The Scout Report for Social Sciences
August 11, 1998
A Publication of the Internet Scout Project
Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison
The target audience of the new Scout Report for Social Sciences is faculty, students, staff, and librarians in the social sciences. Each biweekly issue offers a selective collection of Internet resources covering topics in the field that have been chosen by librarians and content specialists in the given area of study.
The Scout Report for Social Sciences is also provided via email once every two weeks. Subscription information is included at the bottom of each issue.
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New Data
Learning Resources and General Interest
In the News
Current Awareness
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Research Forum on Children, Families, and the New Federalism
The Research Forum on Children, Families, and the New Federalism--hosted by the National Center for Children in Poverty (NCCP), at the Columbia School of Public Health--promotes collaborative research and facilitates the exchange of information among policy makers about the effects of welfare reform on children and low-income families. The site maintains a clearinghouse of summaries of reviewed and unreviewed welfare reform research projects. The clearinghouse database features a well designed, exploding hierarchical index to expedite topic searching. Users can also browse the list of projects or conduct a free-text keyword search. To aid users who require more information, the Research Forum provides a high-quality list of linked resources relevant to the study of poverty, welfare, and the well-being of children. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Federal Library Depository Directory--GPO
The Federal Library Depository Directory is the official GPO (Government Printing Office) directory of all Federal depository libraries. Users can search the directory by eighteen characteristics, including institution, size, type, state, city, librarian, or date of designation. Searches return all of the necessary contact information and links to the library's latest Item Lister item selection profile record. [MD]
[Back to Contents]The Mayan Epigraphic Database Project [frames]
Epigraphy, the study of signs recorded on durable material, is a method of recovering, deciphering, translating, and interpreting original records of antiquity. The objective of the Mayan Epigraphic Database Project (MED)--operated by Raf Alvarado, Coordinator of Humanities and Social Sciences Computing at Princeton University--is to provide a networked information resource for Classic Mayan epigraphic scholars. The MED Glyph Catalog includes tables of glyph images ("gnumbers"), semantic values ("svalues"), and phonetic values ("pvalues"). In the future, MED plans to migrate the Glyph Catalog into a relational database. Mayanists should also visit MED's Digital Text Archive to learn more about the digital transcription of hieroglyphic texts and how they might contribute to the collaborative electronic archive. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Academic Jewish Studies Internet Directory
This addition to the WWW Virtual Libraries collection is maintained by Dr. Stefan Rohrbacher and staff at the Jewish Studies Department of the University of Duisburg, Germany. Jewish Studies researchers will find numerous items of interest, including extensive links to Academic Associations, Research Institutes, Jewish Studies Programs, and Archives. Researchers can also use this site to access online library catalogs and a number of other Internet resources, including RAMBI, the Index of Articles in Jewish Studies (telnet access only). [MD]
[Back to Contents]H-Childhood
This new moderated H-Net discussion list seeks to link international scholars studying the history of childhood and youth in all regions and time periods. Resources available at the site include discussion threads, message logs, a review project, and academic announcements. [MD]To subscribe, send e-mail to:
In the body of the message type:
SUBSCRIBE H-Childhood firstname lastname, institution
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Portraits in Black: The Life of the Black Soldier and Sailor
Produced and curated by military historian Anthony L. Powell, Portraits in Black comprehensively documents the history of African-Americans in the US military from the Revolutionary War until World War II. The site focuses on the late nineteenth century and provides a series of original essays with corresponding bibliographies about the African-American experience during various eras in US military history. Rare historical photographs accompany each essay and offer a unique perspective into the past of America's armed forces. Separate sections are devoted to African-American military chaplains, musicians, and athletes. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Two Resources for Women's Studies and Classics
Women in Classical Antiquity [frames]
Women in the Greek and Roman World
These two sites illustrate the successful integration of the Internet into university courses. Professor Barbara Goff of the Department of Classics at UT-Austin created the first site to accompany her Spring 1998 course. The site offers an assignments listing, bibliography, readings list, an excellent selection of study questions, and paper guidelines. The second site was developed by Professor Laurel Bowman of the Greek and Roman Studies Program at the University of Victoria, British Columbia. Bowman's site features a course outline, syllabus, lecture notes, a bibliography, and suggested paper topics. [MD]
[Back to Contents]The Decameron Web [frames]
When Italian poet and scholar Giorgio Boccaccio wrote the hundred tales that comprise the Decameron in the fourteenth century, he legitimized vernacular literature and ushered in Renaissance humanism. Massimo Riva, an Associate Professor of Italian Studies at Brown University, has assembled a site that critically examines the multi-layered narrative of the Decameron within the historical context of late medieval culture. The text of the work is available in both English and Italian and can be searched through a bilingual electronic concordance. Ten subject sections, containing over 300 searchable documents and dozens of images related to study of the Decameron, provide both context and analysis. [AO]
[Back to Contents]India: Languages and Scripts
Students and aficionados of Indian languages and scripts will thoroughly enjoy this useful metasite maintained by Yashwant K. Malaiya of Colorado State University. A Computer Science professor, Maliaya offers this site as a labor of love, to the benefit of interested users everywhere. Visitors will find overviews and resources devoted to the language and script of the major languages spoken in South Asia. Additional sections include the evolution of Brahmi Script; digitized Manuscript Images; Calligraphy, Bijaksharas, and Yantras; and Classical Languages and Texts. [MD]
[Back to Contents]19th-Century Photography of Ancient Greece
This site offers some 200 nineteenth- and early twentieth-century photographs of classical Greek and Roman architecture from the Getty Research Institute's Gary Edwards Collection. The photographs are divided into five categories: The Athenian Acropolis (the majority of the photos), Ancient Monuments of Athens, Ancient Monuments Elsewhere in Greece, Ancient Monuments Outside of Greece, and Ancient Sculpture. Selections offer a large thumbnail image, information on the subject and the photograph itself, and the accession number. Users may browse by section or search by accession number of photographer. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Federal Grand Jury
"Everything about a grand jury is cloaked in secrecy," proclaims Susan Brenner and Greg Lockhart, Professors of Law at the University of Dayton School of Law and co-authors of Federal Grand Jury Practice. At their Website devoted to grand juries, they effectively elucidate the complex rules and processes of both federal and state grand juries. They uncover the mysteries behind the grand jury system by providing a detailed FAQ, two clearly written and illustrated sections on federal and state grand juries, and a highly educational section entitled Multimedia Overview: A State Grand Jury at Work, which is a virtual tour of the grand jury process. For more inquisitive citizens, a selective list of grand jury links is also available. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Doshu Kanamaya: Contemporary Japanese Calligraphy [frames]
This new online exhibition from the Huntington Archive (discussed in the June 30, 1998 Scout Report for Social Sciences) highlights the work of renowned Japanese calligrapher, Doshu Kanayama. The exhibition includes an introduction to Japanese calligraphy and Kanayama, as well as a selection of twenty calligraphic paintings with short descriptions. Future plans for the site include a collection of essays. [MD]
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Health, United States, 1998 [.pdf, 468p.]
Press Release
Health, United States, 1998 is the 22nd report on health and disease in the nation submitted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services to the President and Congress. Compiled by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), the report examines national trends in health and disease statistics. The Highlights section features the major findings while this year's Chartbook (each year focuses on a major health topic) examines the relationship between socioeconomic status and health. The results of this examination are discussed in the press release. Numerous detailed tables and figures are included. [MD]
[Back to Contents]RecentReports and Letters from the UN Secretary-General
Report of the Secretary-General concerning the situation in Abkhazia, Georgia (14 p.)
Report of the Secretary-General concerning the situation in Abkhazia, Georgia: Addendum (7 p.)
Letter dated 27 July 1998 from the Secretary-General addressed to the President of the Security Council (19 p.)
Letter dated 14 July 1998 from the Secretary-General addressed to the President of the Security Council (23 p.)
The report on Abkhazia, Georgia offers an update on the situation in the region as of July 12. The addendum contains the concluding statement on the results of the second meeting of the Georgian and Abkhaz sides, held in Geneva from July 23 to 25. The first letter to the President of the Security Council discusses Iraq's nuclear weapons capability, ongoing monitoring and verification activities, and addresses outstanding questions and concerns.
The second transmits a "letter dated 14 July from the High Representative for Implementation of the Peace Agreement on Bosnia and Herzegovina, conveying his report for the months of April to June 1998." [MD]
[Back to Contents]Institute for Educational Leadership Policy Exchange
Publications [.pdf, WordPerfect]
The Institute for Educational Leadership (IEL) Policy Exchange is a "hands-on" think tank that attempts to make "the connection between ideas and leaders in all domestic policy arenas" at all levels of government in the areas of education, vocational training, health, social services, welfare, juvenile justice, and housing. The IEL Policy exchange unites leaders with ideas through policy research, published reports, and hands-on workshops for policy makers. Two of the most recent special reports issued by the IEL Policy Exchange are "Mixed Results: Lessons Learned from a Case Study of Interagency Collaboration" by Margaret C. Dunkle and Stephanie A. Surles, and "The Measure of Success: What are the Policy Implications of the New National Indicators of Child Well-Being?" by Jeanne Jehl (both available in .pdf and WordPerfect formats). [AO]
[Back to Contents]New Publication Listings
New Offerings from Academic Publishers
Baker & Taylor Academia--Upcoming Books to Buy (August 1998)
Cambridge University Press
Perseus Books By Category
United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD): Forthcoming Publications
Thela - Thesis "Just Published"
[Back to Contents]Conference Announcements
Exploring the Roots and Branches of Southern Traditions
March 19-21, 1999 Hampton, VA. The 52nd anniversary conference of the Southern Humanities Council will examine "the role of the South in politics, literature, art, history, horticulture, architecture, history, theatre, religion," and other fields. Possible paper topics include: Southern Writers, Artists, and Musicians; Race Relations; Native American Traditions; Southern Music: Tradition and Influences; Southern Humor; and the South and the "Other." [MD]APDU'98: Looking Through the Crystal Ball: The Future of Public Data
October 25-28, 1998 Alexandria, VA. The Association of Public Data Users (APDU) 23rd annual conference will explore the impacts of advances in computing technology and Internet usage on the collection, distribution, cost, use, and archiving of public data. [MD]Global Century/Local Century: Conflict, Communication, Civility-ISPP
July 18-21, 1999 Amsterdam, Netherlands. The 22nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP) will focus on the theme of conflict, communication, and civility in the twentieth century and will "cover the full range of theory and research in political psychology." The preliminary program of the meeting consists of papers, workshops, roundtables and symposia. Attendees wishing to present work in one of the forums must submit proposals to the program chair by January 9, 1999. [AO](For links to additional calls for papers and conference announcements, see the Conference section of the Current Awareness Metapage:
[Back to Contents]Job Guides/Funding Opportunities
H-Net Job Guide of Higher Education Job Openings
Social Science Guide to Employment and Funding Opportunities in American Studies Anthropological Association Positions Open (Summer 1998) Council Fellowships in the Social Sciences
The Population Council has announced fellowships for advanced training in population studies or for study plans in population in combination with a social science discipline. Applications will be accepted for three types of programs in population: graduate study, postdoctoral study, and mid-career study. Awards will only be granted to proposals dealing with the developing world. [MD](For links to additional Job Guides, see the Employment/Funding section of the Current Awareness Metapage:
[Back to Contents]New Think Tank Policy Papers and Briefs
Sirico, Robert A. "Free Trade and Human Rights: The Moral Case for Engagement"--Cato Institute, R. Douglas. "The Politics of Reforming Social Security"--Electronic Policy Network/Political Science Quarterly, C. Richard, Robert H. Anderson, Tora K. Bikson. "E-Mail Communication Between Government and Citizens: Security, Policy Issues, and Next Steps"--RAND Corporation, Gregory, Norma Coe, Keith Watson, Robert I. Lerman. "Does Work Pay? An Analysis of the Work Incentives under TANF"--The Urban Institute
.pdf Version:, Baker. "The Clinton Administration's Dangerous ABM Agreements"--Heritage Foundation links to additional new Think Tank publications see the Think Tank Policy Papers section on the Current Awareness Metapage:
[Back to Contents]New Tables of Contents/Abstracts for recent and forthcoming issues are available for the following journals:
JCSS Quarterly - Strategic Assessment (full text)
MERIA: Middle East Review of International Affairs (full text)
Web Journal of Current Legal Issues (full text)
The Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics (abstracts)
West European Politics
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Workplace Crime, 1992-96--DOJ [.pdf]
The Bureau of Justice Statistics of the US Department of Justice has recently released a report, based on the National Crime Victimization Survey, estimating the scope of workplace crime in the US. Supported by data from 1992 through 1996, the report outlines the types of workplace crimes, the frequency of crimes, the characteristics of offenders and victims, the relationships between offenders and victims, the professional distribution of victims, and the number of crimes reported to law enforcement agencies. Data is also included from the FBI's Uniform Crime Reports and the Bureau of Labor Statistics to describe the occurrence of workplace homicide. [AO]
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The Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics was established in 1994 to coordinate the collection of federal data on child and family issues and conditions., the Forum's official Website, serves as a clearinghouse for Forum reports and publications. In addition to these publications, the site also offers a contact list for federal statistics on children and families and a collection of related links. [MD]
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Another Standoff in Iraq
The New York Times: Iraq and Arms Inspections [RealPlayer]
Memorandum of Understanding between the United Nations and the Republic of Iraq
Iraq Special Collections--CNS
Washington Post: International Special Report: Iraq-Key Players
Permanent Mission of Iraq to the UN
The Iraq Foundation
The Christian Science Monitor, "How UN 'inspects' an Iraq Site"
This week's In the News examines recent tensions over UN arms inspections in Iraq. These eight resources offer analysis, commentary, and recent news. Last week, Saddam Hussein's government surprised some observers by breaking a February agreement brokered by the UN Secretary-General and formally ending cooperation with UNSCOM, the UN Special Commission tasked with inspecting Iraq's biological, chemical, and missile capabilities. Iraq also effectively demanded the dismissal of Chief Inspector Richard Butler by calling for a restructuring of his disarmament commission. Two factors seem to have created the current difficulties. First, numerous problems with Iraqi accounting of certain chemical and biological compounds have renewed feelings of distrust among arms inspectors. Second, Iraq is chafing badly after eight years of sanctions and what they see as heavy-handed American influence on the arms inspections. In a rare display of cooperation on Iraqi policy, the UN Security Council unanimously declared Iraq's actions "totally unacceptable." However, no threat of military force was made, and the Council instead called for a resumed dialogue. UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan made an even more conciliatory statement, noting Iraq's frustration and even desperation after years of sanctions. Annan suggested that the time may be ripe for a "comprehensive review" of Iraqi policy, one in which the Iraqi government would be more fully engaged. In contrast to previous crises, the US has also refrained from threatening military action. At present, it seems, the initiative has been left entirely with Iraq.The New York Times site is a useful starting point for exploring this topic. Their special section offers breaking news, archived articles, video clips, and related links. The UNSCOM site contains some basic facts about its mission and mandate, the latest report, and an overview of its main achievements. The UN has also placed the full text of the recently broken Memorandum of Understanding between the United Nations and the Republic of Iraq (signed on February 23, 1998 in Baghdad) online. The Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS) offers a special Iraq collections site, featuring links to numerous government documents, CNS analyses and data abstracts, photos, and related links. The Washington Post special feature offers biographical sketches and related documents from the key players in the crisis. The site also offers a link to the Post's Special Report on Iraq, which contains breaking news and feature pieces. Iraq's permanent mission to the UN Website contains several items of interest, including statements and letters from the Foreign Minister, basic facts about Iraq, and a section on the sanctions imposed on Iraq since August 2nd, 1990. The Iraq Foundation, "a non-profit, non-governmental organization working for democracy and human rights in Iraq," offers a number of resources, including sections on human rights, refugees, and the Iraqi economy, as well news on the current situation. Finally, The Christian Science Monitor article from February 1998 describes the UNSCOM inspection process at several Iraqi sites. [MD]
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The Scout Report for Social Sciences
Brought to You by the Internet Scout Project
The Scout Report for Social Sciences is published every other Tuesday by the Internet Scout Project, located in the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Department of Computer Sciences.
Susan Calcari
Jack Solock Andy Osmond Michael de Nie Travis Koplow |
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Managing Editor Editor Assistant Editor Assistant Editor Production Editor |
Copyright Susan Calcari and the University of Wisconsin Board of Regents, 1994-1998. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of the Scout Report for Social Sciences provided the copyright notice and this paragraph is preserved on all copies. The Internet Scout Project provides information about the Internet to the US research and education community under a grant from the National Science Foundation, number NCR-9712163. The Government has certain rights in this material.
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