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Public Agenda Online
Public Agenda, a nonpartisan, nonprofit research organization devoted to public opinion, policy analysis, and citizen education, has recently relaunched its Website. Public Agenda Online provides eighteen issue guides that cover topics such as crime, education, environment, immigration, social security, and welfare. Each issue guide contains an overview of the issue, a news digest of recent stories, background data, various perspectives on the issue, resources for more information, and analyses of related public opinion drawn from major public opinion polls. The site also posts highlights of research reports, presents "critiques on the current state of polling," and offers a weekly email alert service, Public Agenda Alert, which shares the latest in public opinion and public policy research. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Native Americans and the Environment
Created by anthropologist Dr. Alx V. Dark and sponsored by the Center for Conservation Biology at Rice University, this Website promotes the research and study of environmental issues facing Native American communities, particularly the politics of land and treaty rights. The site also explores the "values and historical experiences that Native Americans bring to bear on environmental issues." Native Americans and the Environment provides a bibliographic database, which covers topics such as environmental justice, natural resource utilization, land and treaty rights, and demography and migration. The database currently contains over 1,500 citations, and will be expanded to approximately 3,000 by the end of 1999. The site also includes an extensive directory of hundreds of annotated Internet resources organized by subject and geographic region. In addition, a case studies section is under development and will include environmental problems and their histories, current actions, or solutions; a list of related Internet resources; and a bibliography. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Catalyst
Recently launched by the University of Washington's UWired Center for Teaching, Learning, and Technology, Catalyst is an "integrated collection of resources, training, tools, templates, and support" to assist instructors who are implementing new educational technologies into their teaching. Catalyst is comprised of four publicly available modules. Method Guides is a section that suggests numerous ways that technology can support teaching. Quick Guides is a "how to" series of short reference guides that explain the ways that educational technology can be used in commonly performed tasks. Profiles highlights examples from six educators who have used technology effectively. Information is a section devoted to miscellanea, such as a glossary of unfamiliar terms and a collection of intellectual property links, among other items. An orderly design, useful pull-down menus, and a detailed site index aid navigation, enabling educators using Catalyst to be efficient agents of change. [AO]
[Back to Contents]World Database of Happiness [Frames, .zip, MS Access]
The World Database of Happiness, maintained by Professor Ruut Veenhoven of Erasmus University Rotterdam, is a "continuous register of scientific research on subjective appreciation of life." This site contains the Bibliography of Happiness, a collection of over 3,000 scientific publications accessible by author or subject; the Catalog of Happiness in Nations, providing responses from over 1,500 national happiness surveys taken in 93 different countries between 1946 and 1996; the Catalog of Happiness Correlates, which presents the abstracts of correlational research findings from 662 studies worldwide; and finally, the Directory of Happiness Investigators, an international listing of more than 3,300 happiness researchers. Users may freely download the Bibliography or the Catalog of Happiness in Nations as compressed MS Access files (.zip), and download the full text of the Catalog of Correlates in compressed RTF format (.zip). [AO]
[Back to Contents]American Sexual Behavior: Trends, Socio-Demographic Differences, and Risk Behavior -- NORC [.pdf, 265K]
This 118-page report, written by Tom W. Smith and recently made available online by the National Opinion Research Center (NORC) at the University of Chicago, is the December 1998 update in the research series studying American sexual behavior under the auspices of the General Social Survey (GSS) project. The report outlines what is currently known about American sexual behavior and emphasizes trends and socio-demographic differences within several different areas: premarital and adolescent sexual activity, including cohabitation and non-marital births; adult sexual behavior, including extra-marital relations, gender of sexual partners, and frequency of sexual activity; and the impact of AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases on sexual activity. [AO]
[Back to Contents]New Media Encyclopedia [RealPlayer, QuickTime]
This online reference work is a scholarly research tool for the study of new media and related artistic practices. The New Media Encyclopedia, now in the first of two phases, consists of four primary sections: Glossary, Chronological Landmarks, General Bibliography, and Artists & Works. The Artists & Works section is the core of the site, containing brief biographies of new media artists and critical descriptions of their works, which users may view with a RealPlayer or QuickTime plug-in. The section currently covers 43 artists and 233 of their works. By the end of the project's second phase, scheduled for late 1999, it will include over 100 artists and 500 works garnered from the collections of the project's three collaborators: the Centre Georges Pompidou, the Museum Ludwig, and the Centre pour l'Image Contemporaine. Users should note that since the project is still in its initial phase, some portions of the encyclopedia may be under development. [AO]
[Back to Contents]PRT-LIBN: Philosophy, Religion, & Theology Librarians List
PRT-LIBN is a new moderated electronic mailing list created as a forum for librarians to discuss "the collection, storage, and dissemination of information within a library setting for the fields of Philosophy, Religion, and Theology." The list will also post employment opportunities, calls for papers, and conference announcements. PRT-LIBN is edited by Gary Klein, a librarian at Willamette University, and owned by Daniel Lester, a librarian at Boise State University. [AO]
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[Back to Contents]Four New JSTOR Titles
American Quarterly
Journal of Symbolic Logic
Philosophy and Public Affairs
Sociology of Education
Participating JSTOR Sites:
JSTOR has recently added four new titles to its collection of full-text online journals. American Quarterly, a cross-disciplinary journal of American Studies published by the Johns Hopkins University Press, includes volumes 1-46, 1949-1994. Journal of Symbolic Logic, published quarterly by the Association for Symbolic Logic, includes volumes 1-59, 1936-1994. Philosophy and Public Affairs, published by the Princeton University Press, includes volumes 1-22, 1971-1993. Sociology of Education, published quarterly by the American Sociological Association, includes volumes 1-66, 1963-1993. Note: access to JSTOR content is currently available only on a site license basis to academic institutions. A list of institutions with site licenses is available at the last URL listed above. [AO]
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APA Help Center [JavaScript]
The American Psychological Association (APA) Help Center offers useful facts, information, and advice on how psychological services can help people cope with problems such as stress, depression, family strife, or chronic illness. The site provides sections devoted to psychology in the workplace, the health implications of the mind/ body connection, family and personal relationships, and psychology in daily life. In addition, users may order a free print brochure, "How to Find Help for Life's Problems," learn how and when to choose a psychologist, and obtain a referral to a psychologist in their area. A detailed site map and an easy-to-use keyword search facility aid navigation of these helpful pages. [AO]
[Back to Contents]American Cultural History: The Twentieth Century
Created by the reference librarians at Kingwood College (Texas), this Web-based pathfinder guides users to resources covering 20th century American cultural history from 1900 to 1979. Divided into sections according to decade, the guide functions as a hypertextual bibliographic essay, outlining the major events, important persons, and cultural trends of each decade, and linking users to related Websites and print materials. The strength and value of this guide, compared to other metasites, is that it provides cultural and historical contexts for its compilation of resources. [AO]
[Back to Contents]The Underground Railroad -- National Geographic [JavaScript, Shockwave Flash]
The Underground Railroad, a current Web feature at National Geographic Online (see the June 28, 1996 Scout Report), explores the pre-Civil War, covert system that helped escaped slaves to reach freedom safely. The site includes The Journey, an interactive first-person account of a runaway slave; Routes to Freedom, a Shockwave map of escape routes; Time Line, which chronicles slavery in the New World from 1501 until the US abolition of slavery in 1865; and Faces of Freedom, a section containing twelve very brief biographies of famous abolitionists and civil rights leaders. In addition, the site includes For Kids, a section for younger students, and Classroom Ideas, which suggests educational activities for K-12 students. A discussion forum and a list of resources and links provide visitors with more opportunities to learn. [AO]
[Back to Contents]European Geography Test
European Geography Test is a collection of challenging Web-based geography exams that survey students' knowledge of European topography, European urban geography, and general map skills. Currently, this site hosts seven tests, which are available in English, Swedish, Spanish, and Dutch. Tests are divided into three different learning levels, and the focus and objectives for each test are clearly stated. The tests employ interactive maps, photographic images, pull-down menus, radio buttons, and fill-in forms to ask students a series of multiple choice, true or false, and matching questions. The questions included in European Geography Test were developed as part of an inter-university project for DGXXII of the European Commission by a consortium of instructors in the UK, Sweden, Belgium, Spain, and The Netherlands. Note: users must register at the site to take the free tests; registration requires name, email address, age, and country of residence. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Who Killed William Robinson? Race, Justice, and Settling the Land: A Historical Whodunit
This innovative Website takes a historical event -- a murder case on Salt Spring Island, British Columbia, in 1868 -- and uses it as a means to examine the cultural and social history of nineteenth-century colonialism. The site is structured as a historical "whodunit." Users are challenged to form learned conclusions based on the evidence surrounding the murder of William Robinson, a black settler who was allegedly killed by an Aboriginal man, Tshuanahusset, who was ultimately tried and convicted by an all-white jury. As users investigate the complex case, by way of hundreds of primary and secondary documents and nearly a hundred images, they are confronted with manifold issues such as immigration, racism, religious tolerance, gender equality, judicial inequity, and economic change. Although creators Ruth Sandwell and John Lutz of the University of Victoria developed the site for students in grades eight through twelve, users of all ages will benefit from this rich exploration of historical understanding. [AO]
[Back to Contents]The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature
Dating from about 2100 to 1650 BCE, ancient Mesopotamian literature, written in Sumerian cuneiform, is the earliest known recorded literature in the world. The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature (ETCSL) project, an initiative of the Faculty of Oriental Studies at the University of Oxford, aims to produce a Web-based digital collection of more than 400 poetic Sumerian compositions. The ETCSL project Website provides a browseable catalog of all texts in the corpus as well as an extensive description of the project. Each entry in the corpus catalog will eventually include a Sumerian text in transliteration, an English translation of that text, and detailed bibliographic information on the original text. At present, the site provides only a handful of texts but promises to expand significantly in the coming months. [AO]
[Back to Contents]HyperHistory Online [Frames]
HyperHistory Online is a collection of hypertextual timelines that graphically display 3,000 years of world history. The timelines use charts, images, maps, and color-coded text to provide "synchronoptic" views of history. These spatial representations of time allow users to regard and compare the various associations among related and unrelated people and events throughout history. This extensive site consists of three major timeline indexes that cover important persons, significant events, and general world history. Each index includes several specific timelines arranged according to chronological period. Names of people, places, and events on the timelines link to brief historical narratives. In addition, a large collection of interlinked maps provides geographic contexts for the histories. HyperHistory Online also includes an alphabetical index of 800 people and provides 328 links to related Websites. [AO]
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(For links to additional current awareness on tables of contents, abstracts, preprints, new books, data, conferences, etc., visit the Social Sciences Current Awareness Metapage: http://scout.cs.wisc.edu/scout/report/socsci/metapage/).Institute for Research on Poverty Discussion Papers, University of Wisconsin-Madison
DP 1184-99: Mead, Lawrence M. "Statecraft: The Politics of Welfare Reform in Wisconsin" [.pdf]
DP 1185-99: Holzer, Harry J. "Employer Demand for Welfare Recipients and the Business Cycle: Evidence from Recent Employer Surveys" [.pdf]
Institute for Social and Economic Research Working Papers
No 99-3: Gershuny, Jonathan and Kimberly Fisher. "Leisure in the UK Across the 20th Century"
Abstract and summary:
.pdf version:
The Jean Monnet Chair Working Papers, Harvard Law School
No 1/99: Alston, Philip and J.H.H. Weiler. "An 'Ever Closer Union' in Need of a Human Rights Policy: The European Union and Human Rights"
No 2/99: Abbott, Frederick M. "The North American Integration Regime and Its Implications for the World Trading System"
No 3/99: Scott, Joanne. "On Kith and Kine (and Crustaceans): Trade and Environment in the EU and WTO"
No 4/99: Weiler, J.H.H. and Sybilla C. Fries. "A Human Rights Policy for the European Community and Union: The Question of Competences"
No.5/99, Francesca Bignami. "The Administrative State in a Constitutional System of Checks and Balances: Lessons for EC Comitology from American Rulemaking"
The Jerome Levy Economics Institute Working Papers
No 261: Wray, L. Randall. "Theories of Value and the Monetary Theory of Production"
UNESCO-MOST Discussion Paper and Policy Paper Series
No 30: Koenig, Matthias. "Democratic Governance in Multicultural Societies"
No 32: Mega, Voula. "The Participatory City Innovations in the European Union"
[Back to Contents]Fourth European Sociological Conference -- ESA
August 18-21, 1999. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Organized by the European Sociological Association (ESA), the Fourth European Conference of Sociology will bring together scholars from academic research institutes, statistical offices, and supranational organizations to present and discuss research activities and results related to "the [future] availability of appropriate knowledge and systematic information on social conditions within and across European societies." The conference theme will be Will Europe Work? The four main sub-themes of the conference will include Working in Europe; Working on Europe: Constructing Identities; Working on Europe: Constructing Institutions; and Europe's Working in the World. Additional information and a detailed conference program are available at the Website. [AO]
New African Perspectives: Africa, Australasia, & the Wider World at the End of the Twentieth Century -- AFSAAP
November 26-28, 1999. Perth, Australia. The 22nd Annual Conference of the African Studies Association of Australasia and the Pacific (AFSAAP) will take a critical look at "the African encounter with the twentieth century and the wider world." Submissions for papers are now being accepted on topics that cover any aspect of African Studies at the end of the twentieth century, an era called "The Age of Extremes" by conference organizers. Abstracts are due by August 31, 1999. Please see the conference Website for more information. [AO]
Twenty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the Society for Utopian Studies
November 11-14, 1999. San Antonio, Texas. The Society for Utopian Studies has issued a call for papers for its 24th annual meeting. The interdisciplinary society is "devoted to the study of utopianism in all its forms with a particular emphasis on literary and experimental utopias." Information about registration, paper submissions, travel, and accommodations are included at the society's Website. [AO]
[Back to Contents]H-Net Job Guide
Chronicle of Higher Education Job Openings
Social Science
Social Work and Social Services Jobs Online
US Department of Education -- Funding Opportunities
[Back to Contents]New Think Tank Policy Papers and Briefs
"Binding Arbitration Is Not Frequently Used to Resolve Health Care Disputes" -- RAND Research Brief
Alker, Joan and Judy Waxman. "President Clinton's FY2000 Budget" -- Families USA Foundation
Cohen, Ariel. "The Watershed in US-Russia Relations: Beyond 'Strategic' Partnership" -- The Heritage Foundation
Guyer, Jocelyn and Cindy Mann. "Employed But Not Insured: A State-by-State Analysis of the Number of Low-Income Working Parents Who Lack Health Insurance" -- Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Thompson, Lawrence H. "Administering Individual Accounts in Social Security: The Role of Values and Objectives in Shaping Options" -- The Urban Institute
[Back to Contents]New Tables of Content/Abstracts
The American Journal of Psychiatry (abstracts and full-text)
Archaeology Magazine (abstracts and full-text)
Cultural Logic: An Electronic Journal of Marxist Theory & Practice (full-text)
Journal of Asian American Studies
Sexualities: Studies in Culture and Society (abstracts)
SIGMA: The Bulletin of European Statistics [.pdf,1960K] (full-text)
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Cross-National Indicators Of Liberal Democracy, 1950-1990 -- ICPSR [.pdf, .zip]
ICPSR Member Institutions and Official Representatives:
The Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) at the University of Michigan has recently added this study to its archive. Cross-National Indicators Of Liberal Democracy, 1950-1990, is an international collection of political, social, and economic measures, containing more than 800 variables, for most of the world's independent countries. Topics covered by the study include "adult suffrage; civil liberties; political rights; the openness, fairness, and competitiveness of the electoral process; executive and legislative selection and effectiveness; political party legitimacy; political participation; limitations on the executive branch of the government; level of democratization; economic openness; constitutional development; government legitimacy; and the outlook for freedom." The ICPSR freely provides a codebook and documentation in compressed and uncompressed .pdf format. The data set is provided in a compressed and uncompressed SAS transport file, and may be downloaded by authorized member institutions and official representatives of the ICPSR Data Archive. Downloading specifications and instructions are provided. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Trends and Indicators in the Changing Health Care Marketplace [.pdf, 957K]
Trends and Indicators in the Changing Health Care Marketplace, a chartbook recently released by the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation (see the February 9, 1999 Scout Report for Social Sciences), is now available online (in .pdf format only). This 101-page chartbook presents policymakers, journalists, and others with an understanding of how rapidly the health care marketplace is changing in the US and explains the implications of these sweeping changes for consumers. Coverage includes health spending; health plan enrollment; insurance premiums, costs, and benefits; the structure of the health care marketplace; health plan and provider relationships; and the stock market's role in the health care industry. Data for trends and indicators are presented in nearly 80 graphs, charts, tables, and maps. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Two New Reports from the Census Bureau [.pdf]
Women's Health in India
Women's Education in India
The US Census Bureau has recently posted these two new reports that profile the current state of women's health and education in India. The reports were released as part of the bureau's Women of the World series, which focuses on socio-economic gender issues in various countries. The reports present data from a variety of sources and summarize germane findings to provide a snapshot of Indian literacy, education level, fertility, infant mortality, and maternal mortality, among other statistical factors related to women's health and education. [AO]
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Eritrea-Ethiopia Border War
Africa News Online
African Studies WWW -- University of Pennsylvania
Dehai Eritrea Online
Ethiopia-Eritrea Conflict Webpage
"Analysis: Arms Pour in for Border War" -- BBC News
Ethiopia-Eritrea Dispute: Sour Notes in the Horn of Africa -- USIA
"US Seen Leaving Africa to Solve Its Own Crises" -- The Globe Online
Amnesty International Reports:
"AI Welcomes Ethiopia's Release of 38 Eritrean Students"
"AI Witnesses Cruelty of Mass Deportations"
This week's In the News takes a look at the renewed fighting in the border war between Ethiopia and Eritrea. These eleven resources provide news, analysis, and commentary. Horn of Africa neighbors Ethiopia and Eritrea were a single nation until May 1993, when Eritrea achieved sovereignty and seceded from Ethiopia after a protracted war of independence that lasted nearly thirty years. Eritrea, a nation of 3.6 million located on the Red Sea, was a former Italian colony (1890-1941) that was put under British administration during World War II, federated as an autonomous unit by Ethiopia in 1952, and then finally absorbed by the Ethiopian empire in 1962. Since Eritrea's independence from Ethiopia in 1993, the two nations have disputed the demarcation of their 620-mile shared boundary, which was ostensibly delimited earlier this century in a series of treaties between the Imperial Government of Ethiopia and the Italian colonial government in Eritrea. Despite recent bilateral attempts to delineate the former colonial divide, a joint border commission has failed to settle the dispute. This on-going border conflict, compounded by severe economic tensions between the two states, erupted into war when Ethiopian and Eritrean forces clashed on May 6, 1998, in the Ethiopian-administered region of Badme. The skirmish resulted in about five weeks of fierce battle that ended last June with an unofficial peace plan brokered by the US and Rwanda. However, on February 6, the tenuous seven month stalemate snapped as heavy fighting re-ignited at several flashpoints along the contested border where both countries had amassed troops. Last weekend amid continued fighting, a delegation from the European Union failed to reach a cease-fire agreement between Eritrean President Isayas Afewerki and Ethiopian Foreign Minister Seyoum Mesfin. The unsuccessful proposal, based on a framework drafted by the Organization of African Unity, called for Eritrea to concede its current positions and return to the territory it held before the border conflict last May. As military involvement between the two countries escalates, the EU, the OAU, and the United Nations Security Council promise to re-initiate the mediation process as soon as possible before the Horn War further destabilizes east Africa.
Africa News Online, the online version of the Africa News Service (ANS), posts the latest news items related to the border conflict. ANS gleans reports from various news agencies worldwide and offers separate news pages for coverage of both countries. For users who would like a general background on the nations involved, the African Studies Center at the University of Pennsylvania provides excellent country-specific information, which includes ready-reference resources and links to additional information. Dehai Eritrea Online and the Ethiopia-Eritrea Conflict Webpage offer opposing perspectives, histories, analyses, and editorials on the Horn War. Dehai Eritrea Online advocates the Eritrean position, and the Ethiopia-Eritrea Conflict Webpage supports Ethiopian policies. "Analysis: Arms Pour in for Border War," written by regional expert Patrick Gilkes for BBC News, examines the military build-up and reports on the foreign aid flowing into the Horn. Last Tuesday, the US Information Agency's Office of Research & Media Reaction issued a digest surveying fourteen recently published foreign news reports from seven different countries. The Boston Globe Online service has posted "US Seen Leaving Africa to Solve Its Own Crises," an article written by correspondent Colum Lynch, exploring US foreign policy in regard to the present social and economic crises in Africa. Amnesty International has recently published two reports on the conflict. The first responds to Ethiopia's release of Eritrean students held as prisoners, and the second addresses Ethiopia's deportation of Eritreans formerly residing in Ethiopia. [AO]
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