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National Council for the Social Studies Online
The largest association in the US devoted to social science education, the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS), provides leadership, service, and support for elementary, secondary, and university educators worldwide. NCSS Online, the association's extensive Web-based information service, includes sixteen major sections that inform users about the organization and its affiliated groups, professional development for educators, former and forthcoming conferences, awards and grants for teachers, NCSS journals and publications, related Internet and instructional resources, educational news, and much more. Subject coverage includes, but is not limited to, anthropology, economics, geography, history, law, political science, psychology, and sociology. To aid navigation of this comprehensive site, NCSS has devised a clearly organized hierarchical scheme and placed a pull-down "QuickClick" index at the bottom of each page. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Gambling Impact Behavior Study -- NORC [.pdf]
National Gambling Impact Study Commission
In 1996, Congress created the National Gambling Impact Study Commission (NGISC) "to conduct a comprehensive legal and factual study of the social and economic impacts of gambling on . . . governments, communities, and social institutions." Recently, the National Opinion Research Center (NORC) at the University of Chicago, the study's primary research agency, submitted a preliminary report to the NGISC based on nine months of research design, data collection, and analyses. This 66-page .pdf report, "Overview of National Survey and Community Database Research on Gambling Behavior," is now available online at the NORC Website. In addition to the report, NORC provides documents that describe the scope of work of the Gambling Impact and Behavior Study; a slide show based on the NORC team's recent presentation to the NGISC; and the "NORC DSM-IV Screen for Gambling Behavior." The NGISC's final report to Congress, the President, and state governors, which is due June 20, 1999, will be made available at this site when issued. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Hunger: The Faces & Facts -- Second Harvest
Second Harvest, the largest charitable hunger relief organization in the US, has recently made available online Hunger 1997: The Faces & Facts, which summarizes the findings of the most comprehensive study about domestic hunger ever conducted. The report demographically profiles the 21 million people, including more than 8 million children, who currently receive emergency food assistance, and examines the reasons, circumstances, and consequences of hunger in the US. In addition, the report provides information about people who assist the hungry and details the purpose, methodology, and scope of the eighteen-month study. [AO]
[Back to Contents]ResPool
ResPool is a new, unmoderated resource awareness mailing list for librarians, researchers, and information professionals. Created by Robert J. Tiess, a Web librarian and content developer, ResPool aims to provide a forum for sharing useful, authoritative Internet-based reference resources. The list will be restricted to announcements and requests related to new and known resources such as online databases, specialized search engines, Web directories, topical indices, and subject bibliographies. The Website provides detailed list information, including a Web form for subscribing, and maintains an archive of past postings and an Internet Guide of URLs submitted to the list. [AO]
[Back to Contents]European Environmental Law Homepage [Frames]
The European Environmental Law Homepage provides access to the full text of treaties, legislation, case law, scholarly legal articles, and EU and NGO documents relevant to environmental law in Europe. In addition, the site has compiled a directory of important governmental Websites for most nations in Europe and maintains a list of pointers to other legal sites with environmental information. The site is edited by Wybe Th. Douma of the T.M.C. Asser Institute, and Jurgen G.J. Lefevere of both the Foundation for International Environmental Law and Development, and the METRO Institute, Maastricht University. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Two GAO Reports on Welfare Reform [.pdf]
Welfare Reform: States' Experiences in Providing Employment Assistance to TANF Clients [140 p.]
Welfare Reform: Few States Are Likely to Use the Simplified Food Stamp Program [51 p.]
These two reports, recently released by the US General Accounting Office (GAO), examine some of the consequences of the federal Welfare Reform Act of 1996. The first report studies how five states -- Arizona, Massachusetts, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin -- have been implementing the new Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program, which supplies time-limited assistance to recipients while helping them to find and maintain work. The report concludes that, although states are making changes to the structure of their welfare and workforce development systems, only one state, Wisconsin, has fully integrated both systems. The second report studies the Simplified Food Stamp Program provision of the Welfare Reform Act to identify the seven states that have adopted the program, describe the concerns of the non-participant states regarding increased casework and restricted options, and examine the program's limited effects on households's eligibility and benefits. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Three New JSTOR Titles
African American Review
The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education
Journal of the History of Ideas
Participating JSTOR Sites:
JSTOR has recently added three new titles to its collection of full-text, online journals. African American Review, the quarterly publication of the Division on Black American Literature and Culture of the Modern Language Association, is published by Indiana State University, and includes Volumes 1-29, 1967-1995. AAR continues Black American Literature Forum (1976-1991) and Negro American Literature Forum (1967-1976). The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education, published by CH II Publishers, "provides new information about the governance, policies, and practices in . . . colleges and universities" as they relate to African Americans. JSTOR offers Issues 1-10, 1993-1995. Journal of the History of Ideas, an interdisciplinary quarterly that "examines the evolution of ideas and their influence on historical developments," is published by Johns Hopkins University Press, and includes Volumes 1-55, 1940-1994. Note: access to JSTOR content is currently available only on a site license basis to academic institutions. A list of institutions with site licenses is available at the last URL above. [AO]
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NewsWatch: A Consumer's Guide to the News
The Center for Media and Public Affairs, a nonpartisan research organization that conducts scientific analyses of the media, has recently launched NewsWatch, a new daily Web magazine created for news consumers, promising to "tell you when [news is] accurate, when it's wrong, and why." NewsWatch contains several sections: Today's News, a daily news summary from NewsWatch editors; Media Critic, a daily digest of news about the news media from leading media critics; Spotlight, feature articles analyzing the news media; Resources, a collection of links to online media publications, watchdog organizations, and research institutions; and Talk Back, a directory of news organizations for consumers who want to provide feedback directly to news agencies. The entire site is searchable by keyword(s). [AO]
[Back to Contents]The Quest for Equality -- World Book
In honor of Women's History Month, the editors of the World Book Multimedia Encyclopedia present The Quest for Equality, a new, free online feature that is an excellent learning tool for K-12 students. This in-depth site chronicles the history of women's suffrage, the rise of women's movements, and the struggle for equal rights. Also provided are biographies of prominent women in history as well as links to other women's history sites on the Web. [AO]
[Back to Contents]"The Color of Money: Campaign Contributions and Race" -- Public Campaign [Frames]
Public Campaign, a non-profit, non-partisan organization devoted to campaign reform, has recently made "The Color of Money: Campaign Contributions and Race" available on the Web. The report analyzes "who contributes to federal elections and who doesn't [and] paints a vivid and disturbing portrait" of a society wherein white and wealthy voters make the majority of campaign contributions, in effect disenfranchising people of color. This Website provides an executive summary of the report, highlights the findings, comments on the research methodology, and suggests directions for future research. The site offers a variety of maps and statistical tables that present data gathered during the research. In addition, users can search the study data. One database interface allows searching and ranking of several study criteria such as Population, Per Capita Contribution, Per Capita Income, and Percentage of People of Color. The second interface provides political contribution and race statistics for all cities and towns in all 50 states. [AO]
[Back to Contents]The Pluralism Project
Developed at Harvard University by Diana L. Eck, Professor of Comparative Religion and Indian Studies, the Pluralism Project aims to study and document the expanding religious diversity in the US. Besides providing details about the Project, this Website contains an abundance of information resources germane to the study of religion, including full-text articles, numerous bibliographies and syllabi, a directory of nearly 3,000 religious centers, recent news on religion, a national calendar of conferences and religious events, an ImageBase of photographic slides, and a selected collection of annotated links to related sites. [AO]
[Back to Contents]The History of Chinese Bookbinding -- The British Library Dunhuang Collection [Frames]
The International Dunhuang Project (IDP), an initiative of the Chinese section of the British Library's Oriental and India Office Collections (first mentioned in the October 16, 1998 Scout Report), has recently introduced a new site on the history of Chinese bookbinding. The site combines articles written by Colin Chinnery of the IDP with illustrations and photographs, to provide visitors with a general overview of six types of bookbinding methods used on the materials in the Dunhuang Collection. Despite its unwieldy framed format, the site presents an excellent scholarly introduction to a fascinating facet of print history. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Catalyst: Computers in Psychology
Catalyst serves as a current awareness resource for information about computers in psychology. The site features full-text scholarly and general interest articles on recent psychological research related to information technology, covering such topics as cyberpsychology, online counseling, human-computer interaction, online behavior, Internet addiction, technology in education, and much more. The site also points users to other Web-based research publications, educational technology resources, and psychology-related software. Catalyst is produced by Victoria Point, an educational multimedia company founded by Richard Davis of Boston University. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Community College Web [Frames]
The Maricopa Center for Learning and Instruction, at the Maricopa Community Colleges (Arizona), provides this searchable directory of more than 930 community colleges in the US, Canada, and seven other countries worldwide. Users may search the directory by geographic area, by the first letter of the college's name, or by keywords in the college name, location, or Web address. The site also provides a collection of over 150 Internet resources associated with community colleges. These briefly annotated resources are divided into eight subject categories -- such as Students, Technology, Journals, and Employment -- and may be searched by keyword or browsed by subject category. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Understanding MARC Bibliographic: Machine-Readable Cataloging -- LOC
The Network Development and MARC Standards Office of the Library of Congress has recently made available the fifth edition of Understanding MARC Bibliographic: Machine-Readable Cataloging. This online version of the booklet written by Betty Furrie serves librarians and others as a concise reference guide to machine-readable cataloging. Divided into twelve succinct parts, the guide provides readers with brief a history of MARC and USMARC formats; defines common terms and concepts; summarizes frequently used USMARC tags, indicators, and subfield codes; and offers cataloging examples. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Peace Corps Kids World [Flash]
Peace Corps Kids World was launched on March 2 as part of the annual Peace Corps Day celebration, commemorating the organization's 38th anniversary. Designed for elementary and middle school students, Kids World provides a history of the Peace Corps, describes its purposes and goals, and explains the value of service and volunteerism. The site also teaches kids about world geography in the Explore the World section, and examines the diverse cultures of other countries in two fun, fact-filled sections: Food, Friends, and Fun; and Tell Me a Story. In addition, visitors will be able to apply what they learn at the site in an interactive Shockwave game entitled Pack Your Bags! [AO]
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(For links to additional current awareness on tables of contents, abstracts, preprints, new books, data, conferences, etc., visit the Social Sciences Current Awareness Metapage: http://scout.cs.wisc.edu/scout/report/socsci/metapage/).Current Awareness -- North Carolina Department of Public Instruction
Compiled monthly by the Education Information Center of the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction in association with The Landmark Project, Current Awareness is a bibliographic database of the most recent literature on issues related to education and technology. Garnered from an extensive journal collection, the citations in the database are indexed into more than 200 topic areas. Educators may browse the database by topic or conduct keyword searches on topic or title. Queries yield brief citations in a tabular format. [AO]
[Back to Contents]New Offerings from Academic Publishers
Association of American University Presses: New Releases
Baker&Taylor Academia -- Upcoming Books to Buy (March 1999)
Cambridge University Press
Perseus Books: By Category
Thela Thesis -- Just Published
Oxbow Books -- New Books
[Back to Contents]Ninth International Conference on Reversal Theory
June 28-July 2, 1999. Windsor, Ontario. "The theory of psychological reversals is a broad band theory at the nexus of personality, motivation, and emotion." This conference, hosted by the Department of Psychology at the University of Windsor, will include paper presentations, poster sessions, and symposia on all aspects of Reversal Theory. Registration information and guidelines for submitting proposal abstracts are located at the Website. [AO]
Fifth Annual International Cultural Heritage Informatics Meeting
September 23-26, 1999. Washington, DC. The fifth ICHIM Conference (formerly known as the International Conference on Hypermedia and Interactivity in Museums) will "address methods of access to cultural heritage information, with specific attention to the interaction between users, information resources, and providers." Please see the Website for registration information and conference details. [AO]
Recording the Past -- Association for History and Computing
September 14-16, 1999. London England. The annual conference of the UK Branch of the Association for History and Computing "will focus on the creation and use of digital representations of historical resources and the effects of computer-based technologies on historical scholarship and on teaching history." Proposals for papers, themed sessions, panel discussions, and presentations of work in progress are now being accepted. Abstracts are due March 19, 1999. Submission information is provided at the site. [AO]
[Back to Contents]H-Net Job Guide
Chronicle of Higher Education Job Openings
Social Science
American Anthropological Association -- Positions Open
Society of Research Administrators GrantsWeb
American Education Research Association (AERA) Grants Program
[Back to Contents]New Think Tank Policy Papers and Briefs
Hall, Allyson G., Karen Scott Collins, M.D., and Sherry Glied. "Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance: Implications for Minority Workers" -- The Commonwealth Fund
Isaacson, Jeffrey A., Christopher Layne, and John Arquilla. "Predicting Military Innovation" -- RAND [.pdf]
Johnson, Nicholas, Christina Smith FitzPatrick, and Elizabeth C. McNichol. "State Income Tax Burdens on Low-Income Families in 1998: Assessing the Burden and Opportunities for Relief" -- Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Press release:
Full .pdf version:
Light, Paul, C. "The Changing Shape of Government" -- The Brookings Institution
Thierer, Adam D. "The Bliley 'States' Initiative': Empowering States and Protecting Federalism" -- The Heritage Foundation
[Back to Contents]New Tables of Content/ Abstracts
Columbia Journalism Review (full-text)
Culture & Psychology (abstracts)
Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television
Journal of Electronic Publishing (full-text)
Journal of Law, Information and Technology (full-text)
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CANQUES on the Web, 1973-1995 -- National Cancer Institute [Java 1.1]
SEER Cancer Statistics Review, 1973-1995 [.pdf]
The SEER (Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results) Program of the National Cancer Institute has recently developed CANQUES (Cancer Query System) on the Web, 1973-1995. CANQUES is an interactive data system with a Java interface that allows users to access over 10 million pre-calculated cancer statistics. Users may select among twelve statistical topic areas, define customized queries, and retrieve selected data on incidence, mortality, and survival for most types of human cancer. CANQUES derives its data from SEER Cancer Statistics Review, 1973-1995, a recent report that provides a profile of cancer in the US. Note: To access CANQUES, users must have a browser that supports Java 1.1. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Sweden in Figures 1999 -- Statistics Sweden
Recently published by Statistics Sweden (Statistiska centralbyran), Sweden in Figures 1999, "provid[es] summary statistics on a broad range of conditions and activities in Sweden," including population, geography, education, politics, economics, religion, environment, justice, and transportation. This Website categorically arranges the summary statistics, which may be viewed in easy-to-read data tables. Users who would like more detailed data should visit the frequently updated Statistics section of the Statistics Sweden Website. The Statistics section provides an abundance of graphs, tables, and charts based on Swedish data. [AO]
[Back to Contents]American Indians and Crime -- BJS
.pdf version [555K, 50 p.]
This report, recently released by the Bureau of Justice Statistics, measures and characterizes the rate of violent crimes experienced by Native Americans in the US, who as the report concludes, are victimized by violent crime at more than twice the rate of US residents in general. The data collection was garnered from a variety of government sources and presents statistics on the involvement of drugs, alcohol, and weapons in crimes; the relationship between victim and offender; the rate of crime reporting by victims; and the physical and financial damage incurred by victims. The report also summarizes data on American Indians in the criminal justice system. [AO]
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Former Supreme Court Justice Harry Blackmun Dies
Harry A. Blackmun (1908-1999) -- Legal Information Institute Supreme Court Collection
Harry A. Blackmun -- The Oyez Project
Roe v. Wade -- The Oyez Project [RealPlayer]
Roe v. Wade -- FindLaw
Roe v. Wade 25 Years Later -- CNN.com Special Report
"A Quiet Man Who Enjoyed Ordinary Things" -- startribune.com
"Public Officials, Legal Experts Comment on Blackmun" -- startribune.com
Inside the Supreme Court -- washingtonpost.com
The Supreme Court: A Journey Through Time -- Court TV Online [QuickTime, RealPlayer]
This week's In the News looks back at the life and legal legacy of former US Supreme Court Associate Justice Harry Andrew Blackmun, who died last Thursday at the age of 90, five years after a contentious 24-year tenure with the court. Raised in Minnesota and educated at Harvard University, Blackmun served as a judge in the US Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit before being appointed to the Supreme Court by President Nixon in 1970. Blackmun entered the court as a moderate conservative, but by the end of his long career, his convictions had shifted, and he became regarded as a strong progressive voice championing civil and personal liberties. Blackmun claimed that his ideologies did not change over the course of his career and that his apparent leftward shift was a reflection of the court's transformation to conservatism between 1969 and 1991. During that time period, nine conservative Republican appointees entered the court, replacing several liberal justices and altering the court's composition. Yet despite his self-proclaimed moderate views, Blackmun will be remembered for his liberal jurisprudence, most notably demonstrated in the landmark 50-page majority opinion that he authored in 1973 in the case of Roe v. Wade, which established the constitutional right to abortion. In other important Supreme Court opinions, Blackmun provided a liberal voice as an advocate of free speech, affirmative action, gay rights, and women's rights as well as an opponent of capital punishment. In an interview with The Associated Press after his retirement, Justice Blackmun, who was considered to be a diligent and unassuming man, understated his legal legacy: "I hope I would be remembered as a person of judicial integrity . . . known just as a good worker . . . who held his own and contributed generally to the advancement of the law." The following nine resources provide recent news, Supreme Court history, and the full text of related legal documents.
The Legal Information Institute Supreme Court Collection at Cornell University Law School provides a detailed biography of Justice Blackmun as well as the full text of all of his decisions. A more concise professional biography of Blackmun is available from The Oyez Project at Northwestern University (see the January 26, 1996 Scout Report), a US Supreme Court multimedia database. The Oyez Project site also contains transcripts and RealAudio files of the oral argument and reargument in Roe v. Wade. FindLaw (first discussed in the February 23, 1996 Scout Report) provides the full text of Roe v. Wade opinion written by Blackmun. In 1998, CNN.com produced a special report analyzing the 25-year history of Roe v. Wade. The StarTribune's Website, startribune.com, presents two articles that eulogize Blackmun. The online version of The Washington Post, washingtonpost.com, offers Inside the Supreme Court, a general interest Website that profiles current and past justices, explains how the court works, and comments on notable cases. Court TV Online provides a history of the Supreme Court through a rich multimedia tour. [AO]
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