The Scout Report for Science & Engineering
June 10, 1998
A Publication of the Internet Scout Project
Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison
The target audience of the new Scout Report for Science & Engineering is faculty, students, staff, and librarians in the life sciences, physical sciences, and engineering. Each biweekly issue offers a selective collection of Internet resources covering topics in the sciences, and related fields such as math and engineering, that have been chosen by librarians and content specialists in the given field of study.
The Scout Report for Science & Engineering is also provided via email once every two weeks. Subscription information is included at the bottom of each issue.
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Current Awareness
Learning Resources
New Data
General Interest
In the News
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JSTOR Update
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, v. 1-29, 1964-92
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, v. 1-116, 1950-92
List of Participating Academic Institutions
The full text of the SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis v. 1-29, 1964-92 (which continues the Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM): Series B, Numerical Analysis) is now available online at JSTOR. The SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis contains research articles on "the development and analysis of numerical methods including their convergence, stability, and error analysis as well as related results in functional analysis and approximation theory." Visitors may search or browse the journal. Note that access to JSTOR contents is currently available only on a site license basis to academic institutions; JSTOR's site lists licensed institutions. The Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society has been updated to include additional content. [KH]
[Back to Contents]Hydroecology & Fish Biology
This site, from Cornell University's NY Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit, offers substantial information on hydroecology and fish biology. The core of the site is its in-depth research section, which details projects in four main areas, Watershed Biodiversity Conservation (uses Gap Analysis [discussed in the September 17, 1997 Scout Report for Science and Engineering], Watershed mapping techniques, GIS), Sturgeon of the Hudson River, Aquatic Systems Analysis (including restoration and habitat modeling), and New York Fisheries. Each research section includes a project overview, project components, contact information, and several useful links. Though based in upstate New York, the site's information has wider applicability. [LXP]
[Back to Contents]Two on Chemical Structures
ChemSketch 3.5
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Structure Index
Advanced Chemistry Development, Inc. has released ChemSketch 3.5, the latest edition of a tool used to draw chemical structures and then view them in 3D. The tool may be downloaded free of charge along with the manual and 3D Viewer Tutorial. The Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) Index, a special publication from the National Institute of Standards and Technology, provides the structures of a large number of PAHs. In addition to the structure, the Index lists other names for the compound, CAS number, molecular weight, length-to-breadth ratio, width, length, and thickness. Users can search the PAH Index via compound name and molecular weight, browse alphabetically, or scan cover to cover. An introduction to the Index is available in [.pdf] format. [KH]
[Back to Contents]Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews--ASM
The American Society for Microbiology (ASM) has placed online the journal Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews. Full-text content begins with March 1998; abstracts and tables of contents are available online back to 1992. MMBR is a "definitive, broad-based review journal in the expanding disciplines of microbiology, immunology, and molecular and cellular biology." All online content is searchable. Access to the full-text articles is free through December 1998. [LXP]
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The Families of Flowering Plants
Australian authors L. Watson and M. J. Dallwitz have updated this magnificent resource of detailed character descriptions, taxonomic information, references, and line illustrations of "all the Angiosperm families" from Acanthaceae to Zygophyllaceae. Users will find extensive data on plant and flower morphology, "seedling germination type, embryology, anther ontogeny, pollen cytology and morphology, stigma type, sieve-tube plastids, leaf, stem, nodal and wood anatomy, and phytochemistry (phenolics, alkaloids, cyanogenesis, etc.)." Watson and Dallwitz also include detailed taxonomic information on family synonyms, "numbers of species and genera in each family, and complete lists or (in the case of the largest families only) examples of the genera in each." A character list and an 'implicit attributes' section accompany the resource; information for downloading is available at the site. For teachers and graduate students alike, this online resource will be hard to beat. [LXP]
[Back to Contents]Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming Using C++
Postscript Version of the Tutorial
Peter Mueller at the Globewide Network Academy created these lectures to be used in an online introductory course to object-oriented programming (OOP). The tutorial guides users through a survey of programming techniques, an introduction to data types, object-oriented concepts, an introduction to C++, the differences between C and C++, and a case study in using the C++ programming language. Mueller's exercises, with answers, should improve students' understanding of the concepts taught through the tutorial. [KH]
[Back to Contents]The Developmental Biology Cinema [QuickTime, VivoActive]
The Developmental Biology Cinema (DBC) emerged after an inspired breakfast meeting at the 13th International Congress of Developmental Biology in Snowbird, Utah (July 1997). DBC's mission is "to get video sequences of developing embryos (organisms), and experimental techniques, from the developmental biologist's lab to the eyeballs of interested individuals in a user-friendly and inexpensive form." Current features include Thom Kaufman's 'Fly Morph-O-Genesis,' Lionel Jaffe's 'Calcium Tsunami,' and Jeff Miller's 'Dynamics of Thin Filopodia.' The silent movies may be viewed in QuickTime or VivoActive formats, and are accompanied by brief thumbnail images and background summaries. Note that these digital video sequences are provided by the Society for Developmental Biology for educational purposes only. [LXP]
[Back to Contents]Thermal Ignition Tutorial
Created for the Energy Engineering course at Leeds University in the United Kingdom, this tutorial introduces students to the basics of thermal ignition and explains two theories used to describe it, Semenov and Frank-Kamenetskii. Detailed 'lectures' on each theory include an overview of the model and its equations, approximations used in the model, and the model's critical values and parameters. The tutorial reinforces the lectures with examples and questions and a description of a real life situation showing the implications of thermal ignition. A brief list of print and online thermal ignition resources rounds out the site. [KH]
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Midcontinent Ecological Science Center (MESC)--USGS
This information-rich site from the US Geological Survey (USGS) describes MESC research projects, educational materials, publications, and scientific news pertaining to "the conservation and management of natural resources in interior western landscapes." One of sixteen science centers in the USGS's Biological Resources Division, MESC works "to provide the scientific understanding and technologies needed to manage the Nation's biological resources." The site offers synopses, research contacts, publications, and related links for each of MESC's research projects, which are listed by category or searchable by index. Research projects fall into four categories: Ecological Research on Native Western Species, Water Resources Ecology and Management, Ecosystem Analysis in Support of Public Land Management, and Social Science Analysis in Support of Natural Resources Decision-Making. [LXP]
[Back to Contents]First Astronomical Images from the VLT UT1
VLT Information
The European Southern Observatory supplies the public with images taken from the new VLT (very large telescope) 8.2-m Unit Telescope. The telescope uses an actively controlled, single thin mirror to obtain images with an extremely high angular resolution. The photo page contains nine images, including the quadruple clover leaf quasar in the constellation Bootes, and the Butterfly, a planetary nebula. The homepage for the VLT contains the latest news about the telescope and project in addition to background information and more images. [KH]
[Back to Contents]Wisconsin Herpetological Atlas Project (Herp Atlas)
Initiated in 1986 by the Milwaukee Public Museum's Vertebrate Zoology Section, the Herp Atlas "tracks the distributions of reptiles and amphibians in Wisconsin." Based on records "obtained from museum collections, field surveys, literature, and field notes provided by volunteer observers throughout the state," the Herp Atlas' computerized database includes more than 800 endangered and threatened species records and 450 new county records. The Species Accounts section offers colorful distribution maps and taxonomic information for each species, and the Report Sightings section provides online forms for contributing additional sightings. A collection of links rounds out the site. [LXP]
[Back to Contents]Chemistry Societies Network (CSN)
Users gain access to the heart of CSN's site through site gateway which leads them to CSN's information arcade, education arcade, societies, chembytes, and conferences and events. The information arcade provides links to experts and specialists and chemistry societies. The education arcade contains a wealth of information for educators in the chemistry arena. Societies lists chemical and chemistry-related societies, divided alphabetically by country. Chembytes provides access to a variety of news, including recent findings and discoveries, business updates, and news from around the globe. Chembytes also features a continuing series which looks in-depth at a topic recently in the news, Currently featured is NASA's attempt to return to the moon. Conferences and Events is searchable and browseable and contains a submission form so visitors can list an event. CSN's site also includes Useful Links, a listing of sites categorized and reviewed by Chemsoc and Science Park, which links to four companies offering chemistry related resources on the web. [KH]
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(For links to additional current awareness on tables of contents, abstracts, preprints, new books, data, conferences, etc., visit the Science & Engineering Current Awareness Metapage: Insight
The Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU) for the British Council produces Science Insight to keep scientists informed about recent events and news in science and technology. Information is divided into twelve categories, spanning a variety of news topics, such as research and energy and environment policy, and resources including new publications and the internet. The site includes links to its own information sources, as well. [KH]
[Back to Contents]Environmental Data Interactive Exchange
Environmental Data Interactive Exchange (EDIE) sends registrants alerts and updates about environmental news and events. Free registration is available and allows users to fully explore the many areas of the site. Currently, the library, job center, what's on, software guide, magazines, and links sections are operating. Other sections are under construction and will be open in the near future. Note that, while free, registration is required to obtain full access to the site. [KH]
[Back to Contents]New Reports and Publications
Sixteen new GAO and CRS Reports--NLE
The National Library for the Environment (NLE) has posted nine GAO (General Accounting Office) reports and seven new CRS (Congressional Research Service) reports at the NLE website; users may also access the 26 updated reports. The sixteen new reports cover several diverse topics including energy issues, appropriations, Forest Service decision-making, environmental regulation, and global climate change. All reports are available in full text with hyperlinks to referenced materials. [LXP]
Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning
Papers are being solicited for the first issue of this new journal from John Wiley & Sons, slated to appear in March 1999. JEPP will serve as "a forum for the critical analysis of environmental policy and planning." Original papers can address theoretical studies, comparative analyses, specific research projects, or novel techniques for assessment or management. JEPP welcomes submissions "from a political, social, economic, legal, cultural, aesthetic or planning perspective." Note that, while the journal's main focus is Europe, "the papers will promote cross-national learning on the development of more sustainable policies and practices worldwide." Guidelines for authors are provided at the site. [LXP]
Graduate Students and Postdoctorates in Science and Engineering: Fall 1996--NSF
The National Science Foundation has released this report estimating total enrollment of graduate students and postdoctorates in science and engineering (S&E) graduate programs in Fall 1996. [LXP]
Report of the Assessment Panel for the International Assessment of the US Math Sciences--NSF
This report, from the National Science Foundation, presents the findings from an international panel formed to assess the mathematical sciences. The report is divided into eight sections: introduction; the structure and contributions of the mathematical sciences; criteria for assessment; international comparisons; findings; support for research; objectives, recommendations, and milestones for NSF; and appendices. [KH]
Scientists, Engineers, and Technicians in Trade and Regulated Industries: 1994--NSF
This recent report from the National Science Foundation estimates the total number of positions filled by scientists, engineers, and technicians employed in trade and regulated industries in 1994. [LXP]
Characterization of Municipal Solid Waste in the United States, 1997 Edition [.pdf, 182p.]
The Environmental Protection Agency produced this report detailing the distribution of municipal solid waste (MSW) between 1990 and 1996. The report offers data on the generation, recovery, and disposal of MSW, including per capita rates, types of material, and management information about MSW programs. [KH]
Forum on Wildlife Telemetry
This recent report, provided by the Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center (US Geological Service), covers "Innovations, Evaluations, and Research Needs" of wildlife telemetry researchers. Compiled after the September 1997 special symposium in Snowmass, Colorado, the report lists all participants and includes more than a hundred abstracts from the symposium, organized by session name: Innovations in Transmitting and Receiving Systems; Attachment Techniques: Methods and Evaluations, Successes and Failures; Collection Of Physiological, Behavioral, And Environmental Data Using Telemetry; Data Processing and Analyses; and Current Issues and Future Directions in Wildlife Telemetry. All abstracts are also available in a single .zip file. [LXP]
Academia Book Releases--Baker & Taylor--June 1998
Baker & Taylor has announced their book releases for titles scheduled to be available to the public in July 1998. New titles are available in Agricultural Sciences; Biological Sciences; Chemical, Biotechnological, and Petroleum Engineering; Earth Sciences; Electrical and Electronic Engineering; General Works; Mathematical Sciences; Mechanical Engineering; and Technology and Material Sciences. See the Science & Engineering Current Awareness Meta Page for links to individual new books sections. [LXP]
[Back to Contents]Jobs
Job Openings in Science and Technology from the Chronicle of Higher Education
Job Opportunities--ESA
The Entomological Society of America offers this long listing of job openings in Entomology. From Graduate Assistants to Post Docs, Faculty Positions, Researchers, Technicians, or Managers through Extension Entomologists, new positions are added frequently. [LXP]
http://www.EngineeringJobs.Com/ is a wonderful resource for engineers seeking employment and employers looking for engineers. Job seekers can explore over 100 career databases and companies; post resumes; send a resume to special recruiters; research companies; or explore the engineering tools, references, societies, and organizations. Company pages are listed alphabetically. Employers can review posted resumes or list job openings. [KH]
Pam Pohly's Net Guide: Healthcare Employment Links
This comprehensive metasite provides extensive links to current job listings in "the healthcare industry (managed care, hospitals, healthcare systems, companies, physician groups, etc.)." Maintained by Pam Pohly, President of her own healthcare consulting firm and graduate student at University of Colorado-Denver, the site offers links to over a hundred job sites featuring teaching jobs for docs, biotech careers, opportunities for anesthesiologists, and a whole host of others. [LXP]
[Back to Contents]Funding
Digital Government Program--NSF
The National Science Foundation has announced the Digital Government Program, supporting "projects that innovatively, effectively, and broadly address through research the potential improvement of agency, interagency, and intergovernmental operations and/or government/citizen interaction." Such research is expected "to enable the generation and use of a continuous stream of advanced information technologies for early adoption and integration into the Federal information systems community." Proposals are due September 1, 1998. Information and guidelines are available at the site. [LXP]
Integrative Graduate Education and Research Training (IGERT) Program (NSF 98-96)
The National Science Foundation (NSF) has announced an "agency-wide, multidisciplinary, graduate training program" that will "meet the need for a cadre of broadly prepared Ph.D.s with multidisciplinary backgrounds and the technical, professional, and personal skills essential to addressing the varied career demands of the future." Pre-proposals are due July 1, 1998; full proposals are due November 23, 1998. Information and guidelines are available at the site. [LXP]
Doctoral Fellowships in Environmental Engineering and Science
The School of Civil Engineering and Environmental Science (CEES) at the University of Oklahoma has funding for ten doctoral candidates through a grant from the Department of Education's Graduate Assistantships in Areas of National Need (GAANN) Program. Applications must be postmarked no later than July 17, 1998. [KH]
Golf Industry Proposals Requested--NFWF
Through a cooperative agreement with the United States Golf Association, the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) requests pre-proposals "for research and management projects that address wildlife conservation needs on golf courses." Areas of interest include management and design options for increasing biodiversity on golf courses, the role of golf course habitat characteristics as wildlife corridors or barriers, management guidelines for specific species or species suites, monitoring wildlife habitat conservation programs on golf courses, and "the effects of golfer and maintenance activities on wildlife." Note that "all projects must address issues of management concern to the golf industry and should provide management recommendations applicable on at least a regional basis." Deadline for pre-proposals is July 31, 1998; multi-year funding is possible. [LXP]
[Back to Contents]Conferences and Courses
The Second International Congress on Biodiversity, Ecology, and Conservation of the Balkan Fauna - BIOECCO2
Text Only
The Second International Congress on Biodiversity, Ecology and Conservation of the Balkan Fauna will be held Ohrid, Macedonia, September 16-20, 1998. This year's Congress will cover several research topics including global biodiversity (with particular emphasis on the Balkans), ecology of the Balkan Lakes, biogeography, parasitology, paleontology, genetics, and conservation. Abstracts and registration are due by June 15, 1998; abstract submission and registration forms are offered at the site. [LXP]
WaterPower '99
The theme of the WaterPower '99 conference (July 7-9, 1999 in Las Vegas, Nevada) is Hydropower: Technology, Markets, and Policy. Abstracts may be submitted in the following broad categories: civil engineering and construction, economics and markets, environmental and cultural concerns, mechanical and electrical engineering, policy, and water resources. Deadline for abstract submission is August 10, 1998. [KH]
Special Session on How Aquatic Ecosystems and Organisms Purify Water--ASLO (1999)
The American Society of Limnologists (ASLO) has announced a special session to be held next year in Santa Fe, New Mexico, February 1-5, 1999. Of interest are "all processes leading to (water purification), including those of filtration, biotransformation, oxidation, adsorption, accumulation, and sedimentation in ecosystems, mesocosms and laboratory systems." Potential contributions (abstracts) may be sent electronically; information and guidelines are provided at the site. [LXP]
10th International Cold Regions Conference
The American Society of Civil Engineers hosts the Cold Regions conference, August 16-19, 1999 in Lincoln, New Hampshire. The theme of the 10th annual meeting is Putting Research Into Practice. Abstracts are due October 2, 1998 for papers in one of ten categories including construction, foundations, atmospheric and ground icing. [KH]
Course IF305 - IFIM Stream Habitat Sampling Techniques--USGS
This course, which will take place between August 17-21, 1998 in Pingree Park, Colorado, focuses on "the use of stream habitat sampling techniques and equipment required for Instream Flow Incremental Methodology microhabitat studies." Offered by the US Geological Survey's Biological Resources Division (BRD) in conjunction with the Midcontinent Ecological Science Center (MESC), the course will build upon the participants' knowledge of theory and concepts of Instream Flow Incremental Methodology. Registration is possible online through the USGS National Training Center web site or the USGS BRD Course Application Form; the application deadline is July 13, 1998. [LXP]
Exhibitors, Presenters, and Volunteers Needed for Insect Expo '98
On November 12, 1998, at the Las Vegas Convention Center, the Entomological Society of America (ESA) will invite thousands of local school children to join in Insect Expo '98. Through a variety of hands-on, interactive, and display presentations, students should gain a better appreciation of the world of insects. ESA is requesting exhibitors, presenters, and volunteers for the event; information and guidelines are provided at the site. [LXP]
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Satellite Research--USDA/NASS
The Spatial Analysis Research Section of the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) and National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) maintains this informative site, offering spectacular large-scale color images [.gif] of vegetation conditions in the US during different time periods. Images are based on the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) which measures vegetation vigor caused by chlorophyll activity ("greenness"). Images here depict "the effects of the massive Midwest flood in 1993, the early freeze in 1995, and the serious drought in 1996 winter wheat areas," among others. The heart of the site, however, is the series of 'biweekly period' images of the Continental US and selected states. Here, the user may compare biweeks within 1998, or compare the same time period in different years (1998 and 1997). Although intended for USDA policy officials monitoring vegetation condition of crop areas, the data will be useful to any researchers wishing to view large-scale changes in vegetation growth within the US. [LXP]
[Back to Contents]7.5-Minute Digital Elevation Model (DEM) - SDTS format only
The US Geological Survey (USGS) performs a wide variety of tasks related to the environment including data acquisition for use in geographical information systems. This data set provides elevation data for the contiguous US, Hawaii, and Alaska. Data are in one-by-one degree blocks and available via an online interface or by ftp download (instructions provided in the User Guide). Specific data can be located via alphabetical list, state, or a graphic of the US. [KH]
[Back to Contents]Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) Models for Selected Fish and Wildlife Species--USGS
The US Geological Survey has just announced the availability of a series of HSI models by the US Fish and Wildlife Service. The HSI models are useful in conjunction with other habitat-based evaluation techniques (Habitat Evaluation Procedures and Instream Flow Incremental Methodology) in developing inventories, impact assessments, and fish and wildlife management plans. All models may be borrowed from Government Depository Libraries and/or the Department of the Interior (USFWS); information is provided at the site. HSI models are available for a range of species, from Alewife/Blueback Herrings to Yellow Warblers. [LXP]
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The Fading of El Nino
1. Frequently Asked Questions about El Nino-NOAA
2. El Nino Update-WMO
3. Experimental El Nino Forecast
4. Climate Prediction Center--NOAA
5. The Tropical Atmosphere Ocean (TAO) Array--NOAA
6. TAO Data Display
7. El Nino Resources: Bibliographies
8. El Nino Information
Last week, the World Meteorological Organization reported that the strongest El Nino to date is coming to an end, as recent trade winds have cooled the surface of the Eastern Pacific Ocean. Meanwhile, the US government has announced that the El Nino appears to have contributed to a global warming trend that has broken temperature records in every month of 1998 (through May and counting). This week's In The News focuses on the fading of the El Nino--the weather phenomenon that occurs when the eastern Pacific Ocean becomes unusually warm, resulting in changes in weather around the world. The eight resources listed above provide general and detailed information on the El Nino, including background materials, the high-tech approaches used to measure and display the phenomenon, and predictions for the year ahead.(1) The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) provides this site, an excellent resource for those unfamiliar with the science behind the El Nino. It also offers information on La Nina, characterized by unusually cold ocean temperatures in the Equatorial Pacific. (2) This solid resource from the World Meteorological Organization offers detailed information on the El Nino including current status, recent impacts, and a global forecast for the months ahead. (3) The next site, from the Experimental Climate Prediction Center (Scripps Institution of Oceanography), forecasts the El Nino to fade by mid-1998, followed by a cold event ("La Nina") in the second half of 1998. (4) Users will also find El Nino predictions at the Climate Prediction Center (NOAA) site, which provides "the latest El Nino/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Graphics," including Precipitation Anomalies for November 1997-April 1998. (5,6) The Tropical Atmosphere Ocean (TAO) Array consists of nearly 70 moored buoys spanning the equatorial Pacific, which provide real-time data on surface temperatures and other oceanographic measurements from the tropical Pacific. The TAO Array site offers detailed information on the project, while the TAO Data Display site offers color displays and 3-D animations for current temperatures measured by the TAO buoys. (7) The El Nino Bibliographies site is part of the larger El Nino Resource Center site (discussed in the October 1, 1997 Scout Report for Science & Engineering), maintained by Florida State University's Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies Library. The bibliography section is categorized by subject including El Nino and Fisheries, El Nino & the USA, El Nino Carbon & The Pacific, Upwelling & Peru, and a Comprehensive El Nino Bibliography, among several others. (8) The final site, El Nino Information, offers a modest but excellent selection of internationally-based websites on El Nino. [LXP]
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The Scout Report for Science & Engineering is published every other Wednesday by the Internet Scout Project, located in the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Department of Computer Sciences.
Susan Calcari
Jack Solock David Flaspohler Laura X. Payne Kathryn Harris Travis Koplow |
-- -- -- -- -- -- |
Managing Editor Editor Assistant Editor Assitant Editor Assistant Editor Production Editor |
Copyright Susan Calcari and the University of Wisconsin Board of Regents, 1994-1998. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of the Scout Report for Science & Engineering provided the copyright notice and this paragraph is preserved on all copies. The Internet Scout Project provides information about the Internet to the US research and education community under a grant from the National Science Foundation, number NCR-9712163. The Government has certain rights in this material.
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