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The State of the American Newspaper
This site, part of the American Journalism Review (AJR) NewsLink, explores the condition of the American Newspaper in an era of increased media competition and conglomeration, decreased editorial independence, and a changing profile for the typical news story. The twelve-part report features stories on the print journalism industry from veteran, prize-winning reporters. For example, Pulitzer Prize winner James V. Risser writes on the loss of the independent American newspaper, CNN correspondent Peter Arnette examines the shrinking coverage of international news at city dailies, veteran Washington correspondents John Herbers and James McCarthy report on the lack of interest in hard news in the Nation's capitol, and in "Fear.com," Chip Brown, a former reporter for the Washington Post, investigates the efforts of American newspapers to deal with Internet competition. Other stories examine the publishing side of the issues and the fierce competition among those few papers still surviving in cities with more than one major daily. The State of the American Newspaper is extremely well designed and gives users the option of reading stories either in a linear format or via a hypertext table of contents. Other features include photo galleries, "databank" windows that give pertinent statistical snapshots, and an online (admittedly "unscientific") "quick poll." The State of the American Newspaper is an initiative of the Project for Excellence in Journalism and is funded by the Pew Charitable Trusts. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Digital Library Foundation Report: Preserving the Whole: A Two-Track Approach to Rescuing Social Science Data and Metadata -- Green, Ann, JoAnn Dionne, and Martin Dennis
Full .pdf version:
Full text (html):
"Preserving the Whole appears as the second publication of the Digital Library Federation and reflects the Federation's interests both in advancing the state of the art of social science data archives and in building the infrastructure necessary for the long-term maintenance of digital information." This 53-page report, published this month, considers migration as a preservation strategy for data currently stored in obsolete technical or deteriorating textual formats and offers conclusions regarding the importance of maintaining file format codebooks and the usefulness of the technically obsolete column binary format in terms of migration and recovery strategies. Note: the .pdf version cannot be accessed from the abstract, and we were unable to access the html version at time of publication. To access the .pdf version, users should link to the reports page from the abstract or use the URL given above. [DC]
[Back to Contents]General Accounting Office (GAO) Reports and Other Publications: Year 2000 Computing Crisis [.pdf]
This Website offers General Accounting Office (GAO) reports and testimonies from the last three years on the Y2K problem as it affects government agencies, distribution of benefits, business operations, international finance, defense technology, and much more. A recent report to Congress gives an assessment of the Y2K status of the 21 largest US cities, including the likely impact of the problem on basic services. Testing, Assessment and Contingency Planning Guides are also provided online. All documents are available in ASCII text version and/or .pdf format. [DC]
[Back to Contents]CMRC: Crime Mapping Research Center [.pdf]
This National Institute of Justice site focuses on "the promotion, research, evaluation, development, and dissemination of GIS (geographic information systems) technology and the spatial analysis of crime." The site features a comprehensive explanation of crime mapping, US Department of Justice Reports on crime mapping and data management in .pdf and html formats, papers in .pdf format from the 1998 Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS) annual conference on the concept of "hot spots," and abstracts of papers on various crime mapping topics by crime analysts and academic researchers. Extensive links to other government agencies with crime data and maps on the Internet are also provided as well as a comprehensive bibliography and listings with brief descriptions of crime mapping software. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Center For Migration Studies
The Center for Migration Studies of New York (CMS), a nonprofit institute founded in 1964, "is committed to facilitating the study of sociodemographic, historical, economic, political, legislative and pastoral aspects of human migration and refugee movements." Their Website features an online catalog of the CMS Documentation Center (Library and Archives), a subject-specific library of over 24,000 volumes, reported to be one of the most comprehensive available on migration, refugees, and ethnic groups. The site also includes tables of contents with abstracts for The International Migration Review, "a refereed interdisciplinary quarterly journal," and for Migration World, a bimonthly magazine offering news and analysis of recent immigrant and refugee issues. An online newsletter provides information on upcoming conferences, publications, and collaborative projects. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Ohio Historical Society
Anyone doing research into the history of Ohio or its role in the Civil War, the War of 1812, or the establishment of the Northwest Territory should find this site very valuable. The Online Collection Catalog contains "more than 230,000 items in the Society's library, newspaper, manuscript, audiovisual, history, natural history, and archaeology collections." In addition, a number of valuable historical documents are available online from the society's state archives, including materials relating to the African American Experience in Ohio, 1850-1920, part of the Library of Congress's American Memory project; Ohio's role in the Civil War; and the establishment and history of the Northwest Territory. Visitors can also access past and present versions of the Ohio constitution and a Death Certificate Index of Ohioans, 1913-1937. In addition, the site features primary resources for teachers and links to exhibits and programs at the more than 60 different locations of the Ohio Historical Society. [DC]
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Discovery Channel: Secrets of the Great Wall [Java]
A companion site to the Discovery special of the same name, Secrets of the Great Wall offers information about the construction and history of the Great Wall as well as substantial background information on the dynasties that "built and rebuilt the wall over a period of one thousand years." The site also features maps of China showing the Wall's location, satellite photos of the wall from space, a "Random Great Wall Factoid Generator," and videotaped panoramic views of the Wall. Note: These IPIX images require a Java plug-in that is available at the site. Celebrating more modern feats of Chinese engineering, Secrets of the Great Wall also links to Valley of the Dammed, a Discovery site examining China's construction of "the world's largest dam" on the Yangtze River. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Paul P. Reuben, Department of English, California State University Stanislaus
The considerable virtue of this site as a learning resource lies mainly in Reuben's online project entitled PAL: Perspectives in American Literature. This review of American literary history offers primary and secondary bibliographies for the major periods and figures of American Literature. In addition, Reuben gives brief but pointed discussions along with study questions of key concepts and figures. The appendix includes resources for research, an MLA style guide, a bibliography for the elements of poetry, fiction, and drama, and other bibliographies for topics such as Minorities and Women Studies, The Frontier in American Literature, and Film Criticism and American Literature. The site also features useful links to specific subject sites in American Literature and good online sources for literary texts. Note: anyone studying for a major test in American Literature, whether a standardized subject test or an advanced degree examination, should find this site particularly helpful. [DC]
[Back to Contents]The Pragmatism Cybrary
The Pragmatism Cybrary features scholarly resources for the study of the philosophy of pragmatism. The site offers links to summaries, academic studies, bibliographies, articles, and homepages focussing on the philosophy and history of pragmatism and important pragmatists, both past and present. There is an extensive online bibliography of scholarly books on the subject, many items of which include reviews or tables of contents. The site also offers reviews of recent publications and information about programs, centers, and conferences associated with the study of pragmatism. The site is maintained by John Robert Shook, an associate professor of philosophy at Corning Community College and editor of Pragmatism: An Annotated Bibliography, 1898-1940.[DC]
[Back to Contents]The Buffalo History Works [Shockwave, RealPlayer]
This Website gives users the chance to explore the landmark and industrial history of the city of Buffalo and its role in America's industrial expansion. The site features sections on the historic lighthouses and railroading industry of Buffalo, the Erie Canal, the broadcasting industry of Buffalo, and the Pan-American Exposition held in the city in 1901. The site is built around its use of appealing Shockwave and audio plug-ins to give users the sights and sounds of Buffalo's industrial past, but substantial historical background is also provided. The site is maintained by Aaron T. Heverin and supported by the Western New York Heritage Industry and the Buffalo and Erie County Historical Society. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Republic of China: Government Information Office
"Responsible for the international dissemination of information" about the Republic of China (ROC) in Taiwan, the Government Information Office's (GIO) Website offers extensive information about a host of Taiwanese topics and issues. The attractively designed site features substantial political and economic histories of Taiwan, statistical data on the ROC, texts of speeches and interviews given by President Lee and other political leaders in Taiwan, and, under the heading "Traditional Chinese Culture in Taiwan," well-written discussions of a host of topics including food, medicine, opera, folk arts, painting, calligraphy, and much more. There are also links to Free China Review, an online general interest/ news magazine, and to the Asian-Pacific Regional Operations Center (APROC) as well as a bibliography of recent reports and papers on the environment in Taiwan. While the site exhibits an understandable bias on political issues, the mode of presentation and quality of information make it an excellent resource not only for general interest users, but for researchers as well. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Charles K. Moss Piano Studio
This site, maintained by Charles K. Moss, a veteran college-level music teacher and published scholar, features instructional materials on piano chords and musical practice as well as extensive categorized links to Websites on musical eras, such as Medieval, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and 20th Century. Links to sites focussing on famous composers, such as Beethoven, Haydn, and Mozart, are also proffered. Many of the links are to sites with sound components that require audio plug-ins. Piano Studio is part of The Art Music Web Ring. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Malcolm X: A Research Site
"Designed to be a resource for scholarship in Black Studies," this Website offers a chronology of Malcolm X's life and a comprehensive listing of his speeches, writings, and interviews, from his letter of application to Islam in 1947 to his "last message" in 1965. Twelve of these items are currently offered in text format, and over two dozen 30-60-second sound clips of Malcolm X's speeches and interviews are also featured. The site's Webliography links to resources and Webpages focussing on Malcolm X and his work. The on-site study guide gives an overview of the history of Malcolm X and his years with the nation of Islam, including substantial references to his writings. Note: Given the study guide's advocacy of Malcolm X's earlier confrontational perspective, some may find the rhetoric overly political. The site is under the direction of Gerald McWorte at the University of Toledo's Africana Studies. [DC]
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(For links to additional current awareness on tables of contents, abstracts, preprints, new books, data, conferences, etc., visit the The Scout Report for Social Sciences Current Awareness Metapage: http://scout.cs.wisc.edu/report/socsci/metapage/).Centre for Advanced Studies European University Institute
Pitruzzello, Salvatore. "Political Business Cycles and Independent Central Banks. German Governments and the Bundesbank (1960-1989)"
Full text:
http://www.iue.it/PUB/rsc_fm.htmlInstitute for Research on Poverty Discussion Papers, University of Wisconsin-Madison [.pdf]
DP 1193-99: Danziger, Sandra et al. "Barriers to the Employment of Welfare Recipients"
Full .pdf version:
http://www.ssc.wisc.edu/irp/pubs/dp119399.pdfThe Jerome Levy Economics Institute Working Papers
No. 274: Arestis, Philip. "The Independent European Central Bank: Keynesian Alternatives."
Full text:
No. 273: Forstater, Mathew. "Saving-Recycling Public Employment: An Assets-Based Approach To Full Employment and Price Stability"
Full text:
No. 272: Forstater, Mathew. "Functional Finance and Full Employment: Lessons from Lerner for Today?"
Full text:
http://www.levy.org/docs/workpap/papers/272.htmlThe Northwestern University/ University of Chicago Joint Center for Poverty Research(JCPR)
Heinrich, Carolyn "Aiding Welfare-to-Work Transitions: Lessons from JTPA on the Cost-effectiveness of Education and Training Services"
Full .pdf version (112K):
Microsoft Word (145K):
[Back to Contents]New Think Tank Policy Papers and Briefs
New from The Urban Institute:
Seefeldt, Kristin S. et al. "STATE REPORT HIGHLIGHTS: Income Support and Social Services for Low-Income People in Wisconsin"
Full text:
Full .pdf version (1493K):
Kirby, Gretchen G. et al. "STATE REPORT HIGHLIGHTS: Income Support and Social Services for Low-Income People in Mississippi"
Full text:
Full .pdf version (132K)
Riedinger, Susan A. "STATE REPORT HIGHLIGHTS: Income Support and Social Services for Low-Income People in New York"
Full text:
Full .pdf version (147K):
http://newfederalism.urban.org/html/highlights/isss_ny.pdfPapadimitriou, Dimitri B. and L. Randall Wray. "More Pain, No Gain: Breaux Plan Slashes Social Security Benefits Unnecessarily." (Revised) -- The Jerome Levy Economics Institute
Brief Abstract:
Full text:
http://www.levy.org/docs/pn99-8.htmlBoskin, Michael J. "Capitalism and its Discontents: The Adam Smith Address" -- Hoover Institution
Executive Summary:
Full text:
http://www-hoover.stanford.edu/publications/epp/96/96b.htmlBuscaglia, Edgardo. "Judicial Corruption in Developing Countries: Its Causes and Economic Consequences." -- Hoover Institution
Executive Summary:
Full text:
http://www-hoover.stanford.edu/publications/epp/95/95b.htmlSigman, Hilary. "Reforming Hazardous Waste Policy." -- Hoover Institute
Executive Summary:
Full text:
[Back to Contents]New Offerings from Academic Publishers
Association of American University Presses: New Releases
http://aaup.uchicago.edu/new_releases/Baker&Taylor Academia -- Upcoming Books to Buy (July 1999)
http://www.baker-taylor.com/Academia/M07/Home.htmlCambridge University Press
http://www.cup.org/Templates/ObjectBuilder/F99Catlist.temThela Thesis -- Just Published
http://www.thelathesis.nl/new.htmlOxbow Books -- Publishers of titles on archaeology, classical studies, and medieval studies.
[Back to Contents]New Tables of Contents/ Abstracts/ Online Journals
Health Policy and Planning (Abstracts and table of contents)
http://www3.oup.co.uk/heapol/contents/Health Promotion International (Abstracts and table of contents)
http://www3.oup.co.uk/heapro/contents/IASSIST (International Association for Social Science Information Service & Technology) Quarterly [.pdf]
http://etext.library.ualberta.ca/IQ/iqVol223.pdfThe American Communication Journal (Full text)
http://www.americancomm.org/%7Eaca/acj/acj.htmlThe Web of Time: Pages from the American Past (Full text)
[Back to Contents]Envisioning the Future
Social History Society of the UK Annual Conference
January 6-8, 2000, Cambridge, UK
http://www.iisg.nl/~w3vl/vl-conf2.html#envisioningConsortium on Revolutionary Europe, 1750-1850
Consortium on Revolutionary Europe Annual Meeting
March 2-5, 2000, Huntsville, Alabama
http://www.iisg.nl/~w3vl/vl-conf2.html#consortiumFrom Artisanship to the Information Age: Lessons in Labor's struggle
Pacific Northwest Labor History Association Conference
May 19-21, 2000, Tacoma, WA
[Back to Contents]H-Net Job Guide
http://www.matrix.msu.edu/jobs/Chronicle of Higher Education Job Openings
Social Science
http://chronicle.com/free/jobs/faculty/sscience/links.htmThe Chronicle of Philanthropy (Job Openings in the Non-Profit World)
http://philanthropy.com/jobs/Association of American Geographers Jobs in Geography
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National Center for Education Statistics (NCES): Schools and Staffing Survey [.pdf]
Conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), "the Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS) is the nation's largest sample survey of the characteristics and conditions of America's public and private schools and the teachers and principals who work in them." The SASS provides detailed data on both the public and private sectors as well as on those schools administered by the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA). The SASS Website allows users to read in .pdf format hundreds of reports, data products, and working papers derived from the SASS, including data and information about principals, teachers, teacher training, classroom instruction, student populations, school districts, school libraries, and more. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Selected papers in School Finance, 1997-99
Table of Contents:
Full .pdf version (646KB):
"These commissioned papers address advances in measuring inflation and adjusting for it; the emergence of a new focus upon spending at the school level; new, private sources of funding for public education; and a review of the state of the art of assessing educational productivity." In addition to excellent summaries of the papers in this series, the Introduction and Overview in the Table of Contents offers a discussion of the use of new features at the Education Finance Statistics Center Website to help users optimize their data collection. For references to other papers in this same series, see the July 24, 1998 Scout Report. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Census Bureau Reports: One in Five People Had Difficulty Satisfying Basic Needs in 1995
Full .pdf version [163K]:
"Extended Measures of Well-Being: Meeting Basic Needs, 1995," a recently published population report, examines demographic data from the Survey of Income and Program Participation. It concludes that one in five people had difficulty meeting basic needs, such as food, shelter, and health care, in 1995 and found that "more than one quarter of children (29 percent) lived in a household in which someone reported difficulty meeting at least one basic need." Substantial correlative data is given concerning race, gender, region, employment, income, educational attainment, and other typical demographic categories. [DC]
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The Legacy of a Scandal and a President
1. Nixon Legacy Still Sparks Debate, 25 Years After Resignation
2. The Richard Nixon Library & Birthplace Foundation: Transcripts of Newly Released White House Tapes, February 25, 1999
(Note: select from list of publications, indexed by date)
3. The American Experience (PBS): The Presidents -- Richard Nixon (1969-1974)
4. The Nixon Links: Now More Than Ever
5. Webcorp: The Richard Nixon Audio Archive
6. "Nixon, Watergate, and the Study of the Presidency"
(From the Presidential Studies Quarterly, Winter 1996)
7. WashingtonPost.com: Watergate -- 25 years
8. Vogl, Frank. "Curbing Corruption: The Media's Work Recommendations for Action" -- Transparency International
9. Dick: The Movie
Twenty-five years ago this week, President Richard M. Nixon announced that he would be resigning from the presidency, "effective noon tomorrow." Since then, historians, journalists, politicians, and pundits have debated both the nature of his guilt and the stature of his presidency. Nixon himself spent the rest of his life working to recuperate his legacy by fashioning himself in books and appearances as an elder statesman. Supporters have always pointed to Nixon's opening of relations with China, his handling of detente, and his often innovative domestic policies as evidence of his historical worth. Detractors have argued that he violated the public trust and sought to circumvent the Constitution. But the argument over Nixon's eventual place in history is only half of the story. The scandal of Watergate and the resignation it prompted have changed the nature of both politics and journalism in Washington for the last quarter of a century and apparently for the foreseeable future. Each of the four elected presidents who have succeeded Nixon have felt the shadow of Watergate fall on their own presidencies.
CNN (1) offers comprehensive coverage of the anniversary with stories and links addressing the scandal, the legacy, and the Press's role in both. The Richard Nixon Library (2) has made available transcripts of some of Nixon's audio tapes, including the release this past February of the last of the "Abuse of Power" tapes, revealing the extent of Nixon's involvement in the cover-up. PBS's American Experience (3) is an even-handed assessment of Nixon's legacy, exploring both the scandal and the successes of his domestic and foreign policy agendas. The Nixon Links (4) is a directory providing links to news articles and commentary on Nixon, transcripts of Nixon speeches and writings, Watergate-related sites, and audio and video sources on Nixon. The Richard Nixon Audio Archive (5) boasts extended audio excerpts from Nixon's speeches and press conferences. "Nixon, Watergate, and the Study of the Presidency" (6) offers a scholarly examination of the impact of the scandal on the institutions of the presidency and the press. The Washington Post (7) gives a retrospective on the scandal from the point of view of the journalists and editor who broke it. "Curbing Corruption: The Media's Work Recommendations for Action" (8), a working paper from Transparency International, an NGO dedicated to increasing government accountability, examines the change in the media's standards vis a vis political scandal from Watergate to Monica Lewinsky. Finally, Dick: The Movie (9) is the official Website for the recently released film of the same name, a satirical look at the Watergate crisis in the White House, which reviewer Roger Ebert favorably compares in conception to Tom Stoppard's Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead.[DC]
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