CARD: Canadian Archaeological Radiocarbon Database
Hosted by the Canadian Archaeological Association and maintained by Dr. Richard Morlan of the Canadian Museum of Civilization (see the April 21, 1998 Scout Report for Social Sciences), the Canadian Archaeological Radiocarbon Database (CARD) is a new online "compilation of radiocarbon measurements that indicate the ages of archaeological and vertebrate palaeontological sites in Canada." Users may conduct cross-field searches of the database by Borden block, Borden number, site name, province, laboratory number, material dated, cultural affiliation, or range of dates. Database queries yield full data on radiocarbon (carbon-14) measurements, including provenience, taxon information, and comments. In addition, the site explains the basic principles of radiocarbon dating, the technical issues affecting the technique, and how the database was compiled. The entire CARD site is also available in French. [AO]
[Back to Contents]1998 National Gun Policy Survey of the National Opinion Research Center: Research Findings [.pdf, 250K]
Press release:
The National Opinion Research Center (NORC) at the University of Chicago in collaboration with the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research has recently released a final report based on the research findings of a national survey on gun policies. The new 64-page study reports on topics such as the regulation of firearms, gun ownership and use, knowledge and attitudes toward guns, gun violence, and safety issues. The report includes thirteen statistical tables and concludes that the American public strongly supports "legislation to regulate firearms, make guns safer, and reduce the accessibility of firearms to criminals and children." [AO]
[Back to Contents]China's Changing Nuclear Posture: Reactions to the South Asian Nuclear Tests -- CEIP
Book abstract:
Full text [.pdf]:
This new 88-page monograph, written by Dr. Ming Zhang and recently released by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (CEIP), takes an "inside look at the history and politics of the changing nuclear posture of the People's Republic of China." The treatise examines the implications of the recent nuclear tests conducted by Pakistan and India and estimates the impact these tests will have on the future of China's nuclear doctrine, nuclear force structure, and non-proliferation policies. Thirteen .pdf files provide the full text of the monograph: a foreword, six chapters, a notes section, three appendices, a map, and an author biography. The author, Dr. Zhang, is an expert on Asian security, director of research at IHS International, and a consultant for CEIP. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Literature Search -- APA
The American Psychoanalytic Association (APA) provides this searchable bibliographic index for practitioners, researchers, and students. The bibliographic database currently contains more than 30,000 citations from psychoanalytic journals, books, and book reviews, spanning from the late nineteenth century to the present. Users may search the index by keyword(s) or by author name(s) only. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Kids These Days '99: What Americans Really Think About the Next Generation -- Public Agenda Online
Public Agenda -- a nonpartisan, nonprofit research organization devoted to public opinion, policy analysis, and citizen education (see the February 23, 1999 Scout Report for Social Sciences) -- has recently released a report based on the findings of a national survey of American attitudes toward children and teenagers. The 1999 report, a follow-up to Public Agenda's 1997 benchmark survey, concludes "that the public continues to be disturbed by the lack of values such as honesty, civility, and responsibility in America's youth." Key findings from the survey are presented as graphs, tables, and charts in seven discrete sections within the report: Negative Reactions, A Focus on Values and Respect, Putting the Blame on Parents, Difficult Circumstances, Little Willingness to Write off Kids, The Role of Government, and Positive Attitudes among Teens. Kids These Days '99 is the second of five tracking surveys on America's youth conducted by Public Agenda, with three more scheduled before 2002. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Three New JSTOR Titles
Journal of Negro Education
Journal of Negro History
Modern Language Notes (continued by MLN)
Participating JSTOR Sites:
JSTOR has recently added three new titles to its collection of full-text, online journals. Journal of Negro Education, a quarterly founded at Howard University, includes volumes 1-62, 1932-1993. Journal of Negro History, published by the Association for the Study of Afro-American Life and History, Inc., includes volumes 1-80, 1916-1995. MLN, published by Johns Hopkins University Press, contains critical studies of modern languages (Italian, Hispanic, German, French) and comparative literature, and includes volumes 77-109, 1962-1994. MLN continues Modern Language Notes, which is also held by JSTOR (volumes 1-76, 1886-1961). Note: access to JSTOR content is currently available only on a site-license basis to academic institutions. A list of institutions with site licenses is available. [AO]
[Back to Contents]
Learning Resources
Death of the Father: An Anthropology of Closure in Political Authority -- CIDC
The Cornell Institute for Digital Collections (CIDC) recently launched a new Website exploring the "socio-political fallout that followed the death of six 20th-century patriarchs," including Romania's Nicolae Ceausescu, Japan's Emperor Hirohito, Germany's Adolph Hitler, Italy's Benito Mussolini, the Soviet Union's Josef Stalin, and Yugoslavia's Josip Broz Tito. The site provides information about the "fathers" and the rise and fall of their regimes, including chronologies, maps, archival images, and a glossary of terms. In the near future, the site plans to post a book of essays and a video related to the project. Death of the Father was created by a production team at Cornell led by John Borneman, associate professor of anthropology, and Linda Fisher, Web designer and media artist. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Philosophy Research Base
Danne Polk, an instructor in the Department of Philosophy at Villanova University, has meticulously compiled and annotated the numerous resources in the Philosophy Research Base. This extensive metasite emphasizes the work of western continental philosophers but also includes diverse sections on subjects such as British and American philosophy, non-western philosophy, environmental philosophy, feminist philosophy, and psychoanalytic philosophy, among many more. In addition, the metasite links to two virtual classrooms designed by Polk for courses taught in the Spring 1999 semester: Classic American Philosophy and Ecofeminism. [AO]
[Back to Contents]South China Sea WWW Virtual Library
Asian Studies WWW Virtual Library
The South China Sea WWW Virtual Library is a new subsection of the Asian Studies WWW Virtual Library edited by David Rosenberg, professor of political science at Middlebury College (Vermont). This site will serve as a centralized resource for students, researchers, and policymakers interested in South China Sea regional development, environment, and security issues. The South China Sea WWW VL links to online publications, databases, maps, images, related institutions, and a print bibliography. [AO]
[Back to Contents]National Adoption Information Clearinghouse
The National Adoption Information Clearinghouse (NAIC) is "a comprehensive resource on all aspects of adoption, including infant, intercountry, and special needs adoption." The NAIC Website contains a collection of online publications, data related to adoption, a calendar of upcoming child welfare conferences, an annotated list of associated links, and three online databases: the NAIC Bibliographic Database, the National Adoption Directory Online, and the National Organizations Directory. In addition, the site provides an Adoption and Search section, offering information to prospective adoptive parents as well as information for adoptees on how to search for birth relatives. The NAIC is a service of the Administration for Children, Youth and Families, within the US Department of Health and Human Services. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Chinese Foreign Policy Net
Developed by M. Taylor Fravel of Stanford University, Chinese Foreign Policy Net is a compendium of online information resources related to the study of Chinese foreign relations. The site organizes resources into sections that cover major issues: Security, Trade, Human Rights, and Bilateral Relations. Information resources include news services, academic reports, think tank policy papers, government documents, scholarly journals, economic data sets, and much more. The site also links to numerous academic and military research centers monitoring the foreign policy of People's Republic of China. [AO]
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Current Awareness
(For links to additional current awareness on tables of contents, abstracts, preprints, new books, data, conferences, etc., visit the The Scout Report for Social Sciences Current Awareness Metapage: in Transition: Volume 8: Papers and Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of the Cuban Economy (ASCE) [.pdf]
The papers and proceedings of the most recent ASCE conference have been posted by the Latin American Network Information Center at the University of Texas (UT-LANIC). More than 60 full-text documents are available at the site in .pdf format. Topics covered in volume eight of Cuba in Transition include Socialism and Environmental Disruption: Implications for Cuba, The Effects of the US Embargo on Health and Nutrition in Cuba: A Critical Analysis, Renaissance and Decay: A Comparison of Socioeconomic Indicators in Pre-Castro and Current-Day Cuba, and The Impact of Pope John Paul II's Visit to Cuba, among many others. Most documents are in English; ten are in Spanish. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Demographic Research
Demographic Research is a newly launched, peer-reviewed online journal of the population sciences published by the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in Rostock, Germany. The first article in Volume One (covering May 1, 1999 to December 31, 1999) has recently been posted: Cancer Rates over Age, Time, and Place: Insights from Stochastic Models of Heterogeneous Populations by James W. Vaupel and Anatoli I. Yashin. Articles are available in both HTML and .pdf formats. The Website provides detailed information about the journal's purpose, mission, submission guidelines, and review process. [AO]
[Back to Contents]The Jerome Levy Economics Institute Working Papers
No 269: Marc-Andre Pigeon and L. Randall Wray. "Demand Constraints and Economic
Full text: Population Center, Johns Hopkins University
99-3: Astone, Nan M. et al. "Interrupted Schooling Among African Americans: An Alternative Educational Path?" Center for Poverty Research Working Papers
Kalemli-Ozcan, Sebnem, Bent E. Sorensen, and Oved Yousha. "Risk Sharing and Industrial Specialization: Regional and International Evidence"
Full text [.pdf]: Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion (CASE) Discussion Papers -- Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), London School of Economics and Political Science [.pdf]
CASE/23: Rake, Katherine, Jane Falkingham, and Martin Evans. "Tightropes and
Tripwires: New Labour's Proposals and Means-Testing in Old Age"
CASE/24: Agulnik, Phil et al. " Partnership in Pensions? Responses to the Pensions Green Paper" Research Reports in Demography
SRRD-135: Henz, Ursula. "The Impact of Family Formation on Higher Education in Sweden"
Word 6.0 format:
Zipped files with diagrams: House of Commons Library Research Papers [.pdf]
99/48: Youngs, Tim et al. "Kosovo: Operation 'Allied Force'"
[Back to Contents]New Think Tank Policy Papers and Briefs
"Caring for HIV Patients: Good News and Bad News" -- RAND, James L. "Is Readiness Overrated? Implications for a Tiered Readiness Force Structure" -- The Cato Institute, Iris J. "Taxes on Middle-Income Families Are Declining" -- Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Stephen. "Welfare for the Well-Off: How Business Subsidies Fleece Taxpayers" -- Hoover Institution, Sally L. and Frederick K. Goodwin. "Is Drug Addiction a Brain Disease?" [.pdf] -- Ethics and Public Policy Center
[Back to Contents]New Tables of Contents/ Abstracts
Columbia Journalism Review (full-text) Newsletter: Computer Technologies for Archaeologists & Architectural Historians (full-text) Journal of Politics of Women's History - A Journal of Media and Culture (full-text)
[Back to Contents]Fifth National Public Management Research Conference [.pdf]
December 3-4, 1999. College Station, Texas. The George Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University will host the Fifth National Public Management Research Conference. Program information, conference news, a conference calendar, and submitted conference papers (along with related data sets) are available at the site (in .pdf format). The site also serves as a repository for public administration working papers. [AO]The Society for Indian Philosophy & Religion (SIPR) 2000
August 1-4, 2000. Calcutta, India. SIPR has announced a call for papers for an international interdisciplinary conference to be held next summer. The theme of the conference will be Language, Thought and Reality: Science, Religion and Philosophy. The program will include plenary addresses, paper presentations, and panel discussions. Conference organizers invite proposals for papers that address the "philosophical, religious and scientific traditions of the World's great civilizations." The deadline for proposals is October 25, 1999. [AO]Knowledge, Power, Gender: Philosophy and the Future of the "Female Condition" -- (IAPh)
October 4-8, 2000. Zurich, Switzerland. The Ninth Symposium of the International Association of Women Philosophers (IAPh) has been announced. The conference will bring together women philosophers to discuss the past and future of feminist philosophizing. "A theoretical and political definition of the position will coalesce topics, ask current questions, and stimulate new areas of research." A call for papers and a preliminary program will soon be posted at the site. [AO]
[Back to Contents]H-Net Job Guide of Higher Education Job Openings
Social Science in Higher Education
This site provides links to nearly 1,500 colleges and universities worldwide that advertise their employment opportunities online. Users may search by discipline, by function, or by institution. [AO]Funders Online -- European Foundation Centre
"Search Europe's online philanthropic community."
[Back to Contents]
New Data
Uniform Crime Reports Preliminary Crime Statistics 1998 -- FBI [.pdf]
Press release:
On May 16, the Federal Bureau of Investigation's (FBI) Uniform Crime Reporting program (UCR) released preliminary crime data for 1998. The report shows a seven percent decrease in both violent and property crime rates, the seventh consecutive annual decrease in serious crime in the US. Compared to 1997, murders declined eight percent, robbery dropped eleven percent, and rape decreased by five percent. The report provides four comprehensive statistical tables on crime index trends compiled from data reported by over 17,000 law enforcement agencies nationwide. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Students with Disabilities in Postsecondary Education: A Profile of Preparation, Participation, and Outcomes -- NCES [.pdf, 103 p.]
This statistical analysis report, released yesterday by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), offers a comprehensive profile of students with disabilities enrolled in postsecondary education. The report examines how disabled students prepared for postsecondary education, explores how well they fared in school, and takes a look at early labor market outcomes and graduate school rates of college graduates. Based on four NCES surveys, the report includes more than 50 statistical tables, charts, and graphs. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Government Crowd-Out of Private Contributions to Public Radio: An Empirical Study -- DPLS [.pdf, .xls]
The most recent addition to the online archive of the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Data and Program Library Service (DPLS) is a study that examined the effects private contributions and government subsidies had on noncommercial radio stations in the US from 1990 to 1996. The study presents data gathered from IRS Form 990 tax returns and includes 419 observations on 104 different stations nationwide. Users may view the documentation in .pdf format and, after free registration, download the data in Excel format or ASCII tab-delimited format. Downloading guidelines are provided on-site. [AO]
[Back to Contents]
In The News
Gun Control Debate in US Senate
Violent and Repeat Juvenile Offender Accountability and Rehabilitation Act of 1999 -- US Senate Bill 254
"America Under the Gun" -- The New York Times
Handgun Control and The Center to Prevent Handgun Violence
The National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action
Gun Control Support Nothing New --
School Shooting Generates Calls for Gun Control --
"Putting the Guns vs. Cultures Debate Under Glass" -- U.S. News & World
Facts About Violence Among Youth and Violence in School -- CDC
This week's In the News targets recent developments in federal gun control legislation. Last week, in a contentious and often contradictory debate, the Republican-led US Senate approved several gun control amendments adjoined to a juvenile crime bill chiefly sponsored by Sen. Orrin G. Hatch, R-Utah. Despite the ostensible Republican concessions on gun control policy in the wake of recent youth gun violence, Democrats did not support some of the measures because they believe them to be "riddled with high-caliber loopholes" exhorted by the powerful gun lobby. On Friday, the Senate voted 48-47 for an amendment that would require compulsory background checks of buyers at gun shows. Opponents cited various loopholes in the amendment, including provisions that decrease the wait for negative background checks at gun shows (a 24-hour deadline instead of the three-day limit required with other gun sales) and permit people to hock a gun at a pawnshop and reclaim it without a check. Other gun control amendments to the bill passed earlier last week include the restriction of access to semiautomatic assault weapons for juveniles and a ban on the importation of high-capacity ammunition clips. Today the Senate plans to vote on another amendment that would mandate licensed gun dealers to include a child safety lock with the sale of any handgun. The omnibus juvenile justice bill still has more than 80 amendments awaiting action, which presumably will be tabled at least until after Memorial Day, and ultimately may perish if the partisan bickering in the Senate over gun control policy cannot be resolved before they must move on to other business.
THOMAS, the official US legislative information service, provides a bill summary, status information, and the full text of the juvenile justice bill, including the amendments related to gun control. "America Under the Gun," a special section of The New York Times, offers recent coverage of gun control issues with segments on lawsuits, politics, and schools, as well as a database that summarizes firearm ownership laws in every state. Handgun Control and The Center to Prevent Handgun Violence presents breaking news and background information and data on handgun violence. The Website for the National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action monitors and posts updates to state and federal legislative developments, and provides information about Second Amendment rights and other pro-gun issues. displays polls reflecting Americans' continued support for more gun control. The April 29, 1999 Daily Briefing links to analyses and commentaries on juveniles and gun control laws. An article in U.S. News & World Report discusses the views politicians hold on the relative influence that guns and media violence have on the behavior of youths. The Centers for Disease Control's (CDC) National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC) provides a recently released fact sheet on youth and violence in schools. [AO]
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