The Scout Report for Social Sciences
June 16, 1998
A Publication of the Internet Scout Project
Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison
The target audience of the new Scout Report for Social Sciences is faculty, students, staff, and librarians in the social sciences. Each biweekly issue offers a selective collection of Internet resources covering topics in the field that have been chosen by librarians and content specialists in the given area of study.
The Scout Report for Social Sciences is also provided via email once every two weeks. Subscription information is included at the bottom of each issue.
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New Data
Learning Resources and General Interest
In the News
Current Awareness
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Spartacus Educational
A small educational publishing company formed by a group of teachers, Spartacus is committed to providing free resources for the Internet community -- in addition to its publication of inexpensive teaching materials. This outstanding site is good evidence of Spartacus's commitment. History teachers, especially those with courses on 18th and 19th century Britain, will give this site pride of place in links lists for their students. The site currently contains seven major sections: Encyclopedia of British History: 1700-1900, Child Labour: 1750-1900, Parliamentary Reform: 1750-1900, The Peterloo Massacre, First World War Encyclopedia, Investigating the Vietnam War, and Emancipation of Women: 1860-1920. Although several sections are still under construction, each is worthy of an annotation on its own. Collectively, they offer thousands of pages of selections from primary documents, short biographies, and analyses. In addition, each section contains a glossary, bibliography, and related links. As if this was not enough, the site also offers a number of links to educational resources, teacher centers, and important educational sites. [MD]
[Back to Contents]ISN - International Relations and Security Network
The ISN site, developed and coordinated by the center for Security Studies and Conflict Research at the ETH Zurich, has recently been reorganized and expanded. The key sections of the site are the Links Library and Current World Affairs. The Library, also the WWW Virtual Library for International Security, can be browsed by subject, region, or specialized directory. The well annotated links lead mostly to governmental or NGO documents or reputable media sites. The Current World Affairs section is an indispensable tool for finding official documents and other primary sources relating to current major international events and crises. ISN plans to add two new sections in the near future, one offering data and statistics, the other offering educational modules in the field of security policy and international relations. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Web Symposium: The Bronze Age of the Balkan Peninsula
Hosted by the Department of Archaeology at the University of Belgrade, this online symposium has been organized to share the most recent research results on the Bronze Age of the Balkan Peninsula. The organizers hope to foster better understanding among specialists in this field, an understanding that will hopefully lead to new international research projects. Participants in the symposium can become involved in several ways: via a paper, discussion, or as an observer. The official language of the symposium is English. Participation guidelines and a registration form are provided, as are several abstracts from papers already received. The symposium runs until February 1999. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Victoria Research Web
An offshoot of the VICTORIA discussion list and hosted by Indiana University, this site is designed to assist researchers, teachers, and students studying nineteenth century Britain. Users will find a number of helpful items such as a guide to Victorian holdings in selected archives, book reviews on-line, bibliographies, a guide to using the new British Library, tips on planning a research trip, sample syllabi, and a guide to major journals in the field. Additional resources include a list of related discussion groups and a search engine for the VICTORIA archives. VICTORIA equally welcomes the contributions of students of literature, social history, politics, gender studies, publishing, art, and intellectual history in "the long 19th century." [MD]To subscribe send email to:
In the body of the message type:
SUB VICTORIA, followed by your full name
[Back to Contents]MERIA Journal - New Current Awareness Feature
MERIA-Middle East Review of International Affairs
The MERIA Journal, a free electronic journal, has added a valuable new feature for its e-mail subscribers. MERIA will now be distributing the Moshe Dayan Center's Current Contents of Periodicals on the Middle East. This service, which reports on articles on the Middle East in specialized and general journals, will appear six times a year in the MERIA Journal under the name Electronic Current Contents. Entries will include journal title, issue date, issue number, author, title, and page numbers. The first issue of Electronic Current Contents includes citations of over 140 articles from over 25 journals. To subscribe to MERIA Journal, send e-mail to
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Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Edited by Edward N. Zalta, Professor of Philosophy at Stanford, this site claims to be the first dynamic encyclopedia. Unlike standard reference works or CD-ROMS, each entry in the Stanford Encyclopedia is maintained and kept up to date by experts in the field. As a result, the entries and the Encyclopedia as a whole are responsive to new developments in the field. The Encyclopedia is still very much under development, with many topics awaiting an entry. However, regular users may track new additions via the What's New section. Additional resources include an internal search engine and an archive of the previous three editions of the Encyclopedia. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Mr. William Shakespeare and the Internet
Maintained by Terry Gray and produced by the Palomar College Library, this metasite contains a host of resources for Shakespeare studies. The core of the site is the collection of annotated scholarly resources, arranged by topic. These include Works, Life & Times, Theatre, Criticism, and Educational resources. In addition, the site offers a list of top-rated sites as well a collection of non-scholarly Shakespeare links. A number of resources are located at the site, such as a Shakespeare Timeline/biography (requires frames), a genealogical chart, bibliography, and a timeline summary chart that places the events of Shakespeare's life into historical context. Instructors, students, or anyone with an interest in the Bard will find plenty of interest here. [MD]
[Back to Contents]The Chinese Educational Resources Information Centre Project (Chinese ERIC)
Provided by the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research, this site features a database of Chinese and English journal article abstracts and educational documents. According to the providers, one of the main objectives of the project is "to use the American Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) system as a reference (and) to provide a bibliographic search of individual words of document resumes (citation abstracts) to users." The database covers authors' names, titles of journal articles, and abstracts in Chinese and/or English. It also provides abstracts of local educational masters' theses and doctoral dissertations. Users can search by keyword or free-text. A list of the academic journals used in the database is also provided. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Personal Memoirs of U.S. Grant
The memoirs of U.S. Grant, Civil War hero and US President, have been described as one of the finest pieces of military autobiography ever written. Chapters 1-25 of Grant's Personal Memoirs, a public domain document, have been HTML coded by Richard Jensen, Professor Emeritus of History at the University of Illinois-Chicago, and founder/director of H-Net: Humanities On-Line, 1992-97. This summer, Jensen plans to complete the coding of parts three and four, detailing Grant's experiences from the siege of Vicksburg to the war's end. [MD]
[Back to Contents]The Iconography of Hope: The 1939-40 New York World's Fair [RealPlayer]
Hosted by American Studies at The University of Virginia, this site offers an interesting cultural study of "the working model of the future in Flushing Meadows" that ran from 1939-40. In this study, the period of the Fair is portrayed as a symbol of the transformation of American society from heady, late-depression optimistic futurism, to the anxiety-ridden days of pre-World War II. Astute analyses are accompanied by a number of RealPlayer video segments of Fair exhibits and speeches by some of the notables, including President Roosevelt and Albert Einstein. Of particular interest is the examination of the visions of the future presented at the Fair and the inherent contradictions (including the role of corporations and merchandising) that made those visions problematic. Additional resources at the site include a bibliography, a list of related links, and direct links to the larger site's other sections on America in the 1930s. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Cities/Buildings Image Archive
Created as a resource for educators and architectural professionals by Meredith L. Clausen, Professor of Architectural History at University of Washington, this site contains a well-organized, straightforward image archive of buildings and architectural features from around the world. The archive is organized by country, city/town, and building/site. While the archive is not exceptionally large, users will find photos of a wide variety of private and public buildings in a myriad of architectural styles, such as train stations, hotels, government buildings, markets, typical houses, and churches. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Three Sites for Bagpipe Midi Music
Virtual Pipes
Bagpipes at Best
The Pipers Corner
These sites offer original, traditional, and modern jigs, reels, and hornpipes written in midi format. The first site offers original and modern compositions, a number of which were heard at recent World Pipe Band Championships. The second site, created by J.P. Johnson, contains 93 traditional pieces, as well as several original compositions by the site author. The third site, created by bagpiper and penny whistler Chas Fowler, offers resources for Celtic music enthusiasts. In addition to midi arrangements, users will find a tune book, fingering directions for several wind instruments (penny whistle, Uilleann bagpipes, and the Scottish bagpipes), a list of useful books, and related links. [MD]
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Cuba in Transition: Volume 7: Papers and Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of the Cuban Economy (ASCE) [.pdf]
The Latin American Network Information Center at the University of Texas has placed on its site the full text of the ASCE conference proceedings from its August 7-9, 1997 meeting in Miami, Florida. Over 40 papers delivered at the conference are presented in .pdf format. Paper topics include "The Cuban Economy in Mid-1997," "The Political Economy of Trade Sanctions: The Case of Cuba," and "Social Forces and the Politics of Transition: Lessons from the Cuban Experience," among others. Several of the papers are in Spanish. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Western Criminology Review (WCR)
Volume 1, Number 1 of the Western Criminology Review, a peer reviewed free journal hosted by Sonoma State University, is now available. The inaugural issue focuses on the topic of restorative justice and victim-offender mediation. The WCR will be a forum for "the publication and discussion of theory, research, policy and practice in the rapidly changing and interdisciplinary fields of criminology and criminal justice." [MD]
[Back to Contents]Spilling the Beans: What's wrong with the coffee trade?--FTF
This new report by the Fair Trade Foundation highlights the problems facing coffee farmers as a result of prevailing coffee trading methods. The report demonstrates how the coffee trade operates, and illustrates the impact on farmers' lives with testimonies. Finally, it suggests some important steps that could be taken by key players within the UK (and elsewhere), including government officials, manufacturers, supermarkets, and consumers; if taken, these steps could return a decent deal to the farmers. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Republic of Uzbekistan Crackdowns in the Farghona Valley: Arbitrary Arrests and Religious Discrimination--HRW
This recent report issued by Human Rights Watch (HRW) is the product of a March 1998 HRW fact-finding investigation. The investigation reveals that the Republic of Uzbekistan has made scant progress in moving beyond a Soviet-style repression of human rights since its independence in 1991. The report focuses especially on government intolerance towards its so-called "Independent" Muslim citizens. The report details human-rights abuses and offers recommendations to the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the International Community, and others. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Conference Announcements
Black Liberation in the Americas
March 18-21, 1999 University of Munster, Germany. The third international conference of the Collegium for African American Research (CAAR) will seek to address the relatively recent recognition that Africans in the Americas were historical actors themselves, rather than merely passive objects of European oppression. Suggested topics for proposals include: slave revolts, day-to-day resistance, abolitionist movements, maroon societies, the historiography of resistance, the literature of resistance, black liberation movements in the twentieth century, and black liberation and post colonial theory. Interdisciplinary proposals are especially welcome. [MD]
The Third International Conference on the Learning Sciences (ICLS-98)
December 17-19, 1998 Georgia Tech University. ICLS-98 will be a multidisciplinary conference on problems and issues regarding the promotion of learning in "real-world situations." "Of particular interest this year are issues pertaining to the learning of knowledge and skills necessary for real-world problem solving: reasoning skills, communication skills, design skills, explanation skills, debugging skills." Conference information and the call for papers are provided at the site. [MD]
The Colonial Eye
February 3-6, 1999 University of Tasmania. This interdisciplinary conference focuses on colonial Australia but papers are welcome from anyone working in colonial studies including anthropology, archaeology, art, cultural studies, cultural tourism, English and literary studies, environmental studies, family history, history, and museum studies. [MD]
Provincial Landscapes: The Local Dimensions of Soviet Power, 1917-1953
April 23-24, 1999 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. This conference aims to provide a forum for junior and senior scholars in Soviet local history between 1917 and 1953. The organizers hope to publish the conference proceedings in an effort to "de-center standard narratives of the Soviet historical experience." Suggested topics include: "the construction of Bolshevik identities, including the identities of class, gender, ethnicity, and place; the hybridization of Soviet cultural forms; center-periphery relations; propaganda; and religion." Preference will be given to proposals that employ non-traditional disciplinary approaches. [MD]
(For links to additional calls for papers and conference announcements, see the Conference section of the Current Awareness Metapage:
[Back to Contents]Job Guides/Funding Opportunities
H-Net Job Guide
Chronicle of Higher Education Job Openings
Social Science
Crossroads Guide to Employment and Funding Opportunities in American Studies
American Psychological Association (APA)--APA Monitor Position Openings (June 1998)
Grant Opportunities from US Department of Education [.pdf]
Recent "Notices Inviting Applications" from the USDE have been published in the Federal Register. Programs with grant opportunities include: Individual With Disabilities Education; Safe and Drug-Free Schools Program; Special Education: State Program Improvement Grants Program; Centers for Independent Living; and Even Start Family Literacy Program for Federally Recognized Indian Tribes and Tribal Organizations. Grant details and applications instructions are provided at the site. [MD]
(For links to additional Job Guides, see the Employment/Funding section of the Current Awareness Metapage:
[Back to Contents]New Think Tank Policy Papers and Briefs
Robert Greenstein and Sam Elkin, "The Impact of The Proposed House Budget Resolution"--Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Bruce J. Katz, "Reviving Cities: Think Metropolitan"--Brookings Institution
Robert E. Hurley and Susan Wallin, "Adopting and Adapting Managed Care for Medicaid Beneficiaries: An Imperfect Translation"--The Urban Institute
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Beth J. Asch, Richard Johnson, John T. Warner, Reforming the Military Retirement System--RAND Corporation [.pdf]
Bryan T. Johnson, "US Foreign Aid and United Nations Voting Records"--Heritage Foundation
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Richard D. Fisher, Robert P. O'Quinn, James J. Przystup, and Stephen J. Yates, "Priorities for the President at the China Summit: Putting National Security First"--Heritage Foundation
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(For links to additional new Think Tank publications see the Think Tank Policy Papers section on the Current Awareness Metapage:
[Back to Contents]New Tables of Contents/Abstracts for recent and forthcoming issues are available for the following Journals:[MD]
Migration News (full text)
Antiquity (full text)
World Politics (abstracts)
Anthropology Today
The European Journal of International Law
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Population of the 100 Largest Cities and Other Urban Places in the United States: 1790 to 1990--US Census Bureau Working Paper 27
This paper presents decennial census population totals for the 100 largest cities and other urban places in the United States based on the 21 decennial censuses taken from 1790 to 1990. This is the first time that the populations of America's largest urban areas at each census have been published in a single report. The report begins with useful background on three central topics: Urban and Urban Place, City Populations and Annexations, and Cities and Their Suburbs. The data are offered in 26 detailed statistical tables and two text tables. Explanations of Detailed Tables, Sources and Limitations of the Data, Notes for Individual Places, and References are also provided.
[Back to Contents]Premarital Sexuality Among Young People, 1973--DPLS [.pdf, .tar, .zip]
This latest offering from the Data and Program Library Service (DPLS) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison provides data from interviews with over 1,300 single college and non-student young people. "Information was collected on the social aspects of premarital sexuality, current sexual behavior, and contraceptive knowledge and use." Users can view the survey code books in .pdf format and, after free registration, download the data in .tar or .zip formats. Downloading guidelines are provided. [MD]
[Back to Contents]External Trade Statistical Analysis: Principal Products 1997 [Microsoft Excel]
This site offers, in Excel format, statistics on trade between the European Union and several developing nation regions in 1997. Statistics for trade with individual nations are also available for ACP countries and South Africa. [MD]
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Kosovo Crisis Continues
BBC News: Kosovo conflict at a glance [frames]
New York Times: Crisis in Kosovo [RealPlayer]
Kosovo Information Center (KIC): Daily Reports
Kosovo and Metohija
Kosovo and Metohia
Kosovo Spring Report--ICG
Establishing a Durable Peace in the Balkans--US Department of State
NATO Statement on Kosovo
NATO Exercise "Determined Falcon"
Kosovo Road Map Online
This week's In the News discusses the escalating violence in Kosovo and the world's reactions. These ten resources offer commentary, analysis, and news from a variety of political and cultural viewpoints. Despite recent US-led efforts to convince Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic to pursue a political solution in the Yugoslav province of Kosovo, the situation there seems more volatile than ever. A recent large-scale offensive against the ethnic Albanian separatist Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) has forced thousands from their homes and brought universal condemnation on Serbia. In defiance of world opinion and the threat of international intervention Milosevic has begun a renewed campaign to wipe out the separatist movement. Numerous villages have been shelled and razed, mostly in the border region with Albania, in an attempt to deny the KLA supplies and reinforcements. This policy has not only solidified support for the KLA within Kosovo, but also threatens to bring in Albania and Macedonia, creating another Balkan war. NATO and Yugoslavia's European neighbors have demanded an end to the offensive and renewed sanctions against Serbia, but opinion is still divided over the possibility of military action. Unlike Bosnia, Kosovo is not recognized as an independent political entity. Some nations, particularly Russia, are extremely wary of setting a precedent of intervention in an "internal" situation. Others, notably Britain, have argued that the experience of Bosnia highlights both the high cost of delay and the efficacy of a strong show of force. A recent NATO air exercise in Albania and Macedonia is a first step towards such a show of force, but clearly a small one. The next few weeks will be critical not only for the citizens of Kosovo, but also for the evolution of NATO from a self-defense organization into a protector of democracy and peace in Europe.The BBC site contains a very useful overview of the conflict, offering recent news, analysis, a chronology, history, profiles, and an interactive guide to the interests of regional powers. The New York Times special site (freely available after registration to users in the US only) provides an excellent collection of recent articles on the conflict and its participants. Other resources include deft analysis, maps, video clips, and a discussion forum. Provided by the Hellenic Resources Network, the Kosovo Information Center offers daily reports from a pro-Albanian perspective. The next site, which refers to Kosovo and Metohija as "an integral part of the Republic of Serbia," is an essentially pro-Serbian site that offers considerable information on the conflict from a Serbian view. The other site of the same name is provided by the Serbian Ministry of Information and contains a number of documents laying out the official government line on recent events. The International Crisis Group's report on Kosovo, though a bit dated, does offer extensive information on the background and key issues of the current situation. The US State Department site on the Balkans and the Dayton Peace Agreement contains several recent press statements and transcripts of testimony on Kosovo. The NATO site contains two recent documents on Kosovo, the first was issued at the Ministerial Meeting of the North Atlantic Council held in Luxembourg on May 28, 1998. The second was issued June 13 and concerns the recent air exercise "Determined Falcon," which took place in Albania and Macedonia. Finally, users may find an online road map of Kosovo, provided by Mario's Cyberstation, useful in placing recent news in their geographic context. Based in Croatia, the site hosts an impressive number of regional and international links to background and current information on the crisis; these include the KLA web page as well as statements by regional politicians, the European Contact Group, and the US Congress. [MD]
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The Scout Report for Social Sciences
Brought to You by the Internet Scout Project
The Scout Report for Social Sciences is published every other Tuesday by the Internet Scout Project, located in the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Department of Computer Sciences.
Susan Calcari
Jack Solock Michael de Nie Laura X. Payne |
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Managing Editor Editor Assistant Editor Production Editor |
Copyright Susan Calcari and the University of Wisconsin Board of Regents, 1994-1998. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of the Scout Report for Social Sciences provided the copyright notice and this paragraph is preserved on all copies. The Internet Scout Project provides information about the Internet to the US research and education community under a grant from the National Science Foundation, number NCR-9712163. The Government has certain rights in this material.
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