The Scout Report for Science & Engineering
September 30,1998
A Publication of the Internet Scout Project
Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison
The target audience of the new Scout Report for Science & Engineering is faculty, students, staff, and librarians in the life sciences, physical sciences, and engineering. Each biweekly issue offers a selective collection of Internet resources covering topics in the sciences, and related fields such as math and engineering, that have been chosen by librarians and content specialists in the given field of study.
The Scout Report for Science & Engineering is also provided via email once every two weeks. Subscription information is included at the bottom of each issue.
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Current Awareness
Learning Resources
New Data
General Interest
In the News
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Protocols for Measuring Biodiversity: Phytoplankton in Freshwater--EMAN
The Ecological Monitoring and Assessment Network (discussed in the February 4, 1998 issue of the Scout Report for Science & Engineering) has posted the latest addition to a series of protocols for measuring biological diversity. Prepared by scientists D.L. Findlay and H.J. Kling of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (Canada), this resource describes protocols for measuring the diversity of phytoplankton in freshwater systems. Users will find introductory information on phytoplankton and abiotic factors, in addition to in-depth discussions of sampling procedures, laboratory procedures, quality assurance and data analysis. A brief appendix listing sources of equipment and suppliers in Canada rounds out the site. [LXP]
[Back to Contents]New Journals added to ChemWeb
Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
Korean Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
Platinum Metals Review
The full text of five chemistry journals is now available on the web. Issues of Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, a monthly publication, are available in English from 1980. The Journal of the Korean Chemical Society is available on the web in Korean. The Korean Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, a biannual journal in English, is available from 1991 (Vol 1 No 1) through 1997 (articles are in .pdf format). PhysChemComm currently has two articles available for viewing, with more available as they are accepted. The full text of Platinum Metals Review is available, starting with the April 1998 issue. [KH]
[Back to Contents]The Molecular Modelling Database (MMDB)--NCBI [Cn3D, RasMol or MAGE]
NCBI, the National Center for Biotechnology Information, provides this seachable database, consisting of "experimentally determined three-dimensional biomolecular structures" of macromolecules obtained from the Brookhaven Protein DataBank (PDB). The PDB currently contains more than 7600 proteins, 600 nucleic acids, and 12 carbohydrates, and adds new entries weekly. Designed "to facilitate comparative analysis involving 3-D structures," MMDB may be queried directly using author name(s) or descriptive text terms. Structures may be viewed using Cn3D, RasMol or MAGE; see instructions for viewing and downloading in the FAQ section on site. [LXP]
[Back to Contents]Directory of Projects related to Nutrient Control by Landscape Structures
A new effort by the European Commission DGXII on Environment & Climate, this research directory will serve as an online (and print) database of research projects emphasizing "the role of landscape structures in controlling the movement of nutrients (Nitrogen) within agricultural catchments." Projects to be included in the database examine "the role of wetlands, riparian habitats, stream ecosystems, vegetative filter strips, ponds, lakes, reservoirs etc., and how they influence the movement of nutrients within a catchment." Deadline for entry of projects is November 1998. [KH]
[Back to Contents]Five Journals from the American Heart Association
Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology
Circulation Research
HighWire Press
The American Heart Association has placed online five scientific journals. Full-text, online content for the three journals Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, Hypertension, and Stroke begins with the January 1998 issue and will expand with each month's new issues; inclusion of back issues to January 1995 is planned. Online full-text content for Circulation begins with the September 22, 1998 issue; an end date for the free trial period is not specified. Online full-text content for Circulation Research begins with the January 9/23, 1998 issue and will expand with each month's new issues; inclusion of back issues to January 1995 is planned. Unless not specified, free access will continue through December, 1998. All five journals are made available through Stanford University's HighWire Press. [LXP]
[Back to Contents]Bioremediation Discussion Group (BioGroup)
Bioremediation deals with "the use of living organisms to reduce or eliminate environmental hazards resulting from accumulations of toxic chemicals and other hazardous wastes." Created by GZA GeoEnvironmental, the BioRemediation Discussion Group encourages scientists, researchers, and others to share knowledge and ideas regarding bioremediation practices and technologies. Users may join the mediated discussion group or browse through a list of links, references, and an archive of posted messages. Information on subscribing to the list is available on the website. [KH]
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Two on Wetlands and Grasslands
The Prairie Pothole Region: Land of Extremes, Landscape of Change
Wetland Plants and Plant Communities of Minnesota and Wisconsin
The Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center (NPRWC) hosts these two new Web resources. Author Kathleen Rude wrote the illustrated resource on the Prairie Pothole Region, a vast area "once defined by boundless prairie and a myriad of pothole wetlands." The site provides basic historical and ecological information on the region's wetlands, grasslands, prairies, birds, and wildlife. Users may download the information (zip format) as a teaching tool. Wetland plant ecologists Steve Eggers and Donald Reed wrote this excellent guide to the wetland plants and plant communities of Minnesota and Wisconsin. The guide begins with a key to wetland plant communities (ranging from upland communities to open water areas); a comprehensive list of plant families (using common family names) follows, in which species are appropriately classified; each species description includes (as available) ecological, field, and other information, as well as photographs for identification. [LXP]
[Back to Contents]Educational Resources: Chlorine
The Chlorine Chemistry Council (CCC) has collected and developed a variety of educational resources about chlorine and chlorine chemistry. Resources developed by the CCC include a quiz, lesson activities, a newsletter, and experiments that highlight the role of chlorine in our daily lives. Additional resources to which the CCC has contributed include two modules, environmental health risks and risk assessment (currently in development). [KH]
[Back to Contents]Ecological Footprints
Ever wondered what sort of impact your everyday existence has on the planet? The University of Texas at Austin offers this information as part of their training in Natural Resource Management. An ecological footprint is defined here as "the area on the surface of Earth that each person appropriates in order to live," including many kinds of ecological services -- from food, air, water, and living space, to the recycling of wastes. This site offers an introduction to the concept of Ecological Footprints, including links to spreadsheets for calculation, national footprints, and related scientific articles. [LXP]
[Back to Contents]Algebra One on One
Algebra One on One is a shareware educational game that teaches users about algebra, including absolute values, averages, and powers. Users can select either the game or practice options to test their knowledge of the 21 functions covered in this game. The inclusion of information at different educational levels, including a help system for beginners, allows students to explore and learn at their own pace. [KH]
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Which World?
A companion site to the World Resources Institute's book Which World? by Dr. Allen Hammond, this site raises questions about the future of the environment. Offering a "global perspective," the site is divided into three sections: trends, scenarios and resources, and online dialogue. Trends provides summaries of demographics, economics, the environment, and the socio-political environment; an interactive section will be added soon. Scenarios allow users to learn more about human behavior and consequences in the marketplace and beyond. Regions offers continental and regional summaries, accessible via a clickable world map. Though few are currently listed, several links point to online resources on sustainable development, environmental education, and environmental data. [LXP]
[Back to Contents]Online Map Lists--USGS
The US Geological Survey maintains maps of geological and environmental features in the US. Now, finding a map has been made easier through the creation of Online Map Lists, a list that provides information exclusively on USGS published topographic maps and a small number of related maps. Researchers, students, and map enthusiasts may view or search for maps by state, specific map name, or latitude and longitude. Within longitude and latitude users can specify a 1-degree by 1-degree block of latitude and longitude to retrieve a list of all published USGS topographic maps within that block. [KH]
[Back to Contents]Fall Color Hotline
The USDA Forest Service maintains this site, offering information and weekly updates on locations and intensities of fall leaf colors across the US. From Maine to Utah, curious "leaf peepers" will find insights on the current status of fall colors. Biological information is provided as well as recreational information. Two sections, entitled "Why Leaves Change Color" (see links), and "The Chemistry of Fall Colors" shed light on some of the biological explanations behind colorful leaves. [LXP]
[Back to Contents]Acclimations
The US Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) has announced the publication this new bimonthly newsletter. Acclimations was created to inform and update citizens about research stemming from the US National Assessment of the Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change. Topics in the premier issue highlight key points from the Atlantic Coastal/Caribbean Workshop, as well as from the Southwest, California, and Alaska Regional assessments. Each issue will include a Q&A section, a list of Recent and Upcoming Meetings, and Regional and Sector Notes section. [KH]
[Back to Contents]Charles Darwin's The Voyage of the Beagle_
As part of Knowledge Matters' useful Online Literature Library, interested viewers may now access the full text of Charles Darwin's work The Voyage of the Beagle. From St. Jago and the Cape de Verd Islands to Mauritius and back to England, Darwin describes the voyage (and his thoughts on evolution) herein. The text is reproduced in full, and includes hyperlinked references and footnotes. Students may also access The Origin of Species and The Descent of Man (web version still in process) by clicking on Darwin's name. [LXP]
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(For links to additional current awareness on tables of contents, abstracts, preprints, new books, data, conferences, etc., visit the Science & Engineering Current Awareness Metapage: Interagency Fire Center Daily Report
The National Interagency Fire Center in Boise, Idaho maintains this reporting service, describing current US wildland fire activity in relation to national/regional weather patterns. Updated frequently, Large Fire Activity reports are provided for those states experiencing large fire activity. Comparison statistics allow users to compare current fire activities to ten-year averages. Links to several publications including "A Long Range Fire Assessment" round out the site. [LXP]
[Back to Contents]Frontier News: Forest Frontiers Initiative--WRI
Frontier News is World Resources Institute's online news service tracking "threats to and development in the world's large, intact natural forests." Updated weekly, Frontier News offers recent news articles on Africa, Asia, Europe & Russia, North & Central America, Oceania (Papua New Guinea, Australia, and New Zealand), and South America. General news stories and editorials highlight frontier forests, and emphasize concerns of the Forest Frontiers Initiative. [LXP]
[Back to Contents]New Publications
Developing a Virtual Elimination Strategy for Mercury--EPA
This 'options paper' from the Environmental Protection Agency describes "a series of potential actions to reduce Mercury use and release in the Great Lakes basin, set in the overall context of a new paradigm for Mercury management." The paper offers background information on mercury, and discusses mercury reduction options, implementation options, and other issues. [LXP]Eighteen New CRS Reports--NLE
Eighteen new Congressional Research Service (CRS) reports are posted at the National Library for the Environment site. These reports cover Algal Blooms, Marine Mammals in Captivity, Wetland Permits, Electricity Restructuring, Trade and Technology, and Agricultural Legislation, among other topics. A special briefing book covers Electricity Utility Restructuring in detail. [LXP]Biological Data Profile of the Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata
The American Institute for Biological Sciences (AIBS) has invited public commentary on this National Biological Information Infrastructure report, in determining a "standard in documenting all types of biological data." This standard would form the "primary metadata content standard" and would be used in the National Biological Information Infrastructure. The public review draft can be downloaded (text, .pdf) at the Federal Geographic Data Committee website. [LXP]Forest Service National Resource Guide to American Indian and Alaska Native Relations [.pdf]
The US Forest Service created this publication to describe and "improve the implementation of the Forest Services American Indian and Alaska Native Policy." Written for Forest Service leadership, the publication outlines the government's position on "Treaty Rights and Forest Service Responsibilities; Traditional Beliefs and Practices; and Opportunities for Research, Transfer of Technology, and Technical Assistance." [LXP]International Dimensions of NSF Research and Education: FY 1997 Report--NSF
The National Science Foundation has released a report entitled "International Dimensions of NSF Research and Education" for the 1997 fiscal year. The report covers global scale projects, international facilities, and numerous research projects covering the biological sciences, computer sciences, education, engineering, geosciences, math and physical sciences, and social, behavioral and economic sciences. [LXP]Academia Book Releases: October 1998--Baker & Taylor
Baker & Taylor has announced their book releases for titles scheduled to be available to the public in October 1998. New titles are available in Agricultural Sciences; Biological Sciences; Chemical, Biotechnological, and Petroleum Engineering; Earth Sciences; Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Mathematical Sciences; Mechanical Engineering; and Technology and Material Sciences. See the Science & Engineering Current Awareness Meta Page for links to individual new books sections. [LXP]
[Back to Contents]Jobs
Job Openings in Science and Technology from the Chronicle of Higher Education
Space Careers
Space Careers is a collection of direct career links and additional resources. Links to companies and organizations in the space field are arranged into seven categories within the Careers section including satellites, launch systems, and consulting and engineering services. The Resources section allows job seekers to stay informed about the latest news in the space field or link to professional associations and job-hunting sites. [KH] connects GIS job seekers with GIS employers. Job listings are divided into 21 subject areas; visitors can also search other GIS employment sources, web sites, and Universities specializing in GIS technology. [KH]
[Back to Contents]Funding
Chevron Grants
The Chevron Corporation offers Chevron Corporate Grants (emphasizing Education or the Environment), and Chevron Community Grants. Deadlines for grant proposals are November 1 for January 31; March 1 for May 31; and July 1 for September 30. [LXP]Two from NSF
Networking Research Program Announcement--NSF
Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Biological Informatics--NSF
The National Science Foundation's Division of Advanced Networking Infrastructure and Research (ANIR) has announced funds for Networking Research. Proposed projects should address research issues related to next generation networks. The Networking Research Program support "extends over the entire spectrum of networking research, from network design and performance evaluation to middleware and software frameworks in support of applications running on top of networks and distributed systems." Proposal Submission Deadlines are 1 December 1998, and 1 June 1999. NSF's Directorate for Biological Sciences (BIO) offers postdoctoral research fellowships in selected areas of biology "to provide opportunities for recent doctoral scientists to obtain additional training, to gain research experience under the sponsorship of established scientists, and to broaden their scientific horizons beyond their research experiences during their undergraduate or graduate training." Deadline for submission of applications is December 11, 1998. [LXP]
[Back to Contents]Conferences
The Third IEEE Meta-Data Conference
Call for Papers
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) requests papers for the third Meta-Data conference in Bethesda, Maryland on April 6 and 7, 1999. Abstracts for papers focusing on meta-data management, application of specific issues, global information infrastructure, and standards are due October 15, 1998. See the Call for Papers for further details. [KH]Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Afterglow Era
The Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale is hosting a symposium on Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB) astrophysics in Rome, Italy, from November 3-6, 1998. All experts in the field of Gamma-Ray Bursts are invited to attend. Registration information is provided on site. [LXP]International Conference on Diffuse Pollution
Sponsored by the International Association of Water Quality (Australia) and the Australian Water and Waste Water Association, conference presentations are divided into four key topics: source identification and estimation, best management practices, policy and regulatory frameworks, and management targets and monitoring. The four main areas addressed for each of these topics are agriculture, urban sectors, forestry, and water source protection and restoration. The conference will take place in Perth, Australia, May 16-21, 1999. [KH]From Image to Information: American Society for Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing (ASPRS)
ASPRS will hold its 1999 Annual Conference & Exhibition in Portland,
Oregon, from May 17-21, 1999. Researchers, students and professionals in the fields of photogrammetry, remote sensing, geographic information systems (GIS), global positioning systems (GPS), and others are invited to attend. The abstract deadline has been extended beyond September 11, 1998; registration information is provided on site. [LXP]International Conference on Solid State Spectroscopy in Schwaebisch Gmuend, Germany
Interested parties should register by January 15, 1999 for this conference on solid state spectroscopy. The full list of scientific topics, such as neutron scattering, spectroscopic ellipsometry, and transition metal perovskites, is available on the website. Also provided is a list of the conference's invited speakers. [KH]
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Two from NCBI
dbSNP: a Database of Human Genetic Variation
Cn3D Visualization Tool: Version 2
One key aspect of genetics research is associating variations in gene sequences with heritable phenotypes. To that end, the NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) has released the database of human genetic variation (dbSNP), containing "both the experimental conditions used to find each mutation and each mutation's observed variation for populations and individuals." In addition, NCBI has released a new version of Cn3D, allowing for simultaneous display of biomolecular structures, their sequences, and alignment. [LXP]
[Back to Contents]Caribbean District Realtime Streamflow Data
In light of recent hurricane events, this Website is provided to permit users an opportunity to monitor changes in streamflow (for Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands) in real time. Data, including long-term median flow, current flow, stage, and date, are available for 32 basins. [KH]
[Back to Contents]Chlorobium tepidum Gene Sequence--TIGR
TIGR, The Institute for Genomic Research, announces the release of 1,937,631 bp of genome sequence from Chlorobium tepidum, available from the FTP site. Note that, as with all other early release sequence data, these data have not yet been edited and are likely to contain errors. [LXP]
[Back to Contents]Global Annual Freezing and Thawing Indices
The National Snow and Ice Data Center provide these data showing the "cumulative number of degree-days when air temperatures are below and above zero degrees Celsius." Two data files, one each for the freezing and thaw data, and a readme file are available. A Fortran program is provided in the data documentation to read the data that are in flat binary format. [KH]
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1. Hurricane Georges
2. Guide to Hurricane Information--USA Today
3. National Hurricane Center
4. FAQ: Hurricanes, Typhoons, and Tropical Cyclones
5. The HRD Storm Atlas
6. International Hurricane Center [frames]
7. Geohazards and Remote Sensing at the International Hurricane Center
8. Hurricanes
As the Caribbean recovers and the Gulf Coast is hammered by Hurricane Georges, hurricane Jeanne and tropical storms Karl and Ivan are actively brewing at sea. This week's In The News covers Hurricanes. Defined as "cyclones that develop over the warm tropical oceans and sustain winds in excess of 64 knots (74 miles/hour)," these storms usually produce dangerous winds, torrential rains and flooding. The eight resources listed above offer reports, updates, general information and details surrounding hurricanes.(1) Yahoo's Headline page offers thorough, up-to-date coverage on the raging path of Hurricane Georges. (2) Another news source, USA Today's Guide to Hurricane Information, covers current news stories and gives some basic information on hurricanes. (3) The National Hurricane Center's Tropical Prediction Center is a focal resource for active hurricane information in the US. Forecast advisories, landfall probabilities, graphics, and updates are available for all current storms. (4) This Frequently Asked Questions report is provided by the Hurricane Research Division of NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), and answers many questions on the causes of hurricanes. (5) Also from NOAA's Hurricane Research Division (HRD), the HRD Storm Atlas provides yearly Hurricane Field Program Experiments since 1993. In addition to earlier reports, this year's data, such as flights into Hurricane Georges, wind analyses, radar composites, and satellite pictures, are all available on site. (6) The International Hurricane Center (IHC) of Florida International University describes research on hurricanes (mostly hurricane recovery research in Florida), and includes links to publications, conferences, and related sites. (7) Also from IHC, the Geohazards and Remote Sensing page describes studies on natural disasters in the US, Latin America and the Caribbean. Research emphasizes "methods and techniques using remote sensing and mapping in combination with GIS and GPS" to asses hurricane (and other natural) damage. (8) The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign provides this excellent site on Hurricanes, offering general background information and interesting tutorials (complete with graphics) on storm developments, convective processes, storm movements, how storms are named, and destructive features. [LXP]
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Susan Calcari
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