The Scout Report for Science & Engineering - February 16, 2000

February 16, 2000

A Publication of the Internet Scout Project
Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison

The target audience of the new Scout Report for Science & Engineering is faculty, students, staff, and librarians in the life sciences, physical sciences, and engineering. Each biweekly issue offers a selective collection of Internet resources covering topics in the sciences, and related fields such as math and engineering, that have been chosen by librarians and content specialists in the given field of study.

The Scout Report for Science & Engineering is also provided via email once every two weeks. Subscription information is included at the bottom of each issue.

In This Issue


Learning Resources

General Interest

Current Awareness

New Data

In The News


A Practical Guide to Wavelet Analysis [.pdf, Fortran, IDL, Matlab]
Researchers dealing with time series data will find this powerful resource extremely helpful. Drs. Christopher Torrence (National Center for Atmospheric Research) and Gilbert Compo (NOAA/ CIRES Climate Diagnostics Center) have put together this Website for researchers interested in using wavelet analysis, a technique that decomposes a time series into time-frequency space. The site provides information on "both the amplitude of any periodic signals within the series, and how this amplitude varies with time." The nicely written introductory section (Wavelet Analysis & Monte Carlo) is complete with algorithms, graphically illustrated examples, and references (including some links). First time users may wish to consult the on-site article "A Practical Guide to Wavelet Analysis," originally published in 1998 (.pdf format), or browse the FAQ section. The heart of the site is the Interactive Wavelet Plots section; here, users may experiment with wavelet analysis using time series data provided at the site (i.e., Sea Surface Temperature, Sunspots) or provided by the user. As if that weren't enough, the site also offers free Wavelet software (Fortran, IDL, or Matlab; acknowledgment required) and several abbreviated data sets for experimentation. [LXP]
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Jefferson Lab [.ps, .pdf, LaTex, Word]
The Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, or the Jefferson Lab, is funded in part by the Department of Energy and was "built to probe the nucleus of the atom to learn more about the quark structure of matter." Of special interest to researchers will be the extensive experiments section with experiments organized by hall, by status in terms of approval and completion, by proposals, and by physics category. Descriptions of individual experiments include summaries (.ps), participating institutions, experiment titles, and a letter grade rating. The publications section of the site contains a catalog with online publications (.pdf) organized by year, and a complete searchable bibliographic list with downloadable technical documents organized by year. Also, for educators, the Science Education at Jefferson Lab Page ( lists internships, special events, and classroom resources including a tour of the atom, a periodic table of elements, and an element flashcard game. [KR]
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Two on Plate Tectonics
PALEOMAP Project [java]
Geology: Plate Tectonics
These two sites are based on work by researcher Christopher Scotese of the University of Texas, Arlington. The first site, the PALEOMAP Project Webpage, aims "to illustrate the plate tectonic development of the ocean basins and continents, as well as the changing distribution of land and sea during the past 1100 million years." The site contains full-color paleogeographic maps showing "the ancient mountain ranges and shorelines, active plate boundaries, and the extent of paleoclimatic belts," as well as several color animations (java applet). A Methods section describes the process of mapping the past positions of the continents. The second site, from the University of California, Berkeley, provides black-and-white animations based on Scotese's paleogeographic maps; these animations are organized by time period and offer the viewer insights into the shifting of the continents through different time periods. Both sites provide a fascinating geologic historical perspective and will be of great interest to researchers and educators, alike. [LXP]
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Kwajalein Ground Validation Research [.pdf]
A field campaign of the US-Japan Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) (described in the December 9, 1998 Scout Report for Science & Engineering) and the University of Washington's Department of Atmospheric Sciences, the Kwajalein Experiment (KWAJEX) was designed to "document the internal structure of precipitating clouds in order to aid in the validation and physical understanding of the data from the TRMM satellite." The experiment was conducted Between July 23 and September 15, 1999, on Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands, and the Website holds documents describing KWAJEX's scientific background (.pdf, 6.94 MB) and the experimental plan (.pdf, 6.94 MB). Also, the KWAJEX Operations Center has coordinated and provided access to the data collected from various platforms and instruments. Researchers may access daily measurements, daily logs, daily cloud photo sequences, and documents. Overall, the site gives researchers a comprehensive collection of materials for this TRMM experiment. [KR]
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Journals from Oxford University Press/ HighWire Press
Journal of Experimental Botany: Abstracts 1996-97; Full text 1998-present [.pdf]
Chemical Senses: Abstracts 1994-97; Full text 1998-present [.pdf]
Behavioral Ecology: Abstracts 1996-present; Full text 1998-present [.pdf]
Biometrika: Abstracts 1996-present; Full text beginning 2000 [.pdf]
Forestry: 1996-present
Glycobiology: Abstracts 1996-present; Full text 1998-present [.pdf]
IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics: 1996-present [.pdf]
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis: 1996-present [.pdf]
Journal of Petrology: 2000-present [.pdf]
Journal of Plankton Research: 1999-present [.pdf]
Oxford University Press (OUP) has made available (with restricted access) the full content of ten science journals. Online abstracts and tables of contents begin with 1996 issues; online full text generally begins 1998 (but see specific time lines noted above). Note that online access to these journals is free only to users with an IP address from an institution with a current OUP subscription (or individuals with subscriptions). While the Scout Project generally does not announce restricted access journals, we have made an exception in this case since so many universities have OUP subscriptions. To determine if your institution has a subscription to OUP, attempt to access the journal articles directly, and then contact your librarian or institutional liaison officer if you have difficulties. The Journal of Experimental Botany,Chemical Senses,Journal of Petrology, and Journal of Plankton Research were produced by OUP in conjunction with Stanford University's HighWire Press. [LXP]
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Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies [.pdf]
The Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies (CAST) at the University of Arkansas is dedicated to applications in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), remote sensing, digital photogrammetry and interoperability, and Global Positioning Systems (GPS). This enormous site contains a wide range of research activities in spatial technologies as applied to the disciplines of environmental studies, archaeology, historical preservation, landscape architecture, urban and rural planning, spatial statistics, and data development. Within the Reports and Publications section, the Arkansas Gap Analysis Program (GAP) final report is available (in HTML and .pdf formats) and, though the work itself was completed in 1998, the report provides excellent information on biodiversity assessment and land-cover mapping (For the national Gap Analysis Program Website, see the September 17, 1997 Scout Report for Science & Engineering). Each of the research areas of the site contains documentation of projects and links to related sites. [KR]
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Learning Resources

National Conservation Training Center--USFWS
The US Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS)'s National Conservation Training Center (NCTC) provides "training and education services to the natural resource management community to better accomplish our common goal of conserving fish, wildlife, and their habitat." The NCTC homepage spans an impressive list of training topics, from Aquatics/Fisheries Resources and Environmental Contaminants through GIS and GPS, to name a few. Each topic area contains a hyperlinked listing of courses (available at the NCTC campus in West Virginia) with course summaries and objectives. Additionally, a particularly useful feature of the NCTC homepage is the Conservation Library (in the National Systems section). Here, users may access FWS publications, search several citation databases, browse a list of new titles, or click on links to other Web libraries. While some parts of the site are restricted to FWS employees, most sections are open to the public, and well worth the visit. [LXP]
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Classic Organic Reactions
Despite the fact that the Classic Organic Reactions Page was designed for commercial purposes, to demonstrate the capabilities of ChemPen chemical structure drawing software for Windows, the page offers a useful resource for chemistry students and professionals. The creator of this page, and author and proprietor of ChemPen, Dr. Hilton Evans, has cited the literature for each reaction. The site contains drawings for over 300 alphabetically listed classic organic reactions. The list begins with the Acetoacetic Ester Condensation and ends with the Zinke-Suhl Reaction. [KR]
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Virtual Creatures [VRML, JAVA]
Stanford University's Virtual Creatures project is an NSF-funded research and development project with an educational focus. Intended "to enhance the instruction of biological and physical sciences," the Virtual Creatures Webpage enables students to experience "three-dimensional visualization of an actual organism in its entirety, inside and out." Three main projects are currently featured at the site: Frog Island (VRML format), Jumping JavaFrog! (JAVA), and the Virtual Frog (hyperlinked from text of main page). For Frog Island and Jumping JavaFrog!, a list of instructions leads the user through the steps needed to complete the interactive learning game. A series of lesson plans are also provided for Frog Island (see Lesson Plans Developed), with separate notes for teachers and students. Those who wish to explore computer-enhanced learning (beyond the obvious application to laboratory dissections) will be particularly interested in this Website. Note: Mac users may have difficulty operating some of the site's features. [LXP]
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Clean Energy Basics
From the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, the Clean Energy Basics Website amounts to a good primer on renewable energy. The four sections of the site are each introduced by a question (What is renewable energy? Why is renewable energy important? Why is energy efficiency important? What does clean energy have to do with me?). The What is renewable energy? section is further divided into topics including information and links for solar energy, wind energy, bioenergy, geothermal energy, hydropower, and ocean energy. While many of the links highlighted within the text are internal, there are quite a few links to reliable external sites as well. [KR]
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The Wandtafeln of Rudolph Leuckart (1822-1898)
Teachers and biological historians will recognize the title of this site, named for famed zoologist and parasitologist Rudolph Leuckart, who produced a series of world-renown teaching illustrations (or "Wandtafeln") between 1877 and 1892. Hosted by the Marine Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole, this site contains 109 of Leuckart's illustrations (wall charts), covering Protozoans through Vertebrates. Though large (files range from 350 to 500K each, and in some systems may exceed a standard 15-inch screen), the charts preserve the artist's attention to detail, and are beautiful as well as instructional. An indirect benefit of these illustrations is that, by examining the details emphasized (and those omitted), one gains insight into the state of scientific knowledge in the late 1800s. [LXP]
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General Interest

Conserving Earth's Biodiversity
Island Press provides this Website as a supplement to a teaching CD based on writings by renowned biologist E.O. Wilson, entitled "Conserving Earth's Biodiversity." Although the contents of the CD are not accessible here (the CD may be purchased separately), the site features a useful collection of links to Web-based biodiversity resources organized according to the outline of the course. The resource targets the college level includes seven main topic areas: Global Biodiversity, The Diversity of Life, Biodiversity Over Time, Threats to Biodiversity, Conservation Practice, Social Issues, and Learning More. The site also offers an option for those interested in suggesting exceptional sites as biodiversity links. [LXP]
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Three Subscription-Based Sources for Science Articles Online
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) [.pdf]
Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology [.pdf,]
Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research [.pdf,]
Featured here are three important subscription-based resources for obtaining science articles online. Wide-ranging institutional access as well as free services make each of these resources useful without an individual subscription. First, the PNAS, claiming to be the "world's most-cited multidisciplinary scientific serial . . . , publishes research reports, commentaries, reviews, perspectives, colloquium papers, and actions of the Academy." While current research articles, perspectives, commentaries, and reviews require a subscription to view, all articles published in 1999 and earlier are available free to non-subscribers. Even better, "the full text of research articles over one month old is now available free." In addition, in January 2000, the American Institute of Physics (AIP) and the American Physical Society (APS) launched two new virtual journals. Representing the first two entries in a series of such journals, the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology and the Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research will gather "into one spot all the papers on a given topic that appear in a wide range of premier physics-related journals." The articles have been pre-selected by expert editors, so that specialists may turn to this convenient resource to stay on top of cutting-edge research. Access to articles will require a regular subscription to the specific journals, though non-subscribers do have the option of purchasing individual articles for immediate online delivery. Browsing the tables of contents and abstracts is free. [KR]
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Three on the Distribution of Flying Insects -- NPWRC
Mayflies of the United States
Stoneflies of the United States
Dragonflies and Damselflies (Odonata) in the United States
In keeping with its excellent reputation, the Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center (first described in the October 15, 1997 Scout Report for Science & Engineering) has posted three useful, work-in-progress resources on the distribution of several groups of flying insects. The first, Mayflies of the United States, contains information on the known distribution of Mayflies (Ephemeroptera) in the US, including distribution maps, county checklists, published references, photo thumbnails, and numerous links to related sites. The second site provides comparable information on the known distribution of Stoneflies (Plecoptera). The third site similarly covers Dragonflies and Damselflies (Odonata). Dr. Boris Kondratieff of Colorado State University coordinated the production of all three sites, with collaboration by Dr. Richard Baumann of Brigham Young University on the Stonefiles site. While the authors stress the "work-in-progress" nature of these sites, each represents an excellent and useful contribution. [LXP]
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Chemical Health and Safety Data [.sea, .zip]
These Chemical Health and Safety Data are an excellent resource for reliable, no-frills information from the National Toxicology Program (NTP). Data from "over 2000 chemicals studied by the NTP" are made available here, and users have a couple of different options for retrieving information. They may simply view a list of chemicals or search the Health and Safety database. Information on each chemical includes physical chemical data (like solubilities, solvents, volatility, flammability, and reactivity), toxicity data, handling procedures, emergency procedures, and a bibliographic list of sources for the information collected. Archived data may be downloaded (.sea, .zip). [KR]
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What's Cookin' in Food Science -- BioMedNet
A recent issue of BioMedNet's Webzine HMS Beagle (reviewed in the February 14, 1997 Scout Report) offers this intriguing introduction to food science. Although the article's tone targets the general public, many hyperlinks to academic resources make it worthwhile for researchers. The site covers the science of taste, texture, nutrition, food allergies, and "functional food," among other topics. Of particular use will be the links at the bottom of the site, which connect to a host of resources throughout academic, governmental, and nongovernmental fields. [LXP]
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Current Awareness
(For links to additional current awareness on tables of contents, abstracts, preprints, new books, data, conferences, etc., visit the The Scout Report for Science & Engineering Current Awareness Metapage:

Nature: "Complex Associations in Yeast" [.pdf]
"A comprehensive analysis of protein-protein interactions in Saccharomyces cerevisiae,"
Nature magazine's Feature of the Week for February 10, 2000 is entitled "Complex Associations in Yeast" and includes a current article by Peter Uetz and a host of others (Nature 403, 601-603). The main article, "A comprehensive analysis of protein-protein interactions in Saccharomyces cerevisiae," is fully accessible in HTML or .pdf formats and is accompanied by a summary article with additional commentary by Stephen Oliver (see "Guilt-by-association goes global"). The Uetz et al. article describes "the use of a sensitive method for detecting protein interactions, the two-hybrid system, to interrogate encoded proteins for the ability to form stable complexes with other proteins." Of particular interest to researchers is the access to the data, for those wanting to manipulate the yeast data set. [LXP]
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African Americans Do Science
In honor of African American History Month, this site from the Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC), sponsored by the US Department of Education, offers many useful links pertaining to African Americans in Science. Cited here are databases (including The Faces of Science: African Americans in the Sciences, described in the February 23, 1996 Scout Report for Science & Engineering), collections of biographic profiles, directories of Website links, articles and essays, related Websites and resources, and instructional products. [KR]
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New Publications

New CRS Reports
Thirteen new and 59 updated Congressional Research Service (CRS) reports have been added to the National Library for the Environment Website. The new reports cover the federal debt, debt reduction, multilateral development banks, the President's Forest/ Roadless Area Initiative, renewable energy and electricity, critical habitat under the Endangered Species Act, and several other topics. [LXP]

"Nanostructure Science and Technology: A Worldwide Study"
Prepared under the guidance of the Committee on Technology of the National Science and Technology Council, Interagency Working Group on NanoScience, Engineering, and Technology, sponsored by the National Science Foundation, and disseminated by the White House, the report entitled "Nanostructure Science and Technology: A Worldwide Study" attempts "to assess the current status and future trends internationally in research and development in the broad and rapidly growing area of nanostructure science and technology." The report provides a rather complete governmental perspective on the status and trends of research and development in the field of nanostructure science and technology. [KR]

Workshop Proceedings: Water Issues in the Colorado River Based Border Region [.pdf, 364K]
Proceedings for the workshop on "Water Issues in the Colorado River Based Border Region," held in Baja California in November, 1999, are now available online at the Pacific Institute for Studies in Development, Environment and Security site. The workshop highlighted linkages between the restoration of the Salton Sea and the Colorado River Delta, and discussed bi-national management options for the Colorado River. The proceedings (in .pdf format) include summaries of workshop discussions, as well as maps, tables, contact lists, and suggested actions. [LXP]

"Industrial Transformation Science Plan"
From the International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change, this "Industrial Transformation Science Plan" incorporates a multidisciplinary research effort which is "based on the assumption that important changes in production and consumption systems will be required in order to meet the needs and aspirations of a growing world population while using environmental resources in a sustainable manner." The plan has combined the input of experts in a wide range of social science disciplines with that of experts from both life and physical sciences. [KR]

Saving Salmon, Saving Money: Innovative Business Leadership in the Pacific Northwest [.pdf, 183K]
This report (in .pdf format), from the Center for Watershed and Community Health (CWCH), highlights 375 businesses in the Pacific Northwest that have made improvements in environmental efficiency since 1992. Written by two academic economists and the director of the nonprofit CWCH, the report estimates savings in energy and environmental costs, with emphasis on water quality and salmon habitat. [LXP]

"Materials and Energy Flows in the Earth Science Century" [.pdf, 1747K]
This USGS Circular, "Materials and Energy Flows in the Earth Science Century -- A Summary of a Workshop Held by the USGS in November 1998," takes a "thorough and holistic view of the materials flow cycle, wherein materials are tracked throughout their life cycle from extraction, through manufacturing, consumer use, reuse, recycling, and disposition." The circular ends with selected references and appendixes including a list of speakers and participants and their contact information. [KR]

Life Sciences Publishing
Experienced cardiologist Dr. Thomas Buckingham has put together this online newsletter on medical and scientific writing. The biweekly newsletter, which emphasizes medical science, offers advice about how and where to publish research, and how to navigate the review process. The first four issues have featured the following topics: First Impressions are Important; Writing Abstracts for Scientific Meetings; How to Write a Case Report; and Part I of Organize and Plan Your Scientific Writing. Students may find this newsletter particularly useful. [LXP]
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Job Openings in Science and Technology from The Chronicle of Higher Education
Although The Chronicle of Higher Education charges a fee to access the current week's job listings, extensive postings for the previous week are freely available. [LXP]

So You Want to Be a Paleontologist?
From the Dinosaur Mailing List FAQs, this FAQ contains useful advice for those still deciding their professional futures. The advice, mostly from university professors around the country, answers questions on topics such as how to prepare for a career in paleontology, choosing a university or graduate school, and the particulars of graduate school programs. The site also contains contacts and useful paleontology career-related links. [KR]

Online Classifieds of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics has a online classifieds section for job listings. The site holds current listings for positions available and positions wanted. Most of the ads for available positions are at the higher education level with secondary and other classifieds also listed. [KR]
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North American Fund for Environmental Cooperation (NAFEC) Proposals
The North American Fund for Environmental Cooperation (NAFEC) is soliciting proposals in two main areas for the year 2000. Focal areas are "Linking biodiversity conservation with trade in green goods and services," and "Pollutants and Health: improving public access to information, decision-making and environmental justice." Proposals are due March 31, 2000; guidelines and instructions are provided at the Webpage. [LXP]

The Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellowship Program
With the deadline for this prestigious award fast approaching, the Scout Report for Science and Engineering would like to make those last minute applicants aware of this excellent opportunity. These distinguished educator fellowships for elementary and secondary school math and science teachers give recipients an opportunity to spend up to one year applying their professional expertise "in a Congressional Office, the Department of Energy (DOE), the National Science Foundation (NSF), the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Department of Education (ED), or the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP)." The deadline for applications is February 25, 2000. An online application form is available at the site. [KR]

Two from NSF
Unidata Equipment Grants [Word, 108K; .pdf, 314K]
Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate [.pdf]
The National Science Foundation (NSF) has recently announced two funding opportunities for the scientific research and education communities. The NSF Directorate for Geosciences has announced the Unidata Equipment Grants, intended to provide computer equipment to the university community "for upgrading obsolete equipment, enhancing computer capabilities, and drawing new institutions into the Unidata community." The Unidata Equipment Grants application deadline is May 8, 2000. The Directorate for Education and Human Resources announced the Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP) initiative, aimed at "increasing the number of minority students pursuing advanced study, obtaining doctoral degrees, and entering the professoriate in the Sciences (physical and life sciences), Mathematics, and Engineering disciplines." The deadline for AGEP proposals is May 11, 2000. [LXP]

American Western Universities Internships and Fellowships
A consortium of 63 colleges and universities, the Associated Western Universities administers research and internship opportunities as well as fellowships for students and postgraduates. Eligibility includes faculty, advanced-degree graduates, and graduate and undergraduate students in discipline areas including the physical and biological sciences, mathematics, computer science, engineering, and technology. For more information on the wide variety of internships and fellowships offered, users may browse the Website. [KR]
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The Shorebird Sister Schools Program: Interactive Workshop for Education Specialists and Teachers
On Thursday, February 17, 2000, 2:00-4:00 PM (Eastern time), the Shorebird Sister Schools Program and the US Fish and Wildlife Service National Conservation Training Center will conduct a special two-hour workshop live via satellite. The Interactive Workshop for Education Specialists and Teachers targets "adult learners," and will include curriculum development, a "virtual" field trip to local wetlands with shorebird habitat, and ways to get involved in the Shorebird Sister Schools Program, among other topics. Interested participants may register for the event via the Webpage; users will also find information regarding satellite access. [LXP]

International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI)
General Assembly 2000
US Mirror
In collaboration with and under the sponsorship of the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI), the General Assembly for 2000 will be held from July 18 through 22, 2000 in Bali, Indonesia. The theme of this year's assembly will be "Exploring Volcanoes: Utilization of their resources and mitigation of their hazards." The deadlines for early registration and abstract submission are both March 31, 2000. [KR]

UDMS 2000: 22nd Urban and Regional Data Management Symposium
The Congress Centre of Delft University of Technology (the Netherlands) will host the 22nd Urban and Regional Data Management Symposium subtitled Urban and Rural Data Management: Common Problems, Common Solutions?. The symposium also includes the seminar Land Markets and Land Consolidation in Central Europe. Both meetings will be held September 11-15, 2000, at Delft University of Technology. The submission deadline for abstracts is March 1, 2000. [LXP]

The Fourteenth International Symposium on Earth Tides (ETS2000)
The Mizusawa Astrogeodynamics Observatory has announced the Fourteenth International Symposium on Earth Tides (ETS2000) to be held in Mizusawa, Iwate, Japan, from August 28 to September 1, 2000. Titles of topics covered at the Symposium will include Tidal instrumentation, Results of ground based observations, Tidal observations using space techniques, Modeling of solid earth tides and related problems, Atmospheric and oceanic loading effects, Data processing, Superconducting gravimetry, Tidal studies in tectonic active regions, and Tides on planet. Deadlines for abstracts should be announced very soon. [KR]

21st Congress ESCPB: European Society for Comparative Physiology and Bio-Chemistry
ESCPB has announced their 21st Congress, to be held at Liege University, Belgium July 24-28, 2000. The deadline for receipt of abstracts and registration payment is May 15, 2000 (Abstracts sent via land mail must be sent by May 5, at the latest). [LXP]

International Conference on Distance Sampling
An International Conference on Distance Sampling: Estimating Wildlife Abundance for Ecology, Management and Conservation is being planned in St Andrews, Scotland for the period July 30 to August 3, 2001. Interested participants and those wishing to submit abstracts should register online. The deadline is not yet specified. [LXP]

First International Conference on Wood in World Rivers
The International Conference on (Ecology and Management of) Wood in World Rivers will be held in Corvallis, Oregon, October 23-27, 2000. Abstracts for contributed papers must be received by April 1, 2000; Abstracts for posters must be received by August 15, 2000. [LXP]
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New Data

PQR Version 3.9: Database on Quarantine Pests [.zip, 2.056 MB]
Version 3.9 of PQR, the European & Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (EPPO)'s Plant Quarantine Data Retrieval System, has been released. The PQR database contains "information on geographical distribution, host plants, scientific and common names of quarantine pests listed by EPPO and the European Union. Data on pests of quarantine interest to other Regional Plant Protection Organizations (RPPOs)" are also included. PQR version 3.9 (.zip format) can be downloaded freely at the EPPO site. [LXP]
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Total Production of Uranium Concentrate in the United States as of December 31, 1999
From the US Energy Information Administration, this page contains data on the total production of uranium concentrate in the US for the first to fourth quarters from 1996 through 1999. The data are in graph and table format, broken down into pounds produced each quarter, and a table shows the number of operating uranium mills and plants in the US. Contacts are provided for further information. [KR]
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C. elegans Gene Index (CeGI) -- TIGT [Fasta]
The Institute for Genomic research (TIGR) has released the C. elegans Gene Index (CeGI), including over 22,900 unique sequences (TCs, ETs, and ESTs). CeGI includes data files (FASTA) "containing the complete, minimally redundant C. elegans Index (TCs and singletons),... the complete set of TC sequences in the Index (with previous TC identities in the definition line), ... [and] a file containing the TC id's and the ESTs that comprise them." The Index is searchable by Nucleotide or Protein Sequence, Identifier (TC, ET, EST, GB), or Tissue, cDNA Library Name, or cDNA Library Identifier(cat#). Note that all data in CeGI are "freely available to researchers at nonprofit institutions using them for non-commercial purposes." [LXP]
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WWW Tide and Current Predictor
From the University of South Carolina's Wethey Lab Homepage, the tide and current predictor contains up-to-date basic predictions and a format for obtaining customized predictions. Access to data is organized by location. Location choices include US Upper East Coast (Maine through Virginia), US Lower East Coast (North Carolina through Florida Keys), US Gulf Coast sites (East to West), US West Coast sites (North to South), Northern sites (except Japan) outside contiguous US (East to West), Southern sites outside contiguous US (East to West), and Japan and nearby sites (North to South). Also, the site includes answers to FAQs concerning this tide predictor. [KR]
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In The News

Mapping the Earth from Space
1. SRTM: Shuttle Radar Topography Mission -- NASA
2. Shuttle Press Kit
3. J-Track 2.5 [Java applet]
4. Mission Status Center
5. Images from SRTM -- NASA
6. Crustal Strain and Topography from Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry
7. Building a 3-D Map of Earth from Space! -- The Space Place
8. X-SAR/ SRTM Shuttle Radar Topography Mission [RealPlayer, 2.5 MB]
9. Notes from the SRTM Project Scientist, Dr. Mike Kobrick
Every few years, new satellite images of the earth's surface are acquired from remote sensors aboard a space craft. Because the technology associated with satellite imagery improves so rapidly, these new images generate a wave of excitement throughout the scientific community, representing an opportunity to view the earth's surface at a level of detail (resolution) and accuracy never achieved before. In what is being hailed by some ecologists as the best use of the NASA Space Program (e.g., studying planet Earth), a combined effort led by NASA is now underway to map roughly 80 percent of the Earth's topographical surface during an eleven-day mission. What makes this mission particularly important is that it represents the first opportunity to produce high resolution, accurate, three-dimensional digital maps for nearly the whole earth's surface. Although high-resolution (30 m) satellite images exist for some parts of the Earth (the US, much of Europe, Australia and New Zealand), the vast majority of our planet is not mapped at high resolution, and many areas lack reliable maps altogether. The reason behind this lack of maps is that most high-resolution satellite images have been taken in the visible spectrum, requiring sunlight and clear skies (tropical regions are notoriously cloudy). SRTM radar, by contrast, has long wavelengths that can penetrate clouds and create images based on electromagnetic signals outside the visible spectrum (i.e., independent of daylight). With the help of a dual-antenna imaging radar, which uses a 60m boom, scientists are now mapping terrain elevation in a single pass. This week's In The News focuses on the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM). The nine resources listed above describe the mission and the methods used to map the Earth's surface.

For starters, visit the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission's home on the Web, provided by NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab 1. Here viewers will find a description of the mission, including frequent updates on the shuttle's status. The second site, from (provided by NASA, United Space Alliance, and Boeing), offers an excellent overview of the space radar mission, complete with spectacular color images illustrating the mapping process 2. To see where the Space Shuttle Endeavor (and other crafts orbiting the Earth) is in real time, go to the J-Track 2.5 site, from NASA 3. By clicking on the image of a craft, users may access further information such as ground trace of flight path or links to further detail. Spaceflight Now 4 maintains updated information on the status of the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission at the Mission Status Center page. NASA is responsible for this spectacular site 5 that gives viewers a glimpse of the amazing color images just acquired from the mission. New images are posted as soon as they become available. For those interested in other applications of Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry, this site 6, from the University of California at San Diego's Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics offers images and text describing a 1999 earthquake at Hector Mine (click on Hector Mine Earthquake). For younger scientists, The Space Place has put together this great K-12 learning site on the methods being used in this mission (Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry) to map the earth's surface 7. The German Remote Sensing Data Center maintains this site (in English or German), providing information on the SRTM with descriptions and links to images 8. For an animation of the boom deployment, go to the Mission section. Finally, for those wishing to hear first-hand from the shuttle, NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab maintains this site 9, featuring frequent "field notes" from the SRTM Project Scientist, Dr. Mike Kobrick. [LXP]
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The Scout Report for Science & Engineering
Brought to You by the Internet Scout Project

The Scout Report for Science & Engineering is published every other Wednesday by the Internet Scout Project, located in the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Department of Computer Sciences.

Susan Calcari
Travis Koplow
Laura X. Payne
Krishna Ramanujan
Pat Coulthard
Alan Foley
Managing Editor
Technical Specialist
Website Administrator

Below are the copyright statements to be included when reproducing annotations from The Scout Report for Science & Engineering.

The single phrase below is the copyright notice to be used when reproducing any portion of this report, in any format:

From The Scout Report for Science & Engineering, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-2000.

The paragraph below is the copyright notice to be used when reproducing the entire report, in any format:

Copyright Susan Calcari and the University of Wisconsin Board of Regents, 1994-2000. The Internet Scout Project (, located in the Computer Sciences Department of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, provides information about the Internet to the U.S. research and education community under a grant from the National Science Foundation, number NCR-9712163. The Government has certain rights in this material. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of the entire Scout Report provided this paragraph, including the copyright notice, are preserved on all copies.

Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Wisconsin - Madison or the National Science Foundation.

Internet Scout
A Publication of the Internet Scout Project

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