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Early Childhood Research & Practice
ERIC Clearinghouse on Elementary and Early Childhood Education
Early Childhood Research & Practice (ECRP) is a new biannual, peer-reviewed electronic journal that will emphasize the coverage of practice-related research and development associated with the care and education of children aged eight and younger. In addition to feature articles on research and practice, ECRP will include editorials, letters to the editor, and essays that present opinions and reflections on topics related to the scope of the journal. Access to the ECRP will be free during its inaugural year; however, starting in the year 2000, the journal will begin to charge for subscription. ECRP is sponsored by the ERIC Clearinghouse on Elementary and Early Childhood Education (ERIC/EECE) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The ERIC/EECE Website provides ready access to a wide array of information resources in the areas of child development, the education and care of children from birth through early adolescence, the teaching of young children, and parenting and family life. [AO]
[Back to Contents]MOST Clearing House on Religious Rights -- UNESCO
UNESCO's MOST Clearing House (first mentioned in the November 18, 1997 Scout Report for Social Sciences) has added a new segment on religious rights. The Clearing House on Religious Rights supplies legislators, policymakers, researchers, and other representatives of both governmental and non-governmental organizations with information to monitor to the peaceful transition to democracy in societies characterized by cultural and religious pluralism. This site provides several full-text international legal documents concerning religious rights, excerpts of 67 national constitutions that contain provisions on religion, and a modest bibliography on religious rights. In addition, the site hosts a new discussion forum, Democratic Governance in Multireligious Societies. The forum will address "the social dynamics of multireligious societies and policy-options for the management of religious conflict from a social science perspective." Subscription information for the mailing list is available at the site. [AO]
[Back to Contents]psych-methods
This new electronic mailing list will serve as a forum for the scholarly discussion of psychological research methodology. The forum will encompass both quantitative and qualitative methods and provide an opportunity for researchers and others to discuss issues surrounding research methods and results. An archive of past messages and a FAQ are available at the Website. [AO]
To subscribe, send a message to:
In the body of the message, type:
join psych-methods firstname lastname
[Back to Contents]AARP Research Center
AARP Webplace
The Research Center at the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) Webplace provides users with reference information, research results, and policy insights on a variety of topics about older adults and aging. Coverage includes Health and Long Term Care, Economic Security and Work, Independent Living, Consumer Issues, and Demographics and Reference. The Research Digest section offers brief reports of recent findings and news about projects in progress. The site also provides the searchable AgeLine database, which contains nearly 50,000 abstracts of current literature on aging, spanning from 1966 to the present. [AO]
[Back to Contents]BRIDGE: briefings on development & gender -- IDS
BRIDGE (briefings on development and gender) is an information service provided by the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) at the University of Sussex. BRIDGE supplies development agencies with briefings that "present state of the art research findings, review current policy debates, synthesize best practice, and evaluate strategies for translating gender policies into practice." This site includes full-text BRIDGE publications, a bibliographic database, and links to other gender and development resources. [AO]
[Back to Contents]National Center for Economic & Security Alternatives
The National Center for Economic & Security Alternatives (NCESA) is an independent research institute that provides current information related to "community building, enhanced democratic participation, community-based asset development, and environmental sustainability." Divided into three major sections -- Community Building, Nonprofit Impact, and Security & Disarmament -- the NCESA Website offers online research reports, articles, case studies, and bibliographies as well as a well organized annotated list of relevant links. In addition, the site provides a catalog of NCESA publications, an email newsletter to keep users apprised of recent developments, and a search facility, allowing users to search documents at the site. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Alcohol Industry & Policy Database -- The Marin Institute [Java]
The Marin Institute for the Prevention of Alcohol and Other Drug Problems maintains the Alcohol Industry & Policy Database, which contains bibliographic citations and abstracts for more than 13,000 articles and news stories on the alcohol beverage industry, alcohol policy, and the prevention of alcohol-related problems. The citations in the database span from 1991 to the present and are updated monthly. Users may conduct cross-field queries of the database by keywords, subject headings, company name, and publication date. The search facility includes Word Wheels, which are interactive Java applets that help users to identify indexed terms quickly, thereby "eliminat[ing] trial-and-error searching [and] produc[ing] more accurate searches." [AO]
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Metis: QTVR Interface for Ancient Greek Archaeological Sites [QuickTime 3.0]
Designed by Bruce Hartzler of the Department of Classics at the University of Texas at Austin, Metis is a collection of QuickTime VR movies that allow users to explore the ruins of nineteen ancient Greek archaeological sites, including the Acropolis in Athens and the Temple of Aphaia in Aegina. Most movies are accompanied by site plans, which permit users to map out their virtual expeditions. Several of the movies also include embedded links that connect users to related information provided by the Perseus Project (first discussed in the October 17, 1997 Scout Report). [AO]
[Back to Contents]SCETI: Schoenberg Center for Electronic Text & Image -- University of Pennsylvania
Established in the University of Pennsylvania 's Special Collections Library, the Schoenberg Center for Electronic Text & Image (SCETI) functions as a gateway to online resources in the Penn Library System and "provide[s] the scholarly community with Web access to virtual facsimiles of . . . books, manuscripts, photographs, maps, broadsides, ephemera, and recorded sound." The interdisciplinary SCETI contains eighteen online collections and virtual exhibitions that encompass topics in the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. Online collections include the Furness Shakespeare Library; "Science, the Occult, and Religion;" and the Keffer Collection of Sheet Music, among several others. Virtual exhibitions, which highlight materials from special collections, include titles such as Household Words: Women Write from and for the Kitchen; John W. Mauchly and the Development of the ENIAC Computer; and Cultural Readings: Colonization & Print in the Americas. Visitors may learn more about current and forthcoming SCETI projects at the site. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Teaching Political Science -- APSA
The American Political Science Association (APSA) has recently launched Teaching Political Science. This rich pedagogical site provides an array of professional development opportunities for instructors and many educational resources for students of political science and civics. Included are a database of online syllabi, a collection of scholarly articles and essays, a section devoted to civic education, online access to APSA's journal, PS: Political Science & Politics, and much more. Each month, the site will focus on an aspect of political science education. This month's feature, Teaching and the Internet: Watching Evolution, provides a compilation of essays on how to integrate the Internet into the classroom. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Tools for College Writing
Created by Joseph McNeilly of Cabrillo College (Aptos, California), Tools for College Writing introduces beginning college students to the fundamentals of the writing process, providing them with the "skills that will enhance their chance of success as college writers." In addition, the site gives new students a general introduction to "college culture" and explains "how college works," enabling them to survive and thrive as college students. The site features a built-in dictionary to aid learning, and the text for each section is also available as a sound file to assist students who speak English as a second language and to help students who may have learning disabilities. [AO]
[Back to Contents]American Society of International Law
The American Society of International Law (ASIL) aims to educate and engage the public in issues concerning international law. The society's extensive Website contains a wealth of information, including several online publications, bibliographies, the ASIL Guide to Electronic Resources for International Law, and ASILEX, a searchable database of ASIL publications from 1964 to the present. In addition, the site provides a detailed introduction and history of the society, profiles its membership, and maintains a calendar of important events and activities. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Hennen's American Public Library Rating Index [Frames, .xls]
Compiled by Thomas J. Hennen Jr. based on data collected from nearly 7,000 public libraries participating in the US Federal-State Cooperative Service, Hennen's American Public Library Rating (HALPR) Index "provides a comparative rating system that librarians, trustees, and the public can use to improve and extend library services." The HALPR Index evaluates and ranks libraries according to six input and nine output measures that are weighted and scored by Hennen, Director of the Waukesha County (Wisconsin) Federated Library System. The measures focus on circulation, staffing, materials, reference service, and funding levels. The index is divided into four broad population groups, and users may view the rankings (in HTML or Excel format) and percentile scores for each group to identify the best public libraries in the US. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Chinese Language and Gender On-line Bibliography
Professor Marjorie K.M. Chan of the Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures at Ohio State University has compiled this online bibliography, providing over 70 references to linguistics resources that cover gender and Chinese languages. Also included are links to online collections of gender-related course syllabi. [AO]
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(For links to additional current awareness on tables of contents, abstracts, preprints, new books, data, conferences, etc., visit the Social Sciences Current Awareness Metapage: http://scout.cs.wisc.edu/scout/report/socsci/metapage/).Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology Working Papers, University of Washington
No 99-6: Hao, Lingxin and Ross L. Matsueda. "Family Social Capital Through Childhood: A Sibling Model of Behavior Problems"
No 99-7: Steinman, Erich. "Together and Unequal: Nonlinear and Interaction Effects of Occupational Sex Composition on Men's and Women's Wages"
No 99-8: Guest, Avery M. "Frontier and Urban-Industrial Explanations of US Occupational Mobility in the Late 1800's"
European Integration online Papers (EIoP) -- Volume 3
No 3: Knodt, Michele and Nicola Staeck. "Shifting Paradigms: Reflecting Germany's European Policy"
Institute for Research on Poverty Discussion Papers, University of Wisconsin-Madison
DP 1186-99: Gamoran, Adam, Robert D. Mare, and Lynne Bethke. "Effects of Nonmaternal Child Care on Inequality in Cognitive Skills"
DP 1187-99: Haveman, R. and J. Schwabish. "Macroeconomic Performance and the Poverty Rate: A Return to Normalcy?"
Institute for Social and Economic Research Working Papers
No 99-4: Ramos, Xavier. " The Covariance Structure of Earnings in Great Britain: 1991-1995"
The Jean Monnet Chair Working Papers, Harvard Law School
No 6/99: Boch, Christine. "The Iroquois at the Kirchberg; or, some Naive Remarks on the Status and Relevance of Direct Effect"
US Census Bureau Population Division Working Papers
No 28: Bass, Loretta E. and Lynne M. Casper. "Are There Differences in Voting Behavior Between Naturalized and Native-Born Americans?"
No 29: Gibson, Campbell and Emily Lennon. "Historical Census Statistics on the Foreign-Born Population of the United States: 1850 to 1990"
[Back to Contents]New Think Tank Policy Papers and Briefs
Auerbach, Alan J. and William G. Gale. "The Case Against Tax Cuts" -- The Brookings Institution
Fix, Michael and Margery Austin Turner. "A National Report Card on Discrimination in America: The Role of Testing" -- The Urban Institute
Pena, Charles V. and Barbara Conry. "National Missile Defense: Examining the Options" -- The Cato Institute
"President Clinton's Social Security Package, the Federal Budget and the National Debt: A Layman's Guide" -- The Social Security Network, A Century Foundation Project
"The Unmet Need for Contraception in Developing Countries" -- RAND
[Back to Contents]Beyond Babel: Common Language, Common Differences, Common Ground -- WHA
October 14-16,1999. San Diego, California. The Eighteenth Annual Conference of the Western Humanities Alliance (WHA), hosted by the University of California-San Diego, will assemble scholars in the humanities and the social sciences to address four interdisciplinary areas of investigation: Hybridization of Cultures / Cultures of Hybridization, Crossing of Disciplines and of Models of Knowledge, Mixtures of Artistic Forms, and Integration of Cognitive Processes. Please see the Website for additional information and conference details. [AO]
Global Perspectives on Personhood: Rights and Responsibilities
October 14-16, 1999. Calgary, Alberta. Co-sponsored by the Calgary-based Famous 5 Foundation and the University of Calgary's Committee for the Institute for Gender Research and the International Centre, this conference will celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Persons' Case in Canadian history, which recognized Canadian women as "persons" in matters of rights and privileges. Scholars from around the world are scheduled to speak. The Website provides brief biographies of the speakers as well as detailed registration information. [AO]
The Fourth International Congress of the Americas
September 29-October 2, 1999. Puebla, Mexico. The general topic for the Fourth International Congress of the Americas, hosted by the Universidad de las Americas-Puebla, is The Americas in Transition: The Challenges of the New Millennium. The Website includes information about the topics covered by the congress, an overview of Cholula and Puebla, Mexico, and an online registration form. [AO]
[Back to Contents]H-Net Job Guide
Chronicle of Higher Education Job Openings
Social Science
American Psychological Association Research Psychology Funding Bulletin
American Sociological Association Funding Opportunities
[Back to Contents]New Tables of Content/ Abstracts
The British Journal of Politics & International Relations
Cultural Dynamics (abstracts)
Electoral Studies
Journal of Communication (abstracts)
Psychoanalytic Studies
Slavic Review (abstracts)
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"Dropout Rates in the United States: 1997" -- NCES [.pdf]
Released last week by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), this 82-page report provides time series data on high school dropout and completion rates in the US from 1972 to 1997. The report also examines the characteristics of both high school dropouts and graduates in 1997. State-level information is presented for 1990 to 1997. Overall, the report shows a gradual pattern of decline in the number of dropouts in the last 25 years, with an annual decrease of 0.11 percent per year. In 1997, 33 million, or 11 percent, of 16- to 24-year-olds in the US were dropouts [AO]
[Back to Contents]"What Teens Know and Don't (But Should) About Sexually Transmitted Diseases" -- Kaiser Family Foundation [.pdf]
Chart pack [.pdf]:
Conducted by the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation (see the February 9, 1999 Scout Report for Social Sciences), this new national survey of 15- to 17-year-olds examines their knowledge, awareness, attitudes, and behavior in relation to sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Despite national estimates claiming that about one in four teenagers contracts an STD every year, most teens underestimate their personal risk and underrate the overall incidence of STDs. Moreover, many teens are mis- or uninformed about treatment and health consequences. The report provides survey highlights and methodology, a summary of findings, detailed results, and the survey questionnaire. A supplementary chart pack clearly presents key findings. [AO]
[Back to Contents]State Institute of Statistics -- Republic of Turkey
The State Institute of Statistics (SIS) produces, collects, and compiles national social, economic, cultural, and demographic data for the Republic of Turkey. The SIS, a division of the Prime Ministry, provides the latest figures, indicators, and statistical reports on Turkey published by the Turkish government and other international statistical agencies. [AO]
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European Union Scandal
EU in Crisis -- BBC Special Report
First Report of the Committee of Independent Experts -- European Parliament
Profiles and Portfolios of the 20 Commissioners -- The European Commission
Three Codes of Conduct -- The European Commission
"Crisis in Brussels: Europe Has to Scratch Its Head" -- The Economist
"In Europe, a More Perfect Union? Corruption Probe May Benefit Quest For Integration" -- The Washington Post
"Now Let's Have a Democratic Overhaul of Europe" -- The International Herald Tribune
This week's In the News examines the recent high-level corruption scandal in the European Union. Last Tuesday, the European Commission -- the executive body that initiates and implements EU legislation -- resigned en masse, plunging the supranational organization into unprecedented political chaos. All 20 commissioners, led by commission President Jacques Santer of Luxembourg, abdicated their positions the day after the release of a scathing report by the Committee of Independent Experts. The independent panel of experts, who were appointed by the European Parliament, had investigated allegations of bureaucratic malfeasance perpetrated by the European Commission. The committee's report collectively accused the commission of financial "fraud, mismanagement, and nepotism." In the wake of the incriminating report and subsequent resignations, EU foreign ministers are scrambling to find successors for the commissioners to placate the bewildered European citizenry and return to business as usual. This political upheaval happened at a crucial transitional time in the EU's 42-year history, undermining its credibility at a time when it plans to expand into eastern Europe. The current tumult occurred just three months after launching a new unified currency, seven weeks before the new Treaty of Amsterdam commences, and three months before the next European Parliamentary elections, which will determine the future composition of the EU's 626-member assembly. During the next two days, distracted leaders from all fifteen EU member states will meet in Berlin to discuss the reconstruction of the European Commission and formulate a seven-year budget for the entire EU, an organization with about 18,000 officials who administer nearly $100 billion annually. The following eight resources provide news, commentary, and analysis.
EU in Crisis, a BBC Special Report, offers the latest news, background information, and in-depth analyses about the scandal. The European Parliament has posted the full text of the damning report released by the Committee of Independent Experts. At the European Commission site, users may review the Profiles and Portfolios of the 20 Commissioners who were disgraced by the committee's report and read the violated codes of conduct that they recently drafted for themselves. The EU has released a statement given by President Jacques Santer the day after the mass resignation. "Crisis in Brussels" is a feature in The Economist that speculates on the future of the commission. "In Europe, a More Perfect Union?", an article from The Washington Post, puts a positive spin on the EU shake-up. "Now Let's Have a Democratic Overhaul of Europe" is an editorial written for the The International Herald Tribune by Jonathan Eyal, director of studies at the Royal United Services Institute in London. [AO]
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