The Scout Report for Social Sciences - June 2, 1998

The Scout Report for Social Sciences

June 2, 1998

A Publication of the Internet Scout Project
Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison

The target audience of the new Scout Report for Social Sciences is faculty, students, staff, and librarians in the social sciences. Each biweekly issue offers a selective collection of Internet resources covering topics in the field that have been chosen by librarians and content specialists in the given area of study.

The Scout Report for Social Sciences is also provided via email once every two weeks. Subscription information is included at the bottom of each issue.

In This Issue
The Scout Report
* Research * New Data
* Learning Resources and General Interest * In the News
* Current Awareness

House of Commons Library Research Papers [.pdf]
The UK House of Commons has recently created a site that offers access to the full text of Research Papers which are compiled for the benefit of British Members of Parliament by the staff of the House of Commons Library. The papers are an occasional series focusing on topics of current parliamentary interest. "They aim to be politically impartial and contain factual information as well as a range of opinions on each subject covered." Recently released titles include: "EU Enlargement: The Political Process," "EU Enlargement: The Financial Consequences," "Northern Ireland: political developments since 1972," "The local elections of 7 May 1998 and the London Referendum," and "Unemployment by Constituency: Welfare-to-work groups - April 1998." [MD]
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Archaeological Predictive Modelling Program [.pdf]
This site highlights the combined efforts of the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (OMNR) and Lakehead University (Thunder Bay, Ontario); the main thrust of the site is the development of a computerized decision-making model to assist forest management planners in identifying likely archaeological sites. Users will find an introduction to the project, a detailed overview of the methodology, a table of variables, and a number of reports on the R&D phase and pilot projects [in .pdf format]. The site also offers some finds from the application of the predictive model to an entire management unit, namely the Caribou West Management Unit in northwestern Ontario--an area with no previous field surveys or recorded archaeological sites. [MD]
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English Literature and Religion: A Bibliography in Progress
Created by William S. Peterson, English Professor at University of Maryland at College Park, this site hosts a bibliographical database of over 4,000 writings by and about "English figures of literary or spiritual importance, from the Middle Ages to the present century, with primary (though not exclusive) emphasis upon writers within the Anglican tradition." Users may browse the database in two ways: a simple alphabetical listing, or shorter bibliographies devoted to particular subjects. Additional resources at the site include a collection of e-texts, links to related sites and online library catalogs, and an internal search engine. [MD]
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US Committee for Refugees (USCR)
USCR was founded in 1958 to coordinate the United States' participation in the United Nations' International Refugee Year (1959). In the forty years since, USCR has worked to defend the rights of all uprooted people regardless of their nationality, race, religion, ideology, or social group. This new site was created to provide frequently updated information on refugee crises around the world, and the USRC's response efforts. At the site, users will find reports organized by region and country, statistics, and articles on various themes. In addition, the site offers news and updates, information on USCR activities in the field, and a special report, currently on refugees in Columbia. [MD]
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Carolingian Biblical Exegesis
Supervised by Burton Van Name Edwards of the John Carter Brown Library at Brown University, this page has been created to coordinate and communicate the progress of scholarship on the multitude of commentaries on the Bible produced during the Carolingian era (c. 750-1000). Currently, the page offers the program and abstracts from the upcoming The Study of the Bible from Isidore to Remigius of Auxerre [L'Etude de la Bible d'Isidore a Remi d'Auxerre (600-900)] to be held in Paris, June 5-6, 1998. At present, the main feature of the site is a bibliography that Edwards created from his study of the manuscript transmission of exegetical works produced during the Carolingian era (defined here as Continental Europe between 750 and 1000). Future plans for the site include an Auxerrois commentary on Jeremiah, recent publications in the field of Carolingian exegesis, and Works in Progress: Critical editions and translations. [MD]
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RAND Corporation
Formed as a national security think tank in the wake of World War II, RAND (Research and Development) has since expanded to address issues on a very broad front. RAND employs over 500 research professionals and analyzes choices and developments in many areas, including "national defense, education and training, health care, criminal and civil justice, labor and population, science and technology, community development, international relations, and regional studies." The RAND site offers extensive information on the institution's structure, goals, technical capabilities, and educational opportunities. The heart of the site is the large collection of publications, many of which are available online. Users will find a wide variety of papers, electronic titles, and research briefs on current and pressing issues. [MD]
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Learning Resources and General Interest
Philosophy Pages
Created and maintained by Garth Kemerling, Professor of Philosophy at Newberry College, this site offers a number of resources for the study of Western Philosophy. The heart of the site is the Dictionary of Philosophical Terms and Names, a concise hyperlinked collection of technical terms and names that occur frequently in the study of philosophy. Other features include a well-organized and well-written History of Western philosophy, from ancient Greece to the present; a timeline; discussions of many philosophers with links to e-texts and other resources; a Study Guide and sample syllabi; and a collection of related links. [MD]
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Kim Champagne's Social Studies Homepage
Champagne, a Social Studies teacher at South River High School in Edgewater, Maryland, created this site as a resource for Social Studies teachers wanting to integrate technology into their classrooms. The site currently contains eighteen lessons in four categories: American Government, Law and the Individual, United States History, and World Civilization. Some sample lessons include How a Bill Becomes a Law, An Introduction to Law using the Internet, 19th Century American Imperialism, and Using Microsoft Excel to Make Social Studies Charts. In addition, the site offers several resources for teacher self-education, including a PowerPoint lesson and an Internet guide. [MD]
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Carol Hurst's Children's Literature Site
This site offers numerous children's literature resources created by Carol Hurst, "a nationally-known storyteller, lecturer, author and language arts consultant." The site's main section consists of a large collection of book reviews and ideas for how to use them in the classroom. Reviews of Featured Books also includes discussion topics, activities, related books and links to other subjects and resources. Users will also find resource collections (book titles, activities, related links) for specific curriculum areas and selected themes. In addition, the site contains a number of professional resources including a quarterly children's literature newsletter. [MD]
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The Vincent van Gogh Gallery
Created and maintained by David Brooks, this site aims to be the most comprehensive Van Gogh resource on the Internet. Coming in at over 1900 pages, it seems to be just that. Users will find over 1900 graphics, information on all of Van Gogh's paintings, many of his sketches, watercolors, as well as numerous letters with links to related paintings. In addition, the site offers biographical and chronological information, a collection of FAQs, a bibliography, related links, and an on-line forum. Users can also use the site to access a list of all the Van Gogh paintings available for viewing in museums and galleries in any given location around the world, as well as a list of Van Gogh works on Tour in 1998-99. Finally, Brooks has made available two databases for free download, one containing a complete listing of Van Gogh's paintings (nearly 900), the other listing about 300 Van Gogh-themed postage stamps from around the world. [MD]
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Digital Freedom Network (DFN)
Established in 1994 by Howard Jonas to expose and combat censorship and human rights abuses around the world, DFN attempts to "fulfill the promise of the Internet" by publishing banned and censored material. The core of the site is a collection of banned material from seventeen countries, arranged by region and frequently updated. Among the dissident authors featured at the DFN website are Bao Ge (China), Wei Jingsheng (China), Salima Ghezali (Algeria), Raul Rivero (Cuba), Pius Njawe;(Cameroon), and Koigi wa Wamwere (Kenya). Additional resources at the site include a News section highlighting recent events of interest to free press advocates. [MD]
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Current Awareness
"Press Regime and Society in Jordan since 1989"--Adam Jones
Originally published in 1998 in the Occasional Paper series of the Inter-University Consortium for Arab Studies, Montreal, this paper by doctoral candidate Adam Jones offers a rare scholarly glimpse into recent press-regime relations in Jordan. Winner of the University of British Columbia Political Science Association Essay Prize (Ph.D. division), this paper seeks to place post-1989 events in Jordan in their historical, regional, and cultural context. "Based in part on interviews with key figures in the Jordanian press and government, it considers the complex interaction among press, regime, and society during the 1990s. A postscript appraises the situation in light of the regime's crackdown of September 1997." [MD]
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New Working Papers
Proliferation Briefs-Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
European University Institute, Robert Schumann Centre
National Centre for Development Studies--ANU [.pdf]
Chaillot Papers--Western European Union Institute for Security Studies
Centre for Euro-Mediterranean Studies
The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace has recently launched Proliferation Briefs, a new series on current nuclear proliferation developments. Four issues are currently available and users may sign up to receive future issues by e-mail. The Robert Schumann Center at the European University Institute has recently released working paper 98/11, "European Institutional Architecture after Amsterdam: Parliamentary System or Regulatory Structure?" by Renaud Dehousse. The National center for Development Studies at the Australian National University has recently added two papers (98/2 and 98/1) to its publication series State, Society and Governance in Melanesia. Chaillot Paper 31, "From Decoupling to Recoupling: Russia and Western Europe: a new security relationship?" by Dmitriy Danilov and Stephan De Spiegeleire has been added to the Western European Union site. The Centre for Euro-Mediterranean Studies at the University of Reading, UK has recently posted papers 98/1 and 98/2, "Turbulencia en el Mediterraneo: desafios globales, conflictos locales y espacios regionales," by Esther Barbe, and "The Greek Regularization - a Comparative Analysis with the Spanish, Portugese and Italian Experiences," by Martin Baldwin-Edwards at its site. [MD]
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New Offerings from Academic Publishers
Baker&Taylor Academia--Upcoming Books to Buy (June 1998)
Cambridge University Press
Perseus Books By Category
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Conference Announcements
Symposium on the 19th Century Press, the Civil War, and Free Expression
November 5-7, 1998 University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. The purpose of this conference, the sixth in a series, is to "share current research and to continue developing a series of monographs on the 19th Century press, the Civil War and the press, and 19th century concepts of free expression." The conference is sponsored by the George R. West, Jr. Chair of Excellence in Communication and Public Affairs, and the UT-Chattanooga Department of Communication. No registration fee will be charged. [MD]

Workshops at Museum Computer Network Conference
September 23-26, 1998 Santa Monica, CA. The Museum Computer Network announces eleven Pre-Conference Workshops, on Wednesday, September 23, 1998. All are half-day workshops, except "Information Management in Museums: Planning and Implementing Successful Systems" which runs the full day. The conference site contains complete workshop descriptions. [MD]

Teaching Political Science: An International Virtual Conference
April 15-29, 1999. Papers are now being accepted for "the first virtual conference focusing on issues of political science education," sponsored by the Political Science Department at Providence College. The conference will take place entirely online and will feature keynote speakers, papers and presentations, discussant comments, and live discussion." Potential topics include: teaching citizenship in political science, finding innovative ways to teach complex political science research to undergraduates, active learning in large and small classes, the pedagogy of political science teaching, and integrating research into undergraduate teaching. [MD]

Real Culture, Reproduction(s), and Rip-Offs
March 11-13, 1999 Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas. The 8th Annual Cultural Studies Symposium will examine the tensions between authenticity and imitation in the realm of culture. Suggested topics include: Folk Cultures, Authenticity, Originality, Origins, Twins (Evil, Hero, Wonder), Quotation, Sampling, Echoes, Reproductive Technologies, Computer Technologies, Cloning, Imitation, and Mimesis, among others. [MD]
(For links to additional calls for papers and conference announcements, see the Conference section of the Current Awareness Metapage:

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Job Guides/Funding Opportunities
H-Net Job Guide

Chronicle of Higher Education Job Openings
Social Science

Crossroads Guide to Employment and Funding Opportunities in American Studies

American Sociological Association Employment Bulletin (June 1998)

Association of American Geographers Jobs in Geography
(For links to additional Job Guides, see the Employment/Funding section of the Current Awareness Metapage:
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New Think Tank Policy Papers and Briefs[MD]
"10 Myths About Social Security"--The Century Foundation

Lynn A. Karoly, et. al., Investing in Our Children: What We Know and Don't Know About the Costs and Benefits of Early Childhood Interventions--RAND Corporation [.pdf, 159p.]

"Policy Challenges Posed by the Aging of America"--The Urban Institute

Robert Greenstein and Sam Elkin, "Effects of the Kasich Budget Plan,"--Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Richard D. Fisher, "India's Nuclear Blasts: A Reminder of America's Vulnerability,"--Heritage Foundation
.pdf Version:
(For links to additional new Think Tank publications see the Think Tank Policy Papers section on the Current Awareness Metapage:
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New Tables of Contents/Abstracts for recent and forthcoming issues are available for the following Journals:[MD]
Jouvert: A Journal of Postcolonial Studies (full text)
Columbia Journalism Review (full text)
Internet Archaeology (full text, free registration required)
Third World Quarterly
The Canadian Journal of Sociology
Journal of Politics
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New Data
Commercial Nuclear Fuel from U.S. and Russian Surplus Defense Inventories: Materials, Policies, and Market Effects--EIA [.pdf, 113p.]
This new report from the US Energy Information Administration provides "information and forecasts on the supply of commercial fuel for nuclear electric generation from US and Russian surplus defense inventories." The report covers topics such as government policies, market pentration factors for uranium, and projections through 2010 of uranium spot-market price. [MD]
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RRojas Databank
Created and maintained by Dr. Robinson Rojas, this content-rich site on economic development and growth is also part of the Biz/Ed Internet Resources Catalogue (discussed in the September 20, 1996 Scout Report). In the Statistics for Developing Countries section, users will find data for various economic indicators compiled from various official data providers. In addition, the site offers numerous full text papers by the site's author and others, as well as teaching resources, related links, and a useful Glossaries section covering microeconomics, the world economy, and development terms. [MD]
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Household and Family Characteristics: March 1997 (P20-509)--Census Bureau [.pdf]
The US Census Bureau has released a report which demonstrates that "traditional families" (married couples with children) have begun to stabilize as a percentage of all families in the 1990s, and the growth of single-parent families has slowed. Most of the information in the report comes from the March 1997 Current Population Survey. Users may download the full report as well as detailed tables in .pdf format. [MD]
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In the News
A New Regime in Indonesia
BBC News Special report on Indonesia
New York Times--Crisis in Indonesia [RealPlayer]
INDONESIA - A Country Study--LOC
Indonesia Today
Antara News Wire
US Embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia [.pdf]
Habibie Homepage
National Public Radio (NPR) Morning Edition Reports on Transfer of Power [RealPlayer]
This week's In the News discusses the recent hand-over of power in Indonesia. These eight resources offer background information, commentary, and analysis from a variety of viewpoints. After days of escalating riots and protests, Indonesian President Suharto resigned from office, ending 32 years of rule over the world's fourth most populated country. Although fueled by severe economic and political turmoil, the rapidity of Suharto's fall surprised almost all analysts and commentators. Suharto was immediately replaced by his vice-president, B.J. Habibie, who quickly called for widespread reforms of the economic, political and judicial system. Habibie has also declared himself a transitional figure and promised new elections before his term ends in 2003. While there is little agreement on what, exactly, is meant by reform, most hold that at the very least, Indonesia's next election must be demonstrably more democratic than those of the Suharto regime. Regardless of his intentions, Habibie and the rest of Indonesia still face a difficult future. The economic woes that precipitated the crisis continue unabated and the exact role of the university students who helped bring Suharto down in the future political process is unclear. Perhaps even more troubling are the signs that ethnic and religious tension, long suppressed under Suharto's quasi-imperial rule, have resurfaced in the public sphere. Some analysts have begun to question not only if Indonesia can restore itself as an economic power in the region, but if it can even remain intact.

The BBC news special report site, like previous efforts, is an excellent starting point for studying recent developments in Indonesia. Users will find a profile of the new president, Suharto's political obituary, recent stories, key speeches (including Suharto's resignation), and related links. The New York Times special section (freely available after registration in the US) offers the latest stories, background information, profiles, related links, and an online forum. INDONESIA - A Country Study, provided by the Library of Congress, is a wide-ranging overview of numerous topics including history, social structure, government, economy, geography, and natural resources. Indonesia Today, the official government web site, contains general information on the Republic as well as current information on the economic crisis. Antara, Indonesia's official news agency, carries a constantly updated news feed in both English and Indonesian. The US Embassy site provides information on US policy in the region as well as travel warnings for US citizens and the text of the most recent Indonesia Report on Human Rights in .pdf format. President Habibie, a former Minister of Technology, suitably enough has his own home page, with news clippings from Habibie's political career, a CV and pictures of him with various international statespersons. Finally, the NPR site offers several audio selections on the transfer of power and the challenges the new president faces from the May 21, 1998 Morning Edition.[MD]
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The Scout Report for Social Sciences
Brought to You by the Internet Scout Project

The Scout Report for Social Sciences is published every other Tuesday by the Internet Scout Project, located in the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Department of Computer Sciences.

Susan Calcari
Jack Solock
Michael de Nie
Laura X. Payne
Managing Editor
Assistant Editor
Production Editor

Copyright Susan Calcari and the University of Wisconsin Board of Regents, 1994-1998. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of the Scout Report for Social Sciences provided the copyright notice and this paragraph is preserved on all copies. The Internet Scout Project provides information about the Internet to the US research and education community under a grant from the National Science Foundation, number NCR-9712163. The Government has certain rights in this material.

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