The Scout Report for Social Sciences
January 27, 1998
A Publication of the Internet Scout Project
Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison
The target audience of the new Scout Report for Social Sciences is faculty, students, staff, and librarians in the social sciences. Each biweekly issue offers a selective collection of Internet resources covering topics in the field that have been chosen by librarians and content specialists in the given area of study.
The Scout Report for Social Sciences is also provided via email once every two weeks. Subscription information is included at the bottom of each issue.
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New Data
Learning Resources and General Interest
In the News
Current Awareness
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Scout Report for Social Sciences Current Awareness Metapage Update
The Current Awareness Metapage has been updated with twenty new resources for full text articles, government and think tank papers, data, and conference announcements. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Directory of Middle East Scholars
Select: Clio Plus/Selected Topics/Middle East Studies/International Directory
Columbia Middle East Studies Website
Maintained by Frank Unlandherm, Middle East Librarian at Columbia University, this large directory contains records of individuals who have identified themselves as being involved in any aspect of Middle East studies. "Each record, submitted by the person listed, contains the name, title, affiliation, contact information (generally mail address, phones, FAX, and full email address), and a short statement of the person's activities, teaching and/or research interests, specializations, etc. in the area of Middle East Studies." The directory can be browsed by alphabetical listing or searched using keywords. [MD]
[Note: Originally reviewed as a gopher site; gopher site has been replaced by web site.]
[Back to Contents]Humanities Text Initiative (HTI) American Verse Project Update
HTI, located at the University of Michigan, recently added 35 new texts to the American Verse Project. "Works by little-known women and African-American authors not contained in other electronic text collections have been added, as have works by well-known authors such as Emily Dickinson." As with the rest of the collection, the full text of each new volume of poetry is being converted into digital form and coded in Standard Generalized Mark-up Language (SGML) using the Text Encoding and Interchange (TEI) Guidelines. The texts are searchable and can be viewed in HTML as well as SGML. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Working-Class Bibliography
Center for Working Class Studies
Maintained by the Center for Working Class Studies (CWCS) at Youngstown State University, this bibliography covers sixteen different topics relevant the history of workers in the US. These include: Class Perception in the US, Ethnographies & Working-Class Community Studies, Working-Class Novels, Representations of Working-Class People, Studies of Working-Class Literature, Status-Oriented Commentaries on Class, and Working-Class Culture. The CWCS site provides information on the center and courses it sponsors, scholarship by center members, and a modest collection of related links. [MD]
[Back to Contents]H-ORALHIST--New H-Net Discussion List
Sponsored by H-Net (discussed in the June 14, 1996 Scout Report), H-ORALHIST is the successor to OHA-L, which began in 1993. H-ORALHIST is a moderated list for people interested in oral history, commonly defined as the collection and preservation of remembrances of past experiences. The moderators invite "subscriptions from people with a broad range of backgrounds, including public historians, students, local historians, and university faculty members." [MD]To subscribe send email to:
In the body of the message type:
SUBSCRIBE H-ORALHIST FirstName LastName, institution
[Back to Contents]Asian Arts
Web Arts Publishing provides Asian Arts, an online journal dedicated to the study and exhibition of the arts of Asia that targets scholars, museum staff, and commercial collectors. At the site, users can find full-text articles, lengthy essays and travel reviews (in the Forum section), information and highlights of museum exhibitions, institutions, and private galleries, a calendar of events, and a collection of related links. Numerous images are available throughout the site, which is updated regularly. [MD]
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A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust
The Internet already hosts a large number of quality sites dealing with the Holocaust and other genocides, but this site, created by a group of graduate students in a Development of Technology-Based Instruction course at the University of South Florida, deserves special attention. The site features an annotated Timeline that traces anti-Semitism, the Holocaust and their repercussions from 1918 to present with a large number of links to documents, photos, glossary definitions, and other sites with more details on specific topics. The People section discusses the experiences and roles of the victims, perpetrators, bystanders, resistors, liberators, and others. Educators will perhaps make the most use of the Student Activities and Teacher Resources sections, which currently contain sixteen lesson plans and an excellent comprehensive collection of annotated teaching resources. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Prehistoric Archaeology of the Aegean
Developed by a team of Dartmouth College undergraduates, graduate students, faculty, and staff at the Dartmouth Experimental Visualization Laboratory and the Classics Department, this site uses a series of 29 lessons to trace the cultural evolution of humanity in the Aegean basin from the Neolithic period to the Twelfth Century BC. In addition to the lessons, the site offers: information on chronology and terminology; two comprehensive bibliographies, Environment and History of the Discipline; and an internal search engine. Future plans include a glossary and a collection of related links. [MD]
[Back to Contents]The Literature & Culture of the American 1950s
Created by Professor Al Filreis as an accompaniment to his course at the University of Pennsylvania, this site is valuable both as a teaching resource and as an excellent collection of 1950s literature and iconography. Filreis's wide-ranging assortment of readings from the 1950s, arranged alphabetically, is an excellent peek into the culture and mentality of the period. Users can view election reports, contemporary fiction and reviews, synopsis of anti-Communist films, information on the Hollywood Black List, and much more. Multimedia resources at this site include poster and photo images and links to contemporary newsreels. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Parliamentary and Presidential Elections Around the World
Created by Wilfried Derksen, this site is a comprehensive database on elections in almost every country and autonomous overseas dependency in the world. In addition to detailed information on each country and its political system, users will find a constantly updated hyperlinked timeline of upcoming and past elections with results and a directory of participating parties. In addition, the site offers links to a number of other political databases, including Derksen's other political sites, Worldwide Directory of Parties and Parliaments Around the World, as well as his Infoelect mailing list. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Two Online Syllabi for Introduction to Archaeology Courses
Anthropology 110/310, University of Kansas
Anthropology 2, University of California-Berkeley [Frames]
These online syllabi offer excellent examples of complimentary websites for university courses. The first, constructed by Professor John W. Hoopes, provides numerous internal links to chronologies and important summaries of basic archaeology information. In addition, Hoopes provides a number of useful links to related sites. The second site, which originally accompanied a course taught by Professor Ruth Tringham, offers useful lecture summaries and an excellent collection of related links; its design is not as effective as the first site, however. Combined, these two sites are very useful for university instructors contemplating the use of the Internet to compliment their classes. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Harappa [QuickTime, RealPlayer]
No frames:
Harappa was a city in the Indus Valley civilization that flourished around 2,500 B.C. in the western part of South Asia. This site, produced by Omar Khan, contains a number of items related to the study of this ancient city, including a 90-slide tour of the Indus Valley and 3-D computer recreations of the city's gateway and surrounding topography. The site also offers a large number of audio and visual resources concerning pre-1947 South Asia in general. Users can browse 130 historical photos via a city index or active map, view a selection of lithographs, postcards, and engravings, and view a number of newsreels in QuickTime format. Although only nine newsreels and archival films are currently available, the site plans to eventually offer 50 in honor of South Asia's 50 years of independence. Additional offerings include several rare amateur color movies filmed c.1940, RealAudio recordings by several prominent historical figures, and a wonderful collection of reflections in audio, video, and text formats by Princess Abida Sultaan of Bhopal, a contemporary of many of the leaders of the independence movement. [MD]
[Back to Contents]A Guide to Medieval and Renaissance Instruments [.wav]
Musica Antiqua, a group of musicians based at Iowa State University who recreate the music of the Renaissance and Middle Ages, have created a web page that showcases their large collection of 12th to 17th century replica instruments. At this site, users can view pictures and descriptions of the Hurdy-Gurdy, Dulcian, Rebec, Recorder, Crumhorn, and many other lesser and better known old instruments. Descriptions of each instrument include a history, construction, and how they are played. In addition, most include a short bibliography and a recorded sample in .wav format. [MD]
[Back to Contents]A Guide to Scots Law
From contemporary legislation passed in London or Brussels to Roman Law to Udal (old Norse) Law, Scottish Law has many influences and inheritances. This site, created by Evi C. Athanasekou of the University of Glasgow Department of Computer Science, attempts to present "basic knowledge about the Scottish legal system that ranges from what the sources of Scots Law are to practical solutions to common everyday legal problems." At the site, users can explore the history and sources of Scots Law and learn about the current legal system structure in Scotland (which remains distinct from the English one). The Scots Law Queries section provides answers to everyday legal questions in Scotland. Additional features include a Scottish legal yellow pages section, legal terms of Scots Law, Latin words, phrases and maxims in Scots Law, and related links. [MD]
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The Edge: The E-Journal of Intercultural Relations
This new quarterly e-journal, published by HART-LI Communications, will feature works that explore the edge (or boundary) between cultures. "Possible works to be submitted include academic papers/essays, biographical/travel stories (fact or fiction), book reviews, poetry, photographs, paintings, drawings, teaching resources, short audio clips, etc." The first issue includes an academic paper on creativity and intercultural communication, a New Mexican-Japanese family biography, fiction and poetry, and several teaching resources. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Two New Reports from the UN Secretary-General
Report of the Secretary-General on the Situation Concerning Western Sahara
Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Observer Mission in Angola (MONUA)
These two reports were recently released by the UN Secretary-General's office. The first discusses developments in the process of identification of potential voters for the holding of the referendum for self-determination of the people of Western Sahara. It also "covers other activities relevant to the implementation of the settlement plan and the agreements reached between the parties for its implementation." The second report covers the political, military, police, human rights and humanitarian developments in Angola since December 4, 1997. It "includes a discussion on the Government's programme of social reintegration of demobilized soldiers and the status of the demining operations." [MD]
[Back to Contents]African-American Archaeology Newsletter
Issue 19 (Early Winter 1997) has been posted by the publisher, New South Associates. Contents include a case study on Slavery and Consumerism, notices of current excavations and research, Internet resources, book reviews and notes, and professional news and announcements. [MD]
[Back to Contents]USDE Grant Notice--Controlling the Cost of Postsecondary Education
PDF version:
Institutions of higher education, other public and private nonprofit educational institutions and agencies, or combinations of those institutions or agencies, are invited to submit applications for this new award for FY1998. Invitational priority will be given to projects that are designed to deliver postsecondary education at less cost than in previous years, while maintaining high quality. Selection criteria and application instructions are available at this site. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Conference Announcements
Tenth International Congress on the Enlightenment
July 25-31, 1999 University College, Dublin, Ireland. The Tenth International Congress on the Enlightenment will feature over 120 paper sessions and over 60 round tables. Proposals should be in English, French, or Irish and may be on any aspect of eighteenth-century studies, in any discipline. Some fellowships are available. [MD]
Commission 4: Data Management And Mathematical Methods in Archaeology
November 19-22, 1998 Scottsdale, Arizona. Conference organizers invite papers on any topics related to advances in archaeological computing and formal methods, but especially welcome such topics as simulation, fuzzy logic/neural networks, exploratory multivariate analysis, Bayesian methods, typology/classification, Monte Carlo or resampling procedures, novel applications of established analytical techniques, the teaching of quantitative methods, and GIS papers that go beyond intriguing pictures and include a significant amount of analysis and/or interpretation." [MD]
Population and the Anthropological Imagination
December 2-6, 1998 Philadelphia, PA. The 97th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association will focus on five issues related to population: population as pattern, discourse, policy, politics and intellectual history. Organizers encourage participants to use session formats other than the standard paper reading. "Possibilities include debate forums, roundtable discussions and conversations with well-known scholars." [MD]
(For links to additional calls for papers and conference announcements, see the Conference section of the Current Awareness Metapage:
[Back to Contents]Job Guides/Funding Opportunities
H-Net Job Guide for January 26, 1998
Chronicle of Higher Education Job Openings
Social Science
Crossroads Guide to Employment and Funding Opportunities in American Studies
American Sociological Association (ASA) Employment Bulletin--February 1998
ASA Funding Opportunities
ASA Opportunities for Research Support
(For links to additional Job Guides, see the Employment/Funding section of the Current Awareness Metapage:
[Back to Contents]New Think Tank Policy Papers and Briefs[MD]
James R. Thomas, "Reengineering DoD Recruiting"--RAND
Daryl M. Plunk, "A Silver Lining in Korea's Crisis: New Pledges Signal Hope for Economic Recovery and Peaceful Reunification"--Heritage Foundation
PDF Version:
G. Thomas Kingsley, "Federal Housing Assistance and Welfare Reform: Uncharted Territory"--The Urban Institute
PDF version:
Citizens Budget Commission, "The State of Municipal Services in the 1990s: The New York Police Department" (.pdf, 39p.)--Electronic Policy Network
(For links to additional new Think Tank publications see the Think Tank Policy Papers section on the Current Awareness Metapage:
[Back to Contents]New Tables of Contents/Abstracts for recent and forthcoming issues are available for the following Journals:[MD]
Columbia Journalism Review (full text)
Harvard Educational Review (abstracts and full text)
Jouvert: a journal of postcolonial studies (full text)
Sociological Research Online (full text)
American Historical Review
The New Social Worker
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Confronting the Odds: Students At Risk and the Pipeline to Higher Education--NCES
Full Report [.pdf, 72p.]
This National Center for Education Statistics pipeline analysis compares students at risk with their counterparts not at risk according to their progression through five steps to college enrollment. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Census and You--December 1997/January 1998 [.pdf]
The Census Bureau's monthly newsletter features articles summarizing newly issued findings, reports and data files. It also publishes information on key economic indicators, including housing starts, retail sales, and the Consumer Price Index. New software, planned data collections, and sources of assistance for data users are also discussed. [MD]
[Back to Contents]GEOBASE Israel regional database
GEOBASE is a searchable database that contains data extracted from the Central Bureau of Statistics, statistical publications, public service records, local databases, and summaries from individual level datasets. GEOBASE provides regularly updated annual and quarterly series on numerous topics, including economic activities, labor and wages, population, transportation, tourism, housing, and education. [MD]
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Papal Visit to Cuba
Granma Internacional On Line Digital Supplement
CubaNet News: Coverage of papal visit in Cuba
MSNBC-Map: Pope's Journey through Cuba [Shockwave]
Shawn T. Malone, "Conflict, Coexistence, and Cooperation: Church-State Relations in Cuba"
Jack Wintz, O.F.M., "The Church in Cuba: Is a New Day Dawning?"
The Holy See
US State Department Fact Sheet: Papal Visit to Cuba
US State Department: US-Cuba Policy
CIA World Factbook Page on Cuba
This week's In the News discusses the Papal visit to Cuba. These nine resources offer a variety of background information and analysis of this event. Pope John Paul II recently completed an historic five-day trip to Cuba. While the Pope is an ardent anti-communist, Fidel Castro gambled that hosting the Pontiff would increase his own and Cuba's international stature. In addition, as expected John Paul II criticized the crippling 38-year-old US embargo on Cuba. For the Vatican, the visit was seen as an opportunity to revitalize Cuba's long-repressed Catholic Church and win back the many Cubans who have drifted away from the faith under Communism. Both the short and long term effects of the Pope's visit are being vigorously debated; its true impact on Cuban society and religiosity remain to be seen.Granma, the official newspaper of the Cuban Communist party, offers a number of articles summarizing and analyzing the Pope's visit. CubaNet News, a nongovernmental publication committed to a free press in Cuba, provides its own analysis of the Pontiff's visit as well the full text of John Paul II's and Castro's speeches and reports from major US newspapers. MSNBC has created an interactive Shockwave map that provides information on each of the stops on the Pope's agenda. The essay by Shawn T. Malone, Associate Director of the Georgetown University Caribbean Project, provides some history and analysis of church-state relations in Cuba. Jack Wintz's feature article in the St. Anthony Messenger online presents an optimistic account of a Catholic revival in Cuba. The Holy See, the official Vatican website, provides a biography of John Paul II as well as the full text of many of his Apostolic Letters, Exhortations, and Encyclicals. The State Department pages outline US policy on the visit and provide the full text of briefings, statements, fact sheets, and reports on US-Cuba policy. Finally, the CIA World Factbook offers detailed information on Cuba's geography, population, economy, and government. [MD]
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The Scout Report for Social Sciences
Brought to You by the Internet Scout Project
The Scout Report for Social Sciences is published every other Tuesday by the Internet Scout Project, located in the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Department of Computer Sciences.
Susan Calcari
Jack Solock Michael de Nie Jeannine Ramsey |
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Managing Editor Editor Assistant Editor Production Editor |
Copyright Susan Calcari and the University of Wisconsin Board of Regents, 1994-1998. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of the Scout Report for Social Sciences provided the copyright notice and this paragraph is preserved on all copies. The Internet Scout Project provides information about the Internet to the US research and education community under a grant from the National Science Foundation, number NCR-9712163. The Government has certain rights in this material.
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