The Joshua Lederberg Papers [.pdf, MOV, RAM, JPG]
The National Library of Medicine has added The Joshua Lederberg Papers to Profiles in Science, a Website dedicated to "the major scientific achievements of the twentieth century" (described in the September 25, 1998 Scout Report). An esteemed American geneticist and microbiologist, Lederberg won the Nobel Prize in 1958 for his work in bacterial genetics. At the site (and in various formats), viewers will find biographical information and short essays on Lederberg's research, as well as links to digitized research documents and photographs. All information (including laboratory notebooks) may be browsed chronologically, alphabetically, or located via a local search engine (by text string). As more Lederberg papers become digitized, they will be added to the site. [LXP]
[Back to Contents]Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations [DVI, PS and PCF]
The Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations (EJQDTE) publishes peer-reviewed articles related to "the qualitative theory (stability, periodicity, soundness, etc.) of differential equations (ODE's, PDE's, integral equations, functional differential equations, etc.) and their applications." Proceedings of conferences are also available in the journal. Every three to four years, the EJQDTQ will publish the proceedings of the Colloquium of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations organized by the Bolyai Institute. Journal volumes from 1998 and 1999 are currently available at the site. [SN]
[Back to Contents]Five New Science Journals from the University of Chicago Press
The American Naturalist
The Journal of Infectious Diseases
The Journal of Geology
International Journal of Plant Sciences
Physiological and Biochemical Zoology (formerly Physiological Zoology)
The University of Chicago Press has added five new journals to their electronic collection. Full text articles, announcements, and editorials are all currently available; some restrictions may apply, but they are not described on the site. Note, however, that users at most academic institutions will have unrestricted access to these journals (as long as their institution has subscribed). The American Naturalist contains peer-reviewed articles in "community and ecosystem dynamics, evolution of sex and mating systems, organismal adaptation, and genetic aspects of evolution." Online issues begin with January 1999 (Vol 153 No 1), with Table of Contents extending back to 1992. The Journal of Infectious Diseases covers "original research on the pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment of infectious diseases; on the microbes that cause them; and on disorders of host immune mechanisms." Online issues begin with November 1998 (Vol 178 No 5), with Table of Contents extending back to 1996. The Journal of Geology publishes "research and theory in geophysics, geochemistry, sedimentology, geomorphology, petrology, plate tectonics, volcanology, structural geology, mineralogy, and planetary sciences." Online issues begin with January 1999 (Vol 107 No 1), with Table of Contents extending back to 1996. The International Journal of Plant Sciences covers "plant-microbe interactions, development, structure and systematics, molecular biology, genetics and evolution, ecology, paleobotany, and physiology and ecophysiology." Online issues begin with November 1998 (Vol 159 No 6), with Table of Contents extending back to 1996. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology includes research on "thermoregulation, respiration, circulation, osmotic and ionic regulation, environmental acclimation, evolutionary physiology, and metabolic physiology and biochemistry." [LXP]
[Back to Contents]The FDTD BibTeX Database [BibTeX]
John Schneider and Kurt Shlager at the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Washington State University provide the Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) BibTeX Database. This database contains most, if not all, published work that deals with the application or extensions to the FDTD method. This is not an annotated database and the literature dates back to the 1960's. This database could be useful for scientists looking "for some pointers into the FDTD literature." The database is downloadable via anonymous ftp. [SN]
[Back to Contents]NCAR: National Center for Atmospheric Research
Located in Boulder, Colorado, the mission of the National Center for Atmospheric Research is "to plan, organize, and conduct atmospheric and related research programs in collaboration with universities, to provide state-of-the-art research tools and facilities to the entire atmospheric sciences community, to support and enhance university atmospheric research education, and to facilitate the transfer of technology to both the public and private sectors." The site offers information on NCAR's scientific divisions, including the Atmospheric Chemistry Division (studying cycles of chemicals in the atmosphere, oceans, and ecosystems), the High Altitude Observatory (studying the "physical processes that govern the sun, the interplanetary environment, and the earth's atmosphere"), and many others. Of particular interest to researchers will be the section entitled Research Data Facilities; there, users may access NCAR's collection of atmospheric and oceanographic data "for use in climate research." An excellent collection of weather links rounds out the site. [LXP]
[Back to Contents]The MSU/NSF Engineering Research Center for Computational Field Simulation [Frames]
The National Science Foundation (NSF) and Mississippi State University (MSU) have provided the MSU/NSF Engineering Research Center (ERC) for Computational Field Simulation (CFS). The center is concerned with issues such as "regions or volumes of space within which physical phenomena vary with position and time." Examples of these physical phenomena are compressible fluid flow (airflow around aircraft and automobiles), incompressible fluid flow (flow of water past ships), and electromagnetic fields (microwave signal transmission). The research conducted at the center is organized into four areas: grid technology, computing systems, scientific visualization, and domain specific CFS applications. Sections included at the Website are About the ERC, Research, Education, Projects, and Publications, among others. [SN]
[Back to Contents]Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB)
Formed in 1902 as a merger between two societies (the Central Naturalists and the American Morphological Society), the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB) is widely known for its scientific journal, American Zoologist. SICB is comprised of ten divisions: Animal Behavior, Comparative Endocrinology, Comparative Physiology & Biochemistry, Developmental & Cell Biology, Ecology & Evolution, Integrative & Comparative Issues, Invertebrate Zoology, Neurobiology, Systematic & Evolutionary Biology, and Vertebrate Morphology. For general information about SICB, visit the Overview and Divisions sections. Helpful information for up-and-coming biologists is provided in Careers in Biology; schedules of recent or upcoming SICB symposia with hyperlinks to abstracts of scientific presentations are given in Meetings; and a superb collection of links can be found in Related Sites. [LXP]
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Dolphins: The Oracles of the Sea
Three highschool students from the Netherlands, Singapore and the US created this wonderful Website and subsequently won the 1998 Thinkquest competition for Science & Math. Dolphins: The Oracles of the Sea introduces viewers to dolphin evolution and taxonomy; anatomy (basic anatomy, physiology, and propulsion); behavior (intelligence, navigation, playfulness, and communication); and interactions with humans (threats, conservation, and captivity). Within each well-designed section, users navigate to progressively more detailed information levels -- including text, figures, photographs, and selected readings. This site will reward anyone with an interest in dolphins (or in using the web for educational purposes). [LXP]
[Back to Contents]Comets and Meteor Showers [MPG]
Mark Davis, author of the upcoming four-volume series Cometography, which describes "every comet recorded by mankind from ancient times up to the present," makes available the Comets and Meteor Showers Website. Sections are arranged by Comets (Currently Visible, Periodic, Sungrazers, Comet Information, and Comet WWW Links) and Meteors (Observing Calendar, Meteor Information, and Meteor WWW Links). For the user unfamiliar to this topic, a page describing comets (under construction) and the differences between a comet and a meteor are also provided. Movies (MPG format) of comets, meteors, and asteroids are shown to further clarify the differences. A glossary and links to other astronomy sites rounds out the site. [SN]
[Back to Contents]The Chironomid Home Page
Ian Walker at Okanagan University College (British Colombia) maintains this useful information hub on the Chironomidae. Organized in a straightforward format, the site offers access to bibliographies, books, and research directories on aquatic invertebrates. Of special note are two recently updated 'Current Bibliographies,' containing over 1200 citations of scientific articles and books published in 1994 or 1995. A solid selection of links points users to related resources. [LXP]
[Back to Contents]The Particle Adventure [QuickTime]
The US Department of Energy, National Science Foundation (NSF), and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) cosponsor the Particle Data Group. This group makes available the Particle Adventure Website, an "interactive tour of the inner workings of the atom." This site provides a very brief introduction to the theory of fundamental particles and forces, and particle decay. Different paths such as Particle Adventure Preview Movie (QuickTime format), Standard Model Path, Experimental Evidence Path, and Beyond the Standard Model Path explain how the matter of the universe interacts. Other features included at the site are the Complete Menu (table of contents and search tools), Why do Atoms and Particles Decay, Classroom Particle Physics Activities, and the History of Particle Physics, among others. Links to other educational particle physics educational sites are also available. This site is also available in Spanish, Polish, and French. [SN]
[Back to Contents]Wind: Our Fierce Friend--SLN
This site, from the Science Learning Network, is an inquiry-based learning site designed for K-12 teachers. Four main sections form the backbone of the site: Blustery Beginnings provides background materials and suggested activities to engage and motivate young students. Investigating Wind Energy provides a framework, via a series of activities, for investigating the effects and energy of wind. Current Creations suggests (and exhibits) projects that illustrate aspects of wind; and What Next? encourages site visitors to share project ideas and forge Internet-based collaborations between schools. [LXP]
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Climate Prediction Center--NOAA
http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/ [Frames]
http://nic.fb4.noaa.gov/index.html [Non-Frames]
The mission of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)'s Climate Prediction Center is "to maintain a continuous watch on short-term climate fluctuations and to diagnose and predict them." To that end, the site's main section, Climate Spotlight, offers a current monthly/seasonal forecast, updates on La Niña, a new tutorial on El Niño/La Niña, daily precipitation monitoring (including Alaska and Canada), and the US snow update. More detailed information and weather data (including color maps, tables, concise summaries) are also provided in Data & Indices, Forecasts, Climate Monitoring, El Niño, and Stratosphere, among other sections. [LXP]
[Back to Contents]Amusement Park Physics
The Annenberg/CPB "Learner Online" (mentioned in the September 12, 1997 Scout Report) science education program provides the Amusement Park Physics Website. At the site, the user can learn more about how physics laws affect the designs of roller coasters, bumper car collisions, carousels, free fall rides, and pendulum rides. A highlight of the site is the opportunity to design a roller coaster and experiment with bumper car collisions. Furthermore, links to related resources are also available. [SN]
[Back to Contents]Global Forest Watch--WRI [.pdf]
As part of the Forest Frontiers Initiative (described in the September 30, 1998 Scout Report for Science & Engineering), the World Resources Institute (WRI) has launched Global Forest Watch, an ambitious, international effort to assemble and provide "objective, quality data" on the state of the world's forests. The site's main function is to introduce viewers to the project, calling attention to regional centers (Central Africa, North America, Southeast Asia, South America, and Russia), and providing "comprehensive information on logging, mining, and other development activities within and around frontier forests as, or before, it happens." A brochure (English or French) can be downloaded (.pdf format) in the Resources section, and the Newsroom will serve as a spotlight for recent information. [LXP]
[Back to Contents]About Rainbows
The University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) Unidata Program Center has made available the About Rainbows Website. This is a great resource for anyone interested in learning more about rainbows. Questions such as What is a Rainbow, Where is the Sun When you see a Rainbow, What makes the Bow, What makes the Colors in the Rainbow, What makes a Double Rainbow, Why is the Sky Brighter Inside a Rainbow, What are Supernumerary Arcs, and What does a Rainbow Look Like through Dark Glasses, among others, are addressed. Diagrams along with descriptions are provided in each section, and links to related resources complete the site. [SN]
[Back to Contents]Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program (SAREP)
The University of California's Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program (UC SAREP) supports "scientific research and education to encourage farmers, farm workers, and consumers in California to produce, distribute, process and consume food and fiber in a manner that is economically viable, (and) sustains natural resources and biodiversity." To that end, the SAREP homepage provides an introduction on sustainable agriculture; a hyperlinked list of publications; a page on upcoming courses and conferences; several recent articles on Biologically Integrated Farming Systems (BIFS); links to research and educational resources on Alternatives to Methyl Bromide; and a Competitive Grants program. Interested grant applicants may browse through a list of previously supported projects or connect to an email address for further information. [LXP]
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(For links to additional current awareness on tables of contents, abstracts, preprints, new books, data, conferences, etc., visit the Science & Engineering Current Awareness Metapage: http://scout.cs.wisc.edu/scout/report/sci-engr/metapage/).NOVA: Science in the News
The Australian Academy of Science produces this useful information resource on current scientific news in Australia. NOVA covers a wide range of topics, including soil salinity (how technology is being used to monitor the extent of dryland salinity "threatening large areas of Australia's agricultural zone"), wind power, osteoporosis, the Southern Ocean and global climate, and Fuelling the 21st century, among many others. Each article provides general and in-depth information, including a hyperlinked summary, glossary, and suggested readings. A list of useful sites rounds out each topic. [LXP]
[Back to Contents]Landmark experiment produces oxygen for human use from Martian atmosphere
Oxygen Generator System
Scientist K.R. Sridhar and a twenty-member research team at the University of Arizona Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering (AME) Department are building an Oxygen Generating Subsystem (OGS). This unit is set to be launched into Martian atmosphere in January 2002. When the system is on Mars, it will "suck in Martian atmospheric gases--predominantly carbon dioxide--and process them to produce pure oxygen." The first site is a news release from Astronomy Online. The second Website is of the Oxygen Generator System at the University of Arizona. This second site provides more information about the system as well as the team of scientists. [SN]
[Back to Contents]Two from GCRIO
CONSEQUENCES: The Nature and Implications of Environmental Change
Environmental Effects of Ozone Depletion: 1998 Assessment [.pdf]
GCRIO, the US Global Change Research Information Office (described in the September 16, 1998 Scout Report for Science & Engineering), has posted two publications. The first is the most recent issue (Vol 4, No 1) of CONSEQUENCES, a series of articles related to the "national and international consequences of changes in the global environment." Currently featured articles include "From A Carbon Economy To A Mixed Economy: A Global Opportunity" by Richard Rockwell, and "The Carbon Cycle, Climate, and the Long-Term Effects of Fossil Fuel Burning," by James Kasting. GCRIO has also posted Environmental Effects of Ozone Depletion: 1998 Assessment, a lengthy document (.pdf format, by chapter) covering the effects of increased ultraviolet radiation; the effects of ozone on human health, terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, and changes in tropospheric composition. [LXP]
Frontiers of Engineering: Reports on Leading Edge Engineering from the 1998 NAE Symposium on Frontiers of Engineering (1999) [Frames]
The National Academy Press has made available online the textbook, Frontiers of Engineering: Reports on Leading Edge Engineering from the 1998 the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) Symposium on Frontiers of Engineering. Topics included in this book are Biomaterials and Optical Imaging for Biomedicine, Advanced Materials, Simulation in Manufacturing, and Robotics, among others. [SN]
A Comparison of Simulations of Current Climate from Two Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean Global Climate Models Against Observations and Evaluation of their Future Climates [.pdf]
A report to the National Institute for Global Environmental Change (NIGEC), this document provides "a qualitative assessment of climate simulations from two state-of the-art coupled atmosphere and ocean general circulation models (AOGCMs) over North America." Included in the report are tables, numerous figures (.pdf) and full text. The authors compare seasonal-mean averages of surface and atmospheric variables with observational data sets; they also discuss historical simulations, model biases, and predicted future precipitation changes. [LXP]
Ten Publications from IUPAC
Phane Nomenclature
Section H: Isotopically Modified Compounds
Glossary of Terms Used in Medicinal Chemistry
Abbreviations and Symbols for Nucleic Acids, Polynucleotides and their Constituents
Recommendations for nomenclature and tables in biochemical thermodynamics
Nomenclature of Glycolipids
Nomenclature and Symbols for Folic Acid and related Compounds
Nomenclature of Cyclitols
Nomenclature of Tocopherols and Related Compounds
Prenol Nomenclature
These ten publications have recently been made available online by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). [SN]
Retention of the Best Science and Engineering Graduates in Science and Engineering--NSF
This report from the National Science Foundation (NSF) examines "the employment and education patterns of recent science and engineering graduates to determine whether the graduates are staying in science and engineering or shifting to other fields." The report, in full text and tables, covers graduates' perceptions of the relationship between their work and their education; retention in specific disciplines; reasons for leaving science and engineering; and a summary of findings. [LXP]
[Back to Contents]Job Openings in Science and Technology from the Chronicle of Higher Education
Formerly an entirely free service, the Chronicle of Higher Education now charges a fee to access the current week's job listings. Extensive postings for the previous week are freely available, however. [LXP]
Mountains West Science & Engineering Employment Services
Mountains West Science & Engineering Employment Services Website provides job listings in many fields. Employment opportunities in earth science, meteorology and atmospheric science, civil engineering and related professions, and GIS and remote sensing are listed at the site. In addition, online resources for earth scientists are also available. Currently, subscription is free only for earth science and meteorology and atmospheric science job listings. [SN]
Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB) Job Postings
More than two dozen academic job opportunities are posted here, ranging from Post-doctoral Research Associate positions through Departmental Chairs. Openings are varied in subject matter and presently cover cell biology, integrative physiology, aquatic ecology, vertebrate anatomy, population ecology, quantitative neuroscience, plant chemistry, marine biology, and conservation biology, among many others. Each listing is fully described, with organizational hyperlinks and application deadline information. [LXP]
[Back to Contents]The Canon National Parks Science Scholars Program
Application and instructions [.pdf]:
The Canon National Parks Science Scholars Program is a competitive funding program to support graduate student research on topics "within the biological, physical, social and cultural sciences" and which are "of critical importance to the management of the National Park System." Full details are provided on site; applications are due 15 June 1999. [LXP]
Four new funding opportunities from the National Science Foundation (NSF)
Combined Research - Curriculum Development Program
HBCU Undergraduate Program
Societal Dimensions of Engineering, Science and Technology: Ethics and Values Studies Research on Science and Technology
Interagency Announcement of Opportunities in Metabolic Engineering
The first opportunity, Combined Research-Curriculum Development (CRCD) Program's goal is to incorporate new advances in emerging technology areas into upper level undergraduate and introductory graduate computer, information science, and engineering curricula. The proposal submission deadline is March 19, 1999. The second funding opportunity, Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) Undergraduate Program's objective is to increase the number of students enrolling in and completing science, mathematics, engineering, and technology (SMET) related disciplines and careers. The deadline for proposal submission is May 14, 1999. The third research initiative, Societal Dimensions of Engineering, Science and Technology (SDEST): Ethics and Values Studies, and Research on Science and Technology, focuses on two different objectives. The Ethics and Values Studies' goal focuses on "improving knowledge of ethical and value dimensions in science, engineering, and technology", whereas, the Research on Science and Technology focuses on "improving approaches and information for decision making about science, engineering, and technology." Proposals may be submitted either on February 1, 1999, or August 1, 1999, yearly. The fourth funding opportunity is the Interagency Announcement of Opportunities in Metabolic Engineering. Proposals are invited from scientists concerned with technologies that facilitate the study of metabolic pathways, quantitative and conceptual models that better characterize "the regulation and integration of complex, interacting metabolic pathways, and the use of bioinformatics to deduce the structure, function, and regulation of major metabolic pathways." The deadline for pre-proposal submission is May 17, 1999. [SN]
Two Educational Funding Opportunities from NSF
NSF Graduate Teaching Fellows in K-12 Education (GK-12)
Interagency Education Research Initiative (IERI)
In addition to the opportunities listed above, the National Science Foundation (NSF) has announced two education-related initiatives. The NSF Graduate Teaching Fellows in K-12 Education provides "fellowships and associated training that will enable graduate students and advanced undergraduates in the sciences, mathematics, engineering, and technology to serve in K-12 schools as resources knowledgeable about both the content and applications of science, mathematics, engineering, and technology." A letter of intent is requested (not required) by April 1, 1999; the full proposal deadline is May 5, 1999. In addition, NSF has announced the Interagency Education Research Initiative (IERI), an interagency effort "to develop the knowledge and experimental methods that will allow for the implementation and evaluation of large-scale educational interventions, which will, in turn, inform educational policy and practice." This year's proposals will focus on "school readiness for learning reading and mathematics; K-3 learning in reading, mathematics, and science; and education of preK-12 mathematics, reading, and science teachers." A letter of intent is requested (not required) by April 1, 1999; the full proposal deadline is May 14, 1999. [LXP]
EMPACT (Environmental Monitoring for Public Access and Community Tracking)--EPA
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has announced 1999 funding under EMPACT, a multi-pronged project "to assist communities to provide sustainable public access to environmental monitoring data and information that are clearly-communicated, time-relevant (timely or real-time), useful, and accurate in the largest U.S. metropolitan areas." Full details are provided at the site; the deadline for receipt of applications is April 8, 1999. [LXP]
[Back to Contents]Fifth International Symposium on the Nutrition of Herbivores
Deadlines have been extended for the submission of posters to the Fifth International Symposium on the Nutrition of Herbivores (to be held April 11-16, 1999) and for "the related Satellite symposium" on Methodology for Grazing Herbivores (to be held April 10-11, 1999). Both meetings will be held in San Antonio Texas, and new deadlines are March 15 and March 22, respectively. [LXP]
Estes Park Meeting AAS Division on Dynamical Astronomy
The Estes Park Meeting American Astronomical Society (AAS) Division on Dynamical Astronomy will be held from April 28-May 1, 199, in Estes Park, Colorado. The Division of Dynamical Astronomy is concerned with the advancement of dynamical astronomy in celestial mechanics, solar system dynamics, stellar dynamics, and the dynamics of interstellar medium and galactic dynamics. Invited speakers from various institutions will be presenting talks at the meeting. [SN]
Nordic Benthological Meeting
The Nordic Benthological Meeting will be held (in English) from September 9-12, 1999 at the University of Jyvaskyla in Central Finland. The theme of the meeting will be Scaling Problems in Benthic Ecology. Hence, organizers hope "to promote the consciousness of benthologists about potential scaling problems in their research ... (and) to promote discussion about appropriate methods (GIS-related techniques, geostatistics, hierarchical ANOVA etc.) used for analyzing data collected across multiple spatial or temporal scales." The deadline for abstract submissions is May 31, 1999. [LXP]
International Symposium on Subsurface Microbiology (ISSM 99)
The 1999 International Symposium on Subsurface Microbiology (ISSM 99) will be held from August 22-27 in Vail, Colorado. This year's symposium will focus on "the ecology, function and diversity of microorganisms in the subsurface, both under natural and disturbed conditions." The deadline for abstracts has been extended to March 8, 1999; submissions may be made directly, using the on-line form. [LXP]
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Benthic Invertebrate Biomonitoring--EPA
The Environmental Protection Agency's Great Lakes National Program Office (GLNPO), which has sampled for plankton and nutrients since the 1980's, has recently made available results from the 1997 Great Lakes benthic invertebrate biomonitoring study. These data incorporate results from the program's first year of operation; samples were collected at 45 stations during the 1997 summer survey, in nearshore and offshore communities. Results (in summary and table format) include a project introduction (including color maps and figures), site description, substrate characteristics, benthic community description, and distribution of Diporeia hoyi.[LXP]
[Back to Contents]Emissions Scorecard 1997 [.pdf]
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has recently made available this annual scorecard, Emissions Scorecard 1997. It contains data and maps regarding Emissions Data Collection and Evaluation, Trends in SO2 Emissions and Heat Input (1980-1997), Trends in NOx Emissions (1995-1997), Trends in CO2 Emissions (1995-1997), Emissions Data Summary for 1997, by Fuel Type, Data Quality Assurance, and Description of the two Appendices (Historical Data for SO2 and Heat Input and Data for SO2, NOx, CO2, Heat Input, and Other Parameters). [SN]
[Back to Contents]Acute Toxicity Database--USGS [CSV]
This searchable database (by species or chemical) from the US Geological Survey was initially developed in 1986 using some 4,900 acute toxicity tests (since 1969) with 410 chemicals and 66 species of aquatic animals. Two databases may be viewed online (or downloaded): the ID Database (CSV format), including Chemical ID, Chemical Name, Units of Measure, Use of Chemical, and CAS number, and Acute Toxicity Test Results Database, a CSV file with acute toxicity data by Chemical ID. Also available onsite is the "Manual of Acute Toxicity: Interpretation and DataBase for 410 Chemicals and 66 Species of Freshwater Animals." The manual describes the database structure and contents, data quality, and metadata reference information. [LXP]
[Back to Contents]Atlas of the Spectrum of a Platinum/Neon Hollow-Cathode Lamp in the Region 1130-4330 Å
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Physics Laboratory has provided the article, Atlas of the Spectrum of a Platinum/Neon Hollow-Cathode Lamp in the Region 1130-4330 Å. The measured wavelengths and intensities data pertaining to this article are available at the site. In addition, the user may access the abstract and full text of the article. [SN]
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1. Avalanche [RealPlayer, QuickTime]
2. Avalanche Safety Basics
3. Proceedings: Management and Analysis of Snow, Avalanche and Climate Data
4. The Northwest Weather and Avalanche Center
5. Mountain Weather Data
6. Moonstone Snow and Avalanche Library
Over the last two weeks, avalanches have riddled the news from Europe through North America. The deadliest avalanche in decades roared through the Austrian Alps (Galtuer) on February 23, and another struck Valzur the following day. Avalanches in the Austrian, Swiss and French Alps were a result of the heaviest snowfall in more than 50 years. In Washington State on the Pacific coast of North America, Mount Baker was officially closed, as snow depths exceeding 300 inches buried ski lifts and triggered avalanches. The six sites listed above provide background information and facts about avalanches.
(1) This site, from Discovery Online, offers background information in addition to photographs, audio, and movies of avalanches and avalanche rescues (RealPlayer, QuickTime), and eleven special 'episodes' that provide first-hand accounts of the causes and consequences of avalanches. For the international code of Avalanche safety basics (2) based on danger ratings developed by the US Forest Service, see this page from The Westwide Avalanche Network. For technical information on avalanches, browse the articles from the Proceedings of the International Snow Science Workshop (3); here, users will find articles on Snow Metamorphism, Avalanche Forecasting with GIS, Driftometers, Avalanche dynamics, and a host of case studies. The Northwest Weather and Avalanche Center (4) homepage provides avalanche information (data collection, frequent avalanche and mountain weather forecasting, educational materials) for Washington, Oregon, and southern British Colombia. Researchers will be particularly interested in the Mountain Weather Data section (5), providing hourly climatological snowdepth information for the Pacific Northwest. A cooperative project of Moonstone Mountain Equipment and the Westwide Avalanche Network, the Avalanche Library (6) contains a wide range of information, from the very basics to scientific research on avalanches. [LXP]
[Back to Contents]
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