Brazilian Government Document Digitization Project [.tif]
The Latin American Microfilm Project (LAMP) at the Center for Research Libraries (CRL) has "digitize[d] executive branch serial documents issued by Brazil's national government during the period between 1821 and 1993," as well as provincial government documents from the "the end of the Empire to 1889." The documents are arranged in four collections: Provincial Presidential Reports, 1830-1960; Presidential Messages, 1889-1993; Ministerial Reports, 1821-1960; and Almanak Administrativo, Mercantil e Industrial do Rio de Janeiro, 1844-1889. The digitized documents, created from microfilm copies of the originals, are presented in both .gif and .tif formats. [AO]
[Back to Contents]The State of the Cities Report 1999 -- HUD
.pdf version: [118 p., 585K]
The US Department of Housing and Urban Development's third annual State of the Cities report was released by President Clinton yesterday. The report addresses the current status of urban and suburban areas in terms of economic growth, job creation, housing, crime, education, and other relevant issues. The 1999 report contains three major findings: most cities are fiscally and economically strong as a result of a robust national economy despite urban flight; "some older suburbs are experiencing problems once associated with urban areas;" and "a strong consensus [exists] on the need for joint city/suburb strategies to address sprawl and the structural decline of cities and older suburbs." Users may view the report as an HTML or .pdf document. [AO]
[Back to Contents]International Organization for Migration
The International Organization for Migration (IOM) is an intergovernmental body "committed to the principle that humane and orderly migration benefits migrants and society." IOM currently has 69 member states and 48 observer states worldwide. In addition, numerous international governmental organizations and non-governmental organizations hold observer status with IOM, assisting in the study, development, and enactment of migration policies. The IOM Website offers a wealth of information on the organization and its initiatives. The site posts official IOM news releases and statements and provides access to IOM publications including books, surveys, studies, journals, newsletters, and informational updates. IOM also hosts MIGRATION WEB, a searchable and browseable gateway to a bevy of information resources on the Internet. [AO]
[Back to Contents]UNIDIR DATARIs
United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR)
The United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR), in cooperation with the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), maintain DATARIs, a collection of databases providing information from and about research institutes specializing in international relations and security. DATARIs includes directory databases on research institutes and documentation centers, bibliographic databases on research institute projects and publications, and a database providing information about databases maintained by associated research institutes. Each searchable database offers an easy-to-use search form interface, facilitating queries for users. [AO]
[Back to Contents]DOCWORLD-L
Documents Worldwide, or DOCWORLD-L, is a new, unmoderated electronic mailing list devoted to "sharing government information worldwide." The list will serve as a forum for librarians, researchers, and information professionals to discuss topics such as "freedom of access to government information, trends in government publishing, [and] announcements of new government publications of note, including indexes, web sites, and other tools that assist in accessing government information." DOCWORLD- is sponsored by the International Documents Taskforce of the American Library Association's Government Documents Round Table. [AO]
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[Back to Contents]New JSTOR Titles
Population Index
Population Literature
Yale French Studies
Participating JSTOR Sites:
JSTOR has recently added a new populations studies title and a new literature title to its collection of full-text online journals. Population Index is published by the Office of Population Research at Princeton University and includes volumes 3-51, 1937-1985. Population Index continues Population Literature, also held by JSTOR (volumes 1-2, 1935-1936). Yale French Studies is published by Yale University Press and includes issues 1-90, 1948-1996. Note: access to JSTOR content is currently available only on a site license basis to academic institutions. A list of institutions with site licenses is available. [AO]
[Back to Contents]
The Multicultural Pavilion
The Multicultural Pavilion is a comprehensive information center for educators and students, replete with resources relevant to multicultural education. The vast and diverse site features teaching tools to foster multiculturalism, including cultural awareness activities, full-text papers on progressive education, a list of associated conferences and events, a multicultural song index, a collection of quotes and proverbs, links to numerous other online resources, and much more. The site also hosts an online discussion board and an electronic mailing list, which serves as a forum on multicultural issues and education. The Multicultural Pavilion is the creation of Paul Gorski of the University of Virginia. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Your Nation [Flash]
Your Nation is an interactive online tool allowing users to compare various statistics for any two countries worldwide, rank countries by specific statistics, or display statistical summaries of individual countries. Users may customize statistical analyses through three settings: the world zone, the data category, and the current modifier. The world zone and data category settings allow users to choose the countries and data items displayed after a query. The current modifier setting permits users to 'normalize' the data they choose to compare or rank. Explicit instructions for customizing queries are available at the site. Most of the data presented are derived from the CIA World Factbook (1998). Your Nation uses Macromedia Flash by default, hence users without newer browsers will need to obtain the free browser plug-in. [AO]
[Back to Contents]The Theory Into Practice Database [.mov]
The Theory Into Practice (TIP) database contains summarized descriptions of 50 educational theories related to human learning and instruction. It was compiled by Dr. Greg Kearsley, and independent consultant specializing in online education who has a PhD in educational psychology. For each instructional theory, Kearsley provides a brief overview, explains its scope and application, outlines its principles, offers a theoretical example, and lists references. In addition, some of the overviews include Quicktime video clips of Dr. Kearsley or others lecturing on specific theories. The TIP database is accessible via three indices: an alphabetic index, a learning domain index, and a learning concepts index. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Applied Ethics in Professional Practice
The Professional Engineering Practice Liaison Program at the University of Washington provides the Applied Ethics in Professional Practice Website. Real ethics cases are selected bi-monthly for the Case of the Month Club. This site is interactive, and viewers can vote on suggested solutions provided with each case study. However, viewers are welcomed to write in their solutions if they do not agree with any of the suggested solutions. General information on ethical decision-making is also included at the site. This site is a great resource for education or training in the workplace. Role-playing exercises and the interactive nature of the site make the case studies more real and interesting for students. [JJS]
[Back to Contents]Classics in the History of Psychology
Developed by Christopher D. Green, associate professor of psychology at York University, this site currently compiles the full text of over 80 works considered classics in the history of psychology. The historically significant texts, written by nearly 50 different authors, reside on a York University server and are fully searchable by keyword(s). Users may also access the texts through an author index or a topical index, which arranges the text into twelve subject areas: Ancient Psychology, Behaviorism, Cognition, Evolutionary Theory, Functionalism & Pragmatism, Gestalt Theory, Intelligence Testing, Neuropsychology, Psychoanalysis & Psychotherapy, Social Psychology, Statistics & Methodology, and Wundt & Structuralism. In addition, the site links to more than 120 online documents related to the history of psychology posted on other Websites. [AO]
[Back to Contents]The American Colonist's Library: A Treasury of Primary Documents
Compiled by Richard Gardiner, a history instructor at University Lake School (Hartland, Wisconsin), the American Colonist's Library is a comprehensive webliography of primary source documents pertaining to early American history that are currently available online. Included in the list are links to historical sources that influenced American colonists, online collections of the work of major early American political leaders, the text of the Acts of Parliament concerning the American Colonies, numerous American Revolution military documents, and much more. The hundreds of documents in the webliography are grouped chronologically from 500 BC to 1800 AD. Many of the links to the online documents include a very brief gloss explaining the content or importance of the item. [AO]
[Back to Contents]A Journalist's Guide to the Internet
A Journalist's Guide to the Internet is a comprehensive guide to electronic mailing lists, newsgroups, and Websites relevant to deadline news reporting. The guide contains briefly annotated links connecting journalists to information resources in numerous categories. Included are pointers to public documents, federal and state government information, legal and political resources, online newspapers, expert sources, and much more. The guide is the creation of Christopher Callahan, associate dean of the University of Maryland's College of Journalism and senior editor of the American Journalism Review.[AO]
[Back to Contents]
(For links to additional current awareness on tables of contents, abstracts, preprints, new books, data, conferences, etc., visit the The Scout Report for Social Sciences Current Awareness Metapage: http://scout.cs.wisc.edu/report/socsci/metapage/).Aging Studies Program Paper Series, Center for Policy Research, Syracuse University
No 18: Holtz-Eakin, Douglas, David Joulfaian, and Harvey S. Rosen. "Estimating the Income Effect on Retirement"
Full .pdf version:
No 19: Tomassini, Cecilia and Douglas A. Wolf. "Stability and Change in the Living Arrangements of Older Italian Women, 1990-1995"
Full .pdf version:
http://www-cpr.maxwell.syr.edu/demogctr/agpapser/pdf/age19.pdfInstitute for Research on Poverty Discussion Papers, University of Wisconsin-Madison [.pdf]
DP 1191-99: Holzer, Harry J. and Robert J. LaLonde. "Job Change and Job Stability among Less-Skilled Young Workers"
DP 1192-99: Dickert-Conlin, Stacy and Scott Houser. "EITC, AFDC, and the Female Headship Decision"
http://www.ssc.wisc.edu/irp/pubs/dp119299.pdfMax Planck Institute for the Study of Societies Working Papers
99/7: Schmidt, Vivien A. "The EU and Its Member-States: Institutional Contrasts and Their Consequences"
http://www.mpi-fg-koeln.mpg.de/publikation/working_papers/wp99-7/index.htmlPopulation Studies Center, University of Michigan
99-437: Carr, Deborah and Jennifer Sheridan. "Back to School: A Life Course Approach to Understanding Men's and Women's College Attendance in Adulthood"
Full .pdf version:
http://www.psc.lsa.umich.edu/pubs/papers/rr99-437.pdfRussell Sage Foundation Papers from the Working Group on the Construction and Maintenance of Trust [Word]
Jones-Correa, Michael. "Structural Shifts and Institutional Capacity: Possibilities for Ethnic Cooperation and Conflict in Urban Settings"
[Back to Contents]New Think Tank Policy Papers and Briefs
Dalpino, Catharin E. "Human Rights in China" -- The Brookings Institution
http://www.brookings.edu/comm/PolicyBriefs/Pb050/pb50.htmFrankel, Jeffrey A. "The International Financial Architecture" -- The Brookings Institution
http://www.brookings.edu/comm/PolicyBriefs/Pb051/pb51.htmKrauss, Michael I. "Restoring the Boundary: Tort Law and the Right to Contract" -- The Cato Institute
http://www.cato.org/pubs/pas/pa-347es.htmlLevin-Waldman, Oren M. "The Minimum Wage Can Be Raised: Lessons from the 1999 Levy Institute Survey of Small Business" -- The Jerome Levy Economics Institute
[Back to Contents]New Tables of Content/Abstracts
Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice (abstracts)
http://www.oup.co.uk/clipsy/hdb/Volume_06/Issue_02/Cultural Dynamics (abstracts)
http://dynamics.rug.ac.be/Vol11/11abs.htmIssues in Science and Technology Librarianship (full-text)
http://www.library.ucsb.edu/istl/99-spring/Journal of Political Ideologies
http://www.carfax.co.uk/jpi-con.htmPresidential Studies Quarterly
[Back to Contents]Researching Culture Conference
September 10-12, 1999. University of North London
http://legacy.unl.ac.uk/SICS/culture.htm"Rethinking Cultural Publications: Digital, Multimedia, and Other 21st Century Strategies"
Northeast Document Conservation Center
September 15-17, 1999. Washington, DC
http://www.nedcc.org/rethink.htm"Sport Psychology Conference in the New Millennium: A Dynamic Research-Practice Perspective"
Centre for Sport Science
May 24-27, 2000. Halmstad University, Sweden
http://www.hh.se/dep/civ/Conferences.html"Synthetics: Making & Re-making Culture"
Cultural Studies Association of Australia
December 3-5, 1999. University of Western Sydney
[Back to Contents]H-Net Job Guide
http://www.matrix.msu.edu/jobs/Chronicle of Higher Education Job Openings
http://chronicle.com/free/jobs/faculty/humanities/links.htmSocial Science
http://chronicle.com/free/jobs/faculty/sscience/links.htmAmerican Educational Research Association Job Openings
http://tikkun.ed.asu.edu/~jobs/joblinks.htmlAmerican Sociological Association Employment Bulletin (June 1999)
[Back to Contents]
Overview of Public Elementary and Secondary Schools and Districts: School Year 1997-98 -- NCES
Full .pdf version:
Recently released by the National Center for Education Statistics, this report presents overview data on the 87,631 elementary and secondary public schools in the US who provided instruction to 46.1 million students during the 1997-98 school year. The thirteen-page report provides statistical information on school districts, public schools, and students in K-12 public schools. Included are seven detailed data tables that profile the total number of students in public schools and in public school districts, the distribution of schools and students by instructional level and urbanicity, the rate of high school dropouts, and several other student characteristics. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Criminal Victimization and Perceptions of Community Safety in 12 Cities, 1998 -- BJS
This report, recently released by the Bureau of Justice Statistics, provides city-level survey data on crime victimization in twelve US cities: Chicago, IL; Kansas City, MO; Knoxville, TN; Los Angeles, CA; Madison, WI; New York, NY; San Diego, CA; Savannah, GA; Spokane, WA; Springfield, MA; Tucson, AZ; and Washington, DC. The report presents data on community policing, the rates at which residents are victimized by crime, citizens' perceptions of crimes and their attitudes toward their community and local law enforcement agencies. The report is available in .pdf or ASCII format. Users may also download a compressed file (.zip) containing all the survey data spreadsheets (.wk1). [AO]
[Back to Contents]
European Parliament Elections 1999
Elections '99 -- European Parliament
Euro Elections: Vote 99 -- BBC News
European Election -- The Times
European Voice Online
The Week in Europe
The European Union in the US
This week's In the News examines the results of the recent European Union election. Last weekend, voters in fifteen nations across Europe chose their representatives to the European Parliament, the legislative body of the EU and the only directly elected multi-national assembly in the world. Although voter turnout was the lowest in the EU assembly's 20 years of universal suffrage, the election marked a significant change in the composition of the 626-member congress. For the first time in its history, the Parliament will not contain a majority of Socialists, even though eleven of fifteen EU countries currently have center-leftist governments. The center-right European People's Party (EEP), which consists of Christian Democrats and Conservatives, won 224 seats, a distinct shift from the 201 seats they held in the last assembly. Comparatively, the formerly strong Socialist bloc stumbled, dropping from 214 to 180 seats. The third largest group, the Liberals, gained two seats in the election, bringing their total to 44 seats, which is eight more seats than the fourth largest bloc, the Greens, who gained nine seats in the voting. The EEP has hailed the election results as an "historic shift in power," heralding the ineluctable swing to the right in European politics. The following seven resources provide election results, news, commentary, and analysis.
Hosted by the European Parliament, Elections '99 offers provisional election results, details on the electoral procedures for each member country, an overview of the outgoing Parliament, a summary of assembly highlights from 1994 to 1999, a list of all the candidates who ran in the election, and four essays on "The European Parliament and the citizens of Europe." Euro Elections: Vote 99, developed by BBC News, provides breaking news, political analyses, and interactive election scorecards, which clearly present results from all EU nations. European Election, a special section of The Times, contains news and opinion from around Europe regarding the parliamentary balloting. EUROPARL, the multilingual Web server of the European Parliament, presents a wealth of information about the assembly and its activities. European Voice Online is a Brussels-based weekly newspaper reporting on the politics and business of the EU. The Week in Europe posts a weekly summary of political, social, and economic developments in the EU. The European Union in the US is an excellent resource for Americans interested in EU politics and provides a helpful guide simply entitled The European Union: A Guide for Americans.[AO]
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