also provides Monitor Radio hourly broadcasts (in RealAudio format), the mid-day edition of Monitor Radio (available for 24 hours after the broadcast), continuous headline updates from Associated Press, and Our Place, an archive of stories and links related to books, arts and music, TV and film, family and community, travel, the outdoors, and kids. Available as well are features including an interactive crossword puzzle (which can be printed out for those with slow connections), email from correspondents all over the world, and four chat rooms. But perhaps the best feature of the site (besides full text of each day's issue) is a free, searchable archive of the newspaper's content back to 1980. The entire site is free at this time, though there will be charges for certain parts of it at a future date.
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_World Resources 1996-97: A Guide to the Global Environment_
Full text of _World Resources 1996-97: A Guide to the Global Environment_, produced by the World Resources Institute, United Nations Environment Programme, United Nations Development Programme, and World Bank, is available via the Web. It is the official source book for the United Nations Habitat II Conference being held in Istanbul, Turkey June 3-14, 1996. The tenth edition of _World Resources_ contains two major sections, Global Conditions and Trends and Data Tables, and The Urban Environment, a special section concentrating on how urban population growth is affecting the global environment. Major findings include: "more than half of humankind will live in urban areas by the end of the century, and 60 percent by 2020; by 2010 the number of motor vehicles could grow to more than 800 million; and, by 2050, as many as 2.4 billion people could live in countries facing water scarcity." The report is available in HTML, and the data tables and Executive Summary are available as Adobe Acrobat .pdf files. Acrobat may be downloaded from the site. Print version availability and pricing can be found on the home page at the bottom of the News Release and under "Ordering Information."
Habitat II Conference:
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Financial Data Finder -- Ohio State University
The Ohio State University Department of Finance has made a Financial Data Finder available on the Web. There are pointers pages to data providers, including Canadian, Australian, United Kingdom, and Spanish, as well as U.S. providers; historical data; free and for-fee current quotations; market news and analysis; and business libraries. "Couch potato" investing tips are also provided. Most links have brief annotations. There are also links to other Internet finance resources.
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Gourmet World
Gourmet World, produced by Internet World Broadcasting Corp., is an epicurean delight. The Culinary Center offers hundreds of recipes, organized geographically and by main ingredient, as well as pointers to the pages of over twenty renowned chefs. The Fine Dining Court presents restaurant reviews and restaurants by cuisine. The Library contains links to associations, cooking schools, conversion tables, and food information. Note that this site is a work in progress. However, there is already a large amount of information about good eating. Bon appetit.
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The Rose Resource -- a flower lover's resource
The Rose Resource, provided by All America Rose Selections, is highlighted by a searchable database of 137 AARS-approved rose gardens in the U.S. It also contains a list of AARS-award winning roses (with selected photos) going back to 1940, information about rose use and landscape design, gardening tips, the history of roses, their symbolism and fragrances, and a list of AARS trial gardens. AARS is a "non-profit organization of rose growers and introducers dedicated to garden rose research and promotion." It has been in existence since 1938.
Searchable database of AARS approved rose gardens:
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Zyoga -- Zen Yoga discussion list
Zyoga is a forum for the discussion of Yoga related to Zen Buddhist practice and philosophy. The list is open to anyone with an interest in Yoga and Buddhism.
To subscribe send email to:Majordomo@mail.win.org
In the body of the message type:
subscribe zyoga Your Name
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InterNIC Directory and Database Services Search Tools Page
As the number of information resources available on the Internet continues to increase, there has also been a substantial growth in the search tools available to help users find the particular information that interests them. InterNIC Directory and Database Services now offers an online listing of search tools organized by type of search. The listings include tools that help users search NetNews, tools that search for particular software on the net, tools that search for people by name, and various other search categories.
InterNIC Directory of Directories:
To enter your resource: use the entry form at the above site,
send email to: admin@ds.internic.net
and request information about how to submit your resource
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Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.0 Beta Version Released
Adobe has made the hitherto code-named "Amber" Reader an official 3.0 Beta release, available for free downloading. Features include integration with popular Web browsers such as Netscape and Internet Explorer, transparent navigation between Acrobat .pdf files and HTML, delivery of .pdf files one page at a time, ability to read .pdf files embedded in HTML pages, an Acrobat toolbar within a Netscape window, and continuous scrolling and 2-up pages, among others. At present the reader is available for Windows, Macintosh, and Unix platforms. An alpha version is available for OS/2.
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Scout Report and Scout Report HTML Subscription Instructions
- To receive the electronic mail version of the Scout Report each week, join the scout-report mailing list. This is the only mail you will receive from this list.
send email to:listserv@lists.internic.net
in the body of the message, type:
subscribe scout-report yourfirstname yourlastnameFor example, if your name is Frasier Crane, type
subscribe scout-report Frasier CraneIf your name is not Frasier Crane, substitute your own name.
- To unsubscribe from the scout-report list,
send email to:listserv@lists.internic.net
in the body of the message, type:
unsubscribe scout-reportDo not type your name when unsubscribing.
- To receive the Scout Report in HTML format for local viewing and posting, subscribe to the scout-report-html mailing list, used exclusively to distribute the Scout Report in HTML format once a week.
send mail to:listserv@lists.internic.net
in the body of the message, type:
subscribe scout-report-html yourfirstname yourlastnameFor example, if your name is Frasier Crane, type
subscribe scout-report-html Frasier Crane.If your name is not Frasier Crane, substitute your own name.
- To unsubscribe from the scout-report-html list,
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unsubscribe scout-report-htmlDo not type your name when unsubscribing.
The Scout Report's Web page:
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Copyright Susan Calcari, 1996. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of the Scout Report provided the copyright notice and this paragraph is preserved on all copies. The InterNIC provides information about the Internet to the US research and education community under a cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation: NCR-9218742. The Government has certain rights in this material.
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Wisconsin - Madison, the National Science Foundation, AT&T, or Network Solutions, Inc.
![Internet Scout Project](https://scout.wisc.edu/Reports/graphics/islogos/is-small.gif)