The Scout Report for Science & Engineering - April 29, 1998

The Scout Report for Science & Engineering

April 29, 1998

A Publication of the Internet Scout Project
Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison

The target audience of the new Scout Report for Science & Engineering is faculty, students, staff, and librarians in the life sciences, physical sciences, and engineering. Each biweekly issue offers a selective collection of Internet resources covering topics in the sciences, and related fields such as math and engineering, that have been chosen by librarians and content specialists in the given field of study.

The Scout Report for Science & Engineering is also provided via email once every two weeks. Subscription information is included at the bottom of each issue.

In This Issue
The Scout Report
* Research * Current Awareness
* Learning Resources * New Data
* General Interest * In the News

Thirteen Journals from Highwire Press
AJP: Cell Physiology--APS
AJP: Endocrinology and Metabolism--APS
AJP: Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology--APS
AJP: Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology--APS
AJP: Heart and Circulatory Physiology--APS
AJP: Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology--APS
AJP: Renal Physiology--APS
AJP: Advances in Physiological Education--APS
Applied and Environmental Microbiology--ASM
Infection and Immunity--ASM
Journal of Bacteriology--ASM
Journal of Virology--ASM
Molecular and Cellular Biology--ASM
HighWire Press
The American Physiological Society (APS) has made eight new AJP journals available online. Full-text content begins with the October 1997 issue, with the exception of AJP: Advances in Physiological Education (which begins in December 1997); coverage of all eight journals will expand with each month's new issues. The free and unrestricted trial period for the AJP journals ends October 5, 1998. In addition, The American Society for Microbiology has made five new journals available online. Full-text content begins with the January 1998 issue; abstracts begin with the January 1992 issues. The free and unrestricted trial period for the five ASM journals will terminate at the end of 1998. [LXP]
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The Lund/LBNL Nuclear Data Search
Created by professors in the Department of Physics at Lund University in Sweden, the Lund/LBNL Nuclear Data Search provides on-line access to data from the Table of Isotopes handbook. Data may be accessed via radiation or nuclide searches. Radiation searches may be conducted on several levels, from the more general (energy and energy type -- alpha or gamma), to the more specific (parent information, such as half-life, mass number, or element). Search returns are listed alphabetically or by energy and intensity. For a nuclide search, users enter mass number, Z or element, N, or half-life; search results are sorted alphabetically. Summary drawings are also available at the site. [KH]
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The Large Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA)
The Large Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA) is an international research initiative focused on understanding "the climatological, ecological, biogeochemical, and hydrological functioning of Amazonia, the impact of land use change on these functions, and the interactions between Amazonia and the Earth system." Endorsed by the World Climate Research Program (WCRP) and led by Brazilian researchers, the ambitious project addresses six main areas: Physical Climate, Carbon Storage and Exchange, Biogeochemistry, Atmospheric Chemistry, Hydrology, and Land Use and Land Cover. The site provides detailed explanations of the LBA's research goals, collaborators, justification, and several schematic diagrams. In addition, several excellent graphics depict rainfall, hydrology (river networks), deforestation, and other ecological processes. A collection of superb links rounds out the site. [LXP]
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Geographic Resources Analysis Support System
GRASS 4.2.1 Main Page
GRASS Homepage
The Geographic Resources Analysis Support System (GRASS) 4.2.1 is the latest version of this "public-domain raster-based GIS, vector GIS, image processing system, graphics production system, and spatial modeling system." GRASS was originally developed by the US Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratories; current research and development occurs at Baylor University. Source code for GRASS 4.2.1 can be downloaded from the first site, while code for other versions is available at the homepage. [KH]
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This interesting site by Professor Michael D. Guiry of the National University of Ireland, Galway, contains a wealth of information and resources on seaweeds. The site includes Check-lists of the Seaweeds (Benthic Marine Algae) of Britain, Ireland and northern Europe; two bibliographic databases on seaweeds (including 17,500 scientific references from periodicals); an email discussion list (Algae-L); two fascinating sections on seaweed cultivation and the seaweed industry; a fully searchable taxonomic database of seaweeds; and links to related sites. Typical returns to the taxonomic database search query include Distribution, Type Locality, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Basionym, and Synonym. Although scant with visual images, this site is rich in every other dimension, and serves as an excellent resource to seaweed researchers and educators alike. [LXP]
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Summary Publications from 20 National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Study Units (1991-96)--USGS
Managed by the US Geological Survey, the NAWQA Program was created to investigate the "status and trends in the quality of the Nation's ground- and surface-water resources, and to provide a sound understanding of the natural and human factors that affect the quality of these resources." Currently, the full text and figures for three study areas, portions of the Pacific Northwest and the California-Nevada area, are available online. The Summaries of major issues and findings (during 1991-96) are provided for seven additional areas, and a map showing all 20 study areas is also available. [KH]
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Learning Resources
Tools for Discussion: Attaining Excellence Through TIMSS
Provided by the Eisenhower National Clearinghouse for Mathematics and Science Education, Tools for Discussion provides resources for using TIMMS (The Third International Mathematics and Science Study, discussed in the December 13, 1996 Scout Report) to find ways to improve mathematics and science education. The site includes the TIMSS Resource Kit and additional tools including publications, web resources, and mailing lists for reforming and improving mathematics and science education. The Resource Kit contains summaries from the study, achievement comparisons from the 41 countries, information on how to use the Kit in discussing classroom practices, and an analysis of teaching resources. [KH]
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Teaching About Evolution and the Nature of Science--NAS
This superlative site from the National Academy of Sciences provides information and resources for teachers and administrators regarding "evolution and the role of science in human affairs." Organized into seven sections, the site offers background information, discussion topics, National Science Education Standards, Frequently Asked Questions About Evolution and the Nature of Science, and Teaching Activities. The core of the site is the Teaching Activities section, which provides concise scientific information, a list of materials needed, instructional strategies, and references. In addition, the five appendices offer case studies regarding court rulings on evolution and creationism. [LXP]
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Water Wells Tutorial
Water Wells Tutorial is a training manual for constructing water wells and handpumps compiled by LifeWater, a group of concerned individuals working in the water resources field. The manual provides an overview of each of the ten areas of consideration when designing and installing a water well. Graphics are used to show concepts and detailed images of technical descriptions. A file index has been provided for ease of printing. [KH]
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The Diatom Collection of the California Academy of Sciences
The California Academy of Sciences provides this useful site on the "taxonomic information, images, records of collections, and references pertaining to diatoms." Although minimal in graphic imagery, the site does a nice job of describing these microscopic aquatic organisms via four main sections: Diatom Identification (Glossary, some Light Miscroscope Images), Diatom databases (Taxon, Types, Locality and Publications), Diatom research (Diatom Genus Project), and Diatom Links. Students, researchers, and anyone interested in diatoms will find an abundance of information at this site. [LXP]
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Environmental Protection Agency Student Center
Opened to the public on Earth Day 1998 (April 22, 1998), the EPA's Student Center is a compilation of all available environmental information from the EPA. Instead of searching for information from the multiple branches and webpages of the EPA, students may now access all this information at one site. Information is divided into eight topics ranging from air and water to ecosystems. In addition to the eight topics, the Student Center provides links to jobs and scholarships, awards, projects, and activities. Users may also look up environmental definitions in the dictionary or dive into the text of a famous environmental law such as the Clean Water Act. [KH]
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General Interest
The UN Seahorse in Japan!
The UN Seahorse, currently based in Yokohama, Japan, is a joint project of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP). The UN Seahorse project helps to increase awareness about the ocean and its significance to our daily lives. In the host port of Japan, visitors will find information about Japan's geography, oceans, climate, and general background information; Japanese institutions provide contact information and links to the many organizations working on ocean-related issues in Japan. In addition, maps and charts offer useful images of Japan and surrounding areas. After or before visiting the Japan port of call, visitors can jump the two previous ports of call, Vancouver, Canada and Honolulu, Hawaii. Detailed information about the project is available at the Ocean98 Website. [KH]
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Sound Science Initiative
The Sound Science Initiative (SSI), a highly regarded project of the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS), is a national initiative dedicated to presenting "accurate, credible information to the media, the public, and policymakers." SSI monitors the accuracy of scientific information and counters misinformation. Specifically, by monitoring several focal issues in the media and policymaking arenas (currently: climate change, biodiversity, population growth and ozone depletion), SSI sends out electronic alerts "providing scientifically sound analysis and responding to misinformation." Currently, more than 1,500 scientists are involved in the SSI network. Participating scientists "receive scientific news, political information, and guidance on communicating with policymakers and the media." This straightforward site provides details of SSI goals, accomplishments, ongoing projects, and information on how scientists can participate. [LXP]
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Welcome to the Universe
A compliment to the Boston Museum of Science's exhibit, Welcome to the Universe is a "collection of web sites" aimed at teaching visitors about the Universe. Sites are organized into six categories: Patterns in the Sky, Size and Scale, Life Story of the Universe, Learning from Light, Additional Astronomy Resources, and Community Solar System. Each section provides a list of web sites and activities for hands-on learning. [KH]
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The Chemical Scorecard
An information service provided by the Environmental Defense Fund, The Chemical Scorecard allows the general population easy access to the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Toxic Release Inventory (TRI). The TRI is a compilation of all self-reported releases of toxic substances into the environment. Visitors can search for pollution reports via a map interface or by specifying the desired state. Reports are available for states, counties, cities, and companies. Each report includes maps of manufacturing facilities, chemical releases or waste generation for 1995, TRI pollution releases and data summaries. At the end of each report, visitors are provided with ways to voice their concern about toxic releases. In addition to the reports, the Scorecard contains rankings of toxic releases by state, county, zip code, and facility. The rankings are ordered based on a variety of criteria, including carcinogens, different toxicants, and cancer and non-cancer hazards. The Scorecard also provides information on over 5,000 chemicals included in the TRI, their health effects, and a glossary of commonly used terminology. [KH]
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Two on Nematodes
Plant and Insect Parasitic Nematode Homepage
Nematode Songs
The University of Nebraska at Lincoln provides the first site. Created as "an aid for nematode identification and systematic research," the website also serves as an excellent general resource on the science of Nematology. Users will find sections on Nematodes of the Great Plains, an Illustrated Diagnostic Key, Nematode Genera, the Molecular Identification of Nematodes, and others. Resource information at the site includes the Nematology Mailing List (NEMA-L), a Nematode Bibliography Server, the Nematology Employment Bulletin Board, and links to other websites such as the Society of Nematologists. The second site, Nematode Songs, is a wonderful, straightforward resource maintained by Nematologist Kathy Merrifield of Oregon State University, who makes light of these microscopic worms and parasites. A collection of 15 titles, including such notables as "Good King Nematode," "The Golden Sun" and "The Parasitic Nematode Rag," offer clever (and nematode-ish) lyrics to familiar songs. An option to sing along is included (requires MIDI sound), and each feature includes sheet music as well as complete lyrics. For the more serious, links to scientific nematode resources are provided at the bottom of the page. [LXP]
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Current Awareness
(For links to additional current awareness on tables of contents, abstracts, preprints, new books, data, conferences, etc., visit the Science & Engineering Current Awareness Metapage:

Nature Web Specials
Nature, the international weekly journal of science, features "hot" scientific topics in the Web Specials section. Current and past specials are freely available at the site. The current Web Special, Bioprospecting, contains eight articles on the topic including "The complex realities of sharing genetic assets," articles on the regulation of national interests in India, Brazil and Africa; and an article discussing social equity versus private property. Former Web Specials cover Xenotransplantation, CJD (Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease), Malaria, Ecosystems, H.pylori sequence, the Kyoto Climate Conference, and Sheep Cloning (discussed in the March 7, 1997 Scout Report). Of added utility, most special features include a reference section at the end for further reading. [LXP]
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Water Quality Standards; Establishment of Numeric Criteria for Priority Toxic Pollutants; States' Compliance--Revision of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Criteria (Proposed Rule)
This report, a product of the Environmental Protection Agency, details the proposed revisions to the human health water quality criteria for PCBs, stemming from a settlement agreement with the General Electric Company. The proposed rule decreases the cancer potency factor from 7.7 to 2 per mg/kg-day. The revised criteria will be less stringent than those established in 1992. [KH]
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New Publications
Information Technology: Its Impact on Undergraduate Education in Science, Mathematics, Engineering, and Technology--NSF
PDF version:
This report presents the results of a 1996 National Science Foundation workshop that discussed the "use of information technology in higher education." In four special sessions, participants discussed Perspectives and Constituencies, Evaluation and Dissemination of Information Technology, Themes, and Directions and Recommendations for the future. The report provides a detailed introduction and rationale for the workshop, and the outcomes from each of the four special sessions. In addition, follow-up information and further recommendations are included. [KH]

Scientists Find Further Global Warming Evidence in Temperature Reconstruction Study--NSF
The National Science Foundation has just posted this news release. Climatologists at the University of Massachusetts (Amherst) and University of Arizona have released their findings based on a study of reconstruction of global temperatures over the past 600 years. Their results indicate that 1997, 1995 and 1990 were "the warmest years since at least 1400 A.D." Detailed results of the study are also available in the April 23, 1998 edition of the journal Nature (392, 779). [LXP]
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Job Openings in Science and Technology from the Chronicle of Higher Education

International Science Jobs--Nature
Nature provides this site, a compendium of international science position vacancies. Jobs can be browsed by four variables or searched. Listings are updated weekly. [JS]
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LJIS Interdisciplinary Fellowships
The La Jolla Interfaces in Science is a new "interdisciplinary and interinstitutional predoctoral and postdoctoral training program in La Jolla, California, supported by the Burroughs Wellcome Fund, and involving the University of California at San Diego (UCSD), The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI), The Salk Institute, and The San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC)." The LJIS Fellowships program supports graduate students and post-docs in "the exploration of interfaces between the Biological and Biomedical Sciences and the Physical, Computer, and Mathematical Sciences." The site contains profiles of current projects (including participating mentors) and information on how to apply. Note that the next round of deadlines are in May 1998. [LXP]

National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)--New England
Funding for marine fisheries proposals is available under the Marine Fisheries Initiative (MARFIN). Projects must deal with "marine fishery management decisions" and "species and information needs" as mentioned in Stock Assessment Workshops recently held in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. Proposals are due May 18, 1998. [KH]

CDC Funding Opportunities
The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has posted several new funding opportunities. Categories for the currently listed funding opportunities, not all of which are limited to research on humans, include: Chronic Disease Prevention/Health Promotion; AIDS/HIV Programs; Injury and Violence Prevention and Control; Occupational Safety and Health; Sexually Transmitted Diseases. [LXP]
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The American Fisheries Society (AFS)
The American Fisheries Society (AFS) will convene its 128th Annual Meeting at the Hartford Civic Center and Sheraton Hotel in Hartford, Connecticut. The meeting theme is "Challenges for the New Millennium: Shaping the Future of Fisheries Science and the Fisheries Profession." The meeting will take place from 23-27 August 1998. [LXP]

Short Courses at Penn State University
Rotary Wing Technology
Computational Methods in Stormwater Management
The Penn State Continuing Education program offers courses in a variety of scientific fields. Rotary wing technology, August 10-14, 1998 is an introduction for engineers on the aerodynamics, dynamics, stability and control, acoustics, and structural design of rotary craft. The Stormwater Management course, June 15-17 and July 27-29, 1998 will discuss microscopic hydrological analysis models and their application to watersheds. Course outlines, registration information, and additional course information is available online. [KH]

Advanced Biology Training Course in Antarctica, January 1999
This National Science Foundation-sponsored course will emphasize "integrative biology with laboratory-based projects focused on adaptations in an extreme polar environment." The course, which accomodates 24 students, will be held in Antarctica at the US McMurdo Station, starting January 1999. Application information, a list of participating professors, costs and scholarship information are available at the site. The deadline for completed applications is due at the Antarctic Support Associates office on June 15, 1998. [LXP]
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New Data
Astrographic Catalogue and AC 2000 Home Page--USNO [UNIX Compress .Z, .ps]
The Astrographic Catalogue (AC) is a catalog of the locations of 4.61 million stars recording a magnitude of 11 or higher. The catalog was a collaborative effort begun over one hundred years ago by observatories around the world. Each observatory used photographic plates to record relative positions for the stars in their assigned zone. Declination range, epochs, and number of objects is provided for each zone. AC 2000 is the electronic version of the catalog compiled by the US Naval Observatory. The compressed files may be downloaded from the site. A list of publications resulting from the project is also provided. [KH]
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Names of Plant Pathogenic Bacteria, 1864-1995--ISPP
In recent years, the taxonomy of plant pathogenic bacteria has been extensively revised. This list, from the International Society for Plant Pathology, contains "the names of all plant pathogenic bacteria which have been effectively and validly published in terms of the International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria, and the Standards for Naming Pathovars and their revision. Included are species names from the Approved Lists, pathovar names, and names of pathogens reported since 1980." Current and past species names and synonyms are provided in different fonts, for ease of comparison. The list of names may be browsed in alphabetical order by genus. [LXP]
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Two From the Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center--ORNL
A Coastal Hazards Data Base for the U.S. West Coast (1997)
Effects of CO2 and Nitrogen Fertilization on Growth and Nutrient Content of Juvenile Ponderosa Pine
Two new data resources have recently been made available by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory's CDIAC. The first, A Coastal Hazards Database for the U.S. West Coast (1997), contains digital information for predicting effects on US western coastlines that are sensitive to rises in sea level. The data cover 0.25 degree by 0.25 degree grid cells and 1:2,000,000 line segments and include elevation, geology, geomorphology, sea-level trends, shoreline displacement, tidal ranges, and wave heights. Fortran source code is provided to examine the data. The second, Effects of CO2 and Nitrogen Fertilization on Growth and Nutrient Content of Juvenile Ponderosa Pine, was generated through a California-based study of "the effects of Carbon Dioxide and Nitrogen fertilization on Ponderosa Pine (Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex Laws.) conducted in open-top chambers." Specifically, the data include "measured values of plant diameter and height, biomass of plant components, and nutrient (carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, potassium, calcium, magnesium, boron, copper, iron, manganese, and zinc) concentration. The data set contains values from 1991 through 1993 (the study ran through 1996). Documentation is provided in addition to the database. The database is available in multiple formats. [KH,LXP]
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World Forest Map--WWF
The World Wildlife Fund provides this useful site, containing forest coverage maps at several different scales. Organized by continental sections of North America, Central America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and "the Oceans" (Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, etc.), maps are available at the global or national level. Each map provides color coding of forest coverage and protected areas. Maps may be printed out directly, or ordered directly from WWF. [LXP]
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In the News
Hazardous Waste
1. The Office of Solid Waste--EPA
2. Superfund--EPA
3. Brownfields--EPA
4. Hazardous and Medical Waste Program
5. Napalm Removal and Disposal Project
6. Alternative Treatment Technology Information Center--EPA
7. The Environmental and Waste Technology Center--BNL
8. The Network for Industrially Contaminated Land in Europe (NICOLE)
Given media attention to the US Navy's recent problems with the disposal of a large amount of napalm, an incendiary compound, this week's In the News examines the issue of hazardous waste and materials. These eight resources provide information on various aspects of the topic. Due to the large number of companies specializing in the management and remediation of hazardous waste contamination, private firms will not be noted.

(1) The US government agency responsible for overseeing the management and proper disposal of hazardous materials is the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Office of Solid Waste (OSW). The OSW homepage provides Basic Facts about solid waste, information on the three Rs of waste (reduce, reuse, recycle), and two stages of waste management: generation and transport; and treatment, storage, and disposal. The site also offers links to relevant laws and policies regarding wastes. (2) Superfund, another arm of the EPA, is responsible for cleaning up hazardous waste sites throughout the US. The Superfund homepage provides a wealth of information for citizens, scientists, industry, state, local, and tribal entities, schools, and kids. Technical resources provide links to publications, databases and software, training information, and services. (3) Brownfields is the latest attempt by the EPA to "restore contaminated urban land and buildings to productive use." The homepage provides information on projects, relevant laws and regulations, and publications, in addition to news and events and other resources. (4) The US Army also runs the Hazardous and Medical Waste Program. The Program is divided into five teams, Compliance, Military Item Disposal Instructions, Pollution Prevention, Special Studies and Technologies, and Training. (5) Another military division working with hazardous waste is the Southwest Division, Naval Facilities Engineering Command in California. One current project of the Division is the Napalm Removal and Disposal Project. The website offers background information and discusses aspects of the project. (6) A more technical view of hazardous wastes is found at the EPA's Alternative Treatment Technology Information Center (ATTIC). ATTIC offers a database of treatment technologies and downloadable documents. (7) The Environmental and Waste Technology Center at Brookhaven National Laboratory maintains a site discussing the various aspects of hazardous waste management, including in-situ technologies and different forms of waste. (8) The European Union also maintains a web site for information on an alliance for remediation of contaminated sites. The Network for Industrially Contaminated Land in Europe (NICOLE) is a forum for the exchange of knowledge and the discussion of research needs. [KH]
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The Scout Report for Science & Engineering
Brought to You by the Internet Scout Project

The Scout Report for Science & Engineering is published every other Wednesday by the Internet Scout Project, located in the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Department of Computer Sciences.

Susan Calcari
Jack Solock
David Flaspohler
Laura X. Payne
Kathryn Harris
Jeannine Ramsey
Managing Editor
Assistant Editor
Assitant Editor
Assistant Editor
Production Editor

Copyright Susan Calcari and the University of Wisconsin Board of Regents, 1994-1998. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of the Scout Report for Science & Engineering provided the copyright notice and this paragraph is preserved on all copies. The Internet Scout Project provides information about the Internet to the US research and education community under a grant from the National Science Foundation, number NCR-9712163. The Government has certain rights in this material.

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