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The Internet in the Mideast and North Africa
Last week, Human Rights Watch (HRW) released a 92-page survey report on the status of the Internet in the Middle East and North Africa. The report reveals that Internet use in the region is steadily increasing despite factors inhibiting Internet growth such as censorship, access restrictions, and high connection costs. The report surveys the Internet information policies of the region's governments and examines how these policies promote or violate the right to freedom of expression. The HRW survey and critique is supplemented by a set of policy guidelines which are intended to protect the rights to privacy, association, and online expression. In addition, official governmental responses to the report are appended for the countries of Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Qatar, Tunisia, and Yemen. This report was researched and written by Eric Goldstein, HRW's deputy director of the Middle East and North Africa division. [AO]
[Back to Contents]HCUPnet
HCUPnet is an online statistical tool created as a part of the Health Care Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP), an initiative of the US Department of Health and Human Services Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR). HCUPnet allows users to generate customized statistical reports in order to identify, analyze, and track national data on "hospital utilization, access, charges, quality and outcomes." Data in the customized reports are derived from the latest Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS). Explicit instructions for using this interactive online tool are available at the site. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Nine New JSTOR Titles
African-American Studies and Literature:
Callaloo (Johns Hopkins University Press)
Anthropology Today (Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland)
Current Anthropology (University of Chicago Press on behalf of Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research)
Proceedings of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland (1965-1973)
Asian Studies:
Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies (Harvard-Yenching Institute)
Pacific Affairs (Pacific Affairs, University of British Columbia)
Eighteenth-Century Studies (Johns Hopkins University Press)
Political Science:
Public Opinion Quarterly (University of Chicago Press)
Biometrika (Biometrika Trust)
Participating JSTOR Sites:
JSTOR has recently added nine new titles, spanning a wide variety of disciplines, to its growing collection of full-text, online journals. Note: access to JSTOR content is currently available only on a site license basis to academic institutions. A list of institutions with site licenses is available. [AO]
[Back to Contents]UCLA Statistics Series [.pdf, .ps]
The University of California Los Angeles Statistics Series presents a collection of more than 250 preprints covering a wide array of statistical topics, such as descriptive multivariate analysis, advanced linear models, survey construction and analysis, teaching statistics, and much more. The preprints are arranged by paper number only, hence users must browse the entire list to locate relevant items. Approximately half of the full-text preprints are accessible in HTML, .pdf, or postscript formats. To access preprints not available electronically, users must contact the authors of the papers; author addresses are provided. [AO]
[Back to Contents]HIV/AIDS Policy Compendium Database
Constructed and maintained by USAID, this site indexes "2,400 annotated citations from policy papers from over 50 countries" relating to AIDS-related policy. The database is searchable by keyword or subject as well as region. Extensive information about the selection procedures and criteria are available on-site. Full-text copies of the policy documents must be requested by fax, email, or phone. [DC]
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South of the Sahara: Selected Internet Resources
This site offers annotated directories of Internet resources related to Sub-saharan Africa. Searchable by topic, title, keyword, country, or region, South of the Sahara provides extensive links to sites relating to both academic and nonacademic aspects of Sub-saharan culture, including sports, politics, news, weather, religion, academic journals, dissertations, literature, and art. The Countries/Regions and Topics sections offer well-annotated links to subject-specific sites. Search the Africa Pages allows users to search by keywords but uses a broad-based search strategy, providing many links of various quality and relevance. The Breaking News page offers links to a variety of credible media sources focussing on the region. Prepared and maintained by Karen Fung of the African Studies Association, South of the Sahara is part of Stanford University Libraries and links to their online catalog. [DC]
[Back to Contents]CIA, State, NSC Documents Declassified on Chile
The National Security Archive (NSA) has posted a selection of recently declassified documents regarding the tyrannical regime of General Augusto Pinochet in Chile (see the October 20, 1998 Scout Report for Social Sciences). The nine salient documents -- released by the US State Department, the National Security Council (NSC), and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) -- cover the bloodiest years of Pinochet's reign, 1973 to 1978. This fall, thousands of top secret US documents related to Pinochet's Chile are expected to be publicly released, and the NSA plans to digitize selected documents for its Website. In addition to the nine documents included in the new release, the NSA also provides access to several previously declassified documents about Pinochet and his 1973 coup. [AO]
[Back to Contents]CALL Lab @ Ohio University
Established by the Language Lab at Ohio University (OSU) in conjunction with the Department of Modern Languages and the Department of Linguistics, CALL is one of the most established Websites devoted to language instruction. It provides annotated indexes for sites offering learning resources in French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Spanish, and English, with topics including lesson plans, testing and assessment, bilingual education, relevant publications, and materials for cultural instruction. Beneficial for students as well as instructors doing language research, the site also describes OSU's Program in Intensive English (OPIE) and provides useful prestructured net searches for those seeking employment in the field. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Exploring Leonardo [Shockwave]
Developed by the Museum of Science (Boston) for the Science Learning Network, the Exploring Leonardo Website investigates the prescient endeavors of a remarkable Renaissance humanist, Leonardo da Vinci. This multimedia site, developed for children in grades four through eight, examines Leonardo's life and his extraordinary accomplishments in painting, sculpture, architecture, engineering, and medicine. Several classroom activities and interactive elements are embedded in the sites rich content, including sections such as Leonardo's Perspective, which describes his unique painting techniques, and The Inventor's Workshop, which provides brief explanations, along with sketches, of the visionary machines he invented. [JJS, AO]
[Back to Contents]DisOrgNet
"DisOrgNet is a free service designed to facilitate networking among organizations working in the disability field." Maintained by the Institute for Independent Living, the Website links to the Institute's homepage. The site lists 151 relevant organizations, searchable by expertise, cooperative interests, and keyword. It also features an extensive, annotated directory of links to related sites on such topics as aging with disability, developmental disabilities, employment, human rights, legislation and legal action, media, national policy, peer support, UN documents, and women with disabilities. The Institute also offers opportunities for online publication, inviting "individuals and organizations to share letters, articles, training manuals, monographs, reports, project proposals, announcements of upcoming events, conference proceedings, and other documents" whose themes concern independent living. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Noise Pollution Clearinghouse
The Noise Pollution Clearinghouse (NPC) is a nonprofit organization devoted to collecting, disseminating, and archiving information resources relevant to the study of noise pollution. The NPC site contains an online library of related publications, a law library of proposed and current noise legislation, excerpts and summaries of recent noise pollution news stories, an annotated collection of online resources and information tools, and an annotated directory with links to other noise organizations. The entire clearinghouse is searchable by keyword. [AO]
[Back to Contents]The RESite: Religious Education on the Web
The aim of this site is to facilitate ICT (Information and Communications Technology) for the subject of Religion. To this end, RESite offers an annotated index of instructional/ research Websites that deal with the world's religious faiths. Searchable by topic, keyword, and specific faith, the site allows the user to limit returns to those resources geared toward a particular age group. Based in the UK, RESite also provides links to British sites that review instructional technology, and a Guide to Educational Visits to religious institutions within the Isles. RESite is maintained by Culham College Institute and the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (SPCK), an Anglican organization. Despite its sponsors, the sites sources and annotations, for the most part, appear balanced. However, there are some oversights. For example, Sikhism is indexed, but the Baha'i faith and Zoroastrianism are not. [DC]
[Back to Contents]The Publishing Law Center
Presented by the Law Office of Lloyd L. Rich in Denver, Colorado, this site is attractively organized and provides useful information for "publishing companies, large and small" as well as anyone concerned with issues of intellectual property. Self-promotion aside, the site provides an up-to-date, online collection of articles dealing with legal issues such as copyrights, trademarks, publishing, corporate development, contracts, and Internet protection; a directory of links to publishing resources; a calendar of upcoming seminars; and subscriptions to a free email newsletter distributing articles on publishing law and the "business of running a profitable publishing company." [DC]
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(For links to additional current awareness on tables of contents, abstracts, preprints, new books, data, conferences, etc., visit the The Scout Report for Social Sciences Current Awareness Metapage: http://scout.cs.wisc.edu/report/socsci/metapage/).Falling Through the Net: Defining the Digital Divide -- NTIA
.pdf version [543K]:
The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) has recently issued the third report in its Falling Through the Net series. The series of reports "examin[es] which American households have access to telephones, computers, and the Internet, and which do not" (see the August 25, 1998 Scout Report for Social Sciences). The third installment, which includes over 175 illustrative charts and tables, provides an updated snapshot of the "significant 'digital divide' separating American information 'haves' and 'have nots.'" [AO]
[Back to Contents]Hopkins Population Center, Johns Hopkins University
99-3: Stone, Nan M. et al. "Interrupted Schooling Among African Americans: An Alternative Educational Path"
99-4: Koenig, Michael, Mian Bazle Hossain, and Saiffudin Ahmed. "Individual and Community-Level Determinants of Domestic Violence in Rural Bangladesh"
99-5: Hill, Kenneth and Maria-Elena Figueroa. "Child Mortality Estimation by Time Since First Birth"
Full .pdf version:
http://www.jhsph.edu/Research/Centers/Population/Papers/wp9905/wp9905.pdfPopulation Studies Centre, University of Western Ontario [.pdf]
99-6: Ravanera, Zenaida R., Fernando Rajulton, and Thomas K. Burch. "Age-Uniformity in Life Course Transitions: What Does the 1995 GSS Tell Us?"
99-7: Rajulton, Fernando and Zenaida R. Ravanera. "Life Course Trajectories Before and After Retirement"
99-8: McQuillan, Kevin and Marilyn Belle. "Lone-Father Families in Canada, 1971-1996"
http://www.sscl.uwo.ca/sociology/popstudies/dp/dp99-8.pdfResearch Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion (CASE) Discussion Papers -- Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), London School of Economics and Political Science [.pdf]
CASE/27: Kwon, Huck-ju. "Income Transfers to the Elderly in East Asia: Testing Asian Values"
http://sticerd.lse.ac.uk/Case/Case%20Publications/CaseLibrary/CasePapers/paper27.pdfRussell Sage Foundation Papers from the Working Group on the Construction and Maintenance of Trust [Word]
Lieberman, Robert C. "Constructing Race Policy in the United States and Great Britain: History and Politics in the Development of Employment Discrimination Policy"
http://www.russellsage.org/publications/working_papers/lieberman.docUnited Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) InfoTech Papers
Robinson, Scott. "Telecenters in Mexico: The First Phase"
Rohozinski, Rafal. "Mapping Russian Cyberspace: Perspective on Democracy and the Net"
[Back to Contents]New Think Tank Policy Papers and Briefs
Blecker, Robert A. "The Ticking Debt Bomb: Why the US International Financial Position Is Not Sustainable" -- Economic Policy Institute
http://www.epinet.org/briefingpapers/debtbomb.htmlButts, Jeffrey. "Youth Violence: Perception Versus Reality" -- The Urban Institute
http://www.urban.org/crime/module/butts/youth_violence.htmlElkin, Sam and Robert Greenstein. "Much of the Projected Non-Social Security Surplus Is a Mirage: Large Majority of Surplus Rests on Assumptions of Deep Cuts in Discretionary Programs that No One Expects to Occur" -- The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
http://www.cbpp.org/7-1-99bud.htmJohnson, Jr., Daniel H. "How To Expand Health Care Choice and Improve Access for Working Families" -- The Heritage Foundation
http://www.heritage.org/library/lecture/hl640.htmlRudy, John and Ivan Eland. "Special Operations Military Training Abroad and Its Dangers" -- The Cato Institute
[Back to Contents]New Offerings from Academic Publishers
Association of American University Presses: New Releases
http://aaup.uchicago.edu/new_releases/Baker&Taylor Academia -- Upcoming Books to Buy (July 1999)
http://www.baker-taylor.com/Academia/M07/Home.htmlCambridge University Press
http://www.cup.org/Perseus Books: By Category
http://www2.awl.com/gb/catalog/category.htmlThela Thesis -- Just Published
http://www.thelathesis.nl/new.htmlOxbow Books -- Publishers of titles on archaeology, classical studies, and medieval studies.
[Back to Contents]New Tables of Contents/ Abstracts
Historical Journal of Film, Radio, and Television
http://www.carfax.co.uk/hjf-con.htmJournal of Design History (Abstracts)
http://www3.oup.co.uk/design/hdb/Volume_12/Issue_02/Left History
http://www.yorku.ca/research/lefthist/con_6_1.htmLibrary & Information Management On-Line (Full-Text)
http://www.mcb.co.uk/liblink/limo/iss44.htmlTIP: The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist (Full-Text)
[Back to Contents]Emerging Perspectives on Obesity
North American Association for the Study of Obesity (NAASO)
November 14-18, 1999. Charleston, SC
http://www.naaso.org/naaso99/Eastern Transition Trajectories: Measurement, typologies, differentiation, interpretations
Groupe Transition Developpement (GTD)-Espace Europe
December 10-11, 1999. Universite Pierre Mendes, Grenoble, France
http://espace-europe.upmf-grenoble.fr/GTD/colloque/apel_gb.htmlWays of Seeing: The Nineteenth Century
Interdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Studies (INCS)
June 22-24, 2000. University of Paris-X, Nanterre
http://www.vanderbilt.edu/incs/nanterre/index.htmApproaching a New Millennium: Lessons from the Past - Prospects for the Future
The Seventh Conference of the International Society for the Study of European Ideas (SSEI)
August 14-18, 2000. University of Bergen, Norway
[Back to Contents]H-Net Job Guide
http://www.matrix.msu.edu/jobs/Chronicle of Higher Education Job Openings
Social Science
http://chronicle.com/free/jobs/faculty/sscience/links.htmAmerican Anthropological Association Positions Open (July 1998)
http://www.ameranthassn.org/position.htmPsychwatch.com Job Listings & Position Announcements
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Capital Punishment in the United States, 1973-1996 [.gz, .pdf]
ICPSR Member Institutions and Official Representatives
The Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) at the University of Michigan has recently added a new data collection to its archive: Capital Punishment in the United States, 1973-1996. The data set, compiled by the US Department of Justice's Bureau of Justice Statistics, presents death row prisoners' felonious criminal history and "basic sociodemographic characteristics such as age, sex, race, ethnicity, marital status at the time of imprisonment, level of education, and state of incarceration." The ICPSR freely provides codebooks and documentation in compressed and uncompressed .pdf format for the data set. Data are supplied in compressed (.gz) and uncompressed formats along with SPSS and SAS data definition statements files. All files may be downloaded by authorized member institutions and official representatives of the ICPSR Data Archive. Downloading specifications and instructions are provided. [AO]
[Back to Contents]US Census Bureau: Special Study on Coresident Grandparents and Grandchildren, May 1999 [.pdf, 66K]
The recently published US Census report on "Coresident Grandparents and Grandchildren" analyzes data derived from the March Current Population Survey (CPS) and documents a 30-year rise in the numbers of grandchildren living with their Grandparents. The report examines the household structure of such coresidences (e.g., with or without parents present; with one grandparent vs. both) as well as the age, gender, region, and economic resources of adults in the household, correlating such data to the "economic well-being of coresident grandchildren." The report concludes that, "while most grandparents and their coresident grandchildren are not experiencing severe economic hardships, those in certain family structures are at an increased risk." In particular, the study found that "grandchildren in grandparent-maintained families are more likely to be poor than those in parent-maintained families. And grandmother-child-grandchild families are the most likely to be poor." The report considers the implications of its findings on such policy issues as welfare reform, child health insurance legislation, and education. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Two New NCES Reports
Life After College: A Descriptive Summary of 1992-93 Bachelor's Degree Recipients in 1997, With an Essay on Participation in Graduate and First-Professional Outcomes [.pdf, 465K]
What Happens in Classrooms? Instructional Practices in Elementary and Secondary Schools, 1994-95 [.pdf, 800K]
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) has recently released two new statistical analysis reports. The first, Life After College, analyzes data from a 1997 follow-up to the Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study (1993) to profile "the enrollment and employment experiences of 1992-93 bachelor's degree recipients" in the US. The 131-page report includes a comprehensive essay on post-undergraduate educational experiences accompanied by a compendium of tables and figures highlighting the employment status and job characteristics of 1992-93 graduates. The second report, What Happens in Classrooms?, provides data on the pedagogical methodology of K-12 teachers in the US. The 220-page report focuses on four instructional practice areas: the role of the teacher in the classroom, the technologies and materials used for instruction, the learning tasks conducted by the students, and the student assessment methods employed by teachers. The report includes more than 50 data tables and 15 representing the findings of the statistical study. [AO]
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Patients' Bill of Rights
CNN--All Politics: "Senate Debates Patients' Bill of Rights"
Washington Post: Managed Care, Special Report
Thomas: Legislative Information on the Net
The White House at Work: President Clinton--Patients' Bill Of Rights
The Kaiser Family Foundation [.pdf]
ERISA Industry Committee (ERIC): Arguments Against Expanded Liability
American Psychological Association: "Poll Finds Overwhelming Public Support for Legal Accountability of All Managed Care Health Plans"
American Association of Health Plans: The Managed Care Debate
Managed Care Central: The Consumer's Source of Information on Managed Care
The Senate debate on what has come to be known as the "Patients' Bill of Rights" is the focus of this weeks In the News. The call for legislation of this type has garnered increased attention and support over the past two years as complaints have mounted over the often unappealable decisions of HMOs to deny coverage or restrict access. While both Democrats and Republicans favor such legislation, there are key differences between the two parties' approaches. Republicans have offered a bill that establishes an independent medical reviewer for insured patients denied coverage, while Democrats favor giving patients expanded litigation options as a way to discipline HMOs. Democrats also want to see legislation that returns the ultimate decision on medical treatment to the patient's physician. Republicans disagree with this approach, seeing it as a return to the cost problems that generated the widespread need for HMOs originally. Finally, the Republican version of this legislation promises full protection only to Federal employees as GOP legislators argue the states already protect private employees.
With the year 2000 elections looming and 150 million Americans in some kind of managed care, both parties are struggling to position themselves advantageously on issues related to patient rights. Although they are focusing on the differences between their platforms as selling points, ironically, any new laws created in this area are more likely to be based on areas of agreement. The nine resources listed above offer legislative and political background information; public opinion, perspectives of interested corporate parties, and patient advocacy resources.
CNN and The Washington Post summarize the debate and provide links to background stories. Thomas: Legislative Information on the Net offers summaries, full text documents, and status of current Republican and Democratic versions of the legislation. The White House has placed online the text of the President's "Patients' Bill of Rights," which has influenced current Democratic legislation. Public attitudes towards key health care issues are assessed in a newly published report conducted by The Kaiser Family Foundation from September, 1997 to April, 1999; the foundation also provides a report comparing Democratic and Republican approaches in terms of projected costs. The ERISA Industry Committee Report represents the opinion of the nation's major employers on the issue of expanding insurers' legal liabilities and the APA (American Psychological Association) poll conducted last year reports on public opinion. The AAHP (American Association of Health Plans) gives the managed care industry's perspective. Managed Care Central is part of the FamiliesUSA Website, offering information about consumer protection for managed care, State Information Resources, and resources for health care advocates. [DC]
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