August 4, 1999A Publication of the Internet Scout Project The target audience of the new Scout Report for Science & Engineering is faculty, students, staff, and librarians in the life sciences, physical sciences, and engineering. Each biweekly issue offers a selective collection of Internet resources covering topics in the sciences, and related fields such as math and engineering, that have been chosen by librarians and content specialists in the given field of study. The Scout Report for Science & Engineering is also provided via email once every two weeks. Subscription information is included at the bottom of each issue.
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Selected Classic Papers from the History of Chemistry
Carmen Giunta of Le Moyne College maintains the Selected Classic Papers from the History of Chemistry Website. Papers from the history of chemistry are listed under the following subjects: Atomic hypothesis and discrete nature of matter; Electricity, electrochemistry, and electrolyte solutions; The electron and electronic structure of matter; Elements: nature, number, and discovery; Environmental chemistry; Gases; Periodic table and periodic law; Radioactivity and the nucleus; Thermodynamics; and Others. An alphabetical listing is also available to aid in locating a particular paper. Among the most recent additions are an electronic version of the 1803 article on the solubility of gases in water by John Dalton and an 1877 excerpt on the discovery of gallium by Paul Emile Lecoq de Boisbaudran. [JJS]
[Back to Contents]Climate Research Online [.pdf]
Inter-Research, a German-based scientific publisher, offers Climate Research (CR) Online, a scientific journal detailing the interactions of climate with organisms, ecosystems, and human societies. Currently, CR Online offers free access to the full text and graphics for all issues starting with Vol. 10 (1998). Articles (.pdf format) may be browsed online or downloaded at the site. Tables of Contents and abstracts are available for most issues before 1998. The CR Online site offers search capabilities for all CR articles since 1995. In addition, author instructions, a list of forthcoming articles, and a full listing of CR's special issues are accessible through the site. [LXP]
[Back to Contents]The Basics of MRI [Frames]
The Basics of MRI is a hypertextbook by Dr. Joseph Hornak of the Rochester Institute of Technology that focuses on the mathematics and physics of magnetic resonance imaging. "Exponential Functions," "Differentials and Integrals," and "Coordinate Transformation" are just a few of the mathematical topics discussed. The physics behind MRI is broken down into the following chapters: "Spin Physics," "NMR Spectroscopy," "Fourier Transforms," "Imaging Principles," and "Fourier Transform Imaging Principles." Hornak has also included a multitude of information on imaging techniques, presentation, and hardware. Those concerned with what occurs during a MRI exam, rather than the math and physics of MRI, will want to consult the chapter entitled "Your MRI Exam." [JJS]
[Back to Contents]Wisconsin Breeding Bird Atlas (WBBA) [Frames]
Initiated in 1995, the Wisconsin Breeding Bird Atlas (WBBA) is an on-going project to document all bird species breeding in the state of Wisconsin. A project of the Wisconsin Society for Ornithology, WBBA documents the presence and breeding status of bird species detected within a selected 5km x 5km area, as well as (optionally) the estimated abundance of the species and the type of habitat in which it was detected. The results of this ambitious initiative are now available in the form of online Species Distribution Maps and multiple species summaries. While not all maps have been error-checked, these color maps offer detailed images showing confirmed and probable breeding locations for Wisconsin's several hundred species of breeding birds. In addition to the maps, the site provides a section on WBBA methods, numerous bird identification images, and a Casual Observation Form. A select list of links (to other states's Breeding Bird Atlas projects) rounds out the site. [LXP]
[Back to Contents]Utility Applets for Engineers & Scientists [JAVA]
Professor Subrata Bhattacharjee of San Diego State University provides the Utility Applets for Engineers and Scientists Website, which contains JAVA applets for understanding thermodynamics. The applets are divided into the following sections: General Category, Thermal Radiation, Smart Thermodynamic Tables, and Specific Applications. A few of the many applets at the site include Black-Body Radiation, Ideal Gas Table, and Gas Dynamics. An introduction, instructions, and examples are provided for each applet. [JJS]
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Virtual Chemistry [RealPlayer]
Virtual Chemistry, created and maintained by research students at the University of Oxford (UK), uses the latest multimedia technology for virtual experiments. Virtual experiments currently available at the site are Metal ions in solution, Superconductor preparation, Organo transition metals, Nickel(II) complexes, Simple inorganic solids, Molecule of the month, VSEPR, and Symmetry. Selected chemistry videos (RealPlayer) may also be accessed through the Virtual Chemistry Website. Additional links are provided for multimedia learning, such as The view from a distant universe and Rates of chemical reactions. [JJS]
[Back to Contents]Microscopy Images from NHMFL
The Nucleotide Collection
The Phytochemical Collection
The Dinosaur Bone Collection
The Optical Microscopy Division of the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (NHMFL) provides these spectacular microscopy images as a collaborative initiative among Florida State University, the University of Florida, and the Los Alamos National Laboratory. Crisp color images of Thymidine, Cytidine, Uridine, and Guanidine are provided (and briefly described) in The Nucleotide Collection; Ellagic Acid, Phenethyl Isothiocyanate, Capsaicin, and Catechin Hydrate are featured in The Phytochemical Collection; and numerous fascinating canals and crystallites may be viewed in The Dinosaur Bone Collection. Educators seeking to improve their graphic resources will especially appreciate this fascinating and useful resource. [LXP]
[Back to Contents]Illustrated Glossary of Geologic Terms
Provided by the Geology Department at Iowa State University, this handy illustrated glossary of geological terms is an excellent quick reference resource for students. Continuously upgraded with links to illustrations and text, this geological lexicon is based on the glossary in the textbook Earth: An Introduction to Geological Change by S. Judson and S.M. Richardson. Alphabetical tabs and internal links to related terms let users move quickly around this useful aid for geology students. [KR]
[Back to Contents]The Carnivorous Plant FAQ
Provided by Barry Meyers-Rice, carnivorous plant enthusiast and team member of The Nature Conservancy's Wildland Weeds Management & Research Program, this site offers answers to many questions about carnivorous plants. Although the majority of content targets the (deservedly) gee-whiz aspects of these plants that "attract, capture, kill, and digest animal life forms," several sections will be of interest to educators and researchers. Carnivorous Plant Taxonomy covers relationships among genera and families; Carnivorous Plant Genera provides text and color photos on genera from Aldrovanda (Waterwheel Plants) to Utricularia (Bladderworts); and Carnivorous Plants and Conservation offers information on the threats to these plants and efforts to protect them. A selection of related links rounds out the site. [LXP]
[Back to Contents]Multiphase Polymeric Materials
Developed by a group of PhD students at the University of Southern Mississippi, the Multiphase Polymeric Materials Website presents both general information about composites and current research on multiphase polymeric materials, including information about blends, coatings, and nanocomposites. As the newest addition to Macrogalleria (described in the March 31, 1999 Scout Report for Science & Engineering), the Multiphase Polymeric Materials Website includes information on Composites in General, Composites, Characterization and Analysis, and Application. Most useful to researchers, the Application section introduces the relationship between polymer composites and component level electronics with examples such as PCB Construction, Encapsulation of Integrated Circuits, and Non-Conductive Adhesives. [JJS]
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Aquarius [IPEX]
Aquarius, managed by the National Undersea Research Center at the University of North Carolina-Wilmington, is an underwater laboratory where scientists may remain underwater for up to ten days on marine research missions. Claiming to be the world's first underwater Website, Aquarius offers users a chance to experience underwater research firsthand. Currently, Aquarius is stationed 63 feet under water near deep coral reefs in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. Aquarius missions have discovered that ultraviolet radiation damages coral reef environments, chemical warfare on the reefs leads to drugs from the sea, and fossil records hold important clues about what is happening on reefs today. The next mission is scheduled to begin August 9, 1999, and users may view (IPEX) the mission live online through the Aquarius Web cam. [JJS]
[Back to Contents]Frogwatch USA
Established in February 1999, Frogwatch USA is Patuxent Wildlife Research Center (PWRC)'s newest citizen science initiative to track frog and toad populations across the US. Volunteer participants help monitor local amphibian populations by periodically visiting a wetland site to listen for calling frogs and toads. At the Frogwatch USA site, four main sections describe how to Frogwatch, including how to identify amphibians and which species to expect in each state. Also available is an online form for submitting data and a careful selection of related resources (see Other Ways to Get Involved). Although necessarily targeted at the public, this site will be of interest to educators and students alike, as it offers an exceptional opportunity for participation in a nationwide, organized field project. [LXP]
[Back to Contents]The Prime Pages
This excellent metasite for prime numbers is mind-boggling, not only in terms of the quality of information provided, but also in the breadth and variety of the hyperlinks, from discourse on the Riemann hypothesis to programs and freeware for calculating Mersenne primes. Dr. Chris Caldwell, creator of the Graph Theory Tutorial Website (discussed in the April 28, 1999 Scout Report for Science and Engineering) of the University of Tennessee at Martin, has provided local as well as external links to prime number research, records, and resources. Sections at this site include Primers, Articles, Information on Primes, Lists of Prime Numbers and Prime Factorizations, Software Indexes and Programs, Archives and FAQs from Related Areas, and a section entitled Gallimaufry (visualizations, special uses, and prime number puzzles). Students of all levels as well as professional mathematicians with an interest in prime numbers will find this one-stop shop an outstanding resource. [KR]
[Back to Contents]Balkans Task Force [.pdf]
UNEP, the United Nations Environment Programme, launched the Balkans Task Force (BTF) Website on May 5, 1999 to provide information and updates on "the environmental and human settlements impacts of the ongoing Balkans conflict." Experts from the Balkans Task Force visit war-damaged (industrial) sites and post their results in a series of online Situation Reports; currently, fourteen reports (in HTML or .pdf) are available on-site. Also provided are regional maps, general information, related news and documents, and a series of links to other Websites featuring aspects of the Kosovo conflict. [LXP]
[Back to Contents]Gems and Precious Stones [QuickTime]
Provided as an online undergraduate course by Jill Banfield of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the Gems and Precious Stones Website is accessible to any user. The Gems and Gemology Image Gallery contains numerous images for most minerals, gems, and precious stones. The Resources section of the site includes on-line trial tests, a glossary of terms, a minerals database, tables, crystal structure movies (QuickTime), and gem synthesis information. Additionally, the crystal structure movies show a three-dimensional and rotational representation of the crystallography of specific minerals, making this an excellent "library" for researchers in mineralogy. [JJS]
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(For links to additional current awareness on tables of contents, abstracts, preprints, new books, data, conferences, etc., visit the The Scout Report for Science & Engineering Current Awareness Metapage: of New Super-Heavy Elements
New Element on Periodic Table
[Note: Resource(s)/URL(s) mentioned above is no longer available.]
Discovery of Elements 116 and 118
The first Website, provided by InfoBeat, is an Associated Press article highlighting the addition of super-heavy element 114, which was recently created by Russian physicists. Element 114 lasted for 30 seconds before disintegrating, which is the first sign of the existence of stability for super-heavy elements. Other super-heavy elements, which are currently referred to as Elements 116 and 118, have been discovered by scientists from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and Oregon State University. The second Website, provided by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, briefly outlines the experiments and the results that led to the discovery. Sections included are New Elements, A New Region of Stability, The 88-Inch Cyclotron, The BGS, The Discovery Team, Acknowledgments, and Links. [JJS]
[Back to Contents]CRS Reports
Thirty-four new and thirty-five updated Congressional Research Service (CRS) reports have been added to the National Library for the Environment site. Topics cover Agricultural Trade Issues, Coastal Nonpoint Pollution, Biosphere Reserves, the Wildlife Restoration Project Fund, Desalination, Conservation Reserve Program, Polar Research, Rhinos, Florida Manatees, Mexican Wolves, and Florida Panthers, among others. [LXP]"Paleoenvironmental Conditions in a Travertine Complex Deduced from Rock Magnetism"
Published in the August 1, 1999 Geophysical Research Letters, this paper by Jan Reinders and Ulrich Hambach of Cologne University presents their research on rock magnetism. The goal of the research was to test if a paleoclimatic signal could be extracted from the Biedermann-travertine. Rock magnetic data from the Biedermann-travertine is also included. [JJS]Two from Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center [.zip]
Environmental Characteristics Associated with the Occurrence of Avian Botulism in Wetlands of a Northern California Refuge
Wetland Resources of Eastern South Dakota
The Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center has recently posted two resources, one on Avian Botulism and the second on South Dakota Wetlands. The first report, by T.E. Rocke and others, follows the typical scientific format and describes "wetland attributes associated with outbreaks of avian botulism in waterbirds at the Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge (SNWR), California." The second report, by R. Johnson and K. Higgins, offers text, tables, and color illustrations of South Dakota's wetlands, including history of wetland drainage and the National Wetlands Inventory. Both reports may be browsed online or downloaded (.zip) from the respective sites. [LXP]40th Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference
The Eisenhower National Clearinghouse for Mathematics and Science Education (ENC) provides poster and lecture abstracts from the 40th Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference. Major topics for the conference included Assignment of 1HN, 15N and 13C backbone resonances and collecting of structural constraints of a 120 kDa protein using Transverse Relaxation-Optimized Spectroscopy (TROSY); NMR of Aligned Membrane Proteins and Nucleic Acids; 900 MHz Magnet System and Technology at NHMFL; Multidimensional Solids NMR of a Uniformly Labeled Protein; and Experimental Quantum Error Correction. [JJS]
[Back to Contents]Job Openings in Science and Technology from the Chronicle of Higher Education
Although the Chronicle of Higher Education charges a fee to access the current week's job listings, extensive postings for the previous week are freely available. [LXP]PhDs.Org Current Listings, All Areas
Maintained by the faculty and students at Dartmouth College, the PhDs.Org Website has Current Listings for science, math, and engineering jobs. Most of the postings are for academic positions worldwide, but a few industry positions are also listed. Some of the employers will accept an electronic cover sheet, which may be created and sent through the PhDs.Org Website. [JJS] provides this free job search site for all fields in academia, including science and engineering. Users may search for jobs or view current listings. Links for career fairs and career resources are also available at Additionally, users may submit a resume for potential employers to access. [JJS]
[Back to Contents]Three from NSF
NSF Graduate Research Fellowships: 2000 Program
Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Microbial Biology
Program for the Analysis of Science and Technology Resources [.txt]
The National Science Foundation has recently announced these three funding opportunities. The first of these endowments, the Graduate Research Fellowships (which include the Women in Engineering and Computer and Information Science (WECS) Awards), are given for graduate study that leads to masters or doctoral degrees in the fields of science, mathematics, and engineering. New US (including US national and permanent resident) graduate students are eligible. The WECS Awards are limited to women intending to pursue graduate degrees in fields of engineering or computer and information science. Applications must be postmarked or submitted by November 4, 1999. Next, the Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Microbial Biology are intended "to support training and research in a host institution on the basic biology of protozoan, microalgal, fungal, archaeal, bacterial, and viral species that are not generally considered to be model organisms. . . . The use of model organisms in comparative studies with non-model organisms is not excluded." Individuals affiliated with an institution who have received their doctorate within eighteen months prior to the deadline may propose a new and original research and training plan in microbial biology. FastLane Postdoctoral fellowship applications must be received by 5:00 p.m., October 25, 1999. Finally, The Program for the Analysis of Science and Technology Resources offers funding for research, workshops, and studies "that develop advances in the presentation of policy indicators, those that enhance the understanding of available data and trends, and those that develop new data and indicators about subjects related to S&T [science and technology] resources and/or S&T policy issues." Colleges, universities, and nonprofit or commercial organizations, or combinations of such organizations are welcome to submit proposals. Proposals must be received by November 1, annually. [KR]Interdisciplinary Science Program
A program of the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, Interdisciplinary Science ". . . is intended to assist scientists who see the need for an interdisciplinary approach to answer questions and make discoveries in any areas of natural science and engineering." Proposals will only be accepted from the 100 institutions that have been selected by the Foundation. [JJS]The Ernst Mayr Travel Grant in Animal Systematics
The Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard University awards these small grants "to stimulate taxonomic research in neglected taxa, . . . includ[ing] taxa with numerous poorly described species; genera and families known to have many undescribed species in collections; taxa in which it is unknown what proportion of the nominal species are synonyms; and difficult genera without keys." Proposals are due September 15, 1999, and guidelines are provided on-site. [LXP]Carcinogenicity of Drinking Water Disinfection By-products
The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences is requesting Letters of Intent for research on the carcinogenicity of drinking water disinfection by-products. Those receiving funding will provide data to aid the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences determine the mechanisms of the by-products to improve the risk assessment process and protect the public health. Letters of Intent are due by August 16, 1999. [JJS]International Opportunities for Scientists and Engineers: Visits to Japan
The National Science Foundation provides support to US senior and junior investigators in the sciences/ engineering for visits to Japan for the purpose of conducting research. Visits may last three to six months. The application deadline is September 1, 1999. [LXP]
[Back to Contents]Chemistry and the Internet: ChemInt'99
Sponsored by ChemWeb, the Internet Journal of Chemistry, Elsevier Science, and MDL Information Systems, Inc., the Chemistry and the Internet (ChemInt'99) conference will be held September 25-27, 1999, at Georgetown University in Washington, DC. The goal of ChemInt'99 is to create forum discussions on current and future Internet resources for chemists. Although the deadline for lecture abstracts has passed, poster abstract submissions will be accepted until September 1, 1999. [JJS]North Sea 2000: An International Senckenberg Conference on Burning Issues of North Sea Ecology
From May 8-12, 2000, the international Senckenberg conference North Sea 2000 will be held in Wilhelmshaven, Germany, along the German North Sea coast. Focal issues of the conference include the role of biodiversity in North Sea ecosystems; long term cyclicities (biological and physical); pelagic-benthic coupling; human impacts and integrated coastal zone management; and ecosystem modelling; among others. Abstracts are due by the end of October. [LXP]M/SET: Mathematics/Science Education & Technology
Sponsored by the Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching (JCMST), the International Conference on Mathematics/Science Education and Technology (M/SET) will be held February 5-8, 2000, at San Diego State University. M/SET will focus on learning and teaching in mathematics, science, and computer science ranging from elementary to college and teacher education. Topics for the conference should relate information technology to education in mathematics, science, and computer science. Proposals are due October 5, 1999. [JJS]Seventh International Conference on Goats
The Seventh International Conference on Goats will be held in Tours and Poitiers, France, May 15-21, 2000. Topics range from Goats and Sustainable Development to The Goat Genome, and cover a wide array. Submitted papers must be received by September 30, 1999. [LXP]IEA/AIE-2000
The International Society of Applied Intelligence is sponsoring the Thirteenth Annual International Conference on Industrial & Engineering Application of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, which will be held in New Orleans June 19-22, 2000. Topics covered at the conference will include Automated Problem Solving, Intelligent Databases, and Robotics. Papers, which should discuss the results of original research or practical experiences using state-of-the-art artificial intelligence methodologies, are due by November 17, 1999. [JJS]Ecology: Achievement and Challenge (BES/ESA 2000)
The British Ecological Society and the Ecological Society of America have announced a joint symposium to be held April 10-13, 2000, at Coronado Springs, Florida. The symposium will feature plenary lectures and contributed posters "exploring the theme of recent achievement and challenge for the future in the field of Ecology." Abstract submission for posters begins August 1, and 600 abstracts will be accepted on a first-come basis. [LXP]
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Integrated Spectral Data Base System for Organic Compounds [Frames]
Provided by Agency of Industrial Science and Technology of Japan, the Integrated Spectral Data Base System for Organic Compounds is a database of mass spectral, NMR (proton and carbon), and infrared spectra data. As of March 1999, the database contains 19,600 spectra of MS, 11,000 spectra of ^13 C NMR, 13,500 spectra of ^1 H NMR, 2,000 spectra of ESR, 47,500 spectra of IR, 3,500 spectra of Raman, and 30,000 compounds in the Compound Dictionary. A search engine (Frames) for the database allows the following fields to be specified: Compound Name, Molecular Formula, Number of Atoms (Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Nitrogen), Molecular Weight, CAS Registry Number, and SDBS Number. Access is free; however, no more than 50 spectra and/or compound files may be downloaded in one day. [JJS]
[Back to Contents]Directory of Research Systematics Database (DRSD)
The Directory of Research Systematics Database (DRSD) is a joint project of the Association of Systematics Collections (ASC) and the US Geological Survey (Biological Resources Division). A directory of natural history research collections, the DRSD database contains records of "more than 500 research-quality systematics collections in museums, universities, and other agencies in the US and five other continents." The database may be searched by parent institute (to retrieve information such as general taxonomic coverage, geographic coverage, size of holding, and accessibility of collection) or by Taxonomic Coverage combined with Geographic Coverage (to retrieve information on availability and location of collections). [LXP]
[Back to Contents]Beneficial Use Information Center Database [.mdb]
The database on beneficial reuse of foundry by-products may be downloaded as a Microsoft Access (.mdb) file through the Beneficial Use Information Center of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The database was designed "to identify (1) materials and applications where methods and specifications exist such that beneficial reuse can begin or be expanded immediately and (2) areas in need of further research." Data were assembled by the University of Wisconsin-Madison researchers from 98 projects in fourteen states and two locations in Canada. Applications described in the database are Structural/Base/Sub-base Fill, Flowable Fill, Concrete and Related Products, Asphalt, Soil Amendments, Portland Cement, Landfill Liners and Covers, and Other Applications such as pipe bedding, clay bricks, and landfill drainage layers. [JJS]
[Back to Contents]West Indian Orchidaceae Database
The New York Botanical Garden has recently placed online this searchable database of West Indian Orchids. Containing approximately 5,200 specimen records for the family Orchidacese (from the New York Botanical Garden's collection), the database may be searched by Family, Collector, Country, Taxon, State/Province, and other select fields. Typical returns provide information on Specimen name (scientific name), Location, Collector, Description, and Habitat. [LXP]
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The Last Total Eclipse of the Millenium
1) Sky and Telescope: The Millenium's Last Eclipse
2) What Causes an Eclipse?
3) New Scientist: The Great Eclipse
4) European Space Agency Science [Frames]
5) Windows to the Universe
6) NASA RP 1398: Total Solar Eclipse of 1999 August 11
7) Total Solar Eclipse of 1999 August 11
8) SOHO Expedition Support for August 11 Eclipse
9) Helioseismology Beginner's Bibliography
10) Solar Eclipse: Live Webcast August 11, 1999
On August 11, 1999, a rare total solar eclipse will cast its shadow across the earth. Part of the rarity of this year's eclipse is the fact that the path of totality (the viewing track of the total eclipse) will cover so much inhabited land. First hitting soil in Cornwall, UK, the moon's umbra (complete shadow) will cut a path relatively close to many major cities of Europe, the Middle East, and South Asia, finally ending over India in the Bay of Bengal. Cities that will view the eclipse include London, Paris, Munich, Bucharest, Baghdad, Karachi, and Ahmadabad. Of course, earthbound observers will be dependent upon clear skies to view the event. Statistical calculations of climatological data have helped determine the areas of highest probability for good weather. In addition to the wonderful spectacle, the eclipse also offers researchers unique opportunities to collect data on the sun's corona. Although the umbra will not pass over North America directly, satellite technology affords North Americans the opportunity to view the eclipse via live Webcasts (see above). The ten resources listed above provide articles, information, and data in preparation for this last eclipse of the millennium.
Sky and Telescope Magazine provides this news resource (1) on the upcoming total eclipse; text and images describe the eclipse's path, including mean cloud-cover statistics for locations along the "path of totality." For basic information on the causes of an eclipse, Earth View Inc. gives a concise, illustrated explanation (2). New Scientist's feature article (3) offers general information, eclipse history, accounts of the 1998 eclipse, and explanations of experiments to be conducted on the sun's corona during the eclipse, among other topics. The European Space Agency's Solar System page (4) features cutting edge information and data on solar research activities, project activities, and experiments. The University of Michigan's excellent Web resource entitled Windows to the Universe (reviewed in the January 6, 1999 Scout Report for Science & Engineering) is a user-friendly, graphics-intensive earth and space sciences Website (5). One of many innovative features of this site is that it allows users to interact at several learning levels. NASA's 1999 Solar Eclipse Bulletin (6) offers comprehensive and detailed predictions, tables, maps, and weather information related to the 1999 (and prior) eclipse(s). Also provided by NASA and in-house astronomer Fred Espenak, this official 1999 total solar eclipse Website (7) serves as a broader companion to the previous data-rich bulletin. Here, users will find additional information concerning the eclipse's path and weather prospects, along with updates, maps, and diagrams. The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) Expedition Support Page (8) gives detailed descriptions of various research initiatives that will conduct coronal observations during the eclipse. Stanford University's Solar Oscillations Investigation Website offers this Helioseismology Beginner's Bibliography (9). This page lists texts and journals and articles that introduce the newcomer to helioseismology. Finally, for those who will not be able to see the eclipse in person, the San Francisco Exploratorium offers a live Webcast (RealVideo) (10) of the rare event. [KR]
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