The Scout Report for Social Sciences
November 3, 1998
A Publication of the Internet Scout Project
Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison
The target audience of the new Scout Report for Social Sciences is faculty, students, staff, and librarians in the social sciences. Each biweekly issue offers a selective collection of Internet resources covering topics in the field that have been chosen by librarians and content specialists in the given area of study.
The Scout Report for Social Sciences is also provided via email once every two weeks. Subscription information is included at the bottom of each issue.
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New Data
Learning Resources and General Interest
In the News
Current Awareness
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The MIT Encyclopedia of Cognitive Sciences [Frames]
The MIT Encyclopedia of Cognitive Sciences (MITECS), an electronic publication of the MIT Press, is a new comprehensive reference work that encompasses the diverse theories and methodologies of the cognitive and brain sciences. The encyclopedia contains 471 specialized articles by preeminent researchers and scholars; articles include extensive bibliographies and provide multiple cross-references. MITECS spans six major topics: Philosophy; Psychology; Neuroscience; Computational Intelligence; Linguistics and Language; and Culture, Cognition, and Evolution. The introductory essays that precede each major section discuss topics within the larger framework of the cognitive sciences. The encyclopedia may be browsed by an author or a topic index, and the entire work is searchable by keyword. Please note that first-time users of the encyclopedia are required to register at the site; necessary registration information includes email address, full name, and research interests. [AO]
[Back to Contents]The National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect Information
The National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect Information serves as a national resource for information related to child maltreatment. Two searchable databases and an online directory provide information relevant to the prevention, identification, and treatment of child abuse and neglect. The first database, the Documents Database, contains 24,000 bibliographic records with abstracts on child maltreatment and child welfare issues. The second database, the Prevention Programs Database, consists of over 350 profiles of community-based child abuse prevention programs. The online directory, National Directory of Child Abuse and Neglect Treatment Programs, provides child welfare professionals with a reference resource for identifying treatment programs nationwide. In addition, the Website includes an online series of full-text articles, statistical resources, legal information, a conference calendar, and a catalog of over 100 Clearinghouse publications. [AO]
[Back to Contents]The DARE Database--UNESCO
The DARE Database, maintained by UNESCO, includes an international directory of over 11,000 references to social science research and training institutes, social science specialists, social science documentation and information services, and social science periodicals. The directory also provides listings of peace, human rights, and international law institutions. Users may search the directory database by type of institution, country name, personal name, geographical coverage, periodical title, language of periodical, ISSN, or keyword. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Centre for Pacific Studies Literature Database Search
The Centre for Pacific Studies (CPS) at the University of Nijmegen, the Netherlands, constructed this searchable bibliographic database of publications related to Oceania. The comprehensive database includes books from academic publishers as well as articles from 113 academic journals. The database is compiled from citations that have appeared in the last six years of the Oceania Newsletter, a CPS serial that covers the areas of Polynesia, Micronesia, Melanesia, and Australia. Users may query the database by keyword, author, title, and year. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Social Science Research Council
Since 1923, the Social Science Research Council (SSRC) has been an independent, international association committed to the promotion of interdisciplinary research in the social sciences. This Website provides information about the SSRC's academic conferences, grant opportunities, fellowship programs, scholarly exchanges, research committees, and council publications. Expository information about the SSRC as well as a brief history of the council are also available on-site. [AO]
[Back to Contents]"Archiving Aerial Photography and Remote Sensing Data: A Guide to Good Practice"--ADS
Guides to Good Practice--ADS
Guides to Good Practice--AHDS
The latest publication in the Guide to Good Practice series provides guidance for the "documentation and digital preservation of aerial photographs, satellite imagery, and archaeological interpretations derived from these sources." This guide was written by a team of European archaeologists, geographers, and digital archivists for publication by the Archaeology Data Service (ADS). The ADS is publishing a series of guides about important issues in digital archiving in conjunction with the Guides to Good Practice series produced by the Arts and Humanities Data Service (the AHDS series is discussed in the June 26, 1998 Scout Report). [AO]
[Back to Contents]Community Development in the 1990s--The Urban Institute
Full report [.pdf]:
This new report, written by Christopher Walker and Mark Weinheimer and published by the Urban Institute, demonstrates that since its inception in 1991, the National Community Development Initiative (NCDI) has had a significant impact on community development corporations (CDCs) in 23 large American cities. The 136-page report provides an overview of the NCDI and CDCs, an assessment of NCDI-funded activities, and a set of policy recommendations to meliorate community development programs. [AO]
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Interactive Ancient Mediterranean Project [.pdf]
The Interactive Ancient Mediterranean (IAM) Project is an online atlas of the ancient Mediterranean world designed to support the instruction of the classics, ancient history, archaeology, and related disciplines. Currently, IAM's Map Room has an index of over 50 maps of ten regions of the Mediterranean basin and northern Europe available for downloading and printing. Most maps are high-resolution .pdf files and the remainder are large, high-quality JPEG files. Users may also search the atlas by keyword, place name, cultural object, or ancient author. IAM is an ongoing joint effort of the American Philological Association's Classical Atlas Project and the departments of Classics and History at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Implicit Association Test [Java]
University of Washington site:
Yale University site:
The Implicit Association Test (IAT) is a new psychological method for exposing "public-private and conscious-unconscious divergences" in thinking and feeling. This Website, a joint project of the University of Washington and Yale University, allows users to learn more about IAT methodology as well as measure their own implicit attitudes in several interactive IATs. The tests evaluate unconscious preferences and beliefs in regard to age, race, gender, self-esteem, and academic subject. The site also provides a bibliography of recent research on implicit social cognition and information about IAT research worldwide. Users must have browsers that support Java applets to take the tests. This site is accessible via both the University of Washington and Yale University. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Virtual Religion Index [Frames] [No frames]
The Virtual Religion Index is an excellent portal for locating religious studies resources on the Internet. Created and maintained by the Department of Religion at Rutgers University, the index provides an extensive compilation of annotated links for the academic study of religion. Comprised of eighteen topic sections, the index covers the historical, philosophical, theological, psychological, sociological, and artistic aspects of a wide range of international religious traditions. The well-organized index divides major topic sections into several subtopics. Within each subtopic, indexed links are arranged alphabetically and include brief annotations highlighting important content available at each listed site. Comprehensive as well as current, the index frequently posts updates to its What's New? section. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Origins of Angkor Archaeological Project
The objective of the Origins of Angkor Archaeological Project is "to assess the seminal aspects of the social, cultural, and technological development" of Northeast Thailand. The project covers recent research on three excavation sites: Non Muang Kao and Noen U-Loke, both Iron Age sites; and Ban Lum Khao, a Bronze Age site. The project's Website includes background information about the excavations, interactive maps of study areas, and a table of radiocarbon dates for all three sites. In addition, the site provides a Virtual Excavation of Non Muang Kao that displays excavation plan views hyperlinked to two years of field notes. Users may move up and down through 4.3 meters of archaeological deposit, view original notes and data, and formulate their own explanations about the nature of early society at Non Muang Kao. The Origins of Angkor Archaeological Project is a collaboration between the Department of Anthropology at the University of Otago, New Zealand, and the Fine Arts Department of Thailand. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Women in Politics: Beyond Numbers--International IDEA
Developed by the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA), Women in Politics: Beyond Numbers is an initiative devoted to researching, evaluating, and promoting the role and impact of women in the advancement of sustainable democracy and electoral processes worldwide. This Website functions as an international resource providing information about IDEA's research projects and publications related to women's political involvement. The site features an extensive report, "Women in Parliament: Beyond Numbers," that examines such issues as obstacles to women's political participation and the impact of women in international politics, as well as compares the involvement of women within various electoral systems. The site also includes links to relevant resources and maintains several interactive forums for discussing IDEA's projects to enhance women's political participation. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Music Heritage Network Instrument Encyclopedia [Frames]
The Music Heritage Network Instrument Encyclopedia is an initiative of the CHICO (Cultural Heritage Information and Community Outreach) project at the University of Michigan's School of Information (SI). SI cooperated with the School of Music's Stearns Museum of Musical Instruments to develop this comprehensive resource about instruments from around the world. Users may browse the encyclopedia by the Sachs-Hornbostel classification scheme, by geographic origin, or by four major instrument types: percussion, string, wind, and electronic. Users may also conduct full-text searches, or they may search the encyclopedia by instrument title, origin, maker, materials, or description. In addition, an instrument glossary as well as links to other instrument reference resources are available at the site. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Philosophy Since the Enlightenment [Frames] [No frames]
Clearly written and coherently presented, Philosophy Since the Enlightenment offers an accessible overview of the last 350 years of Western philosophy. Roger Jones, a philosophy instructor at the Working Men's College in London, originally developed this Website as a study guide for "adult students learning about philosophy for the first time." Philosophy Since the Enlightenment contains sections explaining the Enlightenment, Romanticism, Analytic Philosophy, Existentialism, Post Structuralism, and Moral Philosophy, as well as sections devoted to Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Science, and Philosophy and God. Each topic section introduces and summarizes important thinkers and concepts. A detailed table of contents guides users. The framed version presents an index of persons and terms. [AO]
[Back to Contents]American Academy of Religion Syllabi Project [JavaScript]
The American Academy of Religion (AAR) Syllabi Project, an initiative of the AAR's Committee on Teaching and Learning, compiles syllabi and other pedagogical resources for the academic study of religion. Currently, over 60 resources are listed in the searchable subject index. This ongoing project updates its compilation of resources often and provides a What's New? section as well as a newsletter for professionals who wish to keep abreast of additions. Also available at the site are annotated links to other syllabi compilations and teaching resources on the Web. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Archaeology on Film
Archaeology on Film, a database of archaeology film reviews, contains critical reviews of videos and films that are used as educational tools. The reviews in the database differ from simple synopses because they "focus on how films present archaeology in addition to what they present about archaeology." The database allows archaeology instructors to identify and compare relevant films quickly. Each film review provides title, date, format, running time, cost, subjects, and description. Archaeology on Film encourages instructors to submit reviews for inclusion in the database. A review form and standards for submission are available at the site. [AO]
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Current Awareness Resources Using Internet Audio and Video [RealPlayer, Media Player]
Gary D. Price, librarian at George Washington University, compiled this extensive list of audio and video current awareness resources available on the Web. Focusing on English-language news and public affairs services, this well-organized compilation provides links to over 120 resources for monitoring recent events. Resources include live broadcasts, hourly and daily news services, international newscasts, government and public affairs resources, business news, National Public Radio programming, and broadcasts of special events. To access these audio or video resources, RealPlayer or Media Player are required. [AO]
[Back to Contents]New Working Papers
Jean Monnet Working Papers in Comparative and International Politics
The Jean Monnet Chair of European Comparative Politics has recently released three working papers, 15.98 to 17.98, as a special edition on Euro-Mediterranean Partnership: "Cyprus and the Enlargement of the European Union" by Kostas Apostolides; "The Euro-Mediterranean Free Trade Area and Its Impact on the Economies Involved" by Nicola Minasi; and "The Barcelona Process: Some Lessons From Helsinki" by Dimitris K. Xenakis. [AO]Jean Monnet Chair, Harvard Law School
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The Jean Monnet Chair at Harvard University Law School has added working paper 14/98, "Amsterdam and European Institutional Balance: A Panel Discussion" by Dietmar Nickel and Michel Petite. [AO]European Integration online Papers--EIoP
"'The End of the Beginning' of Eastern Enlargement--Luxembourg Summit and Agenda-Setting" by Lykke Friis
"Public Access to Documents After the Entry Into Force of the Amsterdam Treaty: Much Ado About Nothing?" by Ulf Oberg
EIoP has posted two new working papers in its series on European integration, numbers 7 and 8 of Volume 2 (1998). The papers are also available for downloading in .pdf or Postscript format. [AO]Robert Schumann Centre, European University Institute
"The European Court of Justice and the Rhetoric of Affirmative Action" by Louis Charpentier
"Regions in European Governance: The Logic of Multi-Level Interaction" by Arthur Benz and Burkard Eberlein
The Robert Schumann Centre of the European University Institute has issued working papers 98/30 and 98/31. [AO]
[Back to Contents]New Offerings from Academic Publishers
Association of American University Presses: New Releases
Baker&Taylor Academia--Upcoming Books to Buy (November 1998)
Cambridge University Press
Perseus Books: By Category
Thela Thesis--Just Published
[Back to Contents]Conference Announcements
Theorizing Space and Time at the End of the Millennium
April 9-11, 1999 Athens, Georgia. The changing theorizations of space and time as "material entities and organizing categories" have altered the way we live. This conference, sponsored by the Geography Department of the University of Georgia, will focus on issues concerning theoretical approaches to space and time. Discussion topics include issues such as labor and new geographies of social regulation; the changing political economy of space and time; sex, sexuality and space; and globalization and localization. [AO]Nationalism, Identity and Minority Rights: Sociological and Political Perspectives
September 16-19, 1999 Bristol, England. This conference will examine nationalism, ethnicity, and equality as components of social, political, and cultural movements within modern democratic nation-states. Organized by the Sociology and Politics Departments at the University of Bristol, and the Centre for the Study of Minorities and Social Change, this interdisciplinary conference aims to explore the interconnections between sociology and political theory. [AO]Languaging 99: A Conference Across Linguistics, Literature, and Writing
March 4-6, 1999 Denton, Texas. The English Department at the University of North Texas will host Languaging 99. This conference will provide a scholarly forum for the examination of "language" and "texts" across various disciplines, such as linguistics, history, psychology, literary studies, anthropology, creative writing, and many more. The conference will explore topics related to cognitive linguistics, conceptual metaphor, and the linguistic analysis of literature. [AO](For links to additional calls for papers and conference announcements, see the Conference section of the Current Awareness Metapage:
[Back to Contents]Job Guides/Funding Opportunities
H-Net Job Guide
Chronicle of Higher Education Job Openings
Social Science
Earthworks--worldwide employment opportunities in the geosciences
American Political Science Association--Research and Training Support links to additional Job Guides, see the Employment/Funding section of the Current Awareness Metapage:
[Back to Contents]New Think Tank Policy Papers and Briefs
Dodson, Lisa, Pamela Joshi, and Davida McDonald. "Welfare In Transition: Consequences for Women, Families, and Communities"--Radcliffe Public Policy Institute
Feldman, Harvey J. "America's Response to the China-Taiwan Talks: Encourage but Don't Interfere"--The Heritage Foundation
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Johnson, Nicholas. "The Taxpayers Bill of Rights (TABOR) Limit and Referendum B: Assessing the Affordability of Public Services and Investment"--Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Steelman, Aaron. "Term Limits and the Republican Congress: The Case Strengthens"--The Cato Institute
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"Trends in Functional Limitations: Are Older Americans Living Longer and Better?"--RAND Corporation links to additional new Think Tank publications see the Think Tank Policy Papers section on the Current Awareness Metapage:
[Back to Contents]New Tables of Contents/Abstracts for recent and forthcoming issues are available for the following journals:
American Antiquity
Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research (full-text)
Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience (full-text and abstracts)
Oxford Development Studies
TIP: The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist (full-text)
West European Politics
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Windows 3.1 version: (4MB compressed)
Windows NT/95 version: (12MB compressed)
European mirrors:
The UNICEF International Child Development Centre (ICDC) has issued a public-use version of the TransMONEE 3.0 database. TransMONEE 3.0 is a database of socio-economic indicators for CEE/CIS Countries compiled from the Monitoring Public Policy and Social Conditions in Central and Eastern Europe Project--otherwise known as the MONEE Project. The menu-driven database provides social and economic data series through 1996 for 27 countries in Central Europe and the former Soviet Union. Two self-extracting Windows versions of the database are available for downloading at the UNICEF ICDC FTP site located in Canada. Users may also obtain the database from one of two European FTP sites. [AO]
[Back to Contents]FERRET Updates
FERRET, The Federal Electronic Research and Review Extraction Tool(described in the June 6, 1997 Scout Report) has recently added several more microdata files to its archives. Provided by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), the new data include eleven files from the 1993 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) and seven files from the 1988-1994 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey III (NHANES). NHIS data are comprised of the following files: Household, Person, Condition, Doctor Visit, Hospital, Teenage Attitudes and Practices II, Access to Care, Immunization, Health Insurance, Year 2000 Objectives, and AIDS Knowledge and Attitudes. The new NHANES information contains Adult Data, Youth Data, Examination Data, Laboratory Data, Individual Foods File, Variable Ingredients File, and Combination Foods File. Please note that users must register with an email address before using the system. [AO]
[Back to Contents]US Teenage Pregnancy Statistics--Alan Guttmacher Institute
The Alan Guttmacher Institute (AGI) is a nonpartisan organization that provides research, policy analysis, and public education about reproductive health. Recently, the AGI posted this special statistical report on teenage pregnancy in the US. The report consists of two large data tables synthesizing pregnancy statistics from 1972 to 1996. The first table provides the number of births, number of legal abortions, number of estimated miscarriages, and total number of pregnancies in the US between 1972 and 1996 for five different age distributions: fourteen or younger, fifteen to seventeen, eighteen to nineteen, fifteen to nineteen, and under twenty. The second table provides birth rates, abortion rates, and pregnancy rates per 1,000 women for the same years and age distributions as the first table. For both tables, data refer to the age of the women at time of pregnancy outcome, not at the time of conception. A list of statistical sources are included. [AO]
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US Elections
Web White & Blue--1998 Election Information
Project Vote Smart Campaigns '98
Christian Science Monitor: Election '98
Election Central: League of Women Voters
National Governor's Association: 1998 Gubernatorial Elections
Congressional Candidate Profiles
The Mother Jones 400
Federal Election Commission
Campaigns & Elections: The Political Oddsmaker
eVote: Election '98
"A Mid-term History Lesson"
This week's In the News covers the US midterm elections. These twelve resources provide candidate information, campaign commentary, political analysis, and breaking news. Today, American voters will determine the composition of the 106th US Congress. All 435 seats in the US House of Representatives and 34 of 100 seats in the US Senate will be decided in elections nationwide. Although all 435 seats in the House are up for election, the 1998 House races have proven to be relatively non-competitive. According to financial reports filed with the Federal Election Commission, over 140 candidates campaigning for House seats have no financed opponent on their ballots. Furthermore, political pundits consider only about 25 of the 435 House races difficult to call. Likewise, in Senate campaigns, only about a half dozen of the 34 races are tightly contested. Consequently, neither the Republican nor the Democratic party is predicting major swings in the partisan formation of Congress, which currently favors the Republicans, with 55 members in the Senate and 228 members in the House. In addition to national congressional voting, 36 states and two territories (Guam and the Virgin Islands) will hold gubernatorial elections today. Political analysts forecast that voter turnout will be between 35 and 40 percent in most states, typical of congressional and gubernatorial votes held in non-presidential election years.Web White & Blue is an excellent resource for information about campaigns, issues, and voting processes related to the 1998 election. It also provides election news, user forums, and live election results. Project Vote Smart is an online "citizens" tool kit of free services, programs and materials" tracking information on over 13,000 candidates and elected officials. This site is a comprehensive resource, informing voters, journalists, teachers, and students about US government and politics. Campaigns '98 posts recent news and political commentary, and takes a critical look at key races across the nation. Christian Science Monitor Election '98 offers analysis, opinion, and a state-by-state breakdown of races. Election Central, maintained by the League of Women Voters, contains candidate information, voter registration details, online election-related publications, and information on how to get out the vote. The National Governor's Association maintains a site, 1998 Gubernatorial Elections, that profiles the campaigns for governorships nationwide. 1998 Congressional Candidate Profiles, provided by the Center for Responsive Politics, tracks campaign contributions for every state and congressional district in the US. The Mother Jones 400 is a "searchable database of the country's top 400 political donors." The official site for the Federal Election Commission makes daily updates to its publicly accessible archive of campaign financial reports. After the elections, users can evaluate the accuracy of The Political Oddsmaker, a site created by Campaigns & Elections magazine. The site, dubbed "America's most popular elections handicapping service," has posted odds for all of today's elections. Election '98, a site managed by eVote, has also made some election predictions worth assessing. Provided by, "A Mid-term History Lesson" is a brief article and a data table that "tracks the gains and losses of each party in the mid-term elections since . . . 1860." [AO]
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The Scout Report for Social Sciences
Brought to You by the Internet Scout Project
The Scout Report for Social Sciences is published every other Tuesday by the Internet Scout Project, located in the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Department of Computer Sciences.
Susan Calcari
Andrew Osmond Travis Koplow |
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Managing Editor Assistant Editor Production Editor |
Copyright Susan Calcari and the University of Wisconsin Board of Regents, 1994-1998. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of the Scout Report for Social Sciences provided the copyright notice and this paragraph is preserved on all copies. The Internet Scout Project provides information about the Internet to the US research and education community under a grant from the National Science Foundation, number NCR-9712163. The Government has certain rights in this material.
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